UtariOnzo Posted March 18, 2020 Share Posted March 18, 2020 (edited) The Angels of Penance "The measure of true glory is not to give battle in the bright noon of war, surrounded by brave comrades upon the field of victory, but to valiantly fight on alone in the darkness, with no hope of aid or even remembrance, and to spit defiance in midnight's eye" Lion El'Jonson, Reflections on the Mirror of War, Vol III OverviewThe Angels of Penance are a Second Founding Chapter of the Dark Angels Legion. Formed from the Assault cadres of the I Legio, the Chapter displays a more bellicose outlook compared to their fellow Unforgiven, prefering to engage the enemy in close quarters hit and run assaults rather than stubbornly hold a gun-line. Known to deploy seasoned battle-brothers in formations akin to the Breacher Siege Squads of the Legiones Astartes or as well equipped 'Vanguard' jump pack Assault Squads, alongside fielding their 1st Company almost exclusively in ancient Cataphractii-Pattern Terminator Armour, it is rumoured that the Angels of Penance are the inheritors of the traditions and arms of the 'Stormwing' formation of their Legion predecessors. ”Of all the Primarchs, save perhaps Mortarion, Lion El'Jonson stands apart. Partially this is due to his taciturn nature -- a brooding silence hangs over him at all times. Yet there is something more...something buried beneath his noble exterior. Perhaps this is a result of his upbringing, growing to maturity alone in the monster-ridden forests of Caliban. Even at a council of war, the Lion moves like an apex predator. He is always watching, always planning, always hunting. He unnerves even his brothers.” Malcador the Hero History Grand Master Ishmael, Chapter Master of the 5th Chapter, 1st Host during the Thramas Crusade Origins The Angels of Penance can trace their history back to the days of the Great Crusade and the 5th Chapter of the Dark Angels Legion. Following the principles of the Hexagrammaton, the Chapter was manned by Legionaries inducted into one of the six 'Wings' of specialist doctrines, giving it the flexibility to operate in a variety of theatres. Initially unremarkable with its compliance to this standard, it was during the Thramas Crusade that the 5th, by this point under the command of Grand Master Ishmael, began to diverge from its brothers.A native of Caliban, Ishmael was one of the many young aspirants claimed during the Lion's campaigns of subjugation against the other Knight Orders on the planet and raised up as an Astartes upon the Emperor's arrival. A choleric individual by nature, Ishmael was known to keep his own company during the rare periods of downtime, but in the heat of battle he could unleash a primal fury so fierce that many of his peers began to compare him to the old Beasts of Caliban. It wasn't long before this young Astartes caught the eye of the Terran Commanders of the old 'Storm Host', a void warfare specialist formation founded by the Emperor Himself during the Legion's inception, who saw value in channelling his rage in a useful manner. Demanding absolute focus and dedicated preparation in order to deliver a few moments of absolute brutality at key breach points, the 'Storm Host's' way of battle was the perfect fit for the 'Dark Child' of Caliban. By the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Ishmael had successfully climbed to a senior position within the Legion as the 5th Chapter's Master. In addition, he also often served as the Field Commander of his 'Stormwing' brothers (as the Lion had renamed them) whenever the 1st Host required their void warfare expertise. Learning from experiences gained during earlier campaigns, such as the Third Rangdan Xenocide and the Pacification of Kelrecht, the Grand Master made efforts to co-operate with those members of his Chapter from the other Wing hosts in order to best support, and exploit, the efforts of his Stormwing Breachers. Such close co-operation would soon pay off as the I Legio were thrown into conflict with the Night Lords in the Thramas Crusade. In the 2 year engagement, and utilising the newly formed combined-arms tactics, Ishmael reaped a bloody toll upon the traitor Astartes. Cataphractii Terminator formations used their enhanced armour and shielding to support their Breacher brothers in boarding actions, jump pack equipped assault marines brought Stormwing close quarters tactics upon enemy fortifications on planets while Ravenwing and Firewing inducted initiates gave valuable intelligence to the 5th, while sowing seeds of disruption in the Night Lord ranks. Thanks to these efforts, Ishmael successfully made the case for implementing Terminator and Jump Pack assault formations within the Stormwing doctrine itself, enhancing the Host's capabilities in a wider range of theatres. With these changes, Ishmael's Chapter continued to serve admirably through the rest of the Horus Heresy, and up until the Fall of Caliban. Luther's betrayal and the loss of the Lion hit the 5th Chapter hard. The majority of the Chapter by this time were Caliban born, and the destruction of their planet in the wake of having to fight their own brothers left the Astartes lost and shaken to their core. Additionally, the failure of the I Legio to reach Terra in time further added to the sense of shame that was beginning to envelope the Sons of the First. Swearing grave oaths of vengeance, Ishmael rallied his brothers, stating that they will find redemption in the purging of their fallen cousins in the Scouring. Painting over their armour in Lightning Yellow, these Pentitant Angels vowed to be the Emperor's storm of fury against all those that had betrayed Him, knowing no forgiveness till all had been slain or brought to heel. Traditionally, it is this moment that the Chapter's Librarium records consider the Founding of the Chapter as its own entity. In the Post-Scouring era, the Chapter would suffer yet another blow to their honour, with the death of Grand Master Ishmael. It was at the Battle of Vigrid's Fall that the venerable Chapter Master faced off with an old rival from the Night Lords, Praetor Jago Terask of the "Fangs of the Father" warband. Challenging him in single combat, Ishmael fought with all the fury of the Lion, relentlessly raining blows upon his sworn foe. In the throes of righteous fury, the Grand Master unleashed a decapitating strike, but left himself open to Terask's counter. Impaled upon the lightning claws of the Son of the Night Haunter, Ishmael breathed his last, dying even as his Calibanite warsword sliced clean through the traitor's neck plate. His arms and armour would later be recovered and repaired, but the precious geneseed Ishmael carried in his chest was forever lost. In the aftermath of the Battle of Vigrid's Fall, the Chapter suffered nearly two company's worth of marines KIA, a devastating event that would start an unresolved blood-feud between the Angels of Penance and the Fangs of the Father that continues to this day. Since that fateful day, the Angels of Penance have continued to be at the forefront of conflicts against Heretic Astartes. It was they among the Unforgiven who first engaged in a shadow war against the Ur-Council during the Nova Terra Interregnum, fielding their 1st, 2nd and 10th Company assets in upmost secrecy to investigate rumours of a Fallen among the secessionists leadership. It was they who answered the summons of the High Lords during the Wrath of The Chaos Sun alongside the Grey Knights, Sisters of Battle and a dozen other Astartes Chapters. Fielded in full Chapter strength, the Angels of Penance aggressively struck out against the Daemon and the Heretic plaguing the Imperium's domain, a feat they repeated during the dread days of the 13th Crusade. Heavily depleted from the battles around the Cadia system, and the birth of the Great Rift, the Angels of Penance none the less joined their brothers from the Unforgiven in the landings on the Shrine World of Darkmor, contributing 200 marines and a small detachment of veterans from the 1st and 2nd companies. Lead into a trap, the strike force found itself cut off and surrounded by the forces of Chaos on the planet as Warp Storms erupted around them in the void. Fighting bitterly alongside their brothers, the Angels of Penance spent their lives buying time for elements from the Consecrators and the Angels of Vengeance to hunt down Cypher. Not a single marine from the Chapter's contribution returned, once against bringing the Chapter to the brink of being written off.In the aftermath of Darkmor, the Angels of Penance answered Azrael's summons, taking the risky journey to the Rock to participate in the largest summons of the Unforgiven since the Scouring. Already one of the most badly mauled Chapters from the Lion's geneline, Grand Master Khamael fully expected to be ordered to dissolve his forces and to have his brothers spread out among the other Successors badly wounded by the 13th Crusade. Not willing to accept that fate, the venerable Chapter Master had already resolved instead to lead his brothers in a defiant crusade against the heretics, unwilling to let Azrael and the other Grand Masters see the Sons of the Stormwing fade from the annals of history without a chance of final redemption. His penultimate sacrifice was not needed, however, as the arrival of the XIIIth Primarch Guilliman and Cawl's Primaris Marines brought the severely wounded members of the Unforgiven a reprieve. Alongside the Consecrators, the Guardians of the Covenant and the Angels of Vengeance, Grand Master Khamael passionately lent his voice in support of accepting these new Primaris Marines into their ranks, and pledged his entire Chapter to Guilliman's Indomitus Crusade. Replenished with fresh manpower, Khamael made no hesitation in mobilising against Abaddon's forces once more. Following the strategic objectives outlined by the Lord Regent and the Inner Circle's war council, the Chapter struck out at Heretic Astartes formations and Dark Mechanicus installations along the Cicatrix Maledictum. Forging bonds in the fires of these conflicts, the newly inducted Greyshields of the Chapter quickly integrated into the Chapter's unique methods of war. Infiltrator units operated as the Chapter's eyes and ears, pinpointing targets for Incursor and Assault Squad formations to strike. Aggressors worked alongside Breacher formations in siege and void warfare, contributing massive suppressive firepower to allow their shielded brethren to advance. Deploying from Thunderhawk strikecraft, or Repulsor transports, Hellblaster and Intercessor squads created mobile firebases, acting as anchor points for further aggressive advances and living up to the history of Combined Arms warfare espoused by the Chapter's first Grand Master. Satisfied with such progress, Khamael lent his voice to others in arguing for the Primaris Marine's induction into the 1st and 2nd Companies of the Unforgiven, particularly emphasising the usefulness of a dedicated light infantry force under the Ravenwing doctrine, using the Dark Angels' own relatively recent experience of utilising dismounted Ravenwing marines against Deathguard forces. Unknown to his fellow Masters and Grand Masters, however, Khamael had already placed the standing Vanguard force (nominally part of the 10th company) under the command of the Master of the Second, pre-empting Azrael's decree that Primaris be inducted into the Death and Ravenwing forces. Reorganised, reinforced and reinvigorated, the Angels of Penance continue to be the Lion's Wrath against the Fallen and the Traitor, their Orche armour the flash of lighting of the Emperor's Storm against all whom have betrayed His trust. Organisation Sergeant Rafael, 7th Squad 5th Company, assaulting a position, M38The Angels of Penance are organised along the same general lines as the rest of the Unforgiven. The 3rd through 10th Companies remain organised broadly within the tenants of the Codex Astartes, but the Chapter continues to specialise in boarding actions and lightning assaults of fortified positions. Boarding shields continue to be routinely issued to Tactical Squads, and the veteran brothers within a given Company are often collated into ad-hoc formations functionally similar to the old Breacher Squads of the Legiones Astartes. Armed with the finest Combi-Weapons available, and equipped with Aegis-Shielding enhanced boarding shields, these Veteran units often form the initial thrust to an assault on enemy warships. When breaching skills are not called upon, or the battle is on a more open field, instead these ad-hoc veteran units are often granted jump packs and power weapons, bringing their close quarters methods of war right up to the enemy's line as quickly as possible. Master Boriel the Oathsworn of the 1st Company Similar to other Unforgiven Chapters, the Angels of Penance make use of Codex-Divergent formations in the 1st and 2nd Companies. All members of the 1st are inducted into the Chapter's Inner Circle, privy to the secrets of Luther's betrayal of the Lion. Following their preference for massed close in assaults, the Chapter goes to extreme lengths to obtain, and maintain, the use of Cataphractii pattern Terminator armour. Favouring the now almost obsolete model's superior shielding compared to Indomitus, the Angels appear to be successful in their endeavours, keeping their entire 1st Company equipped along this line. Within the 1st Company, the Angels of Penance also maintain a formation similar to the Deathwing Knights. Known as the Knights Cenobium, this formation appears to have its roots right back to the Great Crusade, and its membership is open only to the most skilled (and trust worthy) members of an already veteran Company. Lead by the "Master of the First", who continues to bear the arms and armour of the Chapter's founder as a badge of office, this Company brings the Lion's judgement upon all traitors of the Imperium. Members of the 1st are also frequently seconded to Battleline companies as Veteran Sergeants or Lieutenants, giving the other Masters a cadre of experienced and trustworthy officers to both lead, and monitor, those brethren uninitiated in the Chapter's deepest secrets. During such periods, these veterans may wear their Terminator Honours on their shoulder pad and bring their suits of Terminator Armour with them to the Company, so that any task force of the Angels of Penance will always have a small reserve of Inner Circle warriors to apprehend Fallen and Traitor Astartes without exposing the line brothers. The 2nd Company retains the reconnaissance elements of the old 5th Chapter of the 1st Legion. While the majority of the 2nd are equipped along the same lines as the rest of the Unforgiven, utilising Biker and Speeder formations, the Angels of Penance have also begun to induct select Vanguard units of Primaris marines into this Company. Following the same dogma as the old Firewing, these specialist squads operate behind enemy lines, assassinating commanders and disrupting communications, while providing an internal light infantry force capable of holding ground taken by their mounted brethren. Going right back to the days of Grand Master Ishmael, the Angels of Penance continue to display a willingness to utilise combined arms tactics, and diverge from the template of their brother-Chapters, in order to better execute a campaign of redemption upon the enemy. The elites of the 2nd Company, inducted into the Chapter's Inner Circle, are known as the Knights Penitum, and are armed in the same manner as the Ravenwing Knights of their forebearers. Homeworld and Recruitment As a fleet based Chapter, the Angels of Penance consider their Fortress Monestry to be the flagship of the fleet, the Battle Barge "Emperor's Storm". With Millenia of upgrades and retrofitting, the Emperor's Storm has almost reached Gloriana Class levels of size and firepower, capable of holding up to 500 marines and all respective equipment at a time. It also includes on-board forges, craft bays and the various headquarters of the Specialist Officers of the Reclusiarch, Librarium and the Apothecarium. Companies 3-9 each possess a single strike cruiser, while Companies 1 and 2 possess a more conventional Battle Barge and 2 Strike Cruisers each, due to their nature as a more scattered force. A further 5 Strike Cruisers remain as a strategic reserve, staffed by select members of the 3rd Company in their Master's role as Master of the Fleet, alongside dozens of smaller support destroyers and frigates manned by Chapter Serfs. This gives the Chapter a strong Void presence, fitting for the inheritors of the Stormwing doctrine. Recruitment and resupply comes from the Unforgiven's network of tithe worlds and scattered orbital and asteroid stations, official ownership of each rotated between the various Chapters to obscure Administratum records. The Angels of Penance additionally also engage in enforced tithing of suitable planets during campaigns should losses sustained be particularly high, earning the enmity of many other Imperial subjects as their young men and material are taken away at gunpoint by the Angels' Thunderhawk Gunships. Heraldry Company Veteran Sulla of the 6th Company, 2nd squad, M42 The Angels of Penance heraldry consists of Ochre yellow armour. The Chapter badge, Aquila and other details are black, in commemoration of their roots as members of the original 1st Legion. Marines that have served as part of ad-hoc veteran squads within the Battle line Companies are further entitled to paint the trim of their shoulder pads red, or display chequer patterns, another echo of their ancestral roots to the Great Crusade. Squad battlerole, squad number and company markings remain the same as other members of the Unforgiven. The 1st Company Heraldry is modified slightly, with the lower set of Cataphractii pauldrons always painted red to indicate veterancy, and the Helms left original Legion black. The 2nd Company reverses this, wearing all black armour, but leaving the helmet yellow. Again, veteran members of the 2nd can display red shoulder trim and/or chequering. Beliefs The Angels of Penance are, along with the Angels of Vengeance, among the most zealous members of the Unforgiven when it comes to the Hunt, deploying in large strength at the merest rumour of the presence of a Fallen. However, in addition to those wayward Calibanites who followed Luther, the Angels of Penance also seek to bring the Lion's judgement upon all other Traitor Astartes as well. Having operated on the front lines of their Primarch's campaigns against the Traitor Legion's home worlds during the Horus Heresy, and scarred by their failure to reach Terra in time to stop the Warmaster mortally wounding the Emperor, the Chapter believes that ultimate redemption is only possible when each and every Traitor Astartes has been destroyed or made to repent for their sins. This fierce quest for redemption has often lead to the Chapter becoming severely depleted, especially when coupled with the Angels' more forward and aggressive methods of battle. Fallen brothers captured by the Chapter are, as a matter of course, transferred to the Rock for imprisonment should the Chapter's own Interrogators prove unable to extract a confession, while other Traitors are held deep within stasis cells aboard the Chapter's Fortress Monestary, the Battle Barge "Emperor's Storm". Still bearing their grief and shame openly with their Cognomen, these Penitent Sons of Caliban also avoid contact with all outsiders, engaging in campaigns against their enemies without even so much as identifying themselves or their areas of operation to any save their fellow Unforgiven. Furthermore, their drive, along with the requirements of the Hunt, causes the Chapter to only rarely answer summons or requests for assistance against Xenos incursions, as they prefer to direct their efforts against the forces of Chaos and other Renegades - which isolates them even further from the rest of the Imperium. Even within the secret brotherhood that spans across the Successors of the 1st Legion, the Chapter uniquely keeps its own council, paying lip service to the wider Inner Circle and the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels at best. The Angels of Vengeance appear to be the only other Successor that might be considered a close Ally, regularly deploying alongside their ochre painted brothers in crusades of Retribution. When it comes to their considerable mortal assistance, the Angels of Penance have a distant relationship with their Chapter Serfs. While not treating them as slaves, the Chapter is noted for behaving almost as if these individuals do not exist, barely recognising their existence. For their lot, the Serfs endeavour to ensure the Astartes needs are fulfilled without the Marines even needing to ask. Most interaction between mortal servants and the Chapter comes through the fleet, with Serf crew members taking orders from an Angels of Penance officer appointed as Ship Captain. In exchange for such thankless service, the Serfs are granted relatively generous living quarters, equipment and rations where they can be granted compared to many Astra Militarum regiments, and humbly accept these good graces with the same stoicism as their overlords. Alone, the Angels of Penance gladly march into the most thankless of battles, seeking no glory or plaudits, content merely in bringing themselves closer to forgiveness one Traitor at a time. Quotes "Do not take me for one of your serfs, Azrael. I answer this summons as a courtesy, brother, but I will not have my authority undermined by this Council. You may advise us of targets to consider, but it is I who will decide where our hammer blow lands!"Grand Master Khamael rebuking Supreme Grand Master Azrael"Brothers. It is said our greatest shame is the existence of the Fallen, those wayward brothers of ours who followed Luther into damnation and escaped our judgement. I disagree. Our greatest shame is failing to have destroyed all those who have spat upon their oaths to the Emperor in the Scouring, brother or otherwise, and this new age of darkness is testament that our penance is not yet complete."Master of the Reclusiarch Jehoel's sermon to the veterans of the 1st Company, prior to the ill fated assault on the "Blade of Night" M42 Edited April 11, 2020 by UtariOnzo Brother Cambrius, Dosjetka, Messor and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 18, 2020 Author Share Posted March 18, 2020 Hello! So, the idea behind this Chapter is to form an angrier, more cqc/melee focused Dark Angels successor. It originally stemmed from a desire to play an army that could seamlessly use Codex: BA/DA/SM without the tabletop oddity of 'Green Ultramarines' or 'Bone Blood Angel Terminators'. The colour scheme and chapter badge come from Chatper Approved 2001, and other than the name that's about all we know of this pseudo-official Chapter.Yellow, with red trim? Smells like Imperial fists. Wings in a particular style? Suspicious hints of Blood Angels. Hold on, jump packs and storm shield totting veterans? That seems like Stormwing to me!So, the idea is to slowly flesh the organisation, history and some flavourful quotes of these angry Unforgiven, with an emphasis on strong hints towards the Stormwing methodology of war. Considering the brutal nature of ship to ship boarding, and fortification assaults, I can imagine the Angels of Penance embodying the Lion's beastial predator side the most, bringing his darkest wrath upon the traitor and the xenos alike. Messor 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5492968 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted March 18, 2020 Share Posted March 18, 2020 How about gargoyle iconography instead of the regular angel? Wings, close combat, viewes as protectors back in the day, patient, jump packs, could work for a DA successor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargoyle_(monster) Llagos_Tyrant 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5492980 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 18, 2020 Author Share Posted March 18, 2020 Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll have a think about how I could incorporate it. Maybe as part of secondary ‘Heraldry’ in place of where Dark Angels usually use the Angels of Retribution, Vengeance etc? Though I feel there would still need fo be some angel references if I want to be faithful to the original colour scheme and name Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5492986 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jbaeza94 Posted March 18, 2020 Share Posted March 18, 2020 (edited) I say keep the badge as is. It makes it easy to use DA special models as yours because it's a close enough badge. What's the aesthetic theme? Like DA are monks, BT are knights, my chapter is mechanicus marines. You thought of that? I think you can draw alot of inspiration from 30k iron warriors, since they were siege breakers and their look fit it Edited March 18, 2020 by jbaeza94 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5492989 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 18, 2020 Author Share Posted March 18, 2020 Certainly more emphasis on the old Crusader-come-Arthurian Knights theme of the Dark Angels. In my mind, the Angels of Penance are stuck in the old trappings of the legion, believing the Scouring hasn’t truly ended. This means less monk robes and more tabbards, along with some ‘Romanesque’ nods to evoke touches of the Legio Astartes while clearly being Scions of the Lion. The current Forgeworld range is nailing the look I’m after very well. Basically, they’re Angels of Vengeance, but apply the hunt to EVERY traitor Astartes Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5492992 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Ezra Posted March 19, 2020 Share Posted March 19, 2020 Oooh, angry close-combat Dark Angels... Sounds awesome! Quick question about their way of war: will they be using lots of flyers (both to provide air support and to quickly deploy their forces), or will they stick to the traditional methods of Drop pods and teleportation to get into the fight? Or will they be using land vehicles for that? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5493123 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted March 19, 2020 Share Posted March 19, 2020 Solid start. Looking forward to reading your future updates. :tu: UtariOnzo 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5493135 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 19, 2020 Author Share Posted March 19, 2020 (edited) Oooh, angry close-combat Dark Angels... Sounds awesome! Quick question about their way of war: will they be using lots of flyers (both to provide air support and to quickly deploy their forces), or will they stick to the traditional methods of Drop pods and teleportation to get into the fight? Or will they be using land vehicles for that? All of the above. Whatever gets them into the fight the most efficiently is what they will use. Of course, having been formed from Void Warfare specialists, they’re going to lean towards teleportation, boarding torpedos and assault craft the most, but they’re still Sons of Caliban. Much like a Lion, and unlike true fanatics ala Death Company or World Eaters, they’re patient enough to work out the best way to stalk up to their prey before unleashing all hell in a calculated moment of fury. Solid start. Looking forward to reading your future updates. :tu: Thank you very much! I’ll be looking to do a big expansion on the history and organisation tonight. Only so much I can do right now off of my mobile phone ;) Edited March 19, 2020 by UtariOnzo Brother Ezra 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5493143 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted March 19, 2020 Share Posted March 19, 2020 Basically, they’re Angels of Vengeance, but apply the hunt to EVERY traitor Astartes Ooh, I like this. I like this a lot. Definitely looking forward to seeing how this Chapter develops. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5493203 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 19, 2020 Author Share Posted March 19, 2020 (edited) Quick update on the history (all updates in red), building up to actions in the Thramas Crusade. I decided to stop there just to get some other eyes on, and hear suggestions on the direction I'm going. Effectively, I'm setting up justifications for the emphasis on Cataphractii armour, as I can see at least one Stormwing commander seeing usefulness in directly integrating one of the more heavily shielded and armed armour types of the time in fights alongside Breachers. I also included a picture my own Praetor model in original Legion colours before I paint him/convert him for the next challenge, giving Ishmael a sense of history, and my brushes some work! Edited March 19, 2020 by UtariOnzo Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5493424 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted March 19, 2020 Share Posted March 19, 2020 (edited) To be totally honest, I think being tied to the original Legion via the 2nd Founding is probably justification enough for the Cataphractii Armour, along with the Chapter's founder having a marked preference for the design. After that it's just a case of the Chapter maintaining tradition to the best of their ability. EDIT: That Praetor looks cool as heck, can't wait to see him in his updated colours later on! Edited March 19, 2020 by Ace Debonair Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5493435 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 19, 2020 Author Share Posted March 19, 2020 It's more post-research for this Chapter I've noticed the Stormwing have, in various places, only ever been mentioned as using Breacher squads (perhaps exclusively so), and I just don't understand why they wouldn't include some Terminator formations as part of the doctrine as well. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5493437 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted March 20, 2020 Share Posted March 20, 2020 The reinforcement you're working toward won't hurt, even if the Stormwing also made use of Terminator formations that we don't know of. Are other important characteristics meant to be born from this besides the Cataphractii formations? It's interesting enough history on its own; I'm just curious. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5493866 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexington Posted March 20, 2020 Share Posted March 20, 2020 Good start! Personally, what I'd love to see is more on how and why the Chapter works like it does. Not in battle so much, but just generally - what is it that they think of as good and right and, and how does that affect their organization, their social dynamics (both in and outside of the Chapter), and what battles they choose to fight? That El'Johnson quote at the beginning is absolutely killer, and I think it'd be a great foundation to build on. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5493877 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 21, 2020 Author Share Posted March 21, 2020 Updated the Beliefs section Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494216 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Ezra Posted March 21, 2020 Share Posted March 21, 2020 (edited) The Chapter's beliefs sound solid, although I would put the line of their hunt encompassing all of the Traitor Astartes a bit sooner in the section, as it is something that really sets them apart from their peers. For example, you could rearrange the section as follows: The Angels of Penance are, along with the Angels of Vengeance, among the most zealous members of the Unforgiven when it comes to the Hunt, deploying in large strength at the merest rumour of the presence of a Fallen. However, in addition to those wayward Calibanites who followed Luther, the Angels of Penance also seek to bring the Lion's judgement upon all other Traitor Astartes as well. Having operated on the front lines of their Primarch's campaigns against the Traitor Legion's home worlds during the Horus Heresy, and scarred by their failure to reach Terra in time to stop the Warmaster mortally wounding the Emperor, the Chapter believes that ultimate redemption is only possible when each and every Traitor Astartes has been destroyed or made to repent for their sins. This fierce quest for redemption has often lead to the Chapter becoming severely depleted, especially when coupled with the Angels' more forward and aggressive methods of battle. Still bearing their grief and shame openly with their Cognomen, these Penitent Sons of Caliban also avoid contact with all outsiders, engaging in campaigns against their enemies without even so much as identifying themselves or their areas of operation to any save their fellow Unforgiven. Furthermore, their drive, along with the requirements of the Hunt, causes the Chapter to only rarely answer summons or requests for assistance against Xenos incursions, as they prefer to direct their efforts against the forces of Chaos and other Renegades - which isolates them even further from the rest of the Imperium. Even within the secret brotherhood that spans across the Successors of the 1st Legion, the Chapter uniquely keeps its own council, paying lip service to the wider Inner Circle and the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels at best. The Angels of Vengeance appear to be the only other Successor that might be considered a close Ally, regularly deploying alongside their ochre painted brothers in crusades of Retribution. Alone, the Angels of Penance gladly march into the most thankless of battles, seeking no glory or plaudits, content merely in bringing themselves closer to forgiveness one Traitor at a time. Other than that, it's a solid piece Edited March 21, 2020 by Brother Ezra UtariOnzo 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494426 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 21, 2020 Author Share Posted March 21, 2020 Having read through and considered it, I think you're right. Emphasising how these are not just a cookie-cutter clone of the Dark Angels is pretty important. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494438 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted March 21, 2020 Share Posted March 21, 2020 Okay, so I've read what you have so far, and it's quite good, just one thing: From your comment in my thread, I was curious as to what you meant: Excellent, I already have a Nightlord's Battlebarge named in one of the random qoutes I created, the one detailing an ill fated assault by the Angels Penitent 1st company. Perhaps the Fangs got some revenge for the 5th Chapter's actions? And then I read this quote: "Brothers. It is said our greatest shame is the existence of the Fallen, those wayward brothers of ours who followed Luther into damnation and escaped our judgement. I disagree. Our greatest shame is failing to have destroyed all those who have spat upon their oaths to the Emperor in the Scouring, brother or otherwise, and this new age of darkness is testament that our penance is not yet complete."Master of the Reclusiarch Jehoel's sermon to the veterans of the 1st Company, prior to the ill fated assault on the "Nightfall" M42 So.... you probably need to rename that vessel the Angels of Penance assaulted because well.... There's only one ship in 40k that bore that name. And it's not a Battle Barge. That's the Night Lords' Gloriana-class Battleship. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494519 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 22, 2020 Author Share Posted March 22, 2020 I’m open to suggestions, it’s your ship! Gederas 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494524 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted March 22, 2020 Share Posted March 22, 2020 I’m open to suggestions, it’s your ship! How about Blade of Night? UtariOnzo 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494547 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 22, 2020 Share Posted March 22, 2020 As "We bring the night," is a Night Lords war cry, I can picture the Traitor Marines having a battle barge named Nightbringer- a ship they likely lost to Necrons, who thought the name was provocative and/or insulting. UtariOnzo 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494567 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted March 22, 2020 Share Posted March 22, 2020 (edited) Question for you Utari: Do you know when about Grand Master Ishmael meets his end? Because I had an idea for something about that.... Edited March 22, 2020 by Gederas Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494725 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted March 22, 2020 Author Share Posted March 22, 2020 No, not yet but I’m all ears Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494796 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted March 22, 2020 Share Posted March 22, 2020 (edited) Perhaps a with Jago Terask (the original leader of the Fangs of the Father) sometime after the Scouring? As I was intending Terask to fall in battle against the Dark Angels, so a Dark Angels successor would also be fitting. Edited March 22, 2020 by Gederas Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/362646-ia-angels-of-penance-wip-ig-2020/#findComment-5494821 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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