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First game new BA.


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What i am curious about is what we can do with drop pods right now. Either normal pods with vanvets/chaplain, dc + chaplain, sternguard or company vets, dreads....

Grav Devs are a possibility now that we have the Gravitic Amplification Stratagem. We don't do it as well as IHs but I think if you can get a cheap Captain nearby for rerolls to-Hit, it looks pretty viable.


The good thing is that its 24" range makes it hard to screen against. You can usually pick somewhere within range of a juicy target without too much difficulty. With decent rolling, you should be able to kill a Russ (or similar) with one volley or maul a Knight or similar target.

We do not have the Gravitic Amplification stratagem.

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Okay.....gonna try this rather.....


Looks terrifying to me:


Chaplain Dread - las





1x 5 Incursors - mines

1x 5 Incursors

3x 5 Scouts

1x 5 Stalker Inters


8x VV - 5fst/8ss

8x VV - 5fst/7ss


5x DC - 2fist (jp)

5x DC - 2fist (jp)

5x DC - 2fist (jp)


CMD - quad las

CMD - quad las

I’m not gonna lie, pre PA3 I wouldn’t have liked all the MSU melee units. I’m also concerned about how they’d fare against overwatch. BUT - the idea of mass of doom hitting all of them at once, plus your litany of choice? That is scary. But I AM concerned about their survival. Maybe 2xVV and 1xDC blob but add in something like suppressors or inceptors - mobile, fairly durable and can support not just your melee brosman but your troops as well.

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What i am curious about is what we can do with drop pods right now. Either normal pods with vanvets/chaplain, dc + chaplain, sternguard or company vets, dreads....

Grav Devs are a possibility now that we have the Gravitic Amplification Stratagem. We don't do it as well as IHs but I think if you can get a cheap Captain nearby for rerolls to-Hit, it looks pretty viable.


The good thing is that its 24" range makes it hard to screen against. You can usually pick somewhere within range of a juicy target without too much difficulty. With decent rolling, you should be able to kill a Russ (or similar) with one volley or maul a Knight or similar target.

The question is if that won't be too pricey for what they do. Every time my mind goes: but i can have VV/DC/SG for that haha


Welcome to my brain!!! 

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Okay.....gonna try this rather.....


Looks terrifying to me: 


Chaplain Dread - las
1x 5 Incursors - mines
1x 5 Incursors
3x 5 Scouts
1x 5 Stalker Inters
8x VV - 5fst/8ss
8x VV - 5fst/7ss
5x DC - 2fist (jp) 
5x DC - 2fist (jp)
5x DC - 2fist (jp)
CMD - quad las
CMD - quad las


that looks absolutely awesome.. think i might rip this idea from you :whistling:

how much worse do you think it'll be to give up the CMD for more smashy goodness?

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Okay.....gonna try this rather.....


Looks terrifying to me: 


Chaplain Dread - las
1x 5 Incursors - mines
1x 5 Incursors
3x 5 Scouts
1x 5 Stalker Inters
8x VV - 5fst/8ss
8x VV - 5fst/7ss
5x DC - 2fist (jp) 
5x DC - 2fist (jp)
5x DC - 2fist (jp)
CMD - quad las
CMD - quad las


that looks absolutely awesome.. think i might rip this idea from you :whistling:

how much worse do you think it'll be to give up the CMD for more smashy goodness?



Depends on your meta.  The Libby dread swap out is an easy one to make.  I love me some reliable (untargetable) lascannon fire though.  But, yeah, libby dread will be just as good!

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Now with access to Litanies, the Chaplain Dread is insanely good. 



Just a heads up- we dont get those yet  :/ due to....reasons....


You're referring to the Chaplain Dread having CHAPLAIN VENERABLE DREADNOUGHT keyword instead of CHAPLAIN? I'm saying this after BattleScribe, so not 100% sure.


BoB states under Litanies of Battle: "All BLOOD ANGELS CHAPLAINS know litanies and can generate them from the Litanies of Battle on page 58". This is also repeated for Successors on p.52. This is also clarified on p.58 as: CHAPLAINS in a BLOOD ANGELS Detachments.




We do not have the Gravitic Amplification stratagem.

Is it not in Blood of Baal? :sad.:


It's not :(

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You're referring to the Chaplain Dread having CHAPLAIN VENERABLE DREADNOUGHT keyword instead of CHAPLAIN? I'm saying this after BattleScribe, so not 100% sure.


BoB states under Litanies of Battle: "All BLOOD ANGELS CHAPLAINS know litanies and can generate them from the Litanies of Battle on page 58". This is also repeated for Successors on p.52. This is also clarified on p.58 as: CHAPLAINS in a BLOOD ANGELS Detachments.

The problem is that the Errata for Imperial Armour: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes specifically excludes non-Codex Space Marine chapters the access to litanies:


Page 27 – Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought (excluding Deathwatch, Space Wolves, Dark Angels and Blood Angels models, as well as models from their successor Chapters) Add the Priest keyword Add to this datasheet the row: ‘PRIEST This model knows the Litany of Hate (see below) and one litany from the Litanies of Battle (see Codex: Space Marines). At the start of the battle round, this model can recite one litany it knows that has not already been recited by a friendly model that battle round. Roll one D6; on a 3+ the recited litany is inspiring and takes effect until the end of that battle round. Litany of Hate: If this litany is inspiring, you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by models in friendly <Chapter>units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model.’

This is because the Errata was made before Blood of Baal was released, so BA didn't have access to litanies yet. Here's to hoping they update the Errata soon to include BA.

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That :cuss really bothers me. What a back assward way of doing things. They go out of their way to say something doesn’t work only to release something a month or two later that presumably lets it work and have to errata it. Would it really have changed things so much to let it go, especially now that we know that BA have the same litanies as SM? If they were quite different, then well that would be different.


I’m not super broken up about confusion on the Chaplain Dread and even if we never get it, it’s not the biggest deal in the world to me. It’s the asinine process GW has for stuff like this. Really makes you wonder how silloed they are internally or why they are worried about the slightest hint at what the future might bring for a faction.

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That :censored: really bothers me. What a back assward way of doing things. They go out of their way to say something doesn’t work only to release something a month or two later that presumably lets it work and have to errata it. Would it really have changed things so much to let it go, especially now that we know that BA have the same litanies as SM? If they were quite different, then well that would be different.


I’m not super broken up about confusion on the Chaplain Dread and even if we never get it, it’s not the biggest deal in the world to me. It’s the asinine process GW has for stuff like this. Really makes you wonder how silloed they are internally or why they are worried about the slightest hint at what the future might bring for a faction.


Yeah GW was acting REALLY weird with the new doctrines and litanies. Lots of conflicting informations.

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I actually wonder how a list build around basic dudes would do now.


Go for a mass of bodies and aim for a flood turn 3.

Survivability would be highly questionable in today's 40k.


Good thought experiment to run. If you can get enough 2+ saves from cover while hiking up, and hide enough TH/PF on Sgts, I wonder how the math would work out with overspill. If you took 2000pts worth of Tactical Squads, for instance, you know beyond doubt that 1/3-1/2 of them will get wiped...but the question is how much of the enemies firepower will be wasted finishing off squads.


I'm not saying it's a good idea, but I don't know if it's a terrible idea either. I think Tac squads would bring more value than Primaris in this scenario since they are cheaper, pack more special weapons, and "waste" enemy D:2+ firepower.


I will not ever likely run something like this, but a fun thought to chew over on the bus ride et al.

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Played game 3 with the new BA vs DA - we agreed to give DA the SM basics- so Doctrines, Litanies and Transhuman + Duty Eternal.  Was a GREAT game. 


Again, I'm absolutely LOVING new BA.  I think we're (ironically) as finesse as we've ever been in terms of getting maximum efficiency out of our lists.


I think the "pros" are suggesting that BA make a great supplementary hammer because of Thirst.  But, I honestly think we come into our own from turn 3+  and I think we need to maximise potential for that. 

I know we did some "crazy combo" theory hammer- but here's one that's easy to do - Unleash Rage + Sanguinor in 6" of DC.  That means a 5man....just a 5man squad...is putting out 40 attacks in turn 3+. This is wild.  

I played the following:




Chaplain Dread - las



5x Incursors 

5x Incursors 

5x Stalkers

5x Stalkers

5x Autobolters

5x Autobolters


8x VV - 8ss/5pf

5x DC - 3pf

5x DC 

5x SG - 3pf

Sang Ancient (WL, Banner)


Contemptor - quad las

Contemptor - quad las

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I thought about tactical spam too. Multi damage weapons would be wasted on the tacticals and you could hide a heavy or special weapon in the squad. Not sure how viable but for backfield objective holding it may be something worth looking at. Or not. I just want to do something with my tactical squads.
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Getting ready for my first game with the new stuff on Sunday.


thoughts running through my head:


-do I make this a serious game or just test out crazy theories I have? The former because my games are so much rarer these days, the latter because it will help me put things to rest or confirm ideas for that mental list building in the shower we all do.


-is Astorath the new go-to Warlord to pair w/ Sanguinary Guard? Gives them re-rolls, and can toss out 5+++ and +2 charges to them. I like the 5+++ Litany idea since that frees up the Sang Ancient to bring the +2 movement banner. And extra 4” total of movement each turn is nothing to sneeze at.


-...while Lemartes, go-to seems to be +2 to charge and AP-4 on 6’s To Hit to make all those DC chainswords bonkers. Maybe the +1A +1D one if there’s room to spare to make him truly an insane fella (if they restore Black Rage, that’s 9A on the charge at S6 AP-3 D:2+D3 in T3+)

-...and if you can actually tear yourself away from a named dude, a non-named Chaplain with Icon of the Angel and Canticle of Hate seems like one of the best utility dudes in the game, and also greatly helps Deep Strikers


-The Sanguinor is now AP-5 in Turn 3+. I find that hilarious. Ask your opponent to bring some Index UM Honor Guard just so you can feel special


-The “serious” list I have in mind is a 10man Veteran intercessor bomb back by Corbulo and 5+++ from either SoS or Astorath, SG, and DC for pressure with enough shooting to be taken seriously


-The fun list is jump chappy w/ Icon of Angels, Sang Ancient w/ Wrath of Baal (+2 movement to Jump), SG bomb, VV w SS, 3x ASM w/ jump and 2x inferno + power axe, then Smash Bros one w/ Angel’s Wing, the other w/ Gleaming Pinions. The caveat to this is that I ask my opponent to let me just spend 1CP per extra relic so I can test out all these ideas.


-super delayed reaction on my part, but just realized that Scout Sgt’s can swap out boltgun for Chainsword, then “Any model” can switch volt pistol for a combat blade” thus giving Sgts 5A on the charge, quite possibly T1 if you go first.

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Indy, keep in mind that the Litany of Faith only grants a 5+++ against mortal wounds, so you’d still need the Standard of Sacrifice to make SG resilient.


Astorath is very good nonetheless. 5 litanies, MoD, 2+/4++ and his axe make him excellent for his points. His utility is through the roof as his buffs can help out a gunline as well as assault units/DC.

I’d find it hard to substitute him for a regular chaplain that’s just 15 points less...


Also the “extra 4” movement each turn” might sound compelling, but you’re only getting an extra 2” of movement, which isn’t enough to make a turn 1 charge reliably possible, if your opponent doesn’t want you to. Just something to keep in mind.


Otherwise, yeah pretty excited myself. My stuff will hopefully arrive this weekend, gotta paint up some more stuff before that and then test out some of the new BA goodies. :)

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Hey Mort,


Been building a drop pod list with cheap melee units inside. What I like about a double RAS is the 4 plasma guns backed by chain swords for that sweet base line -1 AP on chain swords + all the attacks.


If melta was better I'd toss that in for sure. I'll post a list later but I think it has some teeth.

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