CrystalSeer Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Units abilities are based on maneuver and firepower. There are spells and strats that infinitely increase our movement and double our firepower while taking nothing away. How is this adding "nothing" to our infantry? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deTox Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 I think double tapping with SoT/Blob of rubric is possible, mostly because of the +1 invuln stratagem, if you telepprt/risen them into cover mid field and buff them up they should resist 1 turn, Ofc not at full strength, but double tap is already good even with 5 models, what annoys me is that if I teleport the SoT then I can not heal them back as that's a different cult. Other then that yep Supreme Command is the clear winner of our section of this book, at this point I'm really looking forward to whatever the Chaos Daemons will get out of PA as imma eat a tasty supy soup soup with them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archaeinox Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 lol This stuff is sick. Awesome, just for getting new strats that are wildly useful. Sucks about the named characters thing but it's whatever. Despite not benefitting from a cult, can they still be included in the same detachment? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoomWolf Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Units abilities are based on maneuver and firepower. There are spells and strats that infinitely increase our movement and double our firepower while taking nothing away. How is this adding "nothing" to our infantry? Because adding manuverability to one unit, means you only need 1 squad to gain the maximum advantage.. Ergo, SCD with 3-4 HQs, and 1 squad. A battalion is hardly effected. brigades or multiple battalions even less so. (and I really think the double-tap strat is overrated. not often we will find our dusties in a good shooting position AND enough models to make good use of it.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahzek451 Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Can confirm, the point changes page is the same as chapter approved. So no point changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahzek451 Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Looks like a small detachment for magic, and the big detachment will have time! I didn't expect a ton of fixes with this book really hate how gw still cant get a grasp on making anything with options more equal (I realize this can be next to impossible to do, but avoiding clear winners and losers is). And while it's nice everyone has access to a power, I was hoping some would allow more than one cast. I dont think it would be game breaking if the time power could be done more than once. Overall good stuff, no add on to our trait to effect non-psyker units and no real deterrent to avoid weird soups is a bit of a let down. Does the book inspire the use of more exalted? Not really. Daemon princes and terminator sorcerers are still the better options IMO. Maybe one exalted, but 2 or more? Ehhhh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoomWolf Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Heck, having the ability to repeat a casting of a spell in general (even on escalating costs, like other people have smites-or as a stratagem) would have been great. But still, our biggest lack is something to hold up our non-HQs, and nothing short of an army-wide passive can do that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raven1 Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 If this has already been posted then just ignore, but goonhammer put up a good review/preview of the TS section of the book. It's looking pretty good. I dont think a supreme command detachment is going anywhere but an additional dusty battalion could very well be competitive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archaeinox Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Does the book inspire the use of more exalted? Not really. I'm inclined to agree but it without a doubt rewards those of us who have been trying to make lots of Rubrics, Scarabs and cheap Sorcerers work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skerr Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Nice! I also need to digest all of this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahzek451 Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Dammit GW, why couldn't the scheming power be a strat? Imagine having that used on a big blob of flame rubrics? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoomWolf Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Apparently I underestimated having a splash from Prophecy cult sorcerer, as their relic (6" aura of rerolling 1 hit 1 wound or 1 damage roll) is NOT locked to effecting only cult units, or even only TS units. Could be interesting to have one of these around. I'm moving it up to Cult of Magic rank. My current ranking: A tier-Just always good to have as your main-Time, Duplicity B tier-Useful to have around as a SDC to support another force/in tiny games-Magic, Prophecy, Scheming C tier-can be useful when you know who you are facing in advance-Mutation (when you know something needs to be slowed), Manipulation (against armies that depend on one specific spell going off) D tier-just a meme-Knowledge, Change Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skerr Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 So am I understanding correctly? Any psycher in your detachment has access to the spell barring rule of 1. Ex. Time Flux available to 4 Aspiring Sorcerers from a detachment. It can only be cast once per turn though any of them, including hqs or any other psychers has access if needed, first come first serve. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahzek451 Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Yup. Everyone in the detachment with a cult knows the power for free on top of what they already know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skerr Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 I'm down with that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zodd1888 Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 I think it's all good news. I think with these additions we've finally got the content of what we all thought should have been part of the Codex on drop. Every unit has a Strat, and we have some greater utility/variety in cults. Looking from a strictly mono-dex perspective, I still don't see 1kS as a very cohesive army. We've got a bunch of tools but I'd say we're the faction that is most tightly attached to data slates for power. This gap is as a result of these cult specializations and our limited selection of units/auras. Our named characters see, essentially, no buffs as a result of this, and our aura generator (Mutalith/Magnus) still suffer from diminishing effectiveness as they're damaged with only Temporal Manipulation to try to help mitigate, for the most part. More is better, and I'm very happy with the more that we've got. My hope is that in the next 1kS release we start to see either enhanced data sheets with the limited unit pool (ie. Auras, bonuses to damage on infernal bolts against X Toughness, etc.), or more variety as selection options are expanded (Masters of Executions, Lord D, etc.). All in all, I'd say we've finally got a complete codex. I look forward to another supplement, new models, or a Codex 2.0 when this is all wrapped together into a more cohesive package. In terms of a true critique of what's there I am disappointed named characters (Magnus and Ahriman) got nothing out of the cults, the legion trait and cults still left the majority of non-psyker units untouched further compounding the issues of weak data slates or limited options, and that the army still doesn't feel, IMO, as the most closely tied to magic or the warp. I think of GW takes those few things into consideration in whatever they do next we'll see mono Sons reach parity with the rest of the legions/chapters. 7/10 IMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skerr Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Magister is awesome! 1 cp and give another character a warlord trait? I assume it all within cult. Makes all these warlord traits useful options. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoomWolf Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 So basically, any HQ that isn't ahriman, plus rubircs and scarabs. Here's something fun to do with your cult of magic SCD Have a termi sorcerer with the Magic warlord trait (you can give it to hive from the magistar stratagem. too bad we can't use that strat multiple times), the Magic relic and the familiar Give him the Magic spell, and whatever else. Deepstrike him (OR use a DMC somebody else is carrying to throw him across the table T1) somewhere where the enemy's character blob is going to get caught in the blastwave Use 1CP to turn the whatever spell into an infernal gateway Cast infernal gateway at +3, Magic spell (who is basically a weaker but easy to cast infernal gateway) and smite (or infernal gaze, for precision mudrer, requires to give up smite) at +1, causing maximum mayhem. this costs 1CP for the third spell cast. Termi sorcerer with a familiar-120 points Extra warlord trait-1CP Casting third spell-1CP Optional DMC for earlier madness-1CP Watching people's mind explode in and out of game-Priceless Unfortunatly won't work on anyone that spaces out properly, as they will take the first casualties off in a way that will break the chain reaction from the gateway from triggering for the Magic gateway-but still the sheer potentinal of MW spewing in hilarious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deTox Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 I was thinking about this strategy but in a less committed and more constant way as with what you describe your character is definitely dead afterwards and with him the trait and relic. Pretty much mirroring the Magnus boomerang strategy you can take a DPoT with the full magic complement (relic and trait) have him behind a screen of bearers, and close to two other psyches from the SupCom, move/advance him forward cast Magic cult Spell, cast Smite and use cabalistic focus for +3 to cast (with relic), extra cast strat, and cast Infernal Gateway, after that have Ahriman to warptime him back behind screen. Might workbetter then magnus as its cheaper and can't be shot at so it's easier to repeat every turn. Mark my word this is what you'll see from TS in any sort of chaos competitive list Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 For me it's all about Cult of Magic. I've been saying from day 1 I want to see damage. This is it. There's nothing else here that comes close for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoomWolf Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Cult of magic only really buffs one guy for the damage output though. If you want to get EVERYTHING cult of magic has to offer, you just need 1 HQ, 1 troop (for a patrol detachment) and somewhere to drain CP from. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skerr Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Probably better uses but a fun friendly game use of Magister is to give it to a cult of Change SOT squad. The warlord trait on the unit would be fun. Reroll Charge, fall back, shoot, charge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Cult of magic only really buffs one guy for the damage output though. If you want to get EVERYTHING cult of magic has to offer, you just need 1 HQ, 1 troop (for a patrol detachment) and somewhere to drain CP from. Doesn't everyone know the power from that cult? So I can change which unit uses it depending on where to unleash the power from? Plus it's the whole package. It's really going to work best with that one dude, but it's going to hit like a truck. I'll take one truck over a table of mediocrity. I am just reading it over now, but I still stand by it. THIS is the power you will see in every soup list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skerr Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 Have we confirmed all the strats? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahzek451 Posted January 18, 2020 Share Posted January 18, 2020 I just want to run the magic bomb on a clustered mob of meta Tau drones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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