Rogue Posted June 28, 2020 Share Posted June 28, 2020 My second June vow is complete. Here's my tech-priest: Dwango, Lord Marshal, Focslain and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Etheneus Posted June 28, 2020 Share Posted June 28, 2020 Vow complete. Ten guardswomen that I'll spread out into my now 4 squads. Here all 10 are painted but only 4 got new bases because I wanted the other to fit right in with the other squads so removed some males from their bases and put the women on those. To not cheat on the vow I immediately made 6 new bases to the males that had to leave room for the women. So in total 10 women and 10 bases. Lord Marshal, gaurdian31, Dwango and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mactire Posted June 28, 2020 Share Posted June 28, 2020 Calling my June vow complete, 60 Wolves reshouldered Gore Crow, Rogue, Focslain and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPS Posted June 30, 2020 Share Posted June 30, 2020 Warhounds done! Those AT minis are just heaps of fun to paint. Gore Crow, Trokair, Dwango and 15 others 18 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted June 30, 2020 Share Posted June 30, 2020 (edited) TPS, those Warhounds look Great! Found a fair amount of painting time so five sisters done for my June vow. The Canoness and Iamgfier are about a third of the way done so I will continue to work on them for next month’s vow together with as many sisters as I can manage. I, Trokair, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of July pledge to complete some more Sister of Battle (including the Canoness and Imagfier) by month's end. Edited June 30, 2020 by Trokair Dwango, Aeternus, Rogue and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 30, 2020 Share Posted June 30, 2020 "The Iron Creed teaches that perseverance, courage and faith are the greatest virtues." - Canoness AlychaVow complete! Throne, this month's been a tough one. I haven't had the time or energy to pick up a brush. I know Alycha's face isn't shaded yet - I've run out of Agrax Earthshade, and using Darkoath Flesh in it's place just went badly this time, but I think I can otherwise call her completed. Only just in time, too! Rogue, Grotsmasha, Jolemai and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Givemead Posted June 30, 2020 Share Posted June 30, 2020 Vow complete. Seems I managed to take a photo that doesn't show any of the text I put on their legs. Aeternus, Llagos_Tyrant, Bjorn Firewalker and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aeternus Posted June 30, 2020 Share Posted June 30, 2020 @Rogue: Solid work on the techpriest, rarely see mechanicus not with red robes but the blue/grey you've done is really nice, goes well. @Etheneus: New squad's looking good all camo-d up, I'm impressed at the patience and work on all the helmets/heads but it's come out nicely! @Mactire: Intimidating rout of fenryka there, cool to see them all done @TPS: Man, the panelling and checkers on those warhounds are hella cool, I've been putting off some Atarus titans but you're pushing me over the edge :P @Trokair: Sisters came out nicely, have you got your own order you're going for or is it one of the main ones? @Ace: Alycha striking a powerful pose, solid work painting her, and even one model on a month you don't feel like it is impressive. Looking forward to a whole order showcase come the end of the challenge Vow complete. Seems I managed to take a photo that doesn't show any of the text I put on their legs. They look awesome man! The WB scheme really suits cataphractii and your red has come out gorgeously, especially next to the metalwork. Intimidating as all hell. Etheneus, Trokair and Givemead 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted July 1, 2020 Author Share Posted July 1, 2020 (edited) JUNE SUMMARY June saw 30 Participants continuing the Challenge for another month. The 30 participants vowed a massive 292 models, of the 30 Frater, we had 25 complete their tasks, and complete 244 models (as a side note, that's EXACTLY the same number of models pledged in April, with just 4 more Completions...) Once more we've managed to maintain 200+ models for another month, making it 6 for 6, a continued outstanding effort from everyone :tu: Now the important bit, badges, Etheneus roguechaplain Knight-Master SkywrathSpazmolytic TPS Ace Debonair Arakos The Corruptor Brother Argent Dr_Ruminahui Dwango Focslain Gederas gaurdian31 GivemeadGore CrowGrotsmasha Jolemai Llagos_Tyrant mactireMajkhel RogueSufficientAnonymity The_Chaplain Trokair Wakkomaster Zujara Axineton Crovan Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch toaae Aeternus Etheneus Gederas guardian31 Knight-Master Skywrath roguechaplain Dr_Ruminahui Focslain Gore Crow Jolemai Spazmolytic SufficientAnonymity TPS Trokair Wakkomaster Zujara Dwango Givemead Llygos_Tyrant Majkhel Rogue The_Chaplain Dwango - 1 Harlequin - 12hrs, 32mins Gederas - 1 Intercessor - 5hrs, 28mins Knight-Master Skywrath - 1 Techmarine - 7hrs, 38mins The_Chaplain - Ork Nob - 2hrs, 51mins Ace Debonair Skywrath TPS Dwango Grotsmasha Llygos_Tyrant Trokair Zujara Brother Argent Givemead Jolemai Etheneus roguechaplain Spazmolytic Dr_Ruminahui guardian31 Jolemai Knight-Master Skywrath mactire The_Chaplain TPS Wakkomaster Brother Argent Dwango Focslain Gederas Givemead Grotsmasha Rogue SufficientAnonymity Trokair Zujara Grotsmasha Llygos_Tyrant The_Chaplain In a battle of tiny Titans this month, TPS' and Spazmolytic's AT Titans duked it out for this months Favourite, in the end it was the amazing orange of Spazmolytic's Warhound that won me over. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Campaign Summary With mactire's Completion of 60 new Shoulder pads, the Imperium is back on top with the most models completed for June with a total of 146 models. With both The_Chaplain and TPS' putting out large numbers of models, the Xenos completed 78 models for the month, with Chaos following up with 20 models in June. Having completed the first Six months of the Challenge, this month sees the first of the Silver Badges, and with them a CP increase, making consistency even more rewarding. The Imperium has hit triple digits this month earning 104CP. Earning a little less than last month, The Chaos Faction 53CP in June, with the Xenos Forces earning 67CP for the month. Edited July 10, 2020 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted July 1, 2020 Author Share Posted July 1, 2020 (edited) Skip to a month... JulyThe following award badges are up for grabs this month, There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge .ParticipatingVowed, No picVowed, with picCompleteList of ParticipantsImperiumAxineton - 1 Chaos KnightBrother Argent - 5 CSM, 2 Obliterators, 1 Nob, 2 BoyzBrother Cambrius - Crovan - Etheneus - 1 Lieutenant, 5 Command Squad, 5 Snipers Focslain - 6 Moriaxi Gederas - Master Lazarus, Primaris Ancient, Dante (Speed Demon), Corbulo, AstorathGore Crow - 1 Night Lords PraetorGrotsmasha - 1 Praetor, 5 HW Legionaires, 1 Lucius CerastusJolemai - 2x Icarus lascannons, 2x Comms Array, 2x floor panelsKnight-Master Skywrath - 1 Techmarine, 6 Aggressors, Ravenwing Apothecary, Deathwing Ancient, Lexicanum Varus, Triumvirate of the YnnariKolgrim DeathHowl -mactire - Grukk - who da hell is Ghaz- the Face Rippa, 1 Female InquisitorMajkhel - 1 Suppressor (Stubborn), 6 Intercessors, 3 Assault Intercessors, 2 Assault IntercessorsOshkai - robofish7591 -Sabadin - SufficientAnonymity - 3 Eliminators, 2 Munitorum Priests, 1 RhinoTrokair - 1 Cannoness, 1 Imigifier, 5 SororitasWakkomaster -1 Deathwatch Terminator Captain, 1 Deathwatch Terminator Librarian (Speed Demon)Wolf Guard Einar -ChaosAce Debonair -Aeternus -Arakos The Corruptor - 1 Plague Champion (Speed Demon)Arkhanist - 2 Plague MarinesDr_Ruminahui - 5 Terrain Tiles (Stubborn, Plodding Along), 1 Helbrute gaurdian31 - 1 Foul BlightspawnGivemead - 1 Dark Apostle (Stubborn), 6 Raptors, Base 9 Bloodletters LameBeard - 1+ WE LegionairesLlagos_Tyrant - 4 Terminators (Stubborn), 6 CSM (Stubborn), 2 CSMMandoaloriano - Spazmolytic - 1 AT Reaver TitanXenosDaimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - Dwango - 1 Shadowseer (Stubborn, Speed Demon), 7 Harlequins, 5 GuardiansFerrus Manus -longjohnsilver - Rogue - 6 Acolytes roguechaplain - The_Chaplain - 60 Boyz, 5 Stormboyz, 6 Nobz, 5 Skrak's Skull-Nobz, Banner Nob (Plodding Along)toaae - Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka (Stubborn)TPS - 19 Tactical Marines, 3 Custodian Guard (Speed Demon), Reaver Titan (Plodding Along), Base 9 CustodesZujara - Plogging Along Pledges for 2020Aeternus - Chaos Knight Rampager / DesecratorArakos the Corruptor - 1 Warhound TitanBrother Argent - Imperial KnightDaimyo_Phaeron Lenoch - 1 Ghost ArkDr Ruminahui - Wall of Martyrs (MAY), Heresy Land Raider Dr Ruminahui - 5 1'x1' Tiles (JUL)Dwango - Eldar Nightwing (MAY) Dwango - 3 Starweavers, 1 Void weaver, 12 SkyweaversFocslain - Imperial Knight Construction BayGivemead - The Great Unclean OneGrotsmasha - 30+ HH Dark Angels (6x JUL) HorrOwl - Van Saar Astra Militarum Army, Necron ArmyJolemai - 1 CerberusLlagos_Tyrant - 1 DefilerMajkhel - Storm Ravenmandaloriano - Chaos Warhound Titan Rogue - 1 Drop PodSabadin - Ltd Ed Noise MarineSpazmolytic - Effrit Stealth Squad CommanderThe_Chaplain - 1 Gorkanaut, 1 Ork Half Trakk, 1 Ork Big Trakk, 1 Ork Chinork Warkopta, 1 Ork Trukk, and 1 Ork Trukk with enclosed cab (APR)The_Chaplain - 1 Warboss in Mega Armour, 1 Mek, 1 Painboy, 1 Weirdboy, 1 Ork Battlewagon, 1 Grot mega tank, 4 Grot tanks, 6 Deffkoptas (APR) The_Chaplain - 17 Lootas (16 guns and 1 spanner ork), and 15 Warbikers (MAY) The_Chaplain - 1 Kill Krusha Tank (JUN) The_Chaplain - 60 Boyz, 5 Stormboyz, 6 Nobz, 5 Skrak's Skull-Nobz, Banner Nob (JUL) The_Chaplain - 21 Shoota Boyz, 5 Flash Gitz, 1 Ammo Runt, 6 Kommandos, 2 Ork Biker Nobz, 1 Warboss on bike! TPS - Reaver Titan (JUL)Additinal CP EventsThe Titans of Heresy II - 15 Jan to 15 Apr - Complete Awarded AprilGore Crow - Titanic Task 1: Warbringer Nemisis Titan (Princeps 1CP)Grotsmasha - Titanic Task 3: 4 Warhound Titans & 1 Warlord Titan, Knightly Task 2: 3 Questoris, 1 Arcastus (Princeps Majoris, Gatekeeper 4CP)Wolf Guard Einar - Titanic Task 1: 1 Warlord Titan, Knightly Task 3: 9 Questoris Knights, 2 Cerastus Knights (Master of Judgement 3CP)Loyalty and Treachery V - 15 Jan to 15 Apr - Complete Awarded AprilDwango - 1 Leviathan Dreadnought, 6 Contemptor Dreadnoughts (CENTURION, CHAPLAIN, CHAMPION, FORGELORD 4CP)Gederas - Perturabo, 1x Siege Breaker, 1x Contemptor-Mortis, and 3x Legion Vindicators (CENTURION, CHAPLAIN, DELEGATUS, CHAMPION 4CP)Grotsmasha - Ferrus Manus, 2 Rhinos, 5x Cataphractii, 1 Spartan, Lorgar Aurelian (CENTURION, CHAPLAIN, DELEGATUS, CHAMPION 4CP)mandaloriano - 1 Legion Champion, 20 Legion Tactical Marines, 2 Deathshround Terminators, 5 Grave Warden Terminators, 5 Heavy support Marines (CENTURION, CHAPLAIN, CHAMPION 3 CP)Sabadin - 1 Apothecary, 1 Tactical Support Squad, 1 ContemptorTrokair - Magos Prime, 1x Castellax, 3x Thallax (CENTURION, MAGOS 2CP)Back to Badab: A Community Kill Team Project - 1 Jan to 31 DecBrother Cambrius - Sons of Medusa Dwango - Harlequins (7CP) Hidden Content Dr_Ruminahui - Astral Claws - (10CP) Hidden Content Gederas - SalamandersGrotsmasha - Fire Hawks++ March of the Machines ++ 1 Mar to 31 Mar - Complete Awarded AprilBrother Argent - 2 Lieutenants (Brother 1CP)Daimyo_Phaeron Lenoch - 1 Terminator, 2 Razorbacks (Brother 1CP)Grotsmasha - Ferrus Manus (Brother 1CP) Chalnath Expanse Liberation 9 Mar to 12 Apr - Complete Awarded AprilFocslain - Air Wing (1CP)longjohnsilver - PatrolThe Liberalia Maritale 2020: The Iron Gauntlet - Jan to Dec 31stTASK 1:Ace DebonairBrother Argent Brother CambriusDaimiyo-Phaeron LenochFocslainGederasGrotsmashaLlygos_TyranttoaaeTrokair TASK 2: Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Gederas Focslain Grotsmasha Trokair +++The Spring Backlog Cleaning+++ 1 Apr to 31 MayAeternus Dr_Ruminahui - (1CP) The Crypteks Conclave - 7 Apr to 7 May Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - (2CP) ++ A Hunter's Call ++ - 30 Apr to 15 Aug Focslain - 2 models mactire - 3 model Diorama Chimera Conversion Challenge - 30 Apr to 28 June Etheneus Focslain =][= RG's Nurgle Plague Hobby Challenge =][= - 1 May to 28 June Dwango - 1 Helix Adept The Lockdown Painting Challenge - 15 May to 15 Aug Ace Debonair - 1 Cannoness Axineton - 1 Harlequin Starweaver - Complete - Gold Dwango - 1 Harlequin Troupe Master - Complete - Gold Focslain - 1 Thunderwolf Cav, 1 Gargoyle, and 1 Hive Tyrant - Complete - Gold Gederas - 5 Cataphractii Terminators - Complete - Gold Gore Crow - 1 Tech Priest Dominus - Complete - Gold Grotsmasha - 1 Imperial Knight guardian31 - 1 Helbrute - Complete - Gold Jolemai - 1 Scout Sergeant/10th Company Lieutenant - Complete - Gold Llagos_Tyrant - 2 Ultramarine Lieutenant's - Complete - Gold mactire - 1 Wolf Guard and Black Legion Diorama Majkhel - 1 Dead Space Marine Terminator - Complete - Gold Rogue - 4 Abherrants - Complete - Gold Skywrath - Master Lazarus - Complete - Gold SufficientAnonymity - 2 Cannoness' - Complete - Gold The_Chaplain - 1 Nob Biker - Complete - Gold TPS - 1 Warbringer Titan - Complete - Gold Trokair - 1 Cannoness Zujara - Drazhar - Complete - Gold Participants on the Randomizer ListChaplain Dosjetka Edited August 9, 2020 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 So, with four days left, I'm thinking I might not be able to finish all the models I vowed, or at least not finish them all to the standard I usually do. Because the vehicles I vowed, aside from the Repulsor, weren't built by me and were assembled in kind of a bad manner. So those might just be "tabletop ready/3-colour minimum", sadly. It's all good, one model is enough One model may be enough, but I vowed more than one model :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted July 1, 2020 Author Share Posted July 1, 2020 So, with four days left, I'm thinking I might not be able to finish all the models I vowed, or at least not finish them all to the standard I usually do. Because the vehicles I vowed, aside from the Repulsor, weren't built by me and were assembled in kind of a bad manner. So those might just be "tabletop ready/3-colour minimum", sadly. It's all good, one model is enough One model may be enough, but I vowed more than one model Any unfinished models will qualify for the Stubborn badge for next month :tu: Gederas 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 Touche :lol: Well, that'd be the Impulsor and both Baal Predators. Everything else I vowed is done :yes: Grotsmasha 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skywrath Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 Last minute addition to my vow - a trio of Deathwing Aggressors. Note the custom shoulders.. This was my first proper attempt at painting bone - instead of shading them (with the exception of the left-most aggressor) I just used 'ardcoat to bring out the edges. I'd say they turned out pretty well, thoughts? Images in spoiler. For the Lion! Rogue, Aeternus, Grotsmasha and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zujara Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 Think I am squeezing this in just in time, the month got busy for me! June vow complete roguechaplain, gaurdian31, Dr_Ruminahui and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 Last minute addition to my vow - a trio of Deathwing Aggressors. Note the custom shoulders.. This was my first proper attempt at painting bone - instead of shading them (with the exception of the left-most aggressor) I just used 'ardcoat to bring out the edges. I'd say they turned out pretty well, thoughts? Images in spoiler. For the Lion! I like those - very neat, and the tilting shields are a nice touch. Personally, I think they'd benefit from shading - it serves to up the contrast, making the shadows and recesses darker, and so giving much more definition to the 'presentation' parts of the armour. Without it, all the bone areas blend together a bit. Skywrath 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 @Aeternus - Thanks. I was tempted by red, but my wife's Ad Mech are already all over that, and I wanted him to fit visually with the rest of my Cultists (where the dark red is a spot colour rather than being most of a model). But it's encouraging when other people like stuff too :) Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwango Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 11 murder clowns complete. There are 12 in the pics but I had already completed one earlier in the month. Frustratingly I've not managed to complete my shadowseer in time. But at least I can re-vow.... Oh, and also I never thanked grot for the May Favorite Badge. Thank you, and I'm glad you liked them! Grotsmasha, Dr_Ruminahui, Trokair and 11 others 14 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 48 HRS TO GET ANY OUTSTANDING COMPLETIONS IN Personally, I think all our completions are outstanding... gaurdian31, Skywrath, Gederas and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 June Update 3/3 - vow complete Majkhel, Dwango, TPS and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axineton Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 I haven’t managed to do any of the chaos knight I pledged this month. Going back to work has dwindled my hobby time big time. I’ll try again in July. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 Well... Gederas - 10 Intercessors, 1 Repulsor Executioner, 1 Impulsor, 2 Baal Predators I got 11 of those 15 done (Intercessors and the Executioner). Will get the other three done this month. But now:I, Gederas, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of July pledge to complete Master Lazarus of the 5th Company and a Primaris Ancient of the Dark Angels, as well as Dante, Corbulo and Astorath of the Blood Angels to the defence of the Imperium by month's end. gaurdian31, Skywrath and Grotsmasha 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Givemead Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 They look awesome man! The WB scheme really suits cataphractii and your red has come out gorgeously, especially next to the metalwork. Intimidating as all hell. Thanks very much Aeternus. Cataphractii is definitely my favourite mark of terminator armour and I agree they look really good in the WB's colours. I've taken a couple of extra photos to show the text on the leg armour that I've added to my log. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 (edited) Aeternus, thank you, they are a minor order and I did an article for them in the Liber as part of the Iron Gauntlet. In short they are an order stationed in a Mechanicus controlled system so there has been some cultural seepage and influences. It is more apparent with the work in progress Canoness from a few pages back as she is wilding an AdMech axe as her blessed blade. Edited July 1, 2020 by Trokair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Posted July 1, 2020 Share Posted July 1, 2020 (edited) As we hit July, here's a quick update on my plodding along vow: The base and doors are painted and assembled. So far, so good, but for now it goes back on the shelf to make way for these: Another batch of acolytes to throw at the unbelievers. They'll be my July pledge. I, Rogue, pledge to complete six acolytes (for the glory of the Xenos faction) before the end of July. Edited July 2, 2020 by Rogue roguechaplain, gaurdian31 and Grotsmasha 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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