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Favorite Ultramarines Units


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Aside from our characters, and I’ve only had two game with it, but the Invictor warsuit is really fun. I have the Knight valiant with its mega flamer, and the Incendium cannon on these is just a mini version.


Deployed forwards, 10” move and the 12” range on the flamer and a Dreadnought CCW. Yes please

Mine are Gman, Tiggy, Calgar, aggressors, intercessors, and Levi dreads. Guilliman is my over all favorite, even if he isn't the most competitive choice anymore, I still love running him. There is just something awesome about running the lord commander of the imperium and wailing on xenos or chaos with the sword of the damn emperor.

Yep that's it. Makes a Chapter Champion, particularly ours, absolutely brutal. Hell, even a Knight (which are generally all characters) will have to be wary of receiving a charge from our Chapter Champion.


My preferred build is the Imperium's Sword for +1 attack and strength and now the blade of Triumph since the extra pip of damage is better than wounding T4 on a 2+ using the Burning Blade.


It won't kill an entire Knight in a single turn but can finish one off fairly handily. 7 attacks, hitting on 2s and wounding on 5s, rerolling everything, should result in about 4 wounds on a Knight. AP-4 means 12 damage.




Best of all though, against anything smaller he will absolutely shred them. He can kill a Custodes in a single hit!

You can still get the Blade of Triumph up to S8:

  • S4 User
  • +2 from BoT (6)
  • Might of Heroes (7)
  • Imperium's Sword (8)

Wound Knights on 4s, not as good at the Burning Blade's 3s, but the extra damage is super good.



Burning Blade

(Imperium's Sword, Might of Heroes, vs character Knight): 8*0.972*0.88*2 = 13.7 damage

(vs character Knight): 6*0.972*0.55*2 = 6.5 damage


Blade of Triumph

(Imperium's Sword, Might of Heroes, vs character Knight): 8*0.972*0.75*3 = 17.5 damage

(vs character Knight): 6*0.972*0.55*3 = 9.7 damage


Blade of Triumph is actually quite a lot better vs a Knight, assuming an equal level of buffs.

Blade of Triumph is the best choice overall... he will slaughter any enemy character. Tiggy easily casting null zone then fight again to kill another.

Yeah, I feel that the ease that Tiggy can cast null zone with is often overlooked.  Null zone's biggest weakness has always been how hard it is to cast, but now that it is warp charge 7 and Tiggy gets a plus 1 and a re roll, it's fairly consistent.  Taking away invuln saves is huge.

Yeah, I feel that the ease that Tiggy can cast null zone with is often overlooked.  Null zone's biggest weakness has always been how hard it is to cast, but now that it is warp charge 7 and Tiggy gets a plus 1 and a re roll, it's fairly consistent.  Taking away invuln saves is huge.


The biggest hurdle with Null Zone (now and always) is the 6" radius. Tigurius, especially, has hard time establishing it since he is restricted to his 6" movement: that can be somewhat mitigated if one is using an Impulsor, but that is an additional investment.


Additionally, it's worth noting that a canny opponent can remove models that are close to the Null Zone caster (assuming it is a multi-model unit, of course) and regain their invulnerable save once all of the models in range are killed, similar to how one can remove casualties that aren't fully on terrain to then benefit from cover for the rest of a unit. For a Chapter Champion going after a character (especially a Knight), though, that's not really an issue!


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