DistractionTacMarine Posted February 18, 2021 Author Share Posted February 18, 2021 Blue DC looks great and so does the Ancient. Are those Scourge wings or something else? Yeah, they’re Scourge wings on the Ancient. And the DC are more of a dark Gray, the lighting and photo settings makes them look more blue than they really are. I use Vallejo Black-Grey for my DC, chaplains, and weapons. Quixus and Burias-Drak'shal 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5668741 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted February 28, 2021 Author Share Posted February 28, 2021 I finished up another three Sanguinary Guard today ... the last few will have to wait until I fire up the airbrush again so I can base coat them. Also finished up my Chaplain on Bike, love the model but for your own sake, paint him in sub assemblies - a bunch of the details on his torso were difficult to reach. In other exciting news I am getting my COVID vaccine first dose next week, so I should be able to start playing games again! I’ll be sure to post any batreps here... I really love text battle reports and wish we had more of them! Spyros, Quixus, Leonaides and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5672328 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted March 13, 2021 Author Share Posted March 13, 2021 Finished up a squad of tactical terminators! I have twelve (with two more coming and another that I plan to buy), sticking to all the cool sculpts - Heroes 2 and Space Hulk. This squad is three Heroes and two Space Hulk terminators. If I’m honest I don’t know if I’ll actually ever end up using these guys since we have a lot of better units, but I just really love terminators. Individual shots: Spyros, Brother Tyler, Warhead01 and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5677896 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Burias-Drak'shal Posted March 13, 2021 Share Posted March 13, 2021 chaplain and terminators look great! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5677968 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted March 13, 2021 Share Posted March 13, 2021 Very neat painting! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5678128 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted March 21, 2021 Author Share Posted March 21, 2021 Finished up Primaris Techmarine! Really cool model and honestly not difficult to paint. I put a lot more effort than normal into highlighting the handle of the axe and I’m very pleased with the outcome. More shots: I’m also working on my 3-man plasmaceptor squad, really dislike painting Gravis armor lol Majkhel and Warhead01 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5681527 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted April 15, 2021 Author Share Posted April 15, 2021 Had my first in-person game of 9th tonight! Brought a semi-competitive list against a good player. My list: HQ Chapter Master in Terminator armor, combi-melta, power fist, Quake Bolts Chief Librarian, bolt pistol & sword, jump pack, Tome of Malcador: Shield, Blood Boil, Unleash Rage, Null Zone TROOPS 5 ABR intercessors w/ chainsword 5 ABR intercessors w/ power sword 5 Incursors ELITES 2 squads of SG, each with 2 fists, 2 axes, and 3 swords 5 DC with 3 hammers and 1 power fist 7 Assault Terminators with 5 hammers and 2 claws HEAVY SUPPORT Whirlwind with Castellan Launcher IMPERIAL AGENT Inquisitor Coteaz with the upgrade, 5++ and Castigate His list: Alpha Legion Battalion + Vanguard HQ Disco Lord with autocannon, WLT for -1 to hit Terminator Lord with a relic storm bolter and he could ignore look out sir Sorcerer, Prescience & Warptime Daemon Prince with wings and sword, he never cast his psychic power Master of Possession with cursed earth and the reroll power TROOPS 3 x 10 cultists OTHER STUFF Forgefiend with autocannons 2 x venomcrawlers 2 x Heldrakes with flamers 3 x obliterators Greater possessed 2 x chaos spawn We rolled for mission and got Battle Lines. My secondaries were Scramblers, Assassinate, and Relentless Assault. He took Assassinate, Engage, and the mission secondary Vital Ground. My opponent paid to put all three units of cultists into reserves. I won the roll off and deployed first. My whirlwind was behind a ruin on my right, screened by one squad of Intercessors. To their right outside of the ruins was one squad of SG and my Ancient. In the middle were the terminators, chapter master, and Coteaz with the second squad of intercessors behind. My Incursors deployed behind an obscuring ruin near the middle of the board. My Death Company were deployed on the line just in front of the chapter master, ready to Forlorn Fury. The Librarian and second squad of SG were to the far left of my line behind a ruin. My opponent deployed with all of the daemon engines around the characters. The terminator lord and obliterators were on his right behind a ruin. He screened each corner with a hidden chaos spawn against my redeploys. He won the roll off to go first. Note: we made a mistake on the deployment zones and had them 12” instead of 16”. This turned out to make a pretty significant difference in the game but we didn’t realize until T3. Turn 1 Before the turn I paid 1 CP to forlorn fury my DC behind an obscuring ruin to get them out of LOS of the daemon engines. He moved up everything in a blob towards the right side of my board. One Heldrake grabs the right hand objective and the second goes after my whirlwind. In shooting he managed to kill one SG, two Incursors, and one Intercessor. He then fails the charge with his Heldrake. In my turn I give rerolls to my rear Intercessor squad, put the right unit of SG into Assault Doctrine and give them +1 to hit. I moved the SG towards the near Heldrake followed by the Ancient and Priest. Terminators advance up but are hampered by the woods so only move 7”. The other SG squad stays behind ruins because of the threat of his obliterators. I healed the dead SG and send my DC into the sky. I chip a few wounds in shooting, do nothing of note in psychic, and that squad of SG destroys the Heldrake, which was a mistake because I should’ve gone for the one on the objective. He scores 2 for engage and that’s it. My Incursors have deployed my midfield scrambler. Turn 2 He continued his advance with his daemon engines. The second Heldrake moves into my DZ to go after the Whirlwind. One unit of cultists arrives near the left-hand objective. He got his psychic powers off again and kills three SG and another Intercessor in shooting. His Heldrake charges my screening intercessors, surprisingly doesn’t kill any, and tags the Whirlwind. I do a couple of points of damage in return. Between shooting and melee it’s down to about 4 wounds. My CM has nothing useful to put rerolls on and so gives it to the rear intercessors again. The right hand sanguinary guard squad gets +1 to hit and assault doctrine. They move up right in the face of the front daemon engine (the forgefiend) and the priest resurrects one. My Incursors advance backwards into my deployment zone and the rear intercessors move towards the Heldrake. My left-hand SG squad and librarian advance behind obscuring cover relative to the obliterators. My librarian fails Wings and attempts no powers, Coteaz puts a couple of mortals on the Forgefiend and gives the rear Intercessors a 5++. My shooting doesn’t do much - I took a few wounds off the Forgefiend and kill six cultists with the angelus boltguns. I charge the Heldrake with the intercessors and the Forgefiend with the SG and Ancient. The Heldrake is knocked down to 2 wounds and the Forgefiend down to 4. One SG dies to the return swing and the Heldrake again does nothing. One more cultists flees in morale. He scored 2 points for Vital Ground and 2 for Engage. I scored nothing but deployed my DZ scrambler with the Incursors. Turn 3 My opponent moves the obliterators and terminator lord out into the open to draw a bead on my terminators. The daemon prince jumps over the melee towards my exposed priest and everything else shuffles up. The second unit of cultists comes in support of the depleted unit and the third comes into his DZ to screen out my DC. In psychic phase he fails the daemon engine reroll power but super smites my Priest for 6 wounds and kills him. In shooting, my engaged SG squad loses another man and the oblits kill four terminators thanks to Endless Cacophony. Another is killed by a venomcrawler. He charges my ancient with his discolord and my remaining SG with a venomcrawler. He kills one SG and I interrupt with my ancient but fail to wound the discolord who then wipes the ancient off the map. Coteaz had heroically intervened into the Heldrake and killed it, leaving my DZ clear. In my turn, things are looking dire - I’ve lost one squad of SG (except one guy) and all but 2 terminators. My DC are completely screened out. My CM gives himself rerolls. I move my SG up to attack the oblits and my terminators and chapter master up against his blob. My librarian also jumps over. I drop my DC 12” away from the cultists on the right hand objective thanks to an Alpha Legion strat. In shooting my CM does 4 wounds to the Forgefiend, the SG and Incursors wipe the small squad of cultists and kill four from the larger squad. The Whirlwind critically hits the oblits and I use Suppressing Fire to turn off Overwatch. My opponent realized he forgot to play a strat to make them untargetable, so I offered to give him a do-over but he says he no longer has CP for it and doesn’t know when he would have spent it, so he decided not to redo it. My librarian succeeded in getting Null Zone off and cast Unleash Rage on the remaining terminators. My terminators charge the daemon prince and a venomcrawler and make it in. Chapter Master and Librarian charge venomcrawler and Forgefiend as well. SG go into the oblits. In combat, my hammer sergeant was an absolute hero, putting six hits from five attacks into the DP thanks to Unleash Rage and crushing him. CM takes the venomcrawler to 1W and the librarian takes the Forgefiend down to 2W. My other SG squad easily wipes the oblits and consolidated into the chaos lord, who swings and kills two with his chainfist. The Forgefiend fails to kill the remaining SG, who kills it with his power fist. It explodes, killing the venomcrawler as well. I scored 3 for assassinate, he scored 2 for vital ground. Turn 4 He gets off his psychic powers except for the rerolls which I deny. He smites and kills one terminator. He shoots and kills the final SG on that side of the board and takes Coteaz to 2W shooting as he is exposed. He stays in combat with his lord. He moves both chaos spawn and the greater possessed to charge into my SG squad and multi-charges his discolord into my librarian, terminator, and chapter master. He starts with the discolord to get rid of Null Zone and easily kills the librarian, but his attacks against the terminator bounce off the storm shield. I interrupt with my SG and kill his Lord and one Spawn. The other spawn and greater possessed then kill 2 more, leaving the squad at 3. My hero terminator then kills the discolord! In my turn I pop Guerilla Tactics and redeploy my Incursors into his DZ and deploy my final scrambler. I move up with Coteaz and my intercessors. My DC move to clear the right hand objective of the final five cultists. I stay in combat with the SG to tie things up. My terminator moves forward. In shooting I kill all but one cultists on the left objective and three on the rear. I charged Coteaz and my CM into the second venomcrawler and my terminator into his master of possession. The DC charge the cultist and he just picks up the model. The terminator sergeant kills the MOP while the CM and Coteaz take the Venomcrawler down to just a few wounds. He strikes back and kills Coteaz. One more SG is killed by his greater possessed. I scored another six for assassinate, 10 for scramblers, and 4 for relentless assault. He scored 3 for assassinate and 2 for vital ground as he was able to consolidate onto the right objective with the venomcrawler. Turn 5 Not much left on either side. He moved some things over to charge my last SG and easily kills the unit. He smites my terminator but fails to kill him. The venomcrawler shoots into combat and kills my CM. In my turn I leave the Incursors where they are and move my slow slow squad of intercessors up and charge the venomcrawler to take the objective. The terminator charges and kills the sorcerer. With that, I hold 3/4 objectives and get 15 primary. I get another 4 for relentless assault and Max assassinate. He scored no points aside from primary in T5. Final score was Alpha Legion 73 to Blood Angels 63. Poor deployment of my DC meant that they played no real role in the game and I failed to flip an objective in T1 that let him hang 15 primary on me. I did well on my secondaries but Relentless Assault was very difficult due to the AL strat to keep me outside of 12”. Overall I was happy with the game and had an absolute blast. I do think that if we had measured the DZ correctly that things would have been a little different because I could have gotten my terminators further up the board and out of LOS of the oblits, meaning that I would have had a full or nearly full squad to tear through his blob. Lessons learned? I need some more shooting. I reworked the list to drop the DC and Inquisitor and swap some things around to bring a Redemptor and a squad of hellblasters. The DC were disappointing but that was mostly a result of my misplay. Still, they’re an easy cut. The terminators performed wonderfully but I should definitely deepstrike them next time. The whirlwind was not as clutch in this matchup but I can see it being a hero in others. I know this was long-winded but I appreciate you reading and let me know if you have any feedback for me. Rhavien, Majkhel and Karhedron 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5688986 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhavien Posted April 15, 2021 Share Posted April 15, 2021 (edited) So without the deployment zone misunderstanding you could have been at least 4" closer at the start? Anyway it's a tight game and sounds like fun. -edit Reread your post and yeah, those couple inches can always be significant. Edited April 15, 2021 by Rhavien Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5689002 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted April 15, 2021 Share Posted April 15, 2021 (edited) Congratulations on the game! With Alpha Legion, I would really not rely on deepstriking at all. It's just so easy for them to screen you off. I think you chose good secondaries and your opponent went too heavy on supporting chars.Great that you had some epic deeds from your rank-and-file!And you army presents itself FLAWlessly on the table EDIT: especially nice touch with the beakies on the Incursors Edited April 15, 2021 by Majkhel Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5689059 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted April 15, 2021 Author Share Posted April 15, 2021 So without the deployment zone misunderstanding you could have been at least 4" closer at the start? Anyway it's a tight game and sounds like fun. -edit Reread your post and yeah, those couple inches can always be significant. Yep, we had 12” zones instead of 16”. If my terminators had started 4” further up they would obviously be further up but also would be in front of the difficult terrain of the woods, so I would have been able to get behind obscuring cover T1 and in position for a charge T2, and I wouldn’t have eaten 36 shots of buffed up oblits. Still, live and learn, it was an honest mistake and hurt my opponent as well since his daemon engines basically never made it to midboard and so he had a really difficult time scoring Engage. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5689181 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted April 15, 2021 Author Share Posted April 15, 2021 Congratulations on the game! With Alpha Legion, I would really not rely on deepstriking at all. It's just so easy for them to screen you off. I think you chose good secondaries and your opponent went too heavy on supporting chars. Great that you had some epic deeds from your rank-and-file! And you army presents itself FLAWlessly on the table EDIT: especially nice touch with the beakies on the Incursors Thank you! I appreciate it, and so do my Sneaky Beakies! Yeah I started everything on the board but I expected him to move some of his screening elements out to attack in T2, which would let me drop my DC in the back somewhere to score the secondary. He played very smart and very cagey with his DZ though. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5689182 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted April 21, 2021 Author Share Posted April 21, 2021 (edited) Had another couple of battles this week, one against Necrons and the other against fellow Blood Angels. I’ll write up my match against Necrons first. Blood Angels v Necrons, 1500 points My list Battalion HQ - Chapter Master with jump pack, inferno pistol, thunder hammer; warlord, Rites of War, Visage of Death - Primaris Master of the Forge, Warden of the Ancients - Chief Sanguinary Priest with jump pack, Icon of the Angel, Selfless Healer TROOPS - 5 assault intercessors - 5 ABR intercessors with chainsword and grenade launcher - 5 BR intercessors ELITES - 5 Death Company with 2 hammers, 1fist - Leviathan Dreadnought, volkite, claw, storm cannon - Redemptor Dreadnought, plasma, Gatling, storm bolters, rockets - 7 SG, 3 axes 4 swords His list, custom dynasty for +3” range and army-wide 6++ HQ - Phaeron Overlord with relic resurrection orb - Technomancer with anti-sniper and fly upgrades, Veil of Darkness TROOPS - 2 x 20 warriors with the short-ranged gun - 9 immortals with Tesla ELITES - 6 skorpekh destroyers OTHER / I DONT KNOW - 2 doomstalkers - 6 scarab swarms in one unit Mission was Battle Lines. He won roll off and thus went first. My secondaries were Relentless Assault, Deploy Scramblers, and Thin Their Ranks. He chose Scramblers, Purge the Vermin, and Assassinate. Deployment I deployed with my dreadnoughts on the bottom of the board with the Techmarine in support, my ABR intercessors screening my bottom corner and BR intercessors screening the other corner. My SG were behind dense cover in between them to screen out Veil of Darkness warriors. My priest, CM, and DC deploy on the edge behind obscuring terrain. Assault intercessors were in strategic reserves. He put his warriors on the line, skorpekh destroyers and both characters behind the central blob. The immortals were behind a corner ruin and he put one doomstalker in each corner. Necrons T1 His protocol was for extra movement. He put My Will Be Done on both blobs of warriors. Everything moved up, with the warriors in the center moving right up to the center ruins and deploying the first scrambler, and the bottom blob moving towards the side objective. Immortals stood still, and his scarabs advanced into the center of the board. In shooting, the only things in range were his doomstalkers. He killed one SG and took two wounds off my Redemptor. No points were scored. BA T1 I put my DC into Assault Doctrine and also gave them rerolls. Techmarine gave the Leviathan +1 to hit. My DC moved into the center ruin just short of his scarabs while both dreadnoughts moved to up toward the bottom objective. My SG stayed on my home objective and my BR intercessors shifted to screen more of the rear. The ABR intercessors deployed my home scrambler. I brought back the dead SG and healed the Redemptor. In shooting, I was able to kill a net of 4 warriors from the bottom blob and knock the bottom doomstalker to 5W. I charged the scarabs and wiped them out and consolidated as much behind the central ruins as I could. No points scored. Necron T2 He held one and so scored 5 primary points. His protocol was Guardian, which I believe let him overwatch on a 5+. He put MWBD on both warrior blobs. He moved the bottom blob forward to get LOS on my DC and moved the central blob around the ruins to try and see them. Skorpekhs moved up behind them, seemingly anticipating a counter-charge against my SG the next turn. He used Veil on the Immortals and came in behind my BR intercessors. In shooting, he managed to wipe my DC and rear squad of intercessors but whiffed against both dreadnoughts and could not draw LOS to my SG. He scored 4 for Purge. BA T2 I scored 5 primary for holding one objective. I put the SG into assault doctrine and CM gave himself rerolls. Techmarine was too far from the Levi to awaken it, so the Redemptor got the +1. I moved onto the bottom objective with both dreads, the Techmarine, and advanced my CM there as well. My ABR intercessors advanced behind them and deployed my second scrambler. My SG were obscured from everything and holding my home objective, so they and the priest remained stationary. In shooting I destroyed the bottom doomstalker with my Redemptor and killed 10 warriors with the Leviathan and smaller guns on the Redemptor. I charged my Redemptor into the small squad of Warriors and piled in to touch both. In total I killed 14 of the smaller squad, leaving just two alive. I took a couple of wounds in return. I didn’t score any points. Necrons T3 He still only holds 1 for 5 points. His protocol was for fall back and shoot at -1. He put MWBD on the warrior squads again. His immortals remained stationary in my DZ and deployed his second scrambler, while the technomancer moved in front of them on top of the ruins to draw a bead on my SG. The Overlord uses the orb to bring back like 8 warriors for the damaged squad. His destroyers edge towards the top objective and his remaining doomstalker moves forward. The technomancer does nothing shooting, but the two squads of warriors easily kill the Redemptor. Still, very worth it since I kept him away from that objective. He scored 3 for Purge. BA T3 I hold two to his one, so I score 15 primary. CM gives himself rerolls and Techmarine awakens the Leviathan. I moved my priest up into the ruins near the Technomancer and the SG toward the Immortals, staying out of LOS as much as possible. I advance the ABR intercessors onto my home objective. The assault intercessors drop on the long board edge just in his DZ and deploy my last scrambler. The priest and ABR boys take two wounds off the Technomancer shooting. The Leviathan shoots the larger squad of warriors and kills several. I charge the Priest first and make it in, then the SG into his immortals. He overwatches and does a single wound and I make the charge. My CM charges into a small gap and managed to bad touch both squads of warriors. The priest kills the Technomancer, SG wipe the immortals, and CM kills 4 warriors from the smaller squad and takes one wound. I score 4 for relentless assault and 10 for scramblers. Necrons T4 He holds only one objective, so he scores 5 primary. He stayed in combat with both squads of warriors. The destroyers moved onto the top objective and deploy his third scrambler. The overlord shoots my Dreadnought and does no damage, the doomstalker shoots my exposed priest and does nothing, and the CM kills another four warriors and takes no damage in return. He scored 10 for scramblers and the final points for Purge. BA T4 We each hold 2, so I score 10 primary. CM gives himself rerolls and Leviathan gets +1 again. I move my SG and priest toward the top objective to try and take it from the destroyers. I fall my CM out of combat and onto his home objective. Assault ints move towards the warriors, being careful to stay in his DZ. Between my units I killed 9 warriors from one squad shooting. Leviathan charges both squads and assault intercessors charge the bottom squad, wiping them out. The Leviathan kills five from the other squad, leaving only 2. My SG fail their charge. I score 4 for relentless assault. Necrons T5 Because I took his home objective with my CM, he holds only 1 and scores 5. MWBD goes on the last couple of warriors. The Techmarine is out of reach so he brings everything to attack the CM, abandoning the top objective with the destroyers. His shooting does nothing, but he does charge and kill my CM. He scores 3 for assassinate. BA T5 We don’t play out the turn as I can’t score any more points and don’t need any more. I score 15 for primary and another 4 for relentless assault. Final score was 75 to me and 48 to him. BA: 45 primary, 10 scramblers, 12 relentless assault, 8 thin Necrons: 20 primary, 10 scramblers, 15 Purge, 3 assassinate I thought this game went really well. I loved the firepower and durability of my Dreadnoughts, especially the Leviathan. Using the charges to keep him pinned all game was great, especially since he was forced to keep one squad of warriors back to hold his rear objective since he threw away his scarabs on T1. I was disappointed by the DC - without going first to throw them up using FF, they are too fragile and too easily screened to make back their points. Edited April 21, 2021 by DistractionTacMarine Majkhel 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5690975 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted April 23, 2021 Author Share Posted April 23, 2021 Had another game against WS last night. I didn’t take detailed notes since I don’t think anyone is actually reading these or cares, but it was a solid WS victory. The game hinged on me failing a rerollable 5” charge with 8 SG that would have left him with almost no melee strength and limited shooting, and me forgetting to resurrect a hellblaster that would have ensured a unit of attack bikes died instead of living on a single wound and immediately going up to two full strength models ... if I hadn’t made that mistake and if I hadn’t failed that charge, I probably win the game. My list was: Double patrol - Chief librarian with Shield, Unleash Rage, Blood Boil, and Tome for Null Zone - Primaris Captain with Quake Bolts - Chief Priest - Primaris master of the forge - 5 Incursors - 5 intercessors - Leviathan with storm cannon, grav, and volkite - 8 SG with 2 fists, 3 axes, 3 swords - 8 SG with 3 fists, 2 axes, 3 swords - 7 terminators with 5 hammers - 5 assault hellblasters I have to say, assault hellblasters have been absolute beasts in every game I’ve played with them. The AP-4 is incredible against MEQ and the rate of fire and medium strength is outstanding even against -1D targets. They pair really well with a Dreadnought, because of Wisdom of the Ancients and because it draws fire away from them. Majkhel 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5691614 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leonaides Posted April 23, 2021 Share Posted April 23, 2021 I wouldn't say people aren't interested, just that I for one have no real tt experience to contribute with as I have managed 0 games in the last 9 months or so... its always good to hear what has been working tho and see models able to hit the boards Majkhel and Karhedron 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5691629 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted April 23, 2021 Share Posted April 23, 2021 ... I have managed 0 games in the last 9 months or so... its always good to hear what has been working tho and see models able to hit the boards Same here! Nevertheless, an enjoyable read of the fight against the Necrons :)Golden Levi looks awesome. Reminds me I have one in my PoS that I'm kinda afraid to touch... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5691633 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted April 27, 2021 Author Share Posted April 27, 2021 I didn’t mean it in a bad way, the forum is just not super active so sometimes it’s like screaming into the void lol. I will continue to write up my battles when I am able to take notes, mostly because I really enjoy reading other people’s batreps so I want to contribute some of my own. I have a battle coming up on Thursday, a 2k competitive match. Not sure what army I’ll be facing at this point. I know my opponent owns a mixed Chaos army (he has Nurgle daemons and a lot of CSM, maybe more that I don’t remember), a Craftworlds army, and a Raven guard successor army. I’m bringing a variation of the list I brought against the White Scars. It looks roughly like this: Battalion HQ - Primaris Captain, power sword / auto bolter, Quake Bolts - Chief Priest w/ jump pack, Icon, Selfless Healer - Chief Lib, warlord, jump pack, Psychic Mastery, Tome; Unleash Rage, Shield, Wings, Null Zone TROOPS - 5 assault intercessors - 5 auto bolter intercessors, chainsword and grenade launcher - 5 Incursors ELITES - 5 Bladeguard, volkite pistol - 7 sanguinary guard with axes - 4 SG with axes - 4 SG with swords - Redemptor with plasma, Gatling, storm bolters, rockets - relic Contemptor with cyclone and double volkite FAST ATTACK - 3 plasmaceptors HEAVY SUPPORT - 5 assault hellblasters Basic plan is to keep my firepower close together with the Bladeguard screening the front and pushing up the board. Intercessors and Incursors to screen back. Plasmaceptors will probably stay in reserve with one small SG squad. Second small SG squad will stay on the board as a troubleshooter. Big SG squad will be my heavy hitter with the librarian in tow. Big deathstar units are really dangerous right now because of the lethality of the game; it’s really difficult to trade up before you die. That’s why I’m trying the smaller units, they are still incredibly dangerous in melee but they’re also a small points investment that won’t sink me if they die. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5692697 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhavien Posted April 27, 2021 Share Posted April 27, 2021 Do you run all those axes because of wysiswg or because you prepare for a lot of T5? Well I like what I see, though I'm not sold on assault hellblasters, but I can see their appeal. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5692712 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted April 28, 2021 Author Share Posted April 28, 2021 Do you run all those axes because of wysiswg or because you prepare for a lot of T5? Well I like what I see, though I'm not sold on assault hellblasters, but I can see their appeal. Preparing for lots of T5. In my experience the extra point of AP rarely makes a difference due to invuls, but the extra point of strength can make a big difference versus Gravis or DG. Assault hellblasters have been man of the match in every game I’ve run them, they do a ton of work. I am playing another game on Saturday against a guy bringing a block of 10, I expect to get wrecked by them lol Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5693011 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted April 28, 2021 Share Posted April 28, 2021 Great to see your games, and good to see ass-blasters paying off for you. I really want a unit of them on the table. WS are a hard army, and I think better than BA in most ways apart from the special units we can take. In your necron match, thin their ranks is a trap, against most armies, necrons may be the exception due to the potential for unlimited kills. Having to kill 150 models is tough at any level. Linebreaker is also, annoyingly, easier than Relentless, unless you face a pure static gunline that won't move. Repair homer is also a favourite of mine, but you ideally need a dedicated sneaky unit to max it, like incursors to get into the opposing DZ turn 2, or scouts. Oath of Moment is a pretty strong one, and would have got you good points with your small units and them having characters and vehicles. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5693050 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DistractionTacMarine Posted April 30, 2021 Author Share Posted April 30, 2021 Played against Chaos Daemons last night, mixed Slaanesh and Nurgle. Pretty interesting game. Mission: Priority Target Blood Angels: Secondaries: Priority Target, Assassinate, Banners Battalion HQ - Primaris Captain, auto bolt rifle, power sword - Chief Librarian, jump pack, inferno pistol, sword; Psychic Master & Artisan of War; Tome of Malcador & Artificer Armor; Shield, Unleash Rage, Wings, Null Zone - Chief Priest, jump pack, Selfless Healer TROOPS - 5 Incursors - 5 assault intercessors - 5 ABR intercessors ELITES - 5 Bladeguard, neo-volkite - 7 SG, axes - 4 SG, axes - 4 SG, swords - Redemptor, plasma, Gatling, storm bolters, rockets - Relic Contemptor, cyclone missiles and double volkite FAST ATTACK - 3 plasmaceptors HEAVY SUPPORT - 5 assault hellblasters Chaos Daemons Secondaries: Priority Targets, Scramblers, Domination Slaanesh Patrol: - Exalted Keeper of Secrets, relic sword to regain wounds, exalted traits for 4++ and exploding hits - Contorted Epitome, warlord, WLT took attacks away - 2 x 10 Daemonettes with banner - 5 seekers with banner - chariot thing Nurgle battalion: - Exalted GUO, sword and flail, exalted traits for T8 and 4+++ - Bilepiper - Scrivener - 2 x 3 nurglings - 30 plaguebearers - 5 furies of Nurgle - 6 bloat drones I deployed against the line with most of my army as he had nothing in reserve and no shooting. I knew I couldn’t hide from the KOS if she wanted in my lines, so I parked my assault intercessors and a small SG unit on an objective to hopefully limit her damage. My dreadnoughts had LOS through terrain in the middle to the GUO, the chariot, and most of his blobs. My Bladeguard and characters stayed in the middle with supporting firepower behind, the librarian and large unit of SG were positioned to counter-punch. My incursors forward deployed on one of the middle objectives. I kept the inceptors in reserve. He deployed conservatively with his Slaaneshi units but aggressively with Nurgle. Drones and GUO in the middle, plaguebearers and seekers towards the bottom, CE in support. The chariot and KOS on the top edge of the board, and Daemonettes screening his backfield. He won the roll off and went first. Daemons T1 He advanced up across the board. His chariot and drones were most aggressive - chariot towards my assault intercessors and drones onto the center point. His seekers and CE moved to attack my incursors. He didn’t accomplish anything of note in psychic phase. Then he charged and failed with the chariot, leaving it exposed. He charged my incursors with the CE and seekers and killed three, only for a fourth to fail morale. At the end of his turn he scored 3 for priority target and deployed his home scrambler with Daemonettes. BA T1 I put the bottom squad of intercessors and my Bladeguard into assault doctrine. BGV moved up around the dense terrain for a clear charge at the mid-board, ABR intercessors moved toward the Seekers, and my dreadnoughts maneuvered around for shots at the KOS and chariot. Hellblasters moved back a hair to stay with rerolls and draw a bead on his plaguebearers and Nurglings. I raised a banner with my assault intercessors. I play Upon Wings of Fire and move my small SG squad near the top objective into deepstrike. I failed my psychic powers. Whoops. In shooting, I destroyed the chariot easily, wiped out the bottom unit of Nurglings, and killed some plaguebearers. I charged the intercessors into the seekers and the BGV into the drones. In combat my intercessors whiffed, thanks to -1 attack from epitome and bad rolling, only killing a single Seeker. The Epitome activated and killed the last Incursor, taking that objective. My Bladeguard did much better, killing three of the drones and only losing 2W in return. I control the center objective since I have more bodies in the zone. Daemons T2 This one felt like it would hurt, but I think I’ve mostly protected my most vulnerable areas. He scores 10 primary. He moves and advanced his KOS to attack my assault intercessors. One Daemonette unit advanced into mid board and deploys his second scrambler. The plaguebearers shuffle forward to protect the CE and threaten the bottom of the board. The drones fall back towards my DZ, opening me up to the GUO who moves forward to challenge my BGV with his support characters. He gets off a few psychic powers for buffs, but nothing significant. The GUO shoots his flail and finishes the wounded BGV and wounds another. He charges the BGV with the GUO, the assault intercessors with the KOS, and the ABR intercessors with his plaguebearers. He activates the Keeper first and wipes the squad, healing back to full health. I decide not to interrupt. The seekers and plaguebearers between them kill three intercessors. I use Transhuman on the BGV and only kills one, so I still hold the center objective. I kill three plaguebearers and take two wounds off the GUO. Annoyingly in morale he regains 6 plaguebearers. He scores 3 for priority target, 3 for domination, and has deployed 2 scramblers. BA T2 Thanks to the BGV holding on, I score 10 primary. I really need a big turn now as he is pushing forward aggressively. I put the small unit of sword SG into assault doctrine. I maneuver in my backfield a bit, bringing my dreadnoughts to where they can be most effective and moving my big squad of SG, small sword squad, and librarian toward the Keeper and the furies nearby. I try to fall back with my intercessors but I can’t thanks to the contorted epitome. I do move my hellblasters back to make it impossible to charge them with the plague boys and to stay in reroll range of my Captain. I stay in combat with the BGV to keep the fat boy from moving. My inceptors drop down in midboard to shoot the scramblers Daemonettes and my second small SG squad drops into his DZ to threaten his home objective. Once again I fail my psychic powers. Without Null Zone I am not at all confident in my ability to kill the Keeper. My shooting phase goes very well. I manage to bring the Keeper down to just 6 wounds between the Redemptor, the librarian, and some of my SG. I also kill 4/5 of the furies with my SG. My hellblasters and Contemptor wipe the drones and my captain plinks a few plaguebearers. I kill 9/10 of the Daemonettes with my inceptors. I charge the librarian into the lone fury to cripple his scramblers. The big and small SG squads go into the Keeper, the rear SG squad rolls boxcars and gets into his rear squad of Daemonettes, and the inceptors roll box cars to get back there as well! I easily kill the wounded keeper and fury, taking no damage in return. Between them, the rear SG and inceptors kill 6/10 of the Daemonettes. He kills my last intercessors and one more Bladeguard. The last of the mid board Daemonettes flees along with two of the last four from the other squad. I score 3 for priority and 3 for assassinate and am in a very good position. Daemons T3 He scores 10 for primary and is running out of options. I have cleared the entire top of the board and am threatening his backfield, his GUO is locked down by a single Bladeguard, and all of my shooting is intact. He is strong on the bottom part of the board but there is only one objective there. In movement, my opponent makes a couple of mistakes. He moves the seekers forward to attack my hellblasters and move the plaguebearers forward, stringing them out onto the bottom objective but ignoring the center objective. I think he should have left the seekers where they were and pushed the plaguebearers onto the center objective or back towards the home objective where he can overwhelm me. Nothing much of note happens. He kills the final Bladeguard and two hellblasters. I wipe his Daemonettes so he scores no primaries. The plaguebearers would need at least two turns to get into my DZ for his final scrambler so that dream is dead. BA T3 I finally hang the big 15 in primary. I move into assault doctrine. I am not in combat with my hellblasters, so I prepare to fire and bring one back with my priest. The big SG squad and librarian go to attack the GUO and take the center objective, the small sword squad sits on the top objective, and the rear squad moves to attack one of his support characters. I deploy a banner on the top objective and my inceptors stay on his home objective. I shoot pretty much everything into the plaguebearers and thanks to some incredible rolling, in total I only kill about 6. I charge the GUO and take a total of 6 wounds off (having finally cast Null Zone but being Denied), losing four SG in return. My other SG fail to kill the Bilepiper and my Contemptor and hellblasters kill the seekers. I score 5 for priority. We had to call the game there as my opponent had to leave. I was in a very strong position, but the game still could have gone either way with some luck on his part. This was not an optimized Daemon list by any means. If he had another Keeper I would have struggled to kill it. He also made mistakes by pushing forward instead of camping three objectives and forcing me to waste my strength against his blobs. I was overall happy with how my list played, though. The biggest takeaway is that I chose awful secondaries. Assassinate was a trap due to the toughness of his characters. Banners was even worse. I should have taken scramblers and Engage or Relentless Assault, either of which would have been better choices. Final score at end of 3 was BA 39, daemons 32. Majkhel and Rhavien 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362371-blood-angels-errant-company-batrep-against-daemons/page/2/#findComment-5693711 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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