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  1. So I've been posting in the Guard forum for the better part of two years now (or something close to that) so I figured it's about high time I showed off my own homebrew guard force, the 53rd Army Group. The fluff is still TBD so I won't put any here, just some photos of a few models. Also I haven't a clue how to set up a spoiler so forgive the post length. To start with here's some bullgryns (I realised after glueing one shield on I should magnetise them so that's why the other two are lacking their's) Here's the CCS of the Cadian 1st Regiment's Alpha Company, the Officer Commanding, Major Fel is the one missing a hand (the power maul fell off (yes I see the irony)). The powerfist is his No 2 an as of yet unamed captain. Here are two images of Colonel Jakob Stern, OC Cadian 12th Armoured Regiment (I play him as Pask) and his command vanquisher the "Thesius" And finally the CCS plasma gunner from what remains of the Armageddon 119th Steel Legion (so it's not just Cadians) Anyway thanks for looking, I'll try and throw up another update tomorrow.
  2. Greetings to you all! I have for many a year been plucking away in the WIP thread, but as most of the things I put there are actually finished by the time I post, I thought it a bit more apt to have a thread here as well - and as there is not far from though to action, thus it is done now. The aim of this thread is for me to post pictures of the various B&C permissable armies that I usually work on and the units belonging to them, which I finish. Currently, I have the following armies in my possession: Dark Angels (1st, 2nd and Battle Company) - about 5000 points total Chaos Space Marines (Death Guard, World Eaters, Black Legion & Fallen Angels) - about 4500 points Chaos Daemons (Tzeentch, Nurgle & Khorne) - about 3000 points Imperial Guard allies (Death Korps of Krieg) - about 400 points Grey Knight allies - about 400 points Tyranids - about 8000 points As you can see, there is plenty of potential for varied things to be shown and displayed here - and I look forward to sharing with you all. Thus, with no further ado, I bid you welcome to my thread of finished works from the forge of Master Ciaphas! Faithfully, Master Ciaphas
  3. Back in the day of Metal IG, there were models that I feel head of heels about. I even based my Elysians using these models, but sold it years ago due to RL. Lately I've been itching to get back into getting them. So far I managed to get roughly 60 Kasrkins back... now to make a list around them. Edit: title, updated on to reflect on growing collection.
  4. For starters, the feudal shrineworld's background (skip it if you just want to see minis). Markings While most household troops go to war in their pristine uniforms, some (usually those who have seen regular combat) often don more battle-worthy armour and fatigues. Nevertheless, a unit’s battlefield role is indicated by coloured markings upon their armour and uniform in a manner akin to that of Arcadian regiments (c.f. the Arcadian 5th): Units fulfilling a command role such as company command squads display yellow markings. Units in a support role have blue markings. Examples include heavy weapon squads and dedicated transports. Assault units such as cavalry and many veteran units are marked with green. Infantry squads and other such line/tactical units are indicated by red markings. White indicates conscripts. Black indicates penitents. Infantry display these colours on hat bands, trouser stripes and epaulets (in the case of those wearing `soft` armour) or as a vertical stripe over the helmet and the front, back and lower side trim of shoulder pads (in the case of those wearing `hard` armour). Should an officer wear an aiguillette, the primary colour will be that of his unit type, with yellow or gold tips indicating his command position. Dual roles are indicated by combining two colours in these locations. This medic (white crescent trim) is assigned to a company command squad (yellow epaulets and hat band). Were he assigned to a platoon command squad he would have white trim on red epaulets. This veteran is a member of a company command squad, hence his yellow markings. This lieutenant commands a platoon command squad, hence his yellow hat band and the fact that his epaulets are yellow trimmed with red and his aiguillette is yellow tipped with red. Note that while platoons may include support and/or assault elements (heavy and special weapon squads) their colours are not indicated on the markings of the platoon command squad. This sergeant commands an infantry squad, hence his red hat band and the fact that his epaulets are red trimmed with yellow and his aiguillette is red tipped with yellow. This guardsman belongs to an infantry squad, hence his red markings. This sharpshooter belongs to a special weapons squad, hence his blue markings. His squad leader here too has a blue stripe and blue trim. As he is not a sergeant he lacks yellow markings (which would be a single yellow stripe along the top trim of the shoulder pads). This guardsman is a member of a veteran unit assigned to a close-assault role (tank-hunting, specifically) and so has green markings. Note that many veteran units dirty up their unit markings in the field to reduce their visibility. His sergeant: green trim and yellow command additions, weathered. This unit of homo sapiens variatus has a non-regulation standard in black, indicating their penitent status. Their custodian, a junior priest, has black trim upon his armour to indicate their role and his acceptance of leading the flock to their retribution. Ground vehicles primarily display these colours upon heraldic shields (mounted on the right side of any turret present), and occasionally other locations. This Medusa fulfills a support role and so its shield has a blue background. This is the shield of a Chimera transport assigned to a command squad, thus it displays both blue and yellow, with added red to reflect the squad’s role in commanding line units. The golden wreath indicates the high rank of the officer aboard. Additional markings One common marking seen upon infantry is a skull on the shoulder pad. This indicates a heroic action by the individual. It is coloured as per the individual’s role and/or unit type. The above image shows a master of ordnance’s shoulder armour, then that of a special weapon squad leader and a penitent squad custodian’s.
  5. I've been a lurker on the site for several years (2012) and have always told myself I should add a plog, well now, amidst this apocalypse (Covid-19), I am. I need to get a lot of my stuff photographed so I'll start slow and try to add a bit more weekly. Me: I started Guard in 2nd editions in the early 90's but sold off all of those beautiful metal guardsmen and Rogue Trader era rarities (jet bikes... /sigh ) when I thought I was getting out of the hobby. I didn't stay away long however and had to start over in 5th edition (2008, i guess). My main force is composed of Cadian models in blue fatigues with grey flak armor. I also have urban Catachans, some Praetoreans, and a growing Tempetus Scion force. At the start of 5th my plan was to have my Cadians in blue be the police contingent of a penal colony (Catachans in prison orange) but I didn't like painting orange as much as I thought I would so that was dropped. The Catachans's were re-painted grey and they became their own army. The Fluff (feel free to skip): The Planet of Agamemnon is a barren Mars-like world in the Aquila constellation (it's a thing). It's main export is a rare psi-resonant crystal used solely in the manufacture of psychic accessories (psychic hoods, force weapon conduits, psychic choir harnesses, etc.). The planet's surface is mostly red desert with sparse pockets of scrub-land. Beautiful glass domed cities are spread out across the planets surface. This where the wealthy and privileged live. The common folk live in the tunnels that spread throughout the entirety of this hollow world. The military is broken into 4 components: - The Standard PDF (cadians in blue) drafted from dome dwellers. It's considered a high privilege to serve and a minimum tour of duty is a requirement before holding any position of power with the government. - Mining League Corp of Combat Engineers (Catachans in Grey) made up of underworld volunteers. These are the poor saps that turn to the horrors of war to escape the horrors of a life of mining. - Agamemnosi Expeditionary Force (Praetorians) are the armed branch of the Royal Academy of Science in the capitol city of Ulyon. They have close ties to the AdMech and sometimes serve as their armed escorts. - lastly, due the planet's unusual resource, a Tempestus Scion academy was built in orbit at the behest of an Inquisitor several millenia ago. Like all great planets, this world once belonged to the Eldar so naturally they show up from time to time to harass the new residents. The resonant nature of the crystal draws other threats like Tyranids and Chaos. So that's what I've got. Now the fun part, Pics! These are my recently painted Scions (how were called away to aid Commissar Yarrick in the defense of Chalnath): and here is a sampling of my PDF colors and some visiting Adeptus Ministorum: ...and these are my Catachan/combat engineers (a blurry pic from ETL 2014 I think) So there. it's begun. I'll try to add pics as I take them. Enjoy.
  6. Welcome to the 1st Edition of GreenScorpion's Build, Paint, Discover Event, an Astra Militarum Hobby Challenge! Objective: Complete as many hobby related tasks by January 7th. The focus of the event is in 3 different categories: Build, which includes pledges for building, converting, sculpting, scratch building and so on; Paint, which includes painting, repainting, basing and other decorative tasks like decals and so on; Discover, which includes reading books from Black Library (or listening in the case of audio books), reading fluff in the codex, writing your own fluff and so on; Critical dates: Sign up period - October 1st - December 31st This is an open event, so participants can pledge or add to their pledges throughout the entire period of the event. Once you have made your pledge and posted your before picture or relevant information on the pledged activities, you may start with the particular activities that you have pledged to perform To enter, post your before picture/relevant information with your pledge: "In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander <name> of the <regiment>, shall <particular tasks(s)> by January 7th." October 1st - January 7th: Hobby period Hobby in earnest! WIP and update posts are encouraged! January 7th : End of event Pictures, links or other proof of the completed task must be posted by 23:59 in your local time Those who successfully carry out these tasks, will be provided a medal honouring their service to the Emperor and Imperial Guard. Event notes: You can pledge at any time throughout the event. There is no minimum or maximum pledge. Miniatures can be pledged in various levels of WIP, as long as the task is clear and the initial state of the miniature is shown as part of the pledge. This includes partially built and partially painted miniatures. During this event you can pledge for any valid unit or model from the current Astra Militarum range. This includes kit bashes, conversions, sculpted miniatures and scratch built miniatures. You may also pledge terrain features / buildings for this event. This includes kit bashes, conversions, sculpted miniatures and scratch built miniatures. Badges will be issued at the end of the event that can be added to your signature. These badges will indicate different levels of completed tasks per type or overall. Badges will be earned per each of the three task types, based on the amount of tasks completed, regardless of the complexity of the task itself, so for example pledging to build 100 models as a task would earn the same badge as pledging to convert a character. The idea is to get people pledging small feasible tasks in order to complete more than if they just go with a single huge task. Any questions can be directed to me either in the thread or over private message. Carry on and good luck to all!
  7. As the flames of war engulf the galaxy in scales not seen in generations, ancient and forgotten relics are returned to the battlefield to wreak terrible destruction upon His foes; the years of neglect made manifest in their fury as xenos and traitor alike are taught a harsh reminder of the might of the Imperium of old. Introduction Don't we all have some models somewhere left unfinished, and gathering dust? Projects stalled, or miniatures abandoned by the dread hand of GW's rules..? It is time to correct these injustices, and return these forgotten models to active duty! Relics of the Armoury Participation The goal of this event is to give old Guard models the love they deserve, so anything Guard (GW or FW, counts as etc and within the B&C's rules of course) is eligible to vow. Any stage of completion, from still in the box to part assembled or even mostly painted - the aim is to get models finished that have languished for whatever reason. This even includes non-legal units, so it could be a few lasgun troopers or that sniper Veteran you forgot about; as long as it's a Guard unit it counts. If you're unsure consult your nearest friendly neighbourhood commissar for assistance before vowing. Event Period Relics of the Armoury runs from now until the 31st of May, by the B&C's clock i.e. any completion post time up to and including the 31st of May. Pledging to the Event Make your vow in any way you wish, at any point during the event, to this topic with a WIP starting picture. You may add models to it at any time also, just be sure to let the commissariat know when you do. If you wish you can denote your pledge with a participation badge in your sig: [url=http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/354210-relics-of-the-armoury-painting-event/][img=http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_9518/gallery_30308_9518_8251.png][/url] Successfully Completing A successful vow is one that has all of your vowed models declared completed with an associated picture by the deadline, and will earn you a new signature award image! Failing Your Vow If you fail to complete your vow you will shame yourself and your regiment before your peers, and the commissariat will be very disappointed. For a particularly egregious failure a missive may be written to your parents detailing your poor performance and the consequences thereof. Any questions let us know, otherwise make your vow soldier!
  8. Hi everyone, One of my aims when I joined B&C was to start a painting blog, as a means to motivate me to paint some of the growing pile of guard minis. I might even ramble on about some background, tactics and so on. So here we are, first post on a new plog! I'm currently playing in a 1k point campaign that gives bonus points if you field a fully painted force so the initial focus is to get paint onto my campaign force, which is roughly: CCS in Chimera Platoon, PCS, 2 Inf Squads Plasma Carapace Vets in Chimera x2 Wyvern Vanquisher Plasma Cannon Sentinel Pretty respectable amount of models! And here (assuming I can get the links to work!) are some really rough pics. Still working out which way to point the camera :P Going for a very simple paint scheme, table top quality. C&C welcome. Varchilde
  9. It says in the 7th Edition codex that a sergeant in an infantry squad may take weapons from the ranged weapon list. Does this mean if I swap out a laspistol for a boltgun, he will lose his close combat weapon? Thanks in advance, im still kinda new to some of this.
  10. This tactica is intended to give a broad overview to a Guard army, things like approach, structure and overarching strategies and tactics to employ and think about. It will not deal with specific tactics, wargear, lists etc - aiming instead to look at the larger picture. As such neither will it delve into rules which should give it use in 7th Edition and beyond. Author's Note This is not a master class by any means, nor is it the only way of doing things - just mine. You'll hopefully be reading quite a bit and learning nothing new, what I am aiming to do is outline what I have learnt over many years of relevant interests and experiences. By trying to break this down into the smallest parts I wish to help new recruits find their footing and hopefully give some fellow grizzled veterans a new angle to consider. Like Guilliman's tome in the Codex Astartes this is a living document so I welcome any additions or clarifications you may have. Index Imperialis The Emperor's Hammer - How the Guard works List Construction - What makes a good list? List Concepts - Strategies for tactics Metagaming - Metas and their impact Agency - Your opponent's influence Playing the Game - Tips and advice Closing - No examples! Index Auxilia Enemy Unit Types - Vash
  11. HiMyNameisHarry aka DarKHaZZl3 and I will be your in-flight entertainment for the duration of my hobby life A while back I had several WiP topics of various themes, and needless to say, it was a bit of a ball ache. So instead I've decided to throw everything into one pot in an aim to get more feedback and possible praise for being semi-awesome not making a complete mess of things! In between my own stuff (which honestly is mainly not 40k orientated these days) I do take on commission work... While this won't strictly be 'Armies of the Imperium' based, I don;t want to set up another topic, so they'll also live here There is quite a back catalogue of posts, so bellow are the links to each of the categories on my blog if you want to keep up to date on any specific project. +--EDIT--+ A while back the B&C had a huge update. In this overhaul they have trashed the blog section of the website. A such my hobby blog posts have all been deleted, and therefore the links I have posted will no longer work and thus have been removed (I think I got them all anyway). So from now on, any links to written blogs will take you to The Underhive Hero. But all/most of my images will still be hosted here on the B&C! +--EDIT--+ I don't post much online anymore... that is something I am looking to get back to. You can find almost everything on my instagram, or on my commission page, depending on what it is (links in sig) Cheers for checking this out, Comments, Compliments and Constructive Criticism all welcome. I Hope you enjoy the ride +--ACTIVITY LOG (Recent first)--+ UPdate 29/08/2020 = 30k Ultramarine Commission complete ! part1 (Page 9). Update 27/08/2020 = 30k Ultramarine Commission wip (Page 9). Update 14/08/2020 = The Great Unclean One Commission Complete! part 2 (Page 9). Update 09/08/2020 = The Great Unclean One Commission Complete! part 1 (Page 9). Update 06/08/2020 = Teaser: The Great Unclean One Commission part 2 (Page 9). Update 05/08/2020 = Teaser: The Great Unclean One Commission part 1 (page 9). Update 28/07/2020 = Abaddon the Despoiler Commission Complete! (Page 9). Update 10/02/2020 = Corvus Corax Commission Complete! (Page 9). Update 10/02/2020 = Teaser: Corvus Corax Commission (Page 9). Update 06/07/2019 = Leam Russ Commission Complete! (Page 8). Update 05/03/2018 = Teaser: Leman Russ Commission (Page 8). Update 30/01/2018 = Solaris Reaper Space Marine - Single Miniature (page 8). Update 17/07/2017 = Imperial Knight project. Testing Terryn (page 8). Update 20/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Triumvirate (Page 8). Update 11/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Prayer of completion (Page 8). Update 06/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - The Ecclesiarchy (Page 8). Update 03/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Buttery biscuit basecoat (Page 8). Update 07/10/2016 = Salamanders. PK FIRE! (page 8). Update 03/10/2016 = Salamanders. Coil, coil melta, and trouble. (Page 8). Update 16/09/2016 = Salamanders. Armour up! (page 8). Update 05/09/2016 = Adeptus Mechanicus. Knowledge is power - Project complete (page 8). Update 30/08/2016 = Adeptus Mechanicus. A warm fuzzy glow (Page 8). Update 27/08/2016 = Adeptus Mechanicus. Darkness (Page 8). Update 22/08/2016 = Salamanders. Annihilation! (Page 7). Update 19/08/2016 = Salamanders. Don't lose your head! (Page 7). Update 12/08/2016 = Salamanders. Bon Anniversaire! (Page 7). Update 15/04/2016 = Salamanders. Devastator Ready! (Page 7). Update 06/04/2016 = Salamanders. A Fiery Red Head. (Page 7). Update 28/03/2016 = Salamanders. A Prophecy is Fulfilled. (Page 7). Update 16/03/2016 = Salamanders. Unto the Anvil! Finally! (Page 7). Update 01/03/2016 = Imperial Knight project. Paint Factory (Page 7). Update 16/02/2016 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Fly on the wings of.. green stuff (Page 7). Update 16/02/2016 = Imperial Knight project. Manufactorum (Page 7). Update 23/01/2016 = Imperial Knight project begins! (Page 7). Update 28/05/2015 = Inquisotr Coteaz reboot. Always TBT; Cloak, Fur and the Force (Page 7). Update 20/05/2015 = Inquisotr Coteaz reboot. A man of the cloth (Page 7). Update 16/05/2015 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Layers of Dakka (page 7). Update 14/05/2015 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 16. Lamp Post Perfected (completed) (Page 6). Update 06/05/2015 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 15. Look for the lights that shall guide you home (Page 6). Update 23/10/2014 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Faith is out shield; having a big ass wall helps (page 6). Update 14/10/2014 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Paint dat Dakka Dakka (Page 6). Update 01/10/2014 = The Not-So-Mighty Imperial Navy - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 6). Update 22/09/2014 = Brown. Grey. Red. Black. Forever - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 6). Update 14/09/2014 = Layers. Layers Everywhere - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 6). Update 07/09/2014 = Inquisitor Coteaz reboot. IT HAS PAINT! (Page6). Update 31/08/2014 = All its Base are Belong to Me - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 5). Update 28/08/2014 = Inquisitor Coteaz reboot; Throwback Thursday? Already hit a snag (Page 5). Update 24/08/2014 = Unto the Anvil a Little Too Hard eh? Terrain Project 1 - Land Speeder FINISHED (Page 5). Update 12/06/2014 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Marble; The Basework of Basses + Grey Knights/ Inquisition sneak peak (Page 5). Update 20/05/2014 = In Your Underhive, Destroying Your Buildings. Terrain Project 1 - Land Speeder (Page 5). Update 07/05/2014 = It Came From Urban Space. Terrain Project 5 - Downed Aquila (Page 5). Update 05/05/2014 = Urbanising the Urban Board. Terrain Project 4 - Imperial Building (Page 5). Update 01/05/2014 = Sutorīto Kurētā. Terrain Project 3 - Street Crater (Page 5). Update 29/04/2014 = Gun Speeder? Land Emplacement? Terrain Project 2 & 1 - Gun Emplacement + Land Speeder (Page 5). Update 30/03/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 14. Dusty streets. 12 - 6. (Page 4). Update 28/03/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 13. Streets awash with...wash (Page 4). Update 27/03/2014 = Terrain Project 2 - Gun Emplacement. (Page 4). Update 25/03/2014 = Terrain Project 1 - Land Speeder (Page 4). Update 21/03/2014 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: List revised (Page 4). Update 03/03/2014 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: First shot at a new(ish) dex list (Page 4). Update 15/01/2014 = Killing Them With Kindness part 2 + L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Proof of concept (Page 4). Update 13/01/2014 = More distractions. Killing Them With Kindness. Part 1 (Page 4). Update 11/01/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 12. Light. Camera. Lamppost - The pun I should have used before (Page 3). Update 07/01/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 11. Lights. Camera. Inaction (Page 3). Update 19/12/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 10. Follow the Grey Slab Road (Page 3). Update 09/12/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 9. Turn to Grey (Page 3). Update 20/11/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 8. Base! Done! (Page 3). Update 12/11/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 7. A Strong Learning Curve (Page 3). Update 12/11/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Completion and Hiatus (Page 3). Update 21/10/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: The Final Superior + Gaming Board Project. Stage 6. Paving the Way to Completion (Page 3). Update 26/09/2013 = Salamanders: Trial of the written word, or, concept army lists (Page 2). Update 17/09/2013 = Fission Mailed - Reasons for delay (Page 2). Update 07/09/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Rank, File, Speech and Flight. Infantry built (Page 2). Update 23/08/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: By Faith and Microwaves. Metla Squad complete (Page 2). Update 14/08/2013 = Gaming board project. Stage 5. Testing sand + L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: Retribution. + Something else (Page 2). Update 09/08/2013 = L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: A chip off the old marble block. (Page 2). Update 06/08/2013 = B&C Database error: Posts repaired. (Page 2). Update 00/00/0000 = L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: Worst model ever finished! (Page 2). UPdate 00/00/0000 = Gaming board project. Stage 4. Detailing the street (Page 2). Update 00/00/0000 = L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: Worst model ever! (Page 2). Update 00/00/0000 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Anti Air Guns for Nuns (Page2). Update 00/00/0000 = Gaming board project. Stage 3. Curb your enthusiasm (Page 2). Update 03/07/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Roster ready + Game board project. Delayed. Stage 2.5 (Page 2). Update 19/06/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: The shoulder pad conundrum (Page 2). Update 18/06/2013 = Game board project. Stage 2. Building the layout! (Page 2). Update 15/06/2013 = Game board project. Stage 1. Planning (Page 1). Update 12/09/2013 = Cautiously Joined Istvaan V (Come All Who Dare) Under the Banner of the Salamanders (Page 1). Update 30/06/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Schemes, banners and the task ahead (Page 1). -DH-
  12. EDIT: due to the B&C going down during the ETL some posts with updates were lost, chiefly the Vendetta ones. They have since been re-uploaded to page three. As promised, here is my ETL WIP topic (source vow). It was nice to have a free weekend (and I was only slightly hungover on Saturday) so I've managed to get quite a lot done (praise the Omnissiah). Here are four of the tanks, dry assembled for completeness: This is the state of the Vendetta, somewhat less to show despite the time spent on it but it is definitely a kit to assemble and paint in parts. That's not to mention the occasional questionable nature of the instructions and kit... Anyway, just another quick picture to prove my start I get the feeling maybe I'm missing a step by doing models from scratch but I reckon I've caught up nicely now. If you're wondering where the other Chimera is she's currently drying from the undercoat. Like the Hellhound she's an old school model, it was a nice bit of nostalgia at first but quickly wore off after what felt like the 100th wheel I've elected to magnetise the models too, so there's technically also a Hellhound/Bane Wolf and Demolisher/Punisher too (maybe I should have decided sooner, my vow is missing out on a whole 10 points! ). Some of the GS holding the magnets is still curing so I'll take some pictures of them and the missing Chimera when I next get the chance. I'm also planning on magnetising the Vendetta, which will be using the Forge World upgrade kit.
  13. Thought it might be considered a dereliction of duty if I failed to get a WIP up and running for my ETL vow(s). First 9 grunts completed More foot slogging to continue over the weekend. For the Emperor.
  14. Hi, I was wondering if there was any lore on Imperial Guard regiments being raised from Knight Worlds. Or more specifically Imperial-aligned Knight Worlds. They apparently do pay the Imperial tithe, though I'm unsure if Guard regiments would be raised from such worlds. I have not found any indication of such so far in the lore. I've been working on my own homebrew Knight House, and I wanted to make sure. I am aware that one can do anything with their homebrew lore, but I was wondering if there was any precedent for Imperial Guard regiments being raised from Knight Worlds.
  15. +++ Vostroyan 94th Battle Group +++ ++A hobby blog++ +++ Fluff +++ The Vostroyan 94th at the time of the opening of the great rift were assigned as an auxiliary defence force to Knight world [As yet unnamed]. Since the rift opened regular reinforcement from Vostroya has been spotty at best and so in order to maintain manpower, the 94th have been forced to press the abhuman underclass that makes up the world's peasantry into service. +++ League List and First Battle Report +++ Over the next few months I will be competing in a round robin league with the top finishers entering a single elimination bracket to determine a winner. The lists are fixed over that time and this is what I have decided to bring: ++ Brigade Detachment +9CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [70 PL, 1245pts] ++ Regiment: Vostroyan + Heavy Support + Armageddon Pattern Basilisk Armageddon Pattern Basilisk Cyclops Demolition Vehicle Cyclops Demolition Vehicle Manticore + Troops + Infantry Squad Plasma gun Infantry Squad Plasma gun Infantry Squad Plasma gun Infantry Squad Plasma gun Infantry Squad Infantry Squad + Fast Attack + Bane Wolf: Heavy Flamer, Track guards Rough Riders 2x Plasma Gun Rough Riders 2x Plasma Gun + HQ + Company Commander Bolt pistol, Grand Strategist, Warlord Company Commander Plasma pistol Company Commander Plasma pistol + Elites + Command Squad 4x Sniper Rifle Command Squad 3x Melta Gun Vox Platoon Commander The Dagger of Tu'Sakh ++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [46 PL, 755pts] ++ Regiment: Vostroyan + Heavy Support + Cyclops Demolition Vehicle Leman Russ Battle Tank Leman Russ Demolisher Track Guards + Troops + Infantry Squad Infantry Squad Infantry Squad + HQ + Primaris Psyker Nightshroud, Mental Fortitude Tank Commander Battle Cannon ++ Total: [116 PL, 2000pts] ++ +++ First Match+++ ++ Battalion Detachment ++ + HQ + Chaplain Inferno pistol, Jump Pack, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack) Librarian Dreadnought Quickening, Gift of Foresight, Wings of Sanguinus, Furioso fist, Meltagun, The Veritas Vitae, Warlord + Troops + Tactical Squad 5 Plasma Gun Power Fist Tactical Squad 10 Heavy Flamer Meltagun Tactical Squad 10 Multi Melta Plasma Gun + Heavy Support + Devastator Squad 2x Lascannons Missile Launcher Plasma Cannon Hellblaster Squad 5 ++ Vanguard Detachment++ + HQ + Librarian Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius Jump Pack + Elites + Death Company 14 Jump Packs Various power weapons etc Reiver Squad 10 Terminator Assault Squad 5 Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields ++ Total: [113 PL, 2000pts] ++ My first game was against a Blood Angels list. We are using the Eternal War missions from chapter approved for the league and we ended up playing Roving Patrol. This is the mission where you only deploy a 1/3rd of your force and the rest enters play later. I split my force fairly into three parts, each with a smattering of artillery, tanks and infantry so no matter which 1/3rd I deployed, I would have the tools to deal with whatever Blood Angels appeared. The game swung very hard my way from the first instance as I won first turn and almost all of my army rolled onto the board and I was able to wipe out his starting 1/3rd almost to a man in my first shooting phase. This included his Warlord Librarian Dreadnought who got caught out by the melta squad and the rough riders appearing behind his screen. He then took his turn and only a couple of his units made it onto the board, effectively ending his chances of winning. We called it and the end of turn 4 after he had got his chance to actually use his captain smash and the accompanying death company to turn a squad of guardsmen into red mist. Feel slightly bad for this one as he was royally screwed over by his rolls. I think had I not killed his warlord turn one and his death company and terminators along with the librarian had gotten some turn one charges, the game could have been very different. As it was, they turned up piecemeal and were taken apart. Final Score: Vostroyan Victory, Blood Angels conceded.
  16. Hi Guys, Have just got myself a Baneblade which I'm in the process if turning into an Octoblade. My question is, if I take a transport variant to house my HWS, do they get to Overwatch if it gets charged?
  17. Black Templars were my first army, and I have around 5000-6000 points now, and I still intend to add to it slowly over time. However after looking into the lore around Armageddon, I wanted my second army to be Steel Legion. ✠ THE BLACK TEMPLARS ✠ THE STEEL LEGION (WiP)
  18. One of entries that caught my eye in the new AM codex was the Crusaders unit. On the one hand this reminds me faintly of the old Frateris Milita and the Inquisitorial troops, and on the other it seems like quite a fun and fluffy way of having a themed knightly order or specialist duelling unit in a Guard army for regiments that may still have those traditions (Ventrillian Nobles perhaps?). What are people planning to use to model them with? The old Inquisitor models I imagine will be one (obvious) option, but I'm interested to see other people's ideas and models for them. Please share away! :)
  19. Just getting back into the hobby, this was my second game of 8th edition. I of course played using the Night Lord tactics and chose the Lord of Terror WL trait. He played with the Armageddon tactics. We chose to just do a straight up kill each other and forgot about objectives and whatnot. I used the Vanguard detachment and he used the battalion detachment. Here is my list: HQ Exalted champion - power axe, PP Dark apostle Troops CSM - x10, PGx2, LC champion Rhino - havoc launcher Elites Contemptor - ectoplasma cannon, chainclaw, Berzerkers - x8, icon of khorne, chainaxes x5, LC x1 (inside the raider) Decimator - butcher cannon x2 Plague marines - x5, PGx2 Helbrute - fist, reaper AC Terminators - x5, pair of LC, heavy flamer, icon of khorne Heavy Support Land Raider - havoc launcher Predator - havoc launcher, TL lascannon, lascannon sponsons Fast Attack Spawn - x5 Going off memory here but his list was something like: HQ Yarrick Knight Commander Pask in LR vanquisher Command squad (not sure if these are HQ or what) x5 Command squad x5 Troops Conscripts x30 Regular troop squad x10 Chimera Regular troop squad x10 Chimera Elites Vet squad x10, x3 meltas chimera Stormtrooper squad (whatever the new ones are called) Fast attack Vendetta Heavy support Leman russ executioner x2 Leman russ punisher x2 He rolled and won to setup first and so he did. He told me that first turn goes to whoever finishes setting up first which I wasn't sure about but I took first turn anyway. We deployed lengthwise with a few smaller industrial buildings and objects and then a large factory ruin to my left and a smaller ruin to my right near his deployment zone. Everything I set up here I set up with the intent in mind that my opponent would be going first. I set up my regular helbrute and LR behind a large watertower opposite his two russ executioners and pask's vanquisher. With the decimator, contemptor and CSM rhino in the middle. Then my footslogging plague marines are just inside the ruins, along with the predator currently hiding from pask and spawn waiting to sprint up the side. He sets up his vet squad and one regular guard squad chimeras on either side of the big factory ruins with a company command squad in between, followed by the huge conscript blob, yarrick and the two punishers (all within 6 inches of yarrick). Finally the two executioner russes, a company command squad, the scions squad, a regular guardsman squad and pask's vanquisher (which I'm trying to hide from) are setup in his left corner opposite my helbrute and land raider. First turn, I move my helbrute forward a bit into the watertower to get entrenched and move my LR around the side (mistake but I'll talk about that later). The helbrute fires and kills several of the scions and then the land raider splits fire with his havoc launcher and heavy bolter at the scions which kills the squad. The LR then fires its lascannons at the far left executioner which wounded it for 2 wounds. Unseen in the photo my decimator, contemptor and rhino advance while attempting to stay behind cover. The plague marines advance into the building, just barely managing to get the plasma guys up to the 2nd level and line of site to fire. The predator rolls out and sets its sites on pask's vanquisher while the spawn start their dash around the ruins towards the chimeras. The contemptor is out of range, the decimator attempts to chip away at the russes (also a mistake) with its butcher cannons and the rhino fires its havoc launcher at the conscripts killing a few. The predator manages to wound the vanquisher and bring it down to 9 wounds. Finally the plague marines fire two plasma shots at the chimera and put a wound on it. His turn he bails out a squad of guardsmen and moves the chimera towards the center of the board and fires at the plague marines but doesn't do any damage. His vendetta arrives and takes a few potshots at the decimator. The conscripts and yarrick move up slightly. He fires his punishers, chimeras and conscripts at the CSM rhino dealing 6 wounds to it. On the other side of the board, his executioners move up slightly as does pask's vanquisher and unload into the land raider, dealing 4 wounds to it and ending his turn. I move my land raider to the other side, thinking that I might be able to get them into combat with the conscripts (really they were way too far). I bring my terminators in this turn right in front of all the russes planning to distract them at least, possibly kill one. The LR again splits fire with HB and HL at the command squad ahead in the ruins which kills them and its lascannons at another russ putting a few more wounds on it prior to being charged by the terminators and further putting a few more wounds (down to 8). The helbrute fires at the chimera for no damage. Middle of the board, the contemptor and decimator move up and both fire at a punisher, wounding and bringing it down to 9 wounds. The CSM bail out of the rhino while they can and then fire at the conscripts, killing 4 and then charging. They lose 1 to overwatch and kill another 9 guardsmen who then kill one more marine. They fail morale by 5-6 (even with yarrick's leadership). The predator takes a few more shots at a punisher, wounding it for 2 damage (this thing was a huge letdown for me this game). The plague marines move futher into the ruins and line up their shots, split fire at the conscripts killing a few and plasma guns at the punisher (which fails to do any damage). The spawn race up the side (I'd forgotten that running was a thing until this turn). This picture I think was taken before he took his turn. He moves his troops and chimeras away from the spawn towards the center, the punishers move up and so does yarrick. The conscripts disengage from the fight with the CSM. Everyone essentially fires at the CSM squad, I use my "In midnight clad" strategem but still lose 6 guys. He also fires the two chimeras at my rhino and puts another two wounds on it (only 2 left). He then charges yarrick at the two remaining CSM guys killing one, the champion then passes his morale check with a 1! He keeps his executioner in combat with the terminators (which puzzled me a bit) and moves up his vanquisher and remaining executioner which then, along with the chimera, fire everything at the land raider and put another 4 wounds on it. The vendetta moves up and fires at the decimator dealing 2 wounds. The russ fails to hurt the termies again in CC and the termies put another two wounds on it and end his turn. By this point its really close, I've taken out a few of his squads but he's about to kill my CSM and rhino. I figure I need to change tactics and really get up close and personal. I move my helbrute and land raider really close to the russes. The LR fires everything at pask dealing a few damage and the helbrute does as well. The decimator and contemptor fire at the furthest punisher and deal a few wounds and then charge the closest one, bringing it down from 9 to 1 wound remaining. I move my rhino back trying to save it and fire the havoc launcher at the conscripts, which he saves both wounds. The plague marines split fire at the conscripts and the russ, killing a few consctipts. The predator fires at the furthest punisher and fails to wound it. The spawn arrive around the corner and eat the command squad. Yarrick finishes off my champion. His vendetta flies into the action and fires at my spawn, putting a few wounds on it as do the chimeras. His vet squad kills 2 plague marines. The punisher and conscripts fire at the rhino finally finishing it off. Pask and the executioner fire at the land raider doing another two wounds and the chimera fires at the helbrute but fails to wound it. Yarrick decides to charge the decimator for some reason and fails to harm it. The contemptor finishes the leman russ and consolidates towards the land raider and pask's group. My terminators finally manage to kill the executioner with perfect timing. The berzerkers bail out, the terminators move forward behind the two remaining russes, the contemptor moves within charge range and the helbrute moves as close as it can get. The LR finishes off pask who then explodes and kills two terminators and hurts the chimera for a couple wounds. The helbrute and terminators fire at the chimera but fail to wound. The contemptor charges and destroys the final executioner and the helbrute charges and wrecks the chimera. Plague marines move down to try to take out that vet squad, the spawn move forward to charge their next target and the predator targets the last russ on the field. The predator hits and wounds twice but rolls 1 for both damage rolls, leaving the russ with TWO WOUNDS LEFT! The plague marines fire their supercharged shots at the russ and fail to wound, killing one plasma guy. The spawn charge the russ and roll 1 for their attacks, failing to do anything (really wanted it do die....). yarrick does one wound to the decimator and the decimator does one to him. At this point we call it, he's lost almost all his major tanks and for the most part all that would've been left was sweeping left with my forces. Conclusion: As my second game of 8th edition, it was a lot of fun. Once again, I underestimated how hardy vehicles are and was a littel scared to move my units closer which could have sped the game up some in my favor I think. Those guard tanks are incredibly tough to kill though. The land raider actually did a lot which was a surprise for me since usually chaos land raiders tend to suck. My predator was a huge disappointment but I think that was due to poor rolling. The contemptor was awesome, singlehandedly destroyed a couple russes although I think I will try out a different weapon next time, probably a soulburner. It was hard to judge the decimator's effectiveness because I wasn't using it properly.
  20. Greetings fellow Regimental Commanders, Starting next week an 8th edition introductory Escalation League is taking place. To make it new player friendly there won’t be Command Points at the start. The Battalion Detachment is being used like the old Forces Chart to avoid people only bringing lopsided forces. If the opportunity arises I will attempt to chronicle it here. Warp Storms and Astropath nose-bleeds permitting. - I’d appreciate a review of my starting list. Mainly is it an acceptable list to bring against potential new players? My enjoyment will mostly be going pew-pew and moving metal minis. HQ 1x Company Commander [2 PL, 39pts]: Plasma Pistol & Power Sword 1x Company Commander [2 PL, 45pts]: Plasma Pistol & Power Fist 1x Tempestor Prime [3 PL, 40pts]: Swagger Stick 1x Lord Commissar [4 PL, 60pts]: Power Fist. Edit: 61pts w/Bolt Pistol, invalidates the list Troop 4x Infantry Squads [3 PL, 41pts]: Boltgun 2x Militarium Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 76pts]: 5 Scion Team w/ Plasma Pistol & 2 Plasmaguns 500 Points on the nose. If the other player is bringing a particularly weak force I can always “forget” to drop the stormtroopers.
  21. Someone suggested elsewhere the idea of a Holy Crusade army - with a small core of SoB leading a regiment of Imperial Guard. This idea really appealed to me but I'm looking for some advice with regard to implementing it: Firstly, which SoB units to use as the leaders of the crusade. I was thinking St. Celestine and maybe some Priests, but are there any other units I should consider? Second, any suggestions regarding the IG part of the army? I'd like to use primarily infantry but I'm wondering how best to kit them out to represent their being led by SoB. Should I use Meltas and Flamers? Also, should the sergeants have melee weapons or such? Any specific IG units you think would work for this theme? Finally, any other advice or suggestions for this theme? (I've posted this on the SoB section as well, hopefully that's okay.)
  22. Friday: the day when the work week finally surrenders to the sweet Siren's Call of the Weekend! What better way to celebrate that than a brand-new Glacial Geek Battle Report?! https://youtu.be/KoVPRsfOh6U This week my Dark Angels take on the Astra Militarum! The orders were clear. This planet needed to be razed to the ground. The entire populous had been declared Hereticus. But the guns of the tank regiment were not firing. Their Tank Commander stood beside his tank, the dead body of the Commissar sprawled out on the ground beside him. He looked across the field at the children playing soccer and smiled. "Sir," his adjutant injected, shaking him from his reverie, "We have confirmation of a Dark Angels Battle Barge arriving in orbit. No communications from them yet." The Tank Commander sighed, "I don't expect we will be getting any after the Commissar's last message." He glared down at the body, a grimace still locked in his lifeless face, "Ready the tanks. Today we fight for the people of this planet." Will the former Imperial Guardsmen be able to hold off the Dark Angels assault, or will the might of the Unforgiven prove too much for them to weather? Watch and find out!
  23. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/03/20/thousand-sons-vs-dark-angels-2/ He did nothing wrong! Cheers, Thoth
  24. I have a question for all you foot sloggers out there. Do you prefer veterans or infantry in your lists? How do they stack up next to each other? What upgrades/support do you give them and what role do they have in your armies? Personally, I take a healthy amount of plas-vets in my Vostroyan list and have them slap around whatever comes into range. Really, they form the core of my army with the rest of the list supporting, buffing or protecting them.
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