Dosjetka Posted April 8, 2020 Author Share Posted April 8, 2020 Sorry for the wait, folks. Got lost in Skyrim for a few days. :sweat: *cracks fingers* A question. Given the current close down of GW and FW production, and my struggles sourcing on theme units, am I able to ‘add on’ units to my pledge as we go? I can hit the gold standard now for Challenge two but it’ll be with bland generic units that won’t be able to showcase my force’s uniqueness, unless I can add them in once production is up again. Sorry that I missed this earlier. When pledging for a Challenge, you do not need to declare what level you're aiming for. That will be determined at the end when the challenge comes to an end and I/we tally up what you've managed to do in the time given to you. :) I understand that it is a challenge, but when I committed to it I had roughly two months to work on an article (and help others with theirs) and then around 2 months to work on a combat patrol force (or hopefully even the Strike Froce but that was rather optomistic to begin with). Today I have roughly a month and a half left for the article, but for the building and painting I have only between 3 weeks (mid may to 6 June at worst) and the full 2 months (if I rush out an article this weekend). In terms of hobby times and planned commitments I feel I have a handicap compared to when I started. I will do the best I can in the time allotted but it might not be as much. I understand not wanting to give people more than two months for challenge two, as two months is the limited you set. It would be more admin on your side but one solution that springs to mind is that everybody gets up to two months for challenge 2 starting from when they declare/have finished challenge one. This would put a variable end time to challenge 2 and might throw the rest out of alignment but no one would have less time then when they signed up and anybody who has the time early can use it. Alternatively make it so that challenge one and two can be worked on simultaneously. While I am not ready in a position to really start challenge two on the 6th I can still give it my best shot if I can spend as much time on challenge 2 as possible without having to eat into my time because challenge one is not finished. While working on both at the same time is not ideal it would give a bit more flexibility than is currently available. I hadn't realised this would be an issue but I see how it could be. Thanks for bringing it up and the suggestions you've offered, I'll work on finding a proper solution to this problem. :tu: =][= Important update At the request of a few Frater and given the exceptional circumstances we're in, I've decided to shift the starting date of the second Challenge to Monday 6th April. The final date for the first Challenge stays the same. This will allow people who have time on their hands to crack on with their vows sooner while giving the people who would like time to work on their articles the time they need. However, if you have vowed to enter the first Challange, you must complete it before moving on to the second Challenge. As usual, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to share them here or in private via PMs. :tu: So, I've a question. Since I'm writing two articles for mine, do I have to fully complete both or just one? Because the Night Lords one is mostly done (I just need to add some more stuff to the timeline), but the Knights one is giving me issues with it, as aside from timeline and a section explaining their colours.... I'm drawing a blank on them. Given that you've pledged two articles, you should ideally finish both before moving on to the next Challenge. That said, if you want to start painting some Night Lords while trying to get unstuck with your second article, that's fine. It would be more admin on your side but one solution that springs to mind is that everybody gets up to two months for challenge 2 starting from when they declare/have finished challenge one. This would put a variable end time to challenge 2 and might throw the rest out of alignment but no one would have less time then when they signed up and anybody who has the time early can use it. Alternatively make it so that challenge one and two can be worked on simultaneously. While I am not ready in a position to really start challenge two on the 6th I can still give it my best shot if I can spend as much time on challenge 2 as possible without having to eat into my time because challenge one is not finished. While working on both at the same time is not ideal it would give a bit more flexibility than is currently available. I think these seem like the best alternatives. The simplest way would be to do them together with a 4 month deadline, if you're able to get ahead on the writing, you get more time to paint. That said, if you're dead set on only allowing a max of 2 months per Challenge, I'd allow people to choose to finish Challenge 1/start 2 early, but they only get 2 months from that point to complete it. So if you end Challenge 1 five days early on the 12th May, you get until the 12th July to complete Challenge 2.That wouldn't really be more admin, though. You'd just have to trust each participant to remember and be honest about when they'd started and finished? (Which you're doing anyway, no way to prove if someone has started early!) Aye, a four-month deadline seems to be the easiest solution but I think I do want to limit writing to two months. Painting and building is a different matter given the current situation so that can be more flexible and have more time, giving folks a chance to get started now while they stay have the time.Thanks for chipping in to the discussion, Lysi. :) Was going to ask if updating an old Chpater for the 42nd Millenium counted for challenge one, but that would be too easy/not enough work to save me from going mad during upcoming furlough. Instead, to ask a stupid question - can I pledge to write 6000+ plus words about a sector? What would one even expect to see in a properly-formatted article about a sector? (If it's a no that's A-okay, I have a backup option - possibly the world's first Cornish-themed IG regiment. Onen hag oll.) Updating an old Chapter to the current edition/lore is fine. An article about a sector, to me, goes beyond the scope of this event. That said, creating a DIY system/sub-sector/sector could be a neat idea for a future event... I’ll back this option too Ditto. Finally getting time to get some work done on my writing and just getting down some background information before my Escher gang was even formed is approaching a thousand words. Three thousand may not be as much of an issue as I initially thought. Aye, three thousand words isn't all that much once you get going and the ideas start flowing. Keep it up. :tu: I'm going to go ahead and get started with Challenge 2. I'll be posting my progress over at my thread on the Dark Angels sub forum. Due to difficulties sourcing GW products, I'll be doing my army bit by bit as and when I can get the on theme units, with the aim of having the full gold level size force before the deadline. I hope that will be acceptable! As mentioned further up, that's fine. :tu: Article is in progress, and a quasi-placeholder has been posted in hopes that some kind creature can help me give this concept a proppa name. I'll have a look at your progress sometime during the next few days. :tu: Lexington and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted April 8, 2020 Author Share Posted April 8, 2020 =][= Decision concerning the start of and final deadline for Challenge #2 Challenge #2 can be started once a participant has declared completion of Challenge #1; Challenge #1's final deadline has not changed: it is still Saturday 17th May; Challenge #2 ends on Friday 17th July 2020 at 23:59 in your timezone. The exact start and end dates of subsequent Challenges will be discussed and decided upon at a later date and will depend on what the situation is closer to the time when they should happen. That said their duration (1 month for Challenges #3 and #4, 2 months for Challenge #5) have not changed. Grotsmasha, Lysimachus, Lexington and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harlan Skorus Posted April 8, 2020 Share Posted April 8, 2020 Updating an old Chapter to the current edition/lore is fine. An article about a sector, to me, goes beyond the scope of this event. That said, creating a DIY system/sub-sector/sector could be a neat idea for a future event... Fair enough. In that case... I, Brother Harlan, chronicler of the Dimarian Pastysmashers Shieldbreakers, take up your challenges (but only those numbered 1 and 5 because I don't do the models anymore sorry) and vow to submit these to the Liber before the deadline. I also vow to support my fellow challengers until they're sick of me. May I forever live a life of cream before jam should I fail. Kelborn, Brother Cambrius and Dosjetka 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted April 8, 2020 Share Posted April 8, 2020 Welcome to the Challenge, Harlan Skorus! And just doing one or two of the Challenges is perfectly fine and no need to say sorry. Looking forwards to seeing these Shieldbreakers of yours. :) Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted April 14, 2020 Share Posted April 14, 2020 Ok, so entering final phase for challenge one personally. Going to give it a week for any final thoughts. I'll have a thread for challenge two up next week. Thank you for running this Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted April 15, 2020 Author Share Posted April 15, 2020 Welcome to the Challenge, Harlan! :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
commissar_roach Posted April 16, 2020 Share Posted April 16, 2020 Right, i think I've finished up most of the editing needed for my article, so i'm starting up on challenge 2 here. with the lack of models around me i'm lucky that i have enough on hand lol. Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted April 18, 2020 Share Posted April 18, 2020 So, I just realized I forgot to say, I've finished the Fangs of the Father article for the purposes of the challenge (will likely continue to work on it as time goes on and I get more inspiration). The issue is this:I can't do ANY of the other challenges currently until GW re-opens, as I don't have the shoulder pads for my Night Lords. Can't "Fully assemble, paint, and base" a model if you're missing shoulder pads... :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted April 20, 2020 Share Posted April 20, 2020 So started my challenge #2 here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 21, 2020 Share Posted April 21, 2020 "Are you done yet?"Acemund Debonair, scion of Talhon, tried to ignore the interruption. He was sat in a quiet nook in the top of Hall Three, trying to empty his mind and weigh his need for vengeance against divulging information he was sworn to keep. It was not an easy task, made harder by near-daily interruption."Because you've been meditating for weeks now. I thought Space Marines were supposed to be decisive in their actions."Ace sighed and opened his eyes.Sister Naritha stood across the room from him, arms folded, impatience written large on her face, her foot tapping impatiently on the old wooden floor."You seem to have confused decisiveness for haste." Ace replied, quietly. "I have petitioned the Moderati, and they've approved me taking this mission. Alone.""Well then-" Naritha began."The only question that remains is if I want to proceed," Ace interrupted her. "There must be a reason the Silver Circle hasn't told you what happened at Syphrian.""There might be." Naritha shrugged. "But it's not like they've told us why they're not telling us." She gave an impatient snort, then flicked her hair back away from her eyes - a sign of frustration that Ace had become accustomed to seeing over the last few weeks. Ace shrugged."Nevertheless. I cannot gainsay the wisdom of my kin. I can, however, offer you a compromise. I'll come with you back to the Rifts. Let me speak to my Circle-brothers. If they allow it, I'll tell you everything I can. I'll even go with you to Syphrian, if required. Then, take me to where Idarileth lurks, and let me avenge my brothers."Naritha fixed him with a long, level stare before replying. "Fine. That's good enough. I can't wait here forever anyway." She cracked her knuckles. "The rest of the squad will be here soon. We'll be ready to leave in approximately... forty hours. Get yourself ready to travel."-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=The workshop was filled with frantic activity. SN-517 the servitor was helping Ace put his armour on, while the Hawk of Talhon shouted instructions to his servants."Mischa, get me any data-slates you can find concerning activity around the Glastheim Rifts in the last forty years. There should be a few in the scroll-chamber. Irian, I need you to go to the Armourium, request six magazines of bolt rounds from whoever's running there these days. If they try to argue, tell 'em Ace sent you, and he wants his 'rainy day collection'."SN-517 gave a whirr of effort as he lifted Ace's gauntlets towards the Space Marine, and Ace took them gratefully, sparing a smile for the battered old servitor."Careful, Sen. Don't over-do it. We don't need you going in for more repairs while I'm away. Who else is going to look after these three youngsters for me?"SN-517 (or Sen to his friends) made a clunk-clunk of reassurance in reply. Ace rested a hand on the servitor's wrinkled old brow for a moment, in silent thanks, then started bellowing orders to his servants again."Haydram, double-check the provisions list for me - I don't want this trip to turn out like Fenris all over again. Mischa, once you've got the data-slates, can you go fetch me the red box from my quarters? I don't need to tell you not to open it, right?"-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ace strode towards the hangar, Mischa at his side, listing off the total inventory of things he was bringing along. Though they were still a hundred paces or more from the Hangar doors, Mischa was having to raise her voice to be heard over the sounds from within as tech-adepts tinkered and repaired the ships inside, punctuated by the sounds of vast doors opening and closing (with accompanying warning sirens, of course)."-cloths for wiping down your armour, two pouches of Mechanicum-approved herbs for the censer, seven magazines of bolt rounds, two small casks of Athlumi Wine, both at least a century old, and your red box and whatever's in it.""That's everything. Thank you, Mischa." Ace grinned. Aside from the bolter in his inventory, he had two of his best chainaxes - Beastbreaker and Wrathclaw - strapped to his back, and carried at his side his old, battle-worn combat knife. He carried his old Talhon-pattern helmet under his arm, and in spite of everything felt the familiar thrill of the hunt he always felt just before leaving on a mission."Oh, and one last thing..." Mischa added, reaching into the sleeve of her robe, and pulling out a small data-slate. "I called in a favour from Orla, one of the serfs working for Moderati Dosjetka. It's just some notes on the Sororitas you'll be travelling with. I just thought you might want some idea of-""They've been here less than two days." Ace chuckled, glancing at the documentation on the slate idly. "I should have known nothing escapes our Moderati.""I know this mission is important to you, but be careful out there. It's more important to us that you come back in one piece," she added, reaching up and fussily adjusting the strap holding Beastbreaker."I'm always careful, Mischa." Ace chuckled. "Look after the others for me. Make sure Irian doesn't do anything reckless while I'm gone, and don't let Sen try to do too much at once. He's not as young as he once was.""Nor are you," Mischa said, with a wry smile. "Be safe out there.""The Emperor Protects," Ace replied, making the sign of the aquila and giving her a cheery wink. Mischa returned the gesture, but Ace could see she was still worried.Neverthless, the road to redemption was laid out before him.It was finally time for Acemund to begin walking it.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=OK, so I'm happy with the Article I've written for the Order of the Iron Tower; it's time for Challenge two!I, Acemund Debonair, acting on behalf of The Order of the Iron Tower take up the Challenge of the Iron Gauntlet. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete the Second Challenge and complete Ten (10) Sisters of Battle before the deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability (which in this case will just be cheering everyone on). May the Emperor himself castigate me for weakness should I fail.Here's where I'm starting from - in my zeal to get started I forgot to take a picture before giving my new Loren Forest Green paint a try-out on the robes. Not pictured: the other two sprues, I'll snap a better one of them later. Dosjetka, Machine God, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted April 22, 2020 Share Posted April 22, 2020 Forgive the double post, brothers, but the first of my Sisters is finished: Sister Karinda, complete with some background fluff.Pretty happy with how the colours I've picked turned out, although the Biel-tan green wash on the robes has made it a much richer green than the camo-drab colour I originally intended. To be fair, I think I like the rich green more, so it's a positive change at least! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted April 22, 2020 Share Posted April 22, 2020 Ok, I've just updated my entry, House Harvestor, and my article is coming along nicely, currently sitting at 2,500 words. I'm intending on fleshing out and naming the five ruling families to get the last 500 words done. I've also started preparations for Challenge #2, and man am I excited to get to it..... Brother-Chaplain Kage and Dosjetka 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted April 25, 2020 Share Posted April 25, 2020 Okay so ONE started. Well, more a work of what I started last Iron Gauntlet but as its a month in I figured I better get moving... The New Eden Rifles, reporting for duty. Dig in well and give 'em hell lads! Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted April 25, 2020 Share Posted April 25, 2020 Ok, baring any changes to feedback, I believe my Article and Task 1 is complete, coming in at a smidge over 3200 words. House Havestor I've small change that fixed two larger issues with the History, and am mush happier with the narrative. I'm not yet ready to start Challenge Two, my printer is still running...... Dosjetka and Brother-Chaplain Kage 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 Was wondering if it was ok to just add to an existing thread for challenge #2? Noticed I have like two threads in the AdMech section that would be better served being one thread and then I can swing it to general plog after this is done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted May 4, 2020 Share Posted May 4, 2020 And so does the great devourer of Hive Fleet Titan arrive... of a sorts. It is so hard to write Tyranids... Dosjetka and Brother Cambrius 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted May 4, 2020 Share Posted May 4, 2020 I, TechCaptain, of the Bloodmoon Hunters take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete Challenge of the First, the Second, the Third, the Penultimate, and the Final, then submit it to the Liber before the deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the Emperor curse me if I fail. I am new here and not familiar with how these challenges work, but I have recently posted up my DIY/IA homebrew the Bloodmoon Hunters, and I am currently working on doing more models for them, the first set of Primaris for my Chapter. Further I have a write up of a battle I did with them though I am not sure if it counts as it is a old battle. Skirmish of Cyprus Eden is a write up turn story that is also in that thread. Finally I also posted a Collaborative story I did with someone on homebrew wiki in the Battle of Lebenstien. Still working on the other challenges and maybe reworking for the others if they don't count. Dosjetka, Brother Cambrius and Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted May 4, 2020 Share Posted May 4, 2020 Welcome TechCaptain! Looking forwards to seeing your army grow here on the B&C. :D Cambrius TechCaptain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted May 4, 2020 Share Posted May 4, 2020 Thanks, please check them out and let me know what you think. I look forward to improving my lore and modeling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted May 4, 2020 Share Posted May 4, 2020 I, TechCaptain, of the Bloodmoon Hunters take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete Challenge of the First, the Second, the Third, the Penultimate, and the Final, then submit it to the Liber before the deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the Emperor curse me if I fail. I am new here and not familiar with how these challenges work, but I have recently posted up my DIY/IA homebrew the Bloodmoon Hunters, and I am currently working on doing more models for them, the first set of Primaris for my Chapter. Further I have a write up of a battle I did with them though I am not sure if it counts as it is a old battle. Skirmish of Cyprus Eden is a write up turn story that is also in that thread. Finally I also posted a Collaborative story I did with someone on homebrew wiki in the Battle of Lebenstien. Still working on the other challenges and maybe reworking for the others if they don't count. Welcome to the Iron Gauntlet, TechCaptain. As to your questions, while I am not the final authority on the matter (such honor goes to Dosjetka), I believe you will need to do a fresh game and battle-report for the third challenge--it specifies "with your organisation force created in Challenge #2;" and I believe you might need to write a new story for the 5th challenge, though the wording of the challenge is not so clear, I think it falls within the spirit of the challenge to write a story during the timeframe allotted for that part of the Iron Gauntlet. I look forward to seeing your work. I have also added your linked article to the master post. TechCaptain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted May 5, 2020 Share Posted May 5, 2020 I feel then the third will be the hardest with social distancing still in effect over here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted May 6, 2020 Author Share Posted May 6, 2020 It's been a while, hasn't it? :sweat: Sorry folks, been quite busy lately. I'll do my best to answer the as-of-yet unanswered questions now! Also, big thanks to Lenoch for keeping the participants list updated. :tu: Was wondering if it was ok to just add to an existing thread for challenge #2? Noticed I have like two threads in the AdMech section that would be better served being one thread and then I can swing it to general plog after this is done. Adding to an existing thread is fine, just remember to post a link here. :tu: I, TechCaptain, of the Bloodmoon Hunters take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete Challenge of the First, the Second, the Third, the Penultimate, and the Final, then submit it to the Liber before the deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the Emperor curse me if I fail. I am new here and not familiar with how these challenges work, but I have recently posted up my DIY/IA homebrew the Bloodmoon Hunters, and I am currently working on doing more models for them, the first set of Primaris for my Chapter. Further I have a write up of a battle I did with them though I am not sure if it counts as it is a old battle. Skirmish of Cyprus Eden is a write up turn story that is also in that thread. Finally I also posted a Collaborative story I did with someone on homebrew wiki in the Battle of Lebenstien. Still working on the other challenges and maybe reworking for the others if they don't count. I feel then the third will be the hardest with social distancing still in effect over here. Welcome, TechCaptain! With regards to the third Challenge, I'm still trying to figure out a way to organise things. I'll let you all know when a decision is reached. :tu: With regards to the final Challenge, you should indeed write a new story. If you have a story that as some sort of barebones outline, that's fine too, but a story that is already written and complete won't be accepted. TechCaptain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted May 6, 2020 Share Posted May 6, 2020 here is the new link to my challenge #2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted May 6, 2020 Share Posted May 6, 2020 Skirmish of Cyprus Eden is pretty bare with not much fluff to it. That one I can expand into a greater story. That will be easier than trying to scratch build one. When do we here if we are good for Challenge 1? because while I am still working on formatting,and tenses mainly the bulk of it is complete. I think I am beyond the 3000+ words (I may have gone overboard.). I am working on Challenge two. Do we have to do the challenges in order? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted May 6, 2020 Share Posted May 6, 2020 Challenges are to be done in order, and in the time allotted (the details are in the first post). HOWEVER. Due to COVID-19, Dosjetka has ruled that the second challenge may be begun as soon as you declare that you are done with challenge one, so I think you’re all good. TechCaptain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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