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Iron Hands Air Force


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I've been toying with the idea of starting my Iron Hands Air Force list for a little while and wanted to hear what people's experiences with it have been.


At minimum it would be three Stormtalons and possibly another detachment of three Stormhawks and maybe a Stormraven or a Xiphon if I'm feeling spicy. My meta is very ITC-competitive, so I'm going into this idea with the notion of giving up 4 secondaries for Big Game Hunter easily. The question remains can the 3-6 fliers do enough work to win games?


Also, what should you bring to support the fly boys? The Ironstone isn't effective in this list's style. Chapter Master with a jump pack? What else?


Thunderfire Cannons are excellent but is the LOS ignoring fire as valuable when you can fly around terrain easily and get at things? 

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It is my understanding that flyers are getting wrecked in the competitive meta right now. Not sure how many people are running that many flyers though. What ever you support this with needs to be able to survive punishment. If I was your opponent I would focus on erasing your "boots on the ground" and force the auto loss. 


If you're entirely sold on running this many flyers though go for it! Just got to keep in mind your win conditions and your opponent's win conditions. You're most likely going to lose a lot of points from objectives unless you put your flyers in hover mode. And even then it is going to be questionable. 


Going to want lots of scouts I imagine. The TFCs will be a good choice because they can hold back-line objectives against certain opponents and will help take out chaff and other small units that are trying to hide from your flyers. I would run three TFCs and fill out the rest of the list with scouts most likely. Run them with bolters and a missile launch if you can afford it and get 6 5-man units if possible. As for the Chapter Master with JP, I wouldn't bother. He won't be able to keep up with the flyers anyway. I would gear him up to shred infantry or monster hunt and have him focused on that. You'll want to try and fit in at least 1 units of the 12" no deep strike primaris as well to help protect your alpha strike units if you don't get turn 1.

Some good points there. I can definitely see the planes being very fragile against marines as it stands now, but in April I anticipate a big shake-up with the current SM heavy hitters. Centurions, Leviathans (and all of FW really), TFCs, Eliminators, etc. are likely all to see changes and if I can zig when they zag I should be sitting pretty. It's a lot to invest and gamble on in the next couple months though, and I don't have experience playing with so much speed. 


Boots on the Ground is definitely a massive consideration. That's why I think 30 Intercessors at minimum are necessary, with perhaps a sprinkling of Infiltrators as well. Scouts just die, even if they hide, from anything. 

I would really suggest practicing movement of the ships. Like, grab a base and literally just measure it out and move them around. having 6+ air units on the table is going to be really tight and limiting in terms of movement. If you end up not being able to move something it just crashes. Something else to consider at least. :D


Could be but not necassarily. Any particulair build in mind that would be difficult?


Stalker Bolt Rifle Intecessors and anything almost anything else with a heavy weapon really when it comes to Imperial Fists. While I would worry about those lists I would worry more about table space with six flyers. There are a lot of horde armies out there that will simply ruin your day as you remove a model that is full health from the table.


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