DistractionTacMarine Posted March 5, 2020 Share Posted March 5, 2020 (edited) I want to have this thread as a place to post my painting for C&C as well as record my battle reports to remember. My fluff is that as the years went by, with the help of Primaris gene-seed, Dante was able to make up all his losses from the Devastation of Baal. As Regent of the Imperium Nihilus and free from the oversight of Terra and Guilliman, Dante decides to break from the Codex Astartes by founding an unnumbered company - the Errant Company - to take on high-risk / high-reward missions. This company is mostly made up of Primaris marines, but due to the nature of its missions, many other Battle Brothers are frequently attached, including the Sanguinary Guard and significant numbers of Death Company troops. This head-canon gives me a fluffy reason to keep Sanguinary Guard in all my lists and offers an explanation as to why the Captain so frequently suffers from the Black Rage. The high value of their objectives means that such luminaries as Mephiston, Asterath, and Lemartes are also frequently found in their detachments. With so much danger, it should also come as no surprise that the mysterious Sanguinor has been spotted on several battlefields as well... Edited April 30, 2021 by DistractionTacMarine Tags Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted March 5, 2020 Author Share Posted March 5, 2020 (edited) I’ll start with a battle report! Tonight the sons of Baal faced off against the devious Drukhari as they came raiding for slaves. Here is the list I brought: Smash Captain w/ DVoS, Angel’s Wing, Gift of Foresight: 143Primaris Mephiston w/ Shield of Sanguinius, Wings of Sanguinius, and Quickening: 145 Primaris Lt with MC auto bolt rifle: 69 Intercessors x 5, bolt rifles: 85 Intercessors x 5, bolt rifles: 85 Tactical Marines x 5, one heavy bolter: 70 Sanguinary Ancient, Warlord, Standard of Sacrifice: 64 Sanguinary Guard x 6 w/ 3 swords and 3 fists: 171 Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought w/ 2 twin-linked lascannons: 168 1000 pts, 8 CP, -3 CP His list was something like this: 2 Archons with 2++ until failed, close combat builds 2 x 10 Kabalite warriors mounted in a big transport 3 x 5 Kabalite warriors mounted in Venoms 2 x 5 flying things (Scourges?), one built for AT and one anti-infantry DEPLOYMENT We were playing the objective for PL killed, so I deployed in the middle of the field with my three Troop squads within 6” of my Ancient and my Lieutenant. One squad of Intercessors was in second floor cover, as was the tactical squad, and one was in the open but out of LOS from where I thought he would deploy. Slamguinius was in reserve and the Sanguinary Guard were in cover off to the right. My Contemptor was in cover behind the tacticals but within reroll aura. Mephiston was hidden in cover near my blob. He castled his entire army behind a large terrain piece in his zone, out of LOS of my whole army. One Archon was deployed off to the side out of LOS. I won the roll and chose to go second. TURN 1 He moved out of cover and towards my SG. His floating Archon advanced towards his blob. He shot with everything in range at the SG but they only took a single wound. I then moved the SG out of LOS and moved one Intercessor squad up a bit to gain LOS. Mephiston cast Shield on the exposed marines and Smited one of the big transports, doing two wounds. My Contemptor took the big transport down to 2 wounds and my marines took a wound off a Venom. TURN TWO He moved toward the center of the board to bring his shooting to bear on my center and away from my SG. He also brought in his Scourges behind and to my left to threaten my Contemptor and tacticals. In his shooting phase, he took four wounds off the Contemptor despite the SOS, but the real heroes were the Intercessors in cover. They tanked the shooting of almost his entire army before dying. I’m not sure why he chose to shoot them rather than the squad not in cover but I wasn’t complaining! He also killed 3 of the tacticals. He made no charges but disembarked one 10-man squad and one 5-man squad. In my turn, I moved the SG up in front of where his Kabalite warriors and one Venom stood. My surviving Intercessors moved up into half range, followed by the Ancient, the LT, and Mephiston. Slamguinius dropped 9” from where he had left two Venoms exposed. Mephiston Quickened himself for 1 extra attack and Wings’ed into easy charge range of everything in his army. Shooting was very effective, bringing the 10-man squad to 4 and the 5-man to just one. The Contemptor took his other big transport to 6 wounds and the hurt one to just 2. The surviving tactical with the heavy bolter killed two Scourges and his sergeant sadly missed, as did Mephiston. I then charged across the board, making sure to declare multiple targets since he was bunched together. Mephiston made it in against the 2-wound transport and one Archon, Slam against both Venoms (with the help of Angel’s Wing reroll and Descent of the Angels), intercessors against the other transport, and the SG and Ancient against a Venom and Kabalite squad. He intervened with the other Archon there. In Combat Mephiston inflicted three wounds against the first Archon despite his 2++ but failed to wound the crippled transport. The Intercessors failed to wound the other one. The SG were amazing, easily dispatching the Kabalites in front of them as well as the Venom. One was killed by the Archon, but considering his strength that was not bad at all. Slam killed the first Venom and consolidated into the second, but I couldn’t remember the Stratagem for fighting twice - if someone can point me there that would be appreciated. TURN THREE He moved up his Scourges to keep my dread in range and fell back out of combat with all his units except for the Archon in combat with the SG. His shooting was ineffective except for killing my last two tacticals and bracketing my Contemptor. He did not charge and in the fight phase, he wounded one SG and tanked four sword and six fist hits with his 2++. He did also manage to kill Slam by focusing fire and reduced my Intercessors to two. I moved my LT up into aura range and Mephiston, the ancient, and my surviving Intercessors into easy charge distance. I wiped out his last three Kabalites in shooting and put five wounds on his last Venom with the Contemptor. Mephiston failed to manifest any psychic abilities, but he made up for it by slaying his warlord on the charge. The other Archon was killed by the SG, invigorated by the Ancient allowing them to reroll wounds. The true hero though was my Intercessor sergeant. He watched his last battle brother die to overwatch fire and charged into the 2-wound transport, promptly destroying it with nothing more than his fists. He had nothing left alive in combat and all his damaged squads had been wiped out, so we ended the turn. We called the game after three turns due to time constraints. I still had my LT, Mephiston, 5 SG, my Sang Ancient, a single Intercessor sergeant, and a bracketed Contemptor on the board. He had a Venom on one wound, 10 Kabalites inside of a bracketed transport, and both units of Scourges (one reduced from 5 to 3). I had eliminated 23 PL to his 16, so at the end of Turn 3 the sons of Baal were declared victorious! Learnings: - I need to find the “fight again” stratagem, because I could’ve wiped his other Venom if I had been able to find and declare it. - The Contemptor didn’t do a lot of damage, but it was an amazing distraction Carnifex. He used all his reserves against it and maneuvered at times into better LOS with my infantry to try and avoid it. - The tacticals were more or less worthless. I will tweak my 1000 point list to bring choppy Scouts instead and swap the LT for a foot captain, or maybe Brother Corbulo or a foot chaplain. The wound rerolls didn’t really do much for me. - My opponent definitely didn’t play his best game, especially when he focused on the squad in cover instead of the squad in the open. It probably wouldn’t have made a huge difference either way, but his shooting was less effective than it could’ve been because of that. - Adding one to wound rolls is incredible. Wounding anything up to T7 on 2s with power fists and thunder hammers is stupidly strong. Edited March 5, 2020 by DistractionTacMarine Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5486167 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted March 5, 2020 Share Posted March 5, 2020 - The tacticals were more or less worthless. I will tweak my 1000 point list to bring choppy Scouts instead I have found this in my last few games, and today dropped my normal 2x5 tacs for more scouts. They performed really well, and I probably wont go back. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5486626 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morticon Posted March 6, 2020 Share Posted March 6, 2020 I - I need to find the “fight again” stratagem, because I could’ve wiped his other Venom if I had been able to find and declare it. Im confused by this? Does the area you play in not allow you to use a strat if you dont have a card or something? Or did you just not remember you could do it? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5486723 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted March 7, 2020 Author Share Posted March 7, 2020 I - I need to find the “fight again” stratagem, because I could’ve wiped his other Venom if I had been able to find and declare it. Im confused by this? Does the area you play in not allow you to use a strat if you dont have a card or something? Or did you just not remember you could do it? I knew I could do it, but I couldn’t find the stratagem in the book or through a quick search and I thought it was a little WAACy and fishy to declare a stratagem I couldn’t even name. I did find it today though after going back through the Codex. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5487107 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted March 9, 2020 Share Posted March 9, 2020 I - I need to find the “fight again” stratagem, because I could’ve wiped his other Venom if I had been able to find and declare it. Im confused by this? Does the area you play in not allow you to use a strat if you dont have a card or something? Or did you just not remember you could do it? I knew I could do it, but I couldn’t find the stratagem in the book or through a quick search and I thought it was a little WAACy and fishy to declare a stratagem I couldn’t even name. I did find it today though after going back through the Codex. I mean just open your codex and read it out? I struggle to remember all the names of the stratagems. There's even like 3 fight again ones, honour the chapter, heroic sacrifice and only in death etc. Any sane opponent won't mind! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5488308 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted March 9, 2020 Share Posted March 9, 2020 I - I need to find the “fight again” stratagem, because I could’ve wiped his other Venom if I had been able to find and declare it. Im confused by this? Does the area you play in not allow you to use a strat if you dont have a card or something? Or did you just not remember you could do it? I knew I could do it, but I couldn’t find the stratagem in the book or through a quick search and I thought it was a little WAACy and fishy to declare a stratagem I couldn’t even name. I did find it today though after going back through the Codex. I mean just open your codex and read it out? I struggle to remember all the names of the stratagems. There's even like 3 fight again ones, honour the chapter, heroic sacrifice and only in death etc. Any sane opponent won't mind! To be fair in the heat of the moment it's easy to not find one specific Stratagem and you really don't want to be the guy that interrupts the game for 10 minutes to look something up. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5488318 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted March 10, 2020 Author Share Posted March 10, 2020 I - I need to find the “fight again” stratagem, because I could’ve wiped his other Venom if I had been able to find and declare it. Im confused by this? Does the area you play in not allow you to use a strat if you dont have a card or something? Or did you just not remember you could do it?I knew I could do it, but I couldn’t find the stratagem in the book or through a quick search and I thought it was a little WAACy and fishy to declare a stratagem I couldn’t even name. I did find it today though after going back through the Codex. I mean just open your codex and read it out? I struggle to remember all the names of the stratagems. There's even like 3 fight again ones, honour the chapter, heroic sacrifice and only in death etc. Any sane opponent won't mind! To be fair in the heat of the moment it's easy to not find one specific Stratagem and you really don't want to be the guy that interrupts the game for 10 minutes to look something up. Exactly, and my opponent was on a time crunch so that changed things as well Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5489203 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted March 10, 2020 Author Share Posted March 10, 2020 So I realize I’m overdue on WIPs and completed projects ... here are a few things I’ve done recently. Just finished my Relic Contemptor: I also recently completed building a couple of Scout squads with kitbashed heads from Scions: I also finished my Gravis Captain, featuring a rather heavy-handed use of blacklining: As far as WIPs go, I’ve got my Librarian Dreadnought about 90% done, mostly need to touch up and blend the weapon, finish the base, and highlight: I’ve also begun painting this Invictor with severely messed up knees only partially masked by posing. I’m going to do the base with the tank trap, some foliage, and twisted razor wire. Maybe a skeleton half buried. Bjorn Firewalker, librisrouge, Xenith and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5489222 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 11, 2020 Share Posted March 11, 2020 Excellent work on the Dreadnoughts. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5489317 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted March 23, 2020 Author Share Posted March 23, 2020 Finished my Invictor! In addition to the messed up legs, I was informed that I got the color shift backwards on the flamer, but I think it still looks good! Also finished up Mephiston! I left off the little fanny pack of blood because 1) I didn’t like it and 2) it broke, lol Quixus, Xenith, BLACK BLŒ FLY and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5495528 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 23, 2020 Share Posted March 23, 2020 Excellent work on Mephiston and the Invictor. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5495531 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cruoris Posted March 24, 2020 Share Posted March 24, 2020 The invictor really looks nice in red. But I think I have to paint mine more dark, almost black. So it can be the stealth suit it is intended to be. They should have given them active camouflage or something. =) Really nice paint work. =) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5495838 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted March 24, 2020 Share Posted March 24, 2020 I was informed that I got the color shift backwards on the flamer, Too right it still looks good! If you like, there will always be a little carbonisation or whatever at the end of the flame weapon, you could stipple a little black at the end of the barrels to complete the look. Quixus 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5495888 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted March 25, 2020 Share Posted March 25, 2020 Great job on those models. What heads did you use for the scouts? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5496203 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted March 25, 2020 Share Posted March 25, 2020 Those are Tempestus Scions' heads. The set includes bare faces with berets, masked faces with berets and full helmets. Quixus 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5496231 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted March 25, 2020 Author Share Posted March 25, 2020 Great job on those models. What heads did you use for the scouts? As said, they’re Scions heads. I really super hate the base Scout heads, and although I wasn’t able to really fix the weird hunched pose they have, I am really happy with how they look overall. Thank you! Quixus 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5496482 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted April 1, 2020 Author Share Posted April 1, 2020 So a small battle report ... during this shutdown I have been using TTS to play some games and refine my lists while I continue painting my backlog. Tonight I played 2.5 turns of a game against a Slaanesh CSM and Daemons list. Here is my list: Battalion 1: - Mephiston (Wings, Quickening, Unleash Rage) - Astorath (Canticle of Hate, Recitation of Focus) - 5 x Intercessors, bolt rifles - 5 x Intercessors, bolt rifles - 5 x Intercessors, bolt rifles - Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought, quad lascannon Battalion 2 - Smash Captain (DVOS, Angel’s Wing, Gift of Foresight) - Librarian Dreadnought, storm bolter (Wings, Shield) - 5 x Scouts, bolters - 5 x Scouts, knives and one shotgun - 5 x Scouts, knives and one shotgun Vanguard: - Sanguinary Priest - The Sanguinor (warlord) - 6 x Aggressors, boltstorm - Sanguinary Ancient, axe (Standard of Sacrifice) - 7 x Sanguinary Guard, 4 fists 3 swords - 7 x Sanguinary Guard, 3 fists 2 swords 2 axes 2000 points, 11 CP His list was something like this: Lord Discordant on mount Daemon Prince of Slaanesh 2 squads of cultists 1 20-man squad of Noise Marines with some heavy weapons Giant floating drop pod thing 2 Keeper of Secrets 3 squads of Daemonettes 2 other daemon characters that I didn’t recognize and can’t remember I went first. We had corner deployment. I deployed one unit of scouts forward to sit on an objective in cover, some intercessors and Mephiston off to my right on another objective and to move up to threaten the back of his line, and two units of scouts spread out behind my main line to stop his drop pod thing from spewing Noise Marines in my rear. In the middle I deployed one unit of Intercessors, the Aggressors, and all my characters except Mephiston. The Sanguinary Guard started behind cover to the right, out of range of anything he could do turn 1. He deployed his whole army except for the drop pod behind a large ruin, where my scouts were camped. Turn 1: I shuffled around to claim another objective, advanced my Guard behind cover closer to his deployment, spread out my rear Scouts, and jumped up my forward Scouts so they could shoot. My Aggressors moved slightly to face his direction and my Intercessors on that side moved up to screen. I cast Shield on the Aggressors but had no LOS to Smite and was too far to use Wings effectively. My scouts were the only thing in range with LOS and they plinked a couple of Daemonettes. He moved his whole army forward and although he failed almost all of his psychic tests, he was able to wipe my forward Scouts. In shooting he killed all but one Intercessor on that side, then made THREE 11 inch charges to get one Keeper into combat with my Aggressors, then a DP and unit of Daemonettes into combat with the lone Intercessor. He only killed one Aggressor but only suffered two wounds in return due to some very bad rolling (previously lost 2 wounds to overwatch despite over 60 shots). Turn 2 I didn’t fall back out of combat with the Aggressors since they would have then been useless. I moved forward with my Guard and Mephiston but he was able to deny all of my psychic powers. The Aggressors in combat blocked my Libby Dread from charging in, and my Guard, Meph, and Astorath were too far away. In shooting, I was able to kill only a couple of cultists and take a few wounds off the other Keeper. In combat, Slaanesh daemons apparently always go first, so my Aggressors were wiped before taking a swing despite the SOS nearby. On his turn, he dropped in the Noise Marines and shot me to hell. He failed to get off most of his psychic powers, but he was able to kill my Priest with Smites. At this point I had to leave due to a hard time limit, but the game was lost. At that point, he had killed: - Smash Captain - Full squad of Aggressors - 6 intercessors - 5 scouts - 3 sanguinary Guard - Sanguinary Priest - Sanguinary Ancient - Contemptor Dreadnought - Was about to kill the Libby Dread In return, I killed: - 2 Daemonettes - 2 Cultists - adding insult to injury, he was able to heal all the wounds I had dealt his Keepers So honestly this was about as crushing a defeat as possible. I made a few crucial mistakes: - Starting my SG on the far side of my deployment zone ... they were too far to do anything. Should’ve stayed in reserve or started closer since he had no long-range shooting to threaten them - moving my aggressors. I only moved them an inch or two, but there was no real need to do it and it meant he could reach long charge range against them, which he promptly did - not falling back with my aggressors. If I had fallen back, they would’ve been there to absorb shooting that hit my characters instead, and I might’ve been able to do some real damage to his units in front of me Beyond that, I’m just not sure that my list is any good. I feel like an Aggressor blob with a Libby casting Shield and the SOS is great on paper to absorb firepower and free my Guard to move around the board, but they fired nothing but Overwatch in this game. In retrospect, I should have fallen back on my first turn and forced him to come towards me while screening against his Noise Marine bomb. I then would’ve been able to at least attempt some counter charges instead of watching him shoot me off the board. librisrouge and Majkhel 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5499586 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted February 2, 2021 Author Share Posted February 2, 2021 (edited) Wow, forgot all about this account and this thread. For an update ... I’ve been painting and collecting for about a year now. Thanks to a few bulk buys and some eBay finds as well as gifts, I have nearly 12k total points (holy :cuss), of which about 6k are fully painted. I’ve grown tremendously as a painter and especially enjoy kitbashing and converting. Anyway, here are some of my projects and successes! A fun 2k list: Terminators! Bladeguard! Custom converted Sanguinor Stormraven Gunship Assault Intercessors Redemptor Dreadnought Characters! Terminator Captain Coterie of Captains Priest, Chaplain, Librarian https://i.imgur.com/hsEbsAb.jpg And finally, my golden host (so far) https://i.imgur.com/wDm0Ctt.jpg Edit: a couple of my image inserts aren’t working for some reason, but the links should be fine. Edited February 2, 2021 by DistractionTacMarine Jolemai, SnorriSnorrison and Majkhel 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5663153 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted February 3, 2021 Share Posted February 3, 2021 Very nice collection! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5663249 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted February 3, 2021 Share Posted February 3, 2021 You managed to paint 6k points in a year? That's insane, great work, and models looking awesome also. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5663258 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted February 17, 2021 Author Share Posted February 17, 2021 You managed to paint 6k points in a year? That's insane, great work, and models looking awesome also. Thank you! And yes, I went hard into the hobby, haha. Quarantine and being furloughed and later laid off gave me plenty of free time. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5668421 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted February 17, 2021 Author Share Posted February 17, 2021 Another update, I finished my Death Company. I still have some spare weapons to finish - 7/10 of these guys are fully magnetized - but I have a good loadout finished. These are bashed from Reivers with DC heads, jump packs, and tons of BA bits and weapons from various kits. Also have built a new Sanguinary Ancient since I’m not a huge fan of the one I have. I assembled it for the photo but the arms are magnetized and the wings and jump pack are just tacked on for now. Quixus, SnorriSnorrison, Bjorn Firewalker and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5668542 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted February 18, 2021 Share Posted February 18, 2021 Blue DC looks great and so does the Ancient. Are those Scourge wings or something else? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5668593 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted February 18, 2021 Share Posted February 18, 2021 Very nice job on the DC! I like the Ancient too Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/#findComment-5668639 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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