Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Skip to a month... Welcome to the 2nd year of the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge. I started this challenge last year to keep me motivated throughout the year, and to help me stick to my Hobby goal of completing *at least* one model per month. Whilst last year I was aimless in my hobbying and developed a series of tables to generate a random Faction for me, I have a clearer goal for this year. The Randomizer Tables will still available for this year, and you are most welcome to use them yourselves, or ask to put on the Randomizer List, and I will roll for everyone on the list a week prior to the new month.If you've missed the previous years Challenge, you can find it here,2019 - 2019 Summary - Additional Awards - 2019 Favourite - 2019 Favourite Poll2020 - 2020 Summary - Additional Awards - 2020 Favourite - 2020 Favourite Poll - The Campaign Summary As with last year, I'd like some company, and to give people a little extra for sticking with it, I've developed a campaign for this year based around painting your models.If you'd like to join me with a commitment to 1x model (or more) per month for the 12 months of 2020, I'd love to have you aboard.The Rules are pretty simple; I DO NOT expect you to use the Random Tables, you are more than welcome to pledge models towards you're existing armies, or choose a model you would like to complete. Multiple model pledges are fine, but ONLY ONE must be finished per month to complete the Challenge. A starting pic is required. Any model that is incomplete, even those that only require basing, are eligible for this Challenge. A finished pic is also required, this MUST be completed to your standards, AND the model MUST be based. If you know what you'd like to pledge, pop this pip in your signature,then pledge in the following format, you'll need to vow each month you wish to participate,I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } to the defence of the { insert Faction } Faction by month's end.So, some more, then, on the campaign for the 2020 Challenge; I present The Reclaimation of the Inviolate Rage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ ENCRYPTED MESSAGE INCOMING ++++++ ENTER AUTHORISATION IDENTS ++++++ ************ ++++++ PROCESSING ++++++ PROCESSING ++++++ AUTHORISATION ACCEPTED MASTER OF THE ARSENAL ++++++ DECRYPTION IN PROGRESS ++++++ DECRYPTION IN PROGRESS ++++++ DECRYPTION IN PROGRESS ++++++ MESSAGE BEGINS ++++++ BROTHER, I BID YOU WELL, AND BEAR GRIM TIDINGS. WE HAVE LOCATED THE FLAGSHIP OF THE HERALDS OF DEVASTATION. AS YOU KNOW, WE BELIEVED THE CHAPTER LOST, AS WE HAVE HAD NO CONTACT SINCE THE APPEARANCE OF THE CICATRIX MALEDICTUM. THE INVIOLATE RAGE IS TRANSMITTING A DISTRESS CALL FROM BEYOND THE EASTERN FRINGE, A SYSTEM NAMED VOLTRONUS. I HAVE COMMAND OF A SMALL CRUSADE FORCE OF NEAR COMPANY STRENGTH, I HAVE SQUADS FROM MANY OF OUR UNFORGIVEN BROTHERHOOD, I AM REQUESTING AID IN WHATEVER FORM YOU CAN SPARE IT. WE WILL RETURN THE CHAPTER TO US.FAREWELL BROTHER, FOR THE LION ++++++ MESSAGE ENDS +++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This year the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge will feature a Planetary Empires map based campaign, with the ultimate goal of capturing the Inviolate Rage, a grounded starship from my Heralds of Devastation Dark Angel Successor Chapter. The outcome of the campaign will inform the History of the chapter post Cicatrix Maledictum.So, how will it work?Participants will earn Command Points (CP) based on their performance within the 2020 Challenge. Command Points will be allocated with the Monthly Summary, and may be immediately spent, or may be saved to spend in a later month. The Completed Badge is worth 1CP The Seriously Badge, awarded for 5+ models completed in a month, is worth 2CP, It's worth noting, that painting 6+ models WILL NOT earn additional CP, their Attack/Defense rating however, will still count to your Army and Faction totals. The Artificer Badge is arbitrarily awarded to models I find impressive each month, and is worth 1CP The Speed Daemon is awarded for Completing a model within 24hrs, and is worth 1CP The Last Minute Badge is awarded for Completing your vow on the last day, or two extention days of the month, and is worth 1CP The Stubborn Badge is awarded for Completing a previous vowed but uncompleted model, is worth 1CP The Favourite is worth 3CP Any Completed Plodding Along vow made in Jan-Jun is worth 10CP Any Completed Plodding Along vow made in Jul-Dec is worth 5CP Each completed ETL Vow is worth 5CPAll badges will upgrade Black, Silver, Gold and Platinum, and each additional rank of badge includes one additional CP. Earning additional CP for Participating in other Events To encourage participation in Events around the B&C, you will be able to earn additional CP by participating in those Events. As the Events appear, I will mention their inclusion, and how many CP are on offer for those Events. Typically there will be +1CP per Tier of achievement. For example, The Call to Chaos has 6 Tiers, concluding with Warmaster, earning the Warmaster reward would earn you 6 CP here at the conclusion of that Event. To ensure CP are awarded correctly, please ensure to quote your Pledges and Completions for other Events here in this thread. So, that's how to earn the points, but how and what are they spent on?Survey - You may survey a adjacent tile to determine any forces or fortifications that are present - 1CPMoving - from one tile to another - 1CP- into difficult terrain - 2CPBuilding Fortifications - you may choose to add up to 10 Defense points to a tile - 1CP per Defense PointAttacking Structures/Defenses - You may choose to destroy any constructed Fortifications prior to moving into a tile - 1CP per FortificationCombined Attack - This combines the Attack Points of multiple armies against a single Defending tile - 1CP per player The Campaign Map The campaign map is divided into three colours, Blue for Imperium, Red for Chaos, and Green for Xenos. These sections represent a Factions Territory. The coloured sections of the Map are acting as a Fog of War, and as players move onto tiles, the Map beneath will be revealed. Beneath the Black Tiles labelled A-E, dividing the Faction Territories are mountainous areas and are Difficult Terrain. The F1-6 Sections are not difficult terrain, but feature additional rules, but will need to be moved onto for those rules to be revealed.Traversing the MapYou must pledge to one of the three Factions for the campaign, Imperium, Chaos, or Xenos, for the entire year. Pledging to a Faction determines your starting location and will help determine the winning Faction. The Faction chosen WILL NOT limit which models you can enter into the Challenge i.e. you may pledge for Xenos, but still complete both Imperial and Chaos models within the Challenge. Each participant will added to a Faction specific P.M. where tactics may be discussed.Every player will start at their Factions Starting Location, there are other tiles to be discovered that will allow additional starting points. All models are grouped by datasheet, and new models to a datasheet may join an existing force on any tile, or start a new unit at a the Starting Location, or a Additional Starting Location.At the beginning of each quarter (Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct) I will be rolling 3xD6, one Blue, Red, and Green die, to determine the order in which each Factions moves will be made. Within the Factions, moves will be made in order of Completion for the Month. I will enact each participants Command Points on the 15th of each month, so please ensure you have posted in thread how you would like to spend any prior to then.Every model you paint within the Challenge is worth 1 Attack point, and 1 Defense point, the more models pledged and painted within the Challenge makes your army and Faction stronger. All armies within the same Faction are Allies and will not attack one another, and may occupy the same tile. If multiple armies are on the same tile, the army with the highest Attack Points is the Tile Commander. If an Army wishes to move into a tile occupied by an opposing Faction their Attack Points MUST exceed the Defense Points on the tile. If an Army captures a tile occupied by an enemy Faction, the enemy is driven backwards into one of the 3 rear-ward tiles, and any Fortifications are destroyed. If Allies wish to team up and perform a Combined Attack, they must be in adjacent tiles, and spend 1CP each, in addition to their points for moving into the tile. Multiple Armies within a Faction on the same tile automatically combine their Defense Points if attacked.Each Army will start at position A6 of their Faction's Territory. The tile location is determined by counting the tiles in each row clockwise around the Map, starting from the left of your Factions Territory. When moving your army, any units on the same tile, completing the same action use the same CP. Units on the same tile completing different actions will use additional CPs.Example 1: Your entire Army is on the same tile. You choose to move the entire army forward one tile, this costs 1CP.Example 2: Your entire Army is on the same tile. You choose to split your forces in two and move one force forward one tile, and leave the other in place, this costs 1CP.Example 3: Your entire Army is on the same tile. You choose to split your forces in two and move each force forward one tile, to separate tiles, this costs 2CP.Specialty TilesEach Faction has selection of specialty tiles that include additional perks for the Tile Commander.Starting Locations The Imperial Faction will have the Vatarus Hive Secundus as their starting location, the Xenos Faction will have the ruined Hive Tercius as their starting location, and the Chaos Faction will have the Warp Gate as their starting Location. Starting Locations CANNOT be captured by other Factions.Missile SiloThis tile allows the Tile Commander to launch a Barrage for 1CP, giving +10 Attack Points to a single Attack move made by themselves, or anyone within their Faction, at any Location on the Map. If you choose to support an allies attack, you must pay the 1CP for the Combined Attack rule. The Tile Commander may make only one of these actions per month.Once discovered, the Missile Silo may be used as a Additional Starting Location, additional starting locations CAN be captured by other Factions.The PDF Fortified InstallationThe Forward Base is a PDF installation, and gives the Tile Commander access to Emergency Reinforements for 1CP, deploying +5 Defense Points to a tile facing an enemy Factions Attack move, for themselves or Allies within their Faction territory. The Tile Commander may make only one of these actions per month.Once discovered, the PDF Fortified Installation may be used as a Additional Starting Location, additional starting locations CAN be captured by other Factions.The Astartes Forward BaseThis tile allows the Tile Commander to launch a Rapid Assault for 1CP, giving +5 Attack Points to a single Attack move made by themselves, or anyone within their Faction, at any Location within the Factions Territory. If you choose to support an allies attack, you must pay the 1CP for the Combined Attack rule. The Tile Commander may make only one of these actions per month.Once discovered, the Astartes Forward Base may be used as a Additional Starting Location, additional starting locations CAN be captured by other Factions.The StarportThis tile allows the Tile Commander to launch an Air Assault for 1CP, giving +5 Attack Points to a single Attack move made by themselves, or anyone within their Faction, at any Location on the Map. If you choose to support an allies attack, you must pay the 1CP for the Combined Attack rule. Alternatively, the Tile Commander may launch an Air Defense, giving +5 Defense Points against a single Attack move against themselves, or anyone within their Faction, at any Location on the Map. The Tile Commander may make only one of these actions per month.Once discovered, the Astartes Forward Base may be used as a Additional Starting Location, additional starting locations CAN be captured by other Factions. The Great Dividing Ranges The Great Dividing Ranges, separating the three Factions are Difficult Terrain, and cost 2CP to move in to. When moving into this tile, the vantage point from the mountain top awards the Tile Commander a free Survey action. The Tile Commander may choose three consecutive connected tiles to Survey, revealing any forces or installations they may contain. The Tile Commander may choose to make additional Survey actions while occupying the tile for 1CP. Enemy Faction Armies will only be updated if the vantage point is maintained. The Inviolate Rage and remains of Vatarus Hive PrimusThe Inviolate Rage is divided into three sections, and their control is the ultimate goal of the Factions for the campaign. Each Faction has a specific Primary goal, which will be revealed in the Faction specific PMs. Each sections have their own Special Rules to be revealed as they are discovered. Once discovered, the sections of the Inviolate Rage ARE NOT Additional Starting Locations.Hopefully I have adequately explained everything, but if you do have any questions please ask, and I'll happy to clarify ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you know what you're going to paint, then jump right in and click HERE to skip the Randomizer Tables, and make your pledge below.*IF* , however, you would like to use the tables, you'll need 2D6. You are not bound to your rolls, If you're not feeling it, re-roll Re-Roll any duplicates, either Faction OR Sub-faction (if you want to). Feel free to choose a Faction / Sub Faction and roll on their chart. I am more than happy to roll for anyone wishing to participate, please notify me if you'd like to be added to the Randomizer Tables list and I'll roll for everyone on the list in the last week of the month for the coming month. Roll a D6, click the link; Adeptus Astartes Forces of the Imperium Forces of Chaos Xenos Horus Heresy Loyalists Horus Heresy Traitors Once you have Randomized your pledge please vow in the provided format below... Edited January 16, 2022 by Grotsmasha Wakkomaster, Majkhel and Trokair 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Author Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Skip to a month... Adeptus Astartes Roll a D6; 1. Codex Astartes Hidden Content Roll 2D6 2 - Index Astartes 3 - Black Templars 4 - Imperial Fists 5 - Iron Hands 6 - Raven Guard 7 - Salamanders 8 - Ultramarine 9 - White Scars 10 - Successor Chapter 11 - Ultima Founding 12 - Badab War 2. Blood Angels Hidden Content Roll a D6 2 to 5 - Blood Angels 1 or 6 - Successor Chapter 3. Dark Angels Hidden Content Roll a D6 2 to 5 - Dark Angels 1 or 6 - Successor Chapter 4. Deathwatch 5. Grey Knights 6. Space Wolves Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge, I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end. Skip to a month... Edited December 26, 2019 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Author Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Skip to a month... Forces of the Imperium Roll a D6; 1. Adepta Sororitas 2. Adeptus Custodes 3. Adeptus Mechanicus 4. Astra Militarum 5. Agents of the Imperium 6. Imperial Knights Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge, I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end. Skip to a month... Edited December 26, 2019 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Author Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Skip to a month... Forces of Chaos Roll a D6; 1 or 2. Chaos Space Marines 3 or 4. Chaos Daemons 5 or 6. The Lost and the Damned Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge, I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end. Skip to a month... Edited December 26, 2019 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Author Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Skip to a month... Xenos Roll a D6; 1. Craftworld Eldar OR Harlequins 2. Drukhari OR Harlequins 3. Necrontyr 4. Orks 5. Tau OR Farsight Enclaves 6. Tyranids OR Genestealer Cults Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge, I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end. Skip to a month... Edited December 26, 2019 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Author Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Skip to a month... Horus Heresy Loyalist Forces Roll a 2D6; 2 - Dark Angels 3 - White Scars 4 - Space Wolves 5 - Imperial Fists 6 - Blood Angels 7 - Iron Hands 8 - Ultramarines 9 - Salamanders 10 - Raven Guard 11 - Solar Auxillia 12 - Mechanicum Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge, I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end. Skip to a month... Edited December 26, 2019 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Author Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Skip to a month... Horus Heresy Traitor Forces Roll a 2D6; 2 - Emperors Children 3 - Iron Warriors 4 - Night Lords 5 - World Eaters 6 - Death Guard 7 - Thousand Sons 8 - Sons of Horus 9 - Word Bearers 10 - Alpha Legion 11 - Solar Auxillia 12 - Mechanicum Now that you've Randomized your vow, it's time to make the pledge, I, { Insert your name } , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of { insert correct month } pledge to complete { insert the model/s to be completed } by month's end. Skip to a month... Edited December 26, 2019 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Author Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Back to top... Skip to a Month...  January | Summary February | Summary March | Summary April | Summary May | Summary June | Summary July |  Summary August | Summary September | Summary October | Summary November | Summary December | Summary Edited January 14, 2021 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Author Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Skip to a month... January The following award badges are up for grabs this month, There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year, and for those who don't complete their pledge this month, There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge . Participating Vowed, No pic Vowed, with pic Complete List of Participants Imperium Axineton - 1 Primaris Ancient Brother Argent - 3x Intercessors, Munitorum Containers and Supplies Brother Cambrius - 5 Intercessors Focslain - 1 Stormsurge, 3 Battlesuits, 4 Drones, 1 Iron Farther (Speed Daemon) Gederas - 10 Iron Warrior Intercessors, L&T Contemptor Mortis Grendal-Prime - TBD Gore Crow - 5 Sisters of Silence Grotsmasha - 5x Reivers, rebase 10x Marines, L&T Lorgar, TotH Lucius Warhound Titan ​Jolemai - 2x Sanguinary Priests, 1x Librarian Kolgrim DeathHowl - 9 Deathwatch Veterans, 2 Jokero Weaponsmiths mactire - 10 Grotz Majkhel - 4 Sanquinary Guard, 1 Inquisitor robofish7591 - Ultrmarines Chaplain Sabadin - 1 SMH Brother Garus SufficientAnonymity - 92 (if I can count?) bases Trokair - 2x Van Saar Gangers (Skitarii), 3 Imperial Preachers Wakkomaster - 1 Grey Knight Wolf Guard Einar - 4x Intercessors, 3x AT Knights Chaos Ace Debonair - 1 Plague Marine, 1 Tyranid Warrior (Speed Daemon) Aeternus - 2 Night Lords, 3 Night Lords, 8th Claw Arakos The Corruptor - 1 Aspiring Champion, 1 Obliterator Arkhanist - 4 Plague Marines, 1 Chosen Dr_Ruminahui - 3 Chaos Fiends, 3 Chaos Cultists gaurdian31 - Malignant Plaguecaster Givemead - 5x Chaos Cultists Llagos_Tyrant - 2 Obliterators, 1x Exalted Champion, 10x Cultists Mandoaloriano - 1 Death Guard Champion Spazmolytic - 2x Cultists Xenos Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - rebase Necron Warlord Dwango - 5x Eldar Storm Guardians Ferrus Manus - 5 Fire Warriors Rogue - 10 Brood Brothers The_Chaplain - Wazzboom Blastajet toaae - 20 Grotz and a Bonebreaka Zujara - 5 Reivers Plogging Along Pledges for 2020 Aeternus - Chaos Knight Rampager / Desecrator Brother Argent - Imperial Knight Dr Ruminahui - Wall of Martyrs, Heresy Land Raider Dwango - Eldar Nightwing Focslain - Imperial Knight Construction Bay Givemead - The Great Unclean One Grotsmasha - 30+ HH Dark Angels Jolemai - 1 Cerberus Llagos_Tyrant - 1 Defiler Majkhel - Storm Raven mandaloriano - Chaos Warhound Titan Sabadin - Ltd Ed Noise Marine Additinal CP Events The Titans of Heresy II - 15 Jan to 15 Apr Grotsmasha - 1 Lucius Warhound Titan, 1x Mars Warhound Titan Wolf Guard Einar - 1 Titan, 1 Knight Banner Loyalty and Treachery V - 15 Jan to 15 Apr Dwango - 1 Leviathan Dreadnought, 6 Contemptor Dreadnoughts Gederas - Perturabo, 1x Siege Breaker, 1x Contemptor-Mortis, and 3x Legion Vindicators Grotsmasha - 5x Cataphractii, 1 Spartan, Lorgar Aurelian Trokair - Magos Prime, 1x Castellax, 3x Thallax Back to Badab: A Community Kill Team Project Dr Ruminahui - Astral Claws Grotsmasha - Fire Hawks Participants on the Randomizer List Chaplain Dosjetka Edited February 4, 2020 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ordo Machinum Posted December 26, 2019 Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) +++ IMPERIAL DATE CODE: 5/985019.M? [approx. (GMT - 5:00 hours) 02:30:00 PM, December 26th Old Terra]+++ ARX TERMINUS LIBRARIUM+++ SELECTED: DENTRICA I OF MMXX+++ ENGAGE NEURAL CONGRESS – WIRELESS AUTOSHUNT ACQUIRED+++ UPLOADING/DECRYPTING TRANSMISSION... + The Reclaimation of the Inviolate Rage ++++ SEQUESTERED ORDO MACHINUM DOSSIERS+++ AUTHORISED PERSONS ONLY +++ CREATING CASE FILE 2612:GrSm:12MH2:BClg Please enter your authority code > • • • • • • • • • • • •Validating...Thank you, Archmagos-Inquisitor.You may proceed. Archmagos-Inquisitor Murlynd pondered the significance of the transmission. Ordinarily, the Ordo Machinum monitored the discovery and exploration of archeo- and xenos-tech by the Adeptus Mechanicus. However, the state of the Imperium was seldom if at all "ordinary" ...especially these days. "There may be something more to be revealed here", he thought. Besides the Inquisitor owed a service to the Unforgiven's Chapter Master for 'loaning' a few squads for his own use recently. As Murlynd reviewed the datafiles again, he began creating several encrypted messages of his own to assemble his forces. +++ VOW +++ I, Murlynd, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete (currently reviewing available models) by month's end.+++ PIC ALPHA +++(Pending model selection)Ciao! Edited December 26, 2019 by Murlynd Gederas and Grotsmasha 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Chaplain Posted December 26, 2019 Share Posted December 26, 2019 Question: do you have to vow for only one army, or can you work on various armies through the 12 months of hobby? I have an insane backlog of plastic that needs some paint and anything that helps me whittle it down would be a serious boon, haha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 26, 2019 Author Share Posted December 26, 2019 (edited) Question: do you have to vow for only one army, or can you work on various armies through the 12 months of hobby? I have an insane backlog of plastic that needs some paint and anything that helps me whittle it down would be a serious boon, haha. You may paint any model from any army supported here on the B&C, regardless of which Faction you pledge to for the Campaign +++ IMPERIAL DATE CODE: 5/985019.M? [approx. (GMT - 5:00 hours) 02:30:00 PM, December 26th Old Terra] +++ ARX TERMINUS LIBRARIUM +++ SELECTED: DENTRICA I OF MMXX +++ ENGAGE NEURAL CONGRESS – WIRELESS AUTOSHUNT ACQUIRED +++ UPLOADING/DECRYPTING TRANSMISSION... + The Reclaimation of the Inviolate Rage + +++ SEQUESTERED ORDO MACHINUM DOSSIERS +++ AUTHORISED PERSONS ONLY +++ CREATING CASE FILE 2612:GrSm:12MH2:BClg Please enter your authority code > • • • • • • • • • • • • Validating... Thank you, Archmagos-Inquisitor. You may proceed. Archmagos-Inquisitor Murlynd pondered the significance of the transmission. Ordinarily, the Ordo Machinum monitored the discovery and exploration of archeo- and xenos-tech by the Adeptus Mechanicus. However, the state of the Imperium was seldom if at all "ordinary" ...especially these days. "There may be something more to be revealed here", he thought. Besides the Inquisitor owed a service to the Unforgiven's Chapter Master for 'loaning' a few squads for his own use recently. As Murlynd reviewed the datafiles again, he began creating several encrypted messages of his own to assemble his forces. +++ VOW +++ I, Murlynd, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete (currently reviewing available models) by month's end. +++ PIC ALPHA +++ (Pending model selection) Ciao! Welcome aboard Murlynd Pledging for the Imperial Faction? Edited December 27, 2019 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 27, 2019 Author Share Posted December 27, 2019 I've just noticed there wasn't a way to pledge to a Faction, so I have updated the vow to include it :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 27, 2019 Author Share Posted December 27, 2019 I, Grotsmasha, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete 5x Primaris Rievers to the defence of the Imperial Faction by month's end. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted December 27, 2019 Share Posted December 27, 2019 (edited) +++ IMPERIAL DATE CODE: 5/985019.M? [approx. (UTC - 5:00 hours) 22:45:00 PM, December 26th Old Terra] +++ LIBRARIUM - ARX TYRANNUS - LIBER HALLS+++ ENGAGE NEURAL CONGRESS – WIRELESS AUTOSHUNT ACQUIRED +++ACCESSING DATA TETHER+++ ++_CLEARANCE REQUIRED: LEVEL ALPHA_ PLEASE ENTER AUTHORITY CODE++ > • • • • • • • • • • • • Validating... .... +++WARNING: AUTHORIZATION CODE LAST USAGE 007.M31, CODE CONSIDERED OUTDATED, RE-VERIFY AUTHORITY CODE+++ > • • • • • • • • • • • • Validating... .... +++GRANTED++++++Welcome, Warsmith Agenor +++LOCATION OF INTERCEPT: KHRONOS - STAR FORTRESS, ANTIOCH SYSTEM +++UPLOADING/DECRYPTING TRANSMISSION... + THE RECLAIMATION OF THE INVIOLATE RAGE + +++ The Reclaimation of the Inviolate Rage ++++ AUTHORISED PERSONS ONLY The whirring and whining of servos of ancient terminator armour marks the movement of the ancient Astartes commander. His heavy footfalls echo through the chamber. He looks at the dataslate given to him, a slow, grim smile forming on his features.  'So this is it then.'  The commander begins his slow walk to make way to his temporary flagship, his true vessel still undergoing major repairs after it's recovery, nearly lost to time. Once, this warrior walked amongst the stars with legends, his ancient Terminator armour showing battle honours long unseen to the Imperium. One in particular would stand out notably to any who are aware of the Legio Astartes honour markings: The head of a raptor, lightning bolts emanating from it. Stasis fields are good at keeping more than just the Honoured Ancients in slumber, the warrior thinks to himself, recalling both how he and the Reborn Primarch of the XIIIth both have survived the ages thanks to stasis technology. He recalls how his brothers hastily woke him, how he was still groggy and slow to react when he was brought forth to meet with Guilliman.  If only because of the Primarch's fleet entering the long-forgotten Antioch System to find a fortress of defence, the likes of which could only be exceeded by Terra herself, was why his Grand Battalion was allowed to continue existing, the Warsmith thinks to himself. That and the Primarch clearly remembered Agenor and his forces, and remembered how they fought side-by-side during the Crusade.  Upon entering the Grand Cruiser Euryale's command deck, Agenor begins a speech to his men.  'Brothers. The time has come. We are to return to the Imperium's fold. The Primarch of the Thirteenth, Roboute Guilliman has given us this chance to show that the sins of a father do NOT pass to his sons who have not sinned. We are to go to the Voltronus system and aid Imperial forces there. The fleet of the Three-Hundredth Grand Battalion makes their first proper sortie in nearly ten-thousand years. We are to show all the full force of a loyal Legion's shame, and it's rage. Our father betrayed the Emperor and His Imperium. We are all that has remained steadfast and loyal in the years since. We will be mistrusted, hated and possibly even fired upon by our allies. But this matters not. Our actions will prove we are true.'  He pauses, letting his words sink in.  'From Iron, cometh Strength, from Strength, cometh Will, from Will, cometh Faith, from Faith, cometh Honour, from Honour, cometh Iron. This is the Unbreakable Litany. And may it forever be so.'  Agenor is met with voices of approval, both those he recognizes and those he does not. He looks to his right, seeing his men, new and old standing side-by-side with these new marines from the Primarch's Mechanicum ally. These new 'Primaris' Astartes armour is unblemished and freshly rechristened in the colours of his forces. The new and old shall be thrown into battle, and be tested Agenor muses to himself.  Iron can be reforged! We will be tested and tempered but we will remain unbent we will remain unbroken.  +++ VOW +++ I, Gederas, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete (at least) 5 (or more) Primaris Intercessors of the Unbroken 300th to the defence of the Imperium by month's end. Edited December 28, 2019 by Gederas Llagos_Tyrant, Akylas, Grotsmasha and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted December 27, 2019 Share Posted December 27, 2019 Well now I have a conundrum. I want to pledge for the Imperium, as I am painting my Warhammer Conquest stuff. On the same bet there is no Xeno's yet and when the ETL rolls around this year I will be on team Xeno. Hmm.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 27, 2019 Author Share Posted December 27, 2019 (edited) @ Gederas: Loyalist Iron Warriors, me likey very much  Well now I have a conundrum. I want to pledge for the Imperium, as I am painting my Warhammer Conquest stuff. On the same bet there is no Xeno's yet and when the ETL rolls around this year I will be on team Xeno. Hmm....When the ETL rolls around, you are free to paint your Xenos, and pledge them to the Imperium. Alternatively, you could pledge to Xenos and paint your Imperial forces until the ETL. Either option is valid :tu: Edited December 27, 2019 by Grotsmasha Gederas 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted December 27, 2019 Share Posted December 27, 2019 @ Gederas: Loyalist Iron Warriors, me likey very much 'tis always been a dream of mine. Iron Warriors appeal to the treadhead in me, but I didn't want two Chaos Marine forces that were basically interchangeable (since I already have Night Lords). Then I saw someone's Iron Warriors Primaris Marines when I was looking up ideas for loyalist Space Marines and a lightbulb went off. Llagos_Tyrant, Wakkomaster and Grotsmasha 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted December 27, 2019 Share Posted December 27, 2019 Ooh, I have a question. I think I know the answer but will ask anyway: Fortifications and Bits, like the Armourium Containers, they count as models right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 27, 2019 Author Share Posted December 27, 2019 Ooh, I have a question. I think I know the answer but will ask anyway: Fortifications and Bits, like the Armourium Containers, they count as models right? Yep, sure do :tu: I'll be doing mine at some point this year too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Chaplain Posted December 27, 2019 Share Posted December 27, 2019 I, The_Chaplain, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete one Wazbomm Blastajet to the defence of the Xenos Faction by month's end. toaae and Grotsmasha 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axineton Posted December 27, 2019 Share Posted December 27, 2019 Would I be able to join this around April 2020? Because that’s around the time I’ll be getting back to building and painting stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted December 27, 2019 Author Share Posted December 27, 2019 Would I be able to join this around April 2020? Because that’s around the time I’ll be getting back to building and painting stuff.  Absolutely, you'll be able to join at anytime during the year :tu: Axineton 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axineton Posted December 27, 2019 Share Posted December 27, 2019 Nice one cheers Grot! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted December 27, 2019 Share Posted December 27, 2019 +++COMMUNICATION INTERCEPT!+++ Â +++SOURCE: ARX TYRANNUS - LIBER HALLS+++ Â +++COMMUNICATION DESTINATION: CAERON, AUTON, TERRA, MARS+++ Â +++ OVERRIDE CODE: RHO-GAMMA 22-1-405 CARMINE+++ Â +++ OVERRIDE CODE APPROVED. WELCOME INQUISITOR EDRYCK +++ Â +++ OPENING TRANSMISSION +++ Â Â "I, Brother Cambrius answer the call for the glory of my lineage, the Imperial Fists, through their descendants, the Sons of Doom and the Vanquishers. Â I pledge to complete 5 Primaris Intercessors, in the colours of the Vanquishers before the month of 01.020.M3 is passed. Â May Dorn and the Emperor guide my hands." Â +++++ Â Well this will be a first for me to undertake the 12 months challenge! As I dip my toes properly into the hobby again, here's hoping I do well. :D Â Pics to come this evening after work. Â Cambrius Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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