Posted May 24, 2020 Share Posted May 24, 2020 I'm making really good progress with my Canoness - fingers crossed I'll be able to show her off tomorrow. Grotsmasha 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted May 25, 2020 Share Posted May 25, 2020 And the cataphractii are done: And with that, my May vow is done. Time to figure out what to do for June.... :lol: Wakkomaster, Dwango, Interrogator Stobz and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 25, 2020 Share Posted May 25, 2020 (edited) ++--++ Datafile Located: ++--++ ++-- Authorising Access --++ --++ Accessing File OIT-3C-S2-4 ++-- ++-- A quietly-spoken former worker in an inner-city district on Koruke, Sister Oriko is proud to fight as part of the Order of the Iron Tower. She is solemn, dignified and respectful, yet beneath her civil demeanour lies the steel-hard core of a warrior born. Oriko was amongst those who thwarted a cult uprising in the noble houses of Torogawa Spire, resulting in the salvation of a million souls by destroying one hundred bodies. Oriko has an interest in language, studying the myriad of tongues to be found around the Glastheim Rifts. In her spare time she translates prayers and gospels into the languages of worlds along the Glastheim Pilgrimage, saying she finds the hobby to be soothing. ++-- ++--++ Datafile Located: ++--++ ++-- Authorising Access --++ --++ Accessing File OIT-3C-S2-5 ++-- ++-- Originally coming from an orphanage amongst the Pilgrim Fleets, Sister Uthenya found the family she always craved in the Order of the Iron Tower. Unshakable in her convictions, she fights with the fervour of a true and passionate believer. When wounded by a heretic's poisoned knife, Uthenya used a knife of her own to cut the injured flesh away, and through the strength of her faith alone, survived the poison and the blood loss through sheer willpower. Indeed, it was scant few days before she rejoined her sisters in training and preparing for the next conflict. Though young still, even for a Sister of the Iron Tower, many in the Order believe Uthenya may be marked for great things to come. --++ ++--++ Datafile Located: ++--++ ++-- Authorising Access --++ --++ Accessing File OIT-3C-S2-2 ++-- ++-- Sagitar's World is partly owned by the Adeptus Mechanicus, with them having been granted full and sovereign rights to the mineral wealth of the planet under the surface. There are mining camps which intermingle servants of the Omnissiah and regular Imperial Citizens. One such place, a large fortified city called Astrandell, is ruled by the family of the same name, who claim descent from a family of Imperial Guard who fought alongside The Emperor in the Horus Heresy. The current Governor, Barjulf IV, has four daughters, two of whom serve in The Order of the Iron Tower. The eldest, Estrel, is known for her quick temper, and her skill at the repair and maintenance of bolter and flamer weapons. Never afraid to stand her ground and fight, Estrel's vaunted Heavy Flamer, Blessed Supplication, has been the final sight of many a heretic. --++ ++--++ Datafile Located: ++--++ ++-- Authorising Access --++ --++ Accessing File OIT-3C-S2-3 ++-- ++-- Like her older sister Estrel, Bethana of Astrandell serves in the Order of the Iron Tower. Armed with a centuries-old flamer named The Saint's Breath, Bethana is perhaps the nimblest of her squad. Years of urban combat have taught her the value of quickness and agility, and her personal motto is "You fight with your arms, but win with your feet". Less hot-tempered than her sister Estrel, Bethana is light-hearted and pleasant in spite of the horrors the Order of the Iron Tower faces down on a constant basis. While not as skilled in the mechanical arts as her sister, Bethana has a keen eye for armour malfunctions and a knack for calming erratic or enraged machine spirits. --++ ++--++ Datafile Located: ++--++ ++-- Authorising Access --++ --++ Accessing File OIT-3C-S2-1 ++-- ++-- Sister Ramara originally ran away from her home on Narrigoth, where her parents treated her cruelly, with beatings and starvation being commonplace in her life. Fleeing to a tiny chapel, the young Ramara was taken in by a cleric who could see past the scared young girl to the hardened warrior within, who put her in touch with the Order of the Iron Tower's recruiters. Though she struggled at first with studies, having never been taught to write or read, Ramara proved to be extremely capable as a fighter, tough and unrelenting. Having spent her early life in total fear, Ramara found courage almost intoxicating, and the sense of being strong enough to overcome fear changed Ramara from a quiet, scared girl into a fearless young woman. No challenge - no matter how daunting - seemed to cause her even a moment's hesitation. Ramara quickly became known for her ability to exhort others into showing the same indomitable courage that welled inside her when faced with an enemy, an ability that made her an easy choice to lead her squad when her previous Superior, Marel, was martyred in a battle against Heretic Astartes. --++ ++--++ Datafile Located: ++--++ ++-- Authorising Access --++ --++ Accessing File OIT-3C-S3-1-0 ++-- --++ File Concludes ++-- ++-- Praise The Emperor --++ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- That's my vow complete! I've been painting a tiny bit at a time as I went, but since I finally had a day off today I had a go at finishing the sisters off. Finally, they're complete! Here's the five I finished today: So that's 9/9 Sisters done for my vow, plus the one from last month. Next up will be my Canoness - but since I'm almost completely out of plastic glue (and don't get another day off this week) I'll have to wait a little longer to get some paint on her. Edited May 26, 2020 by Ace Debonair Bjorn Firewalker, Arakos The Corruptor, Aeternus and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mactire Posted May 25, 2020 Share Posted May 25, 2020 May vow complete. Iron Wolves, Wolf Guard in TDA. Interrogator Stobz, gaurdian31, Grotsmasha and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted May 25, 2020 Share Posted May 25, 2020 And we are done. Later I'm going to get the rest of the squads done (both thunderwolves and gargolyes), but til then... Majkhel, Jolemai, Aeternus and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwango Posted May 25, 2020 Share Posted May 25, 2020 My second player is complete As is my troupe master for the lockdown challenge I'm declaring my vow complete. Diamonds are hard! As I feel I'm on a roll I, Dwango , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of May pledge to complete 3 additional harlequin player (Masque of the soaring spite) to the defence of the Xenos Faction by month's end. Trokair, Givemead, Jolemai and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 Those diamonds are amazing. And that's some nice highlighting on the faces too, especially the second one. Dwango 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwango Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 Cheers rogue! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 Diamonds are a girls' (and her colleagues too) best friends ;)Looking good Dwango! Sisters are also really nice Ace :)Although I almost choked laughing on the Sister Oriko's description :D Like her mother and grandmother before her? Some interesting cloister rules out there :P Dwango 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wakkomaster Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 Well, I was hoping to add some older models to this month's challenge, so last week I thought to re-base my oldest tactical squads with new 32mm bases. I recalled having bought a bunch several months ago, but couldn't find them, and finally decided to order a truckload (100!) at GW online shop.I can see you're already nodding. You know where this is going, yes you know! For those of you who don't know, last night I found the thrice warp-cursed bases behind a pile of paint-pots. And naturally this morning I got mail from GW with my truckload of new plain 32mm bases. Trying to see the positive side of things - LATE PLEDGE INCOOMIIING! Grotsmasha 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 I might have gotten a little carried a way and started on my other Canoness too... Grotsmasha 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 (edited) Diamonds are a girls' (and her colleagues too) best friends Looking good Dwango! Sisters are also really nice Ace Although I almost choked laughing on the Sister Oriko's description Like her mother and grandmother before her? Some interesting cloister rules out there Ooops, took that idea from something my brother suggested. Completely forgot the whole 'nun' side of 'warrior nuns'. Let me just go tweak that a little. EDIT: Done! As much as the Order of the Iron Tower loves their pragmatism, there's got to be some limits, so Oriko's mother and Grandmother are now spared a lifetime of battle, injury and sacrifice for Him on Terra. Lucky them! Edited May 26, 2020 by Ace Debonair Majkhel 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 I finished the bases for the Cataphractii, so here's a group shot of all the finished models from my vow this month! Quite a group :lol: And a close-up on the Cataphractii squad themselves: Diamonds are a girls' (and her colleagues too) best friends Looking good Dwango! Sisters are also really nice Ace Although I almost choked laughing on the Sister Oriko's description Like her mother and grandmother before her? Some interesting cloister rules out there Ooops, took that idea from something my brother suggested. Completely forgot the whole 'nun' side of 'warrior nuns'.Let me just go tweak that a little.EDIT:Done!As much as the Order of the Iron Tower loves their pragmatism, there's got to be some limits, so Oriko's mother and Grandmother are now spared a lifetime of battle, injury and sacrifice for Him on Terra. Lucky them! Well, the Sisters of Battle aren't Catholic nuns. They don't take a vow of celibacy. Hell, in the Ciaphas Cain novels, the Sister Superior at the Schola Progenium that Cain retires to drinks, plays poker and is getting busy with the dean (iirc her lover is the dean. I know he's a higher-ranking person there) which Cain (and by extension Inquisitor Vail) notes is interesting, but not completely out of the ordinary. Wakkomaster, Grotsmasha, gaurdian31 and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 Since I have another day off this month I'm going to get these done hopefully by the end of the week. I vow 9 gargoyle for the Imperium Grotsmasha and gaurdian31 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPS Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 Those are some neat diamonds, Dwango - well done flexing those freehand muscles! I talked some friends into doing Path to Glory nonsense armies! With another holiday ahead on Monday, might as well get painting on my random, surprisingly elitist, force! I, TPS, vow to paint 3 Aggressors and 5 Terminators, for the defense of the Xenos, by month's end. Saving Invictor and Ancient for June. Dwango, Arakos The Corruptor, gaurdian31 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arakos The Corruptor Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 Helm Mechanicum online. The Herald of Woe comes. (Vow Complete) gaurdian31, Rogue, Dwango and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Chaplain Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 Completed my lockdown painting challenge vow: Grotsmasha, Jolemai, gaurdian31 and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 @Arakos - Are those weapons from Legio? If not where you get them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wakkomaster Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 I, Wakkomaster, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of May pledge to complete for the Imperium a 10-man Tactical Squad by month's end. Grotsmasha and gaurdian31 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arakos The Corruptor Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 @Arakos - Are those weapons from Legio? If not where you get them? The gun is just straight from the doom scythe, while the (actual) scythe is made from a predator autocannon barrel for the haft and one of the claws from the hive tyrant for the blade (with a little greenstuff work to fill any gaps) Focslain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mactire Posted May 26, 2020 Share Posted May 26, 2020 Just a quick question guys, would it be OK to pledge to complete about 60 Great Company shoulder pads for June. I've picked up some Morkai Symbols from PGTM and want to add them to my other Great Company and as it may get a bit tedious, I figured if could pledge the job, I'm more likely to push through. If it needs to be fresh models thats okay, I'll come up with something. Just want to see what peoples views would be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted May 27, 2020 Author Share Posted May 27, 2020 Just a quick question guys, would it be OK to pledge to complete about 60 Great Company shoulder pads for June. I've picked up some Morkai Symbols from PGTM and want to add them to my other Great Company and as it may get a bit tedious, I figured if could pledge the job, I'm more likely to push through. If it needs to be fresh models thats okay, I'll come up with something. Just want to see what peoples views would be. If I'm allowing bases, I'm going to allow re-shouldering, pledge away :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted May 27, 2020 Share Posted May 27, 2020 I got a little carried away, and rather than just completing one model for my second vow this month, did two. Canoness Elizabeth de Lacey (left) and Palatine Frances Radclyffe (right) Dwango, gaurdian31, Brother Argent and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spazmolytic Posted May 27, 2020 Share Posted May 27, 2020 Vow complete, trying my hand at better pictures.......I may get it some day! Givemead, Dwango, Dr_Ruminahui and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted May 28, 2020 Share Posted May 28, 2020 SufficientAnonymity, nice work on the sisters. Where is the brazier from?I finished my May vow with a few days to spare. 7 XV15 Stealth Suits, one to round out the 5 I did for Kill Team some years ago and the other 6 can form a second squad. As I am committed to build and paint a Cannoness for the lockdown painting challenge and to build and paint a number of units of sisters for the Iron Gauntlet my June vow will be sisters of some sort. I, Trokair , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of June pledge to complete a number of Sister of Battle by month's end. Basic Starting point. For record keeping, should Grotsmasha need it, my other event commitments for which I believe CP can be earned in this event:Lockdown Painting Challenge: Gauntlet: Grotsmasha and gaurdian31 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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