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Adeptus Titanicus Rules Query Thread

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Apologies as this seems another one that perhaps should be obvious, but the weapon options seem to hint at a RAI answer going a different way. Partly for that reason I'm curious as much as whether there is a tournament consensus on how this is played if the rules seem to suggest 'the model T approach' to picking weapons (especially for the mechanicum knights)...


What's the current tournament consensus for dual armed knights, either as banners supporting a maniple or acting in a lance?


Three Knights each armed with 2 Rapid Fire Battlecannons:

Fire as a banner supporting a maniple with 12 S4 shots as each weapon choice counts as a knight armed with that weapon, or two rounds of 6 S4 shots in the same way a dual armed titan would, or one round of S4 shots because there are only 3 knights armed with RF-Battlecannons and you shouldn't be doubling up guns?


Fire as a banner as part of a lance on Coordinated Strike orders with 2 S10 shots as above, one round of 2 S6 shots and a round of 2 S4 shots as above assuming the titan had a weapon upgrade applied to a single gun*, or one round of 2 S6 shots because no doubling up guns.


Alternatively, a mixed banner of one thermal cannon/ccw, one thermal cannon/rapid fire battlecannon, one battlecannon/battlecannon and one battle cannon/thermal cannon? Are we ignoring doubles, splitting things as first/second, left/right or just counting all instances?


Or 3 Armigers each armed with two Armiger autocannons which each have 1 shot, or 2x1 shot (and S4 ordnance at 16" is equal to CCW & S8 at 5/8" fusion)? Or 2 Styrix each with two volkite cheiorovilles who might trigger voidbreaker once or twice per combat phase.


* I don't think anyone reckons it is two rounds of S6 shooting with the order applying to both left and right weapons separately at the same time.

Edited by Tastyfish
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From the FAQ:

"Page 46 – Banners in the Combat Phase
The third sentence should read:
“For each weapon, multiply the Dice characteristic by the
number of weapons of that type within the Banner.”


A banner sums up all weapons in it with the same name and attacks with those as if they were one weapon. You can double up on guns without gimping yourself. This is for regular shooting. For Coordinated Fire in Lances, it's about the number of models rather than guns unless I'm misremembering.

Edited by Sherrypie
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