Axineton Posted February 17, 2020 Share Posted February 17, 2020 Gonna try and get this aberrant done by the end of the month to add to my 2 genestealers I’ve already done Grotsmasha 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted February 17, 2020 Share Posted February 17, 2020 (edited) Daimyo Daron Lenoch stood in his personal chambers aboard the Shogun’s Might, battle barque and flagship of the Dawn Blades’ fleet. The ship was currently in orbit around Ocrod Tertius, a sector capital planet and currently playing host to approximately four hundred Space Marines. 2nd company was currently assigned to hearthguard duty aboard the battle barque, and the contingent of first company veterans that was always stationed aboard the flagship, but the vagaries or the warp meant that two other strike cruisers, Negotiation by Firepower and the Thrice-Forged Blade, belonging to the fourth and eighth companies respectively, were currently in spacedock undergoing refit, and deposited their forces onto the planet below. Lenoch was, at this present moment, practicing his blade katas, moving rapidly through each one he had learned at each phase of his training. He was halfway through an advanced technique taught to him in his time in the Samurai company when a sharp rap came at his door. Lenoch froze mid-swing and spoke in a rumbling tone. “Hold.” Few would dare disturb him when he was practicing. Five such people were currently in-system, three of them were planetside, and one of the other two had more important things concerning him. That left only his equerry, Lenoch Auctoris, who sure as day would be standing at his door, foot tapping incessantly, waiting for his lord to open the damn door and listen to what he had to say for once—or so Lenoch heard him, muttering semi-impatiently on the other side of the portal. Lenoch sheathed his sword carefully, then set it in the place of honor over the small hearth in his training room. He walked over to the door and wrenched it open, it’s heavy weight resisting even his genehanced strength. “Auctoris,” he rumbled in greeting. “My lord,” Auctoris bowed, low and deep, his long, greying braid reaching the floor as he did so. Why he did not cut the thing, Lenoch never understood, but chose to allow it to remain, rather then demand its removal. “What development have you decided to be planetshaking enough to interrupt my meditations?” Lenoch asked, and while his voice was not gentle in timbre, it was not unkind in tone. “I have a message from your ally, in the Naculan, Daimyo. One he deemed of sufficient import to inform you of immediately.” Lenoch’s brow furrowed in puzzlement. “Intriguing news. Come inside, then. Quickly now.” He stepped aside to allow the aging serf to shuffle in, grumbling about his knee the whole way. The Astartes hauled the door closed with a mighty screech of metal on metal, then firmly locked it with a deadbolt three inches thick. Once inside, the serf told the Daimyo of the crashed starship, and the efforts that were being made to reclaim it. Greatly intrigued, Lenoch swept out of his quarters towards the Shogun’s audience chamber, Auctoris slung over his shoulder like a sack of synthgrain. Once alone with Shogun Kujo Kamakura, as befitted the second-most senior captain in the chapter, Lenoch had Auctoris repeat his message, while the Shogun sat, fingers steepled, listening intently. Once Auctoris was finished, the Shogun ruminated for several minutes, then spoke in a gravelly tone that spoke of centuries of experience and battlefield wounds. “This opportunity is a valuable one, if not more then a little dangerous. I think that we must dispatch some observers, in order to ensure that everything goes as the Phaeron proposes.” “I would agree, my lord,” Lenoch concurred. “Might I suggest Samurai Daener from the first company, and his grand-nephew Oraax. Both were present when the treaty was signed, and have sufficient discretion for such a task, unless and until we are able to assemble a larger task force.” Kamakura nodded. “Make it so. They are to depart as soon as is practicable.” Lenoch bowed in response. “As you will, my lord.” He motioned for his equerry to follow him, and he turned and marched from the chamber. There were missives to be drafted, equipment to be drawn, and briefings to be held. The chapter would have what resided in the depths of the starship. Too much was at stake for them not to. I am also vowing these two marines for the month of February. One terminator, and one tactical marine with flamer. Both are space Marine heroes. Edited February 18, 2020 by Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Majkhel, Aeternus and Grotsmasha 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kolgrim DeathHowl Posted February 18, 2020 Share Posted February 18, 2020 (edited) Great job, they look good!! Edit: Since I didn't want to post twice in a row just update this one. Got motivated to start painting again and nearly finished 1 Aggressor the other 2 have some gold and their base coat for the armor color done plus some gun metal it's pretty light so I decided to use Nuln oil on it. He's not done 100% yet but I figure I'll do the touch ups on him after the others do them all at the same time. This is what I got so far, did a little research looking at what pack markings I should use for the right shoulder pad. I read on reddit Aggressors are heavy hitters almost considered Long Fangs so they use the same markings. That's all the info I could find out around the time I was on that part, hopefully it was right. I consider myself a "better" painter than I was when I was a teenager painting back in the early 2000's so I actually try to go out of my to paint the pack markings if its possible. Edited February 18, 2020 by Kolgrim DeathHowl Jolemai, Grotsmasha, Focslain and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted February 18, 2020 Share Posted February 18, 2020 So I had a productive week. Vow is finished. Tempestus Prime, 6x Scions, LRBT Fireblades x2 Riptide (with magged main gun) Going to take a break and get one of my anime models done. Grotsmasha, Dwango, Aeternus and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted February 18, 2020 Share Posted February 18, 2020 Today I finished the second Primaris Lieutenant I put together earlier this month. Rough photo on my IG, fancy photos to come later this week for proper vow completion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted February 19, 2020 Share Posted February 19, 2020 I am procrastinating and focused more on RL stuff. But I have a game today so perhaps this will invigorate me to painting again :) Kolgrim DeathHowl 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted February 20, 2020 Share Posted February 20, 2020 (edited) Almost there. This has been a lot of fun to paint. Edited February 23, 2020 by toaae Grotsmasha and Dwango 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwango Posted February 20, 2020 Share Posted February 20, 2020 Looking good there toaae. I really like that sculpt. Little update from me. I am nearly halfway through my L&V vow. Three units of contemptors done. Three more and a leviathanto go. The idea of these are that they are Terran Veterans who originally fought with the Emperor. I still have to put a transfer on the red shield but I am going to wait until the next red book comes out as this is going to display what wing they each are part of. Brother Varrius Brother Leuctra Brother Caiyne Zujara, Grotsmasha, Wakkomaster and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted February 20, 2020 Author Share Posted February 20, 2020 (edited) As my third Warhound is almost complete, I'm going to switch gears, I'm vowing a Knightly Task 1 - Baron 1 Knight Banner, I've found some "Lucius" pattern Knight files, and will doing those, Edited February 20, 2020 by Grotsmasha Majkhel and Dwango 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted February 21, 2020 Author Share Posted February 21, 2020 Declaring Titanic Task 2: Princepts Senioris complete with my 3rd Warhound finished, Hidden Content In addition to this, I've also completed the first of my Knights. Hidden Content Wakkomaster, Aeternus, Kolgrim DeathHowl and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted February 21, 2020 Share Posted February 21, 2020 Today I finished the second Primaris Lieutenant I put together earlier this month. Rough photo on my IG, fancy photos to come later this week for proper vow completion. As promised, pretty completion photos. Grotsmasha, Dr_Ruminahui, Aeternus and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gore Crow Posted February 21, 2020 Share Posted February 21, 2020 (edited) Pledging shield-captain Paandion over February for the Imperium. Little WIP and adding a vexillus praetor, a warden and three sagittarum to my February vow. Edited February 21, 2020 by Gore Crow Aeternus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted February 21, 2020 Share Posted February 21, 2020 Some great looking completions and WIPs in here! I should hopefully have the Demon Prince done today or tomorrow so expect pics soon! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axineton Posted February 22, 2020 Share Posted February 22, 2020 And finito! Jolemai, Dwango, Majkhel and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted February 22, 2020 Share Posted February 22, 2020 Surprisingly... human:) Axineton 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axineton Posted February 22, 2020 Share Posted February 22, 2020 Surprisingly... human The next ones I do will be a bit more genestealery Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 22, 2020 Share Posted February 22, 2020 I, Wolf Guard Einar , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 3 Knights of House Terryn to the defence of the Imperial Faction by month's end. Next 3 Knights for my House Terryn... These 3 will be Barons that will go in the others for the ability for Household formations or just support. Task complete :). House Terryn is getting bigger.... Will be boosting these to full banners and a big core of my Terryn Household. I still have the High King and his main Barons to do but i like how I am going. I will be doing the bases and transfers soon. Probably after my 4 Cerastus which are up next then 2 Polys I, Wolf Guard Einar , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 2 Cerastus Knights of House Terryn to the defence of the Imperial Faction by month's end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mandaloriano Posted February 22, 2020 Share Posted February 22, 2020 This is the last update before the end of the February vow in a couple of days. I just have to finish the sergeant of the grave warden and finish the bases of the 5 terminators. The sergeant is the first time I magnetized something and I am quite happy with the result. Magnetized Sgt. Trokair, Grotsmasha, Dwango and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted February 23, 2020 Share Posted February 23, 2020 Chief Librarian Mephiston, the Lord of Death, fresh from his procedure to cross the Rubicon Primaris, is completed for the month of Febrauary!, Trokair, Dwango and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Givemead Posted February 23, 2020 Share Posted February 23, 2020 Painting on these 3 cultists is complete. I'll base them over the next couple of days. Llagos_Tyrant, robofish7591, Jolemai and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted February 23, 2020 Author Share Posted February 23, 2020 Chief Librarian Mephiston, the Lord of Death, fresh from his procedure to cross the Rubicon Primaris, is completed for the month of Febrauary! Today I finished the second Primaris Lieutenant I put together earlier this month. Rough photo on my IG, fancy photos to come later this week for proper vow completion. As promised, pretty completion photos. I, Wolf Guard Einar , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 3 Knights of House Terryn to the defence of the Imperial Faction by month's end. Next 3 Knights for my House Terryn... These 3 will be Barons that will go in the others for the ability for Household formations or just support. Task complete :). House Terryn is getting bigger.... Will be boosting these to full banners and a big core of my Terryn Household. I still have the High King and his main Barons to do but i like how I am going. I will be doing the bases and transfers soon. Probably after my 4 Cerastus which are up next then 2 Polys I, Wolf Guard Einar , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 2 Cerastus Knights of House Terryn to the defence of the Imperial Faction by month's end. Well done lads, they all look fantastic :tu: Llagos_Tyrant 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwango Posted February 23, 2020 Share Posted February 23, 2020 One more down. 3 to go. Cheers Sarabando, that's high praise indeed. Your weathering skills are top notch! Got another completion in. This is a kit bashed chaplain contemptor. For the purposes of this it's just a normal dread. It was an Ebay rescue so I had a lot of filling to do after someone had gone heavy with the battle damage. You'll see that theres still some showing. As it was pretty plain I thought I'd a bit more detail. Brother-chaplain Salirus, Llagos_Tyrant, Rogue and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted February 24, 2020 Share Posted February 24, 2020 Finished my second vow: For more information on these scurvy dogs, check out my post on the Back-to-Badab thread. Focslain, Grotsmasha, Jolemai and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted February 24, 2020 Share Posted February 24, 2020 (edited) Love your dreads Dwango! Great placing of bits and decals.And yay, chequers! Where does the skulls-filled mini-shrines come from? Some Primaris sprue? Edited February 24, 2020 by Majkhel Dwango 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gaurdian31 Posted February 24, 2020 Share Posted February 24, 2020 (edited) Here's my Demon Prince complete: Noticed the image is sideways. Re-uploaded and it is no longer sideways. Edited February 24, 2020 by gaurdian31 Dr_Ruminahui, Jolemai, Grotsmasha and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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