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COVID-19 carriers confirmed in my building, so Nurgle stuff


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Edit - infections rise, we had the 1, now 2 more, for a total of 3 COVID cases from my building alone.

So in case I get infected myself and get hauled off to quarantine...here's an update to my Nurgle stuff! It's my ongoing Monsters & Warmachines Armies On Parade project, Patient Zero.

His story: A lone Guardsman, the sole survivor of a detachment devastated by disease, wanders from base to base to warn others of the impending epidemic. Little does he know that HE is the primary carrier, because...like all humans...he can see corruption everywhere except within.

Strangely apropos, considering. DISCLAIMER: I've posted most of these before, but some notable new additions.





Patient Zero is the Warlord character of this army and counts-as a Herald of Nurgle, his chainsword is actually all greasy and rusty to reflect a Balesword. I've modeled him with a backpack from one of the Chimera kits, like he's been backpacking around.

And, well, when I say he's the Warlord...actually the little Nurgling wearing the Astra Militarum helmet looking at the map is. Patient Zero sees him as a very helpful giggling cherub, leading him to the next uncorrupted for his "pandemic warning".

I previously modeled him as just a Guardsman dragging a dufflebag, but I think this update reflects him even later in his journey, he hasn't bathed in weeks, his laspistol long ran out of ammo and even his chainsword is just a rusty cudgel now.

The Nurglings I painted in Dr. Mario colours, like those germs that are red, yellow and blue. It was to differentiate from the military greens Patient Zero would wear...plus I thought it'd be funny for Boomers (for Zoomers, Dr. Mario was a Nintendo game from before they invented the Switch, where a plumber threw giant pills at a patient, who gobbled them up, and has to arrange them in his innards to fight the germs).




2 Chaos Armigers with Autocannons converted to resemble Plaguebearers, because they got that hunch and if you take off their shoulderpads they look like they got gangly arms, also their head options gives one Cyclopean camera eye? I love this because it's like someone thinking Nurgle can only infect organic stuff and Nurgle's like "hold my beer". Because, at least, the pilot is still flesh and blood, right?

I've named one Duncan and the other Peachy, after Duncan had that meltdown on Warhammer TV about Chaos Knights. But generally, I refer to them as The Brothers Grime.


I've already started, in fact. Will post soon assuming I don't get dragged into real quarantine.

Edited by N1SB
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Thanks for taking a look, your well wishes, comments and questions. Sorry I didn't get to them earlier.

What’s the significance of the two ghostly dark Eldar behind Patient Zero?

They are like 2 priestesses of Isha, the Eldar goddess of life, because she was rescued/kidnapped by Nurgle:



Isha is one of the few surviving deities of the Eldar pantheon (alongside the Laughing God of the Harlequins and I think technically Khaela Mensha Khaine, who is fragmented but still counts-as alive or something), and her connection to Nurgle as his guest/victim is something that I found a lot of people know, but they forgot until they are reminded. I imagine as a major goddess, she had her own followers, like the equivalent of Harlequins or Aspect Warriors, and these 2 figures represent those. Millennia in Nurgle's garden, even with Isha's blessings upon them, have corrupted them a little, thus the conversion.

In game terms, they represented Daemon Princes(ses) of Nurgle with Wings and Malefic Talons. I used Dark Eldar Scourges as the main figure, because I found the Drukhari to be closer to what pre-Fall Eldar were like, and modified them with the Nurgle giant fly models' wings.

The idea was triggered by 2 things. 1st, I was reading Gathering Storm II: Fracture of Biel-Tan, right before 8th ed, where they just made up a gladiator priestess of the crone goddess Morai-Heg and I was all, "that is so cool I want to make up my own thing like that!" 2nd was, it was 2 non-Warhammer tabletop roleplayers...both female...that really steered me towards Nurgle; they just found Nurglings cute and went "can they drive tanks!?" Thus they are an homage to these 2 real-life people.

So initially in response to their idea of Nurglings driving tanks, which amused them to no end, I used the Forgeworld Index for Lost & the Damned army list to hijack some Imperial Guard Heavy Support for them:



So lots of ideas with Nurgle, but that's what those Eldar models represent. But I didn't mention them before because, as we segue into this key question:

Not bad, whats next on the to do list?

Those Knights are taller than I thought they were, deffo grabbing some now.. :wub:

The thing I'm working on now are replacements for those 2 Isha-themed Daemon Princes(ses) above. Long story short - they're kind of too short for what they are. I thought in 8th ed where Daemon Princes could "hide" behind units it was an issue that would never come up...but after many games, depending on the battlefield layout and deployment...the issue comes up.

Thus, I'm replacing them with something very zeitgeist:

> in the Fantasy/AoS range there is that kit of 3 big ghoul things

> in the kit of 3 big ghoul things, there is a configuration to make giant Manbats

> I'm making 2 Manbats, 1 will be called Ko'vid, the other will be called Ko'rona

Giant bats dripping Nurgle's Rot technical paint and wotnot. There's a lot of options on these so I'm taking my time, they're really cool minis.

IMPORTANT EDIT - it's not confirmed which animal Covid-19 originated. But there was a running gag at the Warhammer Store before everyone Bunkered Down (even before these 2 weeks, our local Hong Kong Warhammer Store closed for about a week) that it was bats, and we were joking about Nurgle Bat Soup. Also that film, Contagion.

+++ On the Armiger models +++

They're really amazing models and, gun-to-my-head, they're among my top 5 40k or 30k favourite minis I think. They're just tall enough to look like a big mecha, yet not so massive as to steal all attention from, say, your Infantry HQ models.

You mentioned about their height, let me measure their actual height for you. UPDATE - from an Armiger's feet up to its hunchback, it's about 4 inches tall. It's got tail pipes and that hump-mounted gun, those go a little above the 4 inches. So you can gauge it in relation to other minis:


Heights of Leviathan, Black Reach Sgt., Primaris Marine, Armiger

+++ Oh, in actual Covid-19 happenings in relation to this +++

1 more confirmed case in my building. It was a couple that lived exactly 1 floor beneath me. One of the spouses has it, and they quarantined both. No travel history.

The fear is weird. The fear isn't in getting sick myself. The fear is what if I was the Patient Zero that spread it to an elderly person, and THAT elderly person dies instead of me, because of me. It's a very strange feeling. Time to get back to making Ko'vid and Ko'rona the Daemon Princes.

Edited by N1SB
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Thanks for the explanation on Isha and Nurgle. I’ve not caught up on any recent Eldar fluff and happenings so had no idea. Awesome attention to detail in your models and overall feel. Hang in there and stay safe and healthy and don’t hold anything against yourself with what’s going on as it’s beyond any of our control for the most part other than what you’re already wisely doing by staying put!
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  • 3 weeks later...


I've already started, in fact. Will post soon assuming I don't get dragged into real quarantine.

This was a relatively light project just to replace existing Daemon Princes(ses) models, the Eldar Isha worshippers above as they were too small to properly represent the unit. I worked on a few projects simultaneously, there WERE days of absolute slacking off as I started playing computer games instead, but here we go:


The Twin Daemon Princes, Ko'rona and Ko'vid


So these are Fantasy/AoS miniatures I repurposed to be Nurgle Plague Bat Soup Daemon Princes. I painted up Ko'vid's back to look like he's got these boils filled with plaguey pus bursting, oozing all over. Lots of fun with those Technical Paints like Blood for the Blood God and Nurgle's Rot.

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