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Thanks very much Mithrilforge!


I appreciate that. I have a limited budget for hobby, so less money spent on paint is more money for models!!!


I like the idea of throwing an orange into the mix but I’ve got too far through to be assed to redo what I’ve done!


Thanks again.

Too right mate!! There's always something!


OK, I said I'd do something a bit larger and I finally finished it!


Here's my Tyranofex:




Now I know it's probably not the most effective of Models rules wise but I just love the look of it!!


Next up for the Tyranids will be a Tyranid Prime!


As always thanks for looking.

Thanks Mithril! 


I'd decided I wanted a Tyranid Prime to buff my Warriors.  




I converted him using the bitz from the Warriors set and a Lictor!

Really happy.


Next up will be some Hormagaunts, hopefully once I've completed them GW will open.


Thanks for looking, I hope everyone is staying well and getting some hobby done!! 

  • 2 weeks later...

I've finished my first Carnifex. I went with a relatively cheap load out but should pack a bit of punch in the combat and shooting phases.

I only have to finish 8 Hormagaunts and all my current Tyranid backlog will be completed!

Here's the pics:

After I finish the last of the Nid models I'll post some pics of the full Swarm!

Thanks Mithril!


I’m hoping to get the last of the Tyranid backlog (5 Hormagaunts) done in the next few days.

Then I’ll post what I’ve got in the Swarm together!


Thanks again, you’re singlehandedly keeping this thread going!!!

OK gents, I've finished the last of the Hormagaunts I have so thought it was about time to post up a few pics of how the Swarm is coming along.

I currently have about 1200pts, so plenty of scope to add more!

Here's the pics:

Personally my favourite model is the Tyannofex! He's just such a big chunky lad!!

I've ordered another unit of Tyranid Warriors, hopefully they'll arrive soon.

Well done bud!, that's an outstanding looking army there 1200pts already :happy.:

I haven't Played nids in years so I don't know what's the bees knee's etc.. :sweat:  are you going to do any Flying gribblies?... are spore mine's etc still around??

And any plans for a super heavy type Tyranid :wub:  .…

very nice army!!.


Cheers, Mithril

Thanks Mithril, no plans for anything big yet, I’d like to get a playable force of around 2k together, once that’s achieved I’ll add a flying Tyrant! (My kids and wife said I was boring for not giving the Swarmlord wings!!)


Spacecow, thanks very much!


Dosjekta, cheers, hopefully my Warriors arrive soon! I’m itching to add more units!

Those group shots look great, your army is going to look amazing on the tabletop :tu:


The Warriors the only thing you have to do, and they haven't arrived yet...so...are you saying your collection was fully assembled and painted before you got new models??

  On 4/18/2020 at 9:42 AM, Jud Cottrell said:

Thanks NTaw!


Yes that’s true! I find if I buy too much in one hit I get overwhelmed and end up not painting!

So I tend to add units in small bursts.

Well there you go, if I had followed this Principle all those many years ago I would have finished armies and not boxes full of half stuck together, quarter painted, bits missing and half empty boxes of models... :ermm:


Thanks Jud (I am about 20 years too late on reading that epiphany, though … better late than never eh :blush.: )


Cheers, Mithril

Thanks NTaW and Mithril,


It comes down to “know thyself” I used to buy loads of stuff and have it sat in boxes for months but I realised if I drip fed it to myself

I’d finish it, as I crave that sense of completion (like when you’ve cleaned the house or car!)


For me there’s nothing better (hobby wise) than a new fully painted model.


I’ve been playing around with lists and would like some advice from anyone who’s played a good amount of games with Tyranids.


Here’s what I’m currently working towards:


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [64 PL, 931pts] ++


+ Configuration +


Hive Fleet: Kraken


+ HQ +


Broodlord [8 PL, 115pts]


The Swarmlord [15 PL, 250pts]


+ Troops +


Genestealers [16 PL, 192pts]: 4x Acid Maw, 16x Scything Talons

. 16x Genestealer: 16x Rending Claws


Hormagaunts [9 PL, 120pts]

. 24x Hormagaunt: 24x Scything Talons


Termagants [6 PL, 80pts]

. 20x Termagant (Fleshborer): 20x Fleshborer


+ Heavy Support +


Trygon Prime [10 PL, 174pts]: 3x Massive Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Toxinspike


++ Total: [64 PL, 931pts] ++




++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Tyranids) [65 PL, 1,067pts] ++


+ Configuration +


Hive Fleet: Kronos


+ HQ +


Tyranid Prime [6 PL, 77pts]: Boneswords, Deathspitter


+ Troops +


Tyranid Warriors [13 PL, 228pts]

. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons

. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons

. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons

. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons

. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons

. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons

. Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Scything Talons, Venom Cannon

. Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Scything Talons, Venom Cannon

. Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Scything Talons, Venom Cannon


+ Elites +


Hive Guard [13 PL, 258pts]

. 6x Hive Guard (Impaler): 6x Impaler Cannon


+ Heavy Support +


Exocrine [11 PL, 155pts]


Exocrine [11 PL, 155pts]


Tyrannofex [11 PL, 194pts]: Rupture Cannon, Stinger Salvo


++ Total: [65 PL, 1,067pts] ++



I’m happy with the list as it is so far (most of the units I have or want to paint are in there) I’d just like to know if I’m on the right track?

So I was building a Brood of Warriors, when my boy pointed out that the sword would look a lot cooler! After checking the stats I realised for 2 pts it would be rude not to! (+1 attack and -2 AP)

Looking at the Scything Talons I'd already cut off the sprue I realised I could make use of them some how.

Didn't take long looking through my bitz box, I wanted to do something with the spare tail from the Hive Tyrant, after a quick look through the codex I found the Red Terror!

The GW official miniature is about 30 years old so I would make use of the conversion!

Here's what I came up with:

My Green Stuff skills are absolutely terrible but I think I got away with it!

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