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Valerian and Aleya - thoughts?

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So with the new models for Valerian and Aleya arriving soon (February at the Weekender I believe?), what are people's thoughts on what we might expect rules-wise for each of them?

1) It seems to me that basing Valerian's statline off the Brother-Captain would make sense, but in terms of special rules? will his guardian spear just be regular, or will it be 'special' ?

2) Do people have thoughts on if Aleya should be an HQ or just a character-upgrade for a Sisters squad? 

3) Do people think this is likely to tie-in to Psychic Awakening at all or remain entirely separate? (gosh if it does Sister's could do with an HQ upgrade...




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I hope both of them will be some kind of HQ, that would make it much more intersting then "regular" elite slots. I also hope both have some kind of special rule, like he got some weapon upgrade or buff of units and she makes SoS troops or something :) That´s my wish list.

I’m really hoping she’s a HQ so I can finally field a proper detachment of SoS.


Sadly if she’s just another elite I can’t see me ever fielding her.


I think that is the reality ae, unless she is a bit of a force multiplier and is HQ nobody will actually run her in any real game. But I think this also creates a new problem, she is then the ONLY HQ option, and it somewhat disrupts the WD rules for them.



I hope both of them will be some kind of HQ, that would make it much more intersting then "regular" elite slots. I also hope both have some kind of special rule, like he got some weapon upgrade or buff of units and she makes SoS troops or something :smile.: That´s my wish list.


It could be a simple thing to have Valerian as an HQ, and a special rule to unlock 0-1 units of Sisters of Silence as troops choice for that detachment without breaking cohesion buffs... although they would probably put them as Elite choices in all likelihood....

I really hope she's an HQ, but even if shecs just an elite she'd be useful. Being able to slot in a -1 to cast and deny bubble with character protection adds a good bit of reliability to otherwise somewhat squishy units.


In a perfect world she comes as part if (actually) new SoS rules that make them more viable in general. Still hoping for their aura to also do something like reduce invun saves if the target has the demon keyword.


Just noticed she has a misericordia. That's rather bizarre.

It's actually mentioned in the novel, not a misericordia, but a hold-out dagger.

Oh. I read the book but must have missed that detail. It sure looks like a misericordia on her model. Just smaller.



Just noticed she has a misericordia. That's rather bizarre.

It's actually mentioned in the novel, not a misericordia, but a hold-out dagger.
Oh. I read the book but must have missed that detail. It sure looks like a misericordia on her model. Just smaller.

On the kitbash, gonna see if a misericordia works :)

So I'm hoping HQ for Aleya. But I want a WD or PA article that gives SoS a handful of strats and maybe a relic or two. They're never going to be an "army" but I'd like to see them work as a real detachment.


In a perfect world, there would be official 8th ed 40k rules for the Acquisitor, but I know that is very unlikely.

The WD article didn't give us much crunch- no strats, relics, WL traits.


It did give us the Null Maiden rule, which is the rule that lets us field a special Vanguard without an HQ, but this was just reprinted from April's big FAQ, so nothing new there either. It did give us a way to field them in a battle forged army but no special rules, and to add insult to injury, the special vanguard isn't even worth a command point.


Now if Aleya is indeed an HQ choice, you could field your SoS as a regular old Vanguard, rather than a leaderless Null Maiden Vanguard. You still wouldn't have the special rules, but at least you'd get the command point.


Since they're set to be released in February, two other things might happen: the February PA may contain updates to the Custodes and SoS, or there could be a Custodes 2.0. I suppose there could also be an Imperial Agents book. None of these are guaranteed to happen, of course. Heck, since they've been so fond of made to order kits and limited time retro products, they might rerelease the old Talons of the Emperor box set with an updated dex... Wouldn't that be hot?


One can dream. In the end, it'll probably just be the two characters.


Yup really hope they are HQs and we see at least some support for SoS as an army!

You should check out the October White Dwarf. It has some new SoS rules.


It really didnt :(  Like ThePenitentOne said all it did was fold in the FAQs. I can see why they dont want the Sisters to have a troops choice (Loyal 16? :D ) but an HQ and some strats are not much to ask, possibly even some link to the Custodes would be nice!   

From the article on WarCom it was mentioned that she is a Knight-Centura (IIRC). The Knight-Centura is a somewhat HQ-ish rank within the order of the SoS (according to the Lexicanum) so I suppose she will be a HQ choice. And I guess Valerians spear will have a minor buff but nothing to special. 


Really hoping they release some special rules along those models to make some Talons of the Emperor list. Like the first list in 30k where you could field the SoS along the Custodes with some restrictions. It felt great and I want that for 40k too.

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