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Captain Semper Sir,


I do hereby extend my vow out to task 3, a full Axiom Maniple of one WarLord, Two Reavers and two WarHounds.


It can be done...


OK, tons of progress here... :yes:

Better late than never with regards to my entering this. I'd snap a picture of my box but the camera on my phone is buggered enough that it's like looking through beer goggles.

TASK 1: PRINCEPS - Reaver, Legio Tempestus.

Welcome Lord Marshal! Remember to name your Titan - God Engines do not become truly alive unless they have a name! :D

I hereby declare my first pledge complete, with the finished articles of my two Warhounds, Murder-Make (on the left with the black head) and my interpretation of Iben Faruk on the right!

AMAZING work on your Tiger Eyes General! And good luck with your scenery. Those Titans look ace man...

Love the camo on the beetle back there K0rtmer. I think the spots really make it work well.

Significant progress on Penumbral Reaper. The armour plates are now on. This always feels like the moment a titan comes alive, rather than just being a collection of parts spread around sprues and all over my desk.

Work continues on the three warhounds to accompany the Reaper. I imagine the three of them will require less work in total than he has.

Imposing machine Mandragola, from the wording I understand he's still WIP - correct? He looks damn impressive!

Captain Semper, my completed Warlord is back on page 6, I notice it's not been updated as complete on my pledge on page 1?

My bad - too focused on your (equally) amazing Warbringer I guess... Fixed now! :)


Looks good, Semper - however, it seems you might have missed that I upgraded my Terrain Pledge from Task 1 to Task 3 (three terrain sets)? 


I have done the following four sets:

- FW Manufactorum

- FW Silos

- FW Turbine, Crate & Barricades

- FW Power Generators




Pictures of completion on page 8 :-)




Now - back to the Acastus Knight-Porphyrions, which are SOOO close to being done. Now just needing to finish the base with drybrush, glue on the guns and paint the name plates from Versatile Terrain so that Arx Terminus and Bane of Tyrants can look great :-)



Master Ciaphas

Yeah Penumbral Reaper is still WIP. Some stuff for the base is in the post and there's a bit more finishing off to do.


A bit more progress to report: I’ve now got my three Mortis Warhounds basecoated.




Haven’t done any guns yet, but they’re all magnetised and undercoated.


I’m doing these guys as a batch now. However I’m giving each one its own colour scheme. More stripes and other patterns will be added.

Nice Reavers IronSam!


Looks like your new (welcome) so here's a tip. When posting images if you paste the URL into the "image" tool on the browser (you need to use the full editor) then they'll appear bigger, like this:



Great work, everyone! Some really beautiful stuff coming out! So, I’m in isolation at the moment, so an unexpected upturn in hobby time! I have therefore finished my Terrain Pledge 2, with the following;




And some close ups of how I’ve done the civilian buildings;




The Mechanicum buildings;




The control tower and smokestack;




And finally the cute little bastions (Imperial Fists, naturally);




I tried freehanding a Fist chapter icon, which went terribly. So I’ll come back to them when my latest eBay purchase of some transfers comes back! But otherwise, all done!


Next up, I am pushing my pledge up to Scenery level 3 with the addition of the Manufactorum kit. I plan to make 4-5 bits of scatter terrain, the rest will be kept for detailing bases and other standard AT buildings.



And 'ere we paint again, with Contemptus Mundi getting near the dreaded trim stage and overflow paint going into the psi-titan (...I'm not updating to six, I'm not updating to six, I'm not updating to six...). This time we'll be stomping some Angels, it seems.







Edited by Sherrypie



Finally I managed to finish the first of my Knightly Tasks!


I here present my two Acastus Knight-Porphyrions of House Tintaroth! Arx Terminus and Bane of Tyrants stand ready to smite the foes of the Emperor!






Next up - the last three Questoris Knight-Gallants.



Master Ciaphas

A bit more progress to report on the vow. My Warbringer is coming along quite nicely. Flame patterns are done and I’ve made a bit of progress on the edging, so I’ve been able to stick on the leg armour. It fits!




Meanwhile I basecoated this warhound. He’s going to have some lines and circles, and maybe the odd transfer here and there, since I managed to get some of them. Painting warhounds feels so easy after working on a Warlord and Warbringer.




So this means I’ve got 6 titans for the vow all coming along: these two, Penumbral Reaper and my three Mortis hounds. I'd been planning a Mortis Reaver but I think I'll sub in the Warbringer since it came out. I think that's fair, since it's a lot more work! It’s obviously a bit mad to work on them simultaneously, but it keeps me from getting bored with any one model.

In the Warbringer WIP club, progress. Mainly details like decals and weathering left after a day of trim-slogging. Must also paint a few guys running on the gunnery deck.








And with this i compete the 5 Titan vow and rest my case... Pheeeeew. This was quite a task...

My thoughts on it and more pics here



@ Master Ciaphas: Congratulations on the terrain AND the Knights Acastus! Great paint scheme too! How did you find the overall experience? I felt like they were easier to paint than the Questoris (if you can believe that!) :laugh.:

@ Mandragola: The Warbringer is an imposing mini, no question about it - and the flames look very smart indeed on both the Warbringer and the Warhound! I have to tell you though, the three Mortis Warhounds are in my heart! :wub: They look perfect in their dynamic poses and very tidy and unique colour schemes. Can't wait to see all of them done.

@ I_Am_IronSam: Excellent work IronSam! Those flames are masterfully painted! I cans you're relatively new to B&C and have not post that often so I'll assume you're not familiar with the Titans of the Heresy event - so I'll just accept those as a finished task (see first page) and feel free to ask any questions, either publicly or privately. :thumbsup:

@ Mendi Warrior: Your terrain man is mythical! :woot: This project is really the stuff of legend!

@ Interrogator Stobz: They look fantastic all together, don't they? Are you declaring the Warhounds complete? I assume you do - but let me know if I got this wrong. Fantastic work man, only the last Reaver remains! Any names yet? :laugh.:

@ Mard: :eek: WOW!!!! Now this is some God Engine if there ever was one! I love everything about this mini: the colours' choice, the pose, the unusual weapon options (the paired gatling basters look ace!), even the base! Well done Mard, you really excellent in all projects you get committed to!

@ General Zodd: A magnificent (ruined) city you've build there! It looks awesome man, especially the control tower and smokestack, they look both diesel punk and futuristic and the same time! And you're upping the stakes too! :woot: Excellent - good luck sir!

@ Sherrypie: This nightmarish, apocalyptic contraption of yours is coming along very nicely! I really like how you use the red to distract the eye - yet you really keep it measured. What about the head?


Thanks, Captain Semper! 


As for the Acastus, I liked them better than the Questoris, but less than the Cerastus. Generally, I actually really dislike painting Knights. I find them fiddly - that said - I really like they way they look, once they are painted!

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