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Agamemnos PDF Plog (by Heckus)

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  • 3 years later...

Okay.  Now that be more recent pictures are posted, here are my current projects:


1.  Vostroyans using mostly Wargames Atlantic Grongnards.   I’d say I’m about halfway to “done”.

2.  Praetoruans using mostly Cadian models with headswaps.  I’ve got the rough riders done and that’s about it.   I’ve modeled about 50 infantry with a mix of WGS Bulldog heads and Victoria minis heads.

3.  My all-Scions army is about 80% done.

4.  I have box of catachans that I am saving as a rainy day project. It’s a mix of old GW metals and plastics, and reptilian overlord plastics.


I will try to keep my blog a little more up-to-date.

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  • 3 weeks later...


opponent: Black Templars

captain, chaplain, 2x sword brethren, impulsor, Storm lance formation.


game 1: 48 to 43, BT victory.


game 2: 90 to 12, Scion Victory.  Pretty much crippled him in turn 2 and capped primaries and secondaries.  Tabled him in turn 4.


we really enjoyed playing FLG’s Colosseum format.  

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