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Thanks Pearson, can't believe I never new that, lol. Sorted.

So, the Wolves have been shelved for now, possibly for good (I know how these things go, the Iron Hands suffered a similar fate), possibly not. New Year New Army and all that.

Another idea has struck and struck hard and this time it does not involve gene-hanced super-humans in mobile tank armour carry rocket-propelled high-explosives. Its not marines and that is somewhat of a novelty for me. I wanted to do an allied army for my Wolves asI was really in to them and wanted to expand the force in an interesting way. I was going to do Valkyries. My thinking was that its not only the Fenrisian men that are hard-as and can serve the Emperor. Women born on this world must be dead-tough too and able to hold their own in a fight against much of what the galaxy can throw at them. So what would they look like as an army? Warrior women with a Space Wolves feel to them. Cool, that was going to be a fun army, lots of converting, lots of crazy stuff to try. Then, as happens with every army, I mulled it over in my brain, played around with it, thought more of what I could do with it and I ended up at a similar but also totally different place. So enough rambling, my new army for 2021 is:

109th Lemurian Harridans - The 'Warqueens'


Yeah, Nordic turned to Helenic pretty fast and from there the conversions and ideas flowed much more freely. The basic premis is still there: an all-female Guard regiment, mainly fielding Tempestus Scions and using the rather pricey Sisters of Silence models as the base figures. I'd also settled on using the AoS Daughters of Khaine Witch Aelf heads for the bulk of my troops. I also wanted to go heavy on flamers and meltas for thr Scion units. I decided to really try to use weapons I never like using on my assorted Marine armies. If I'm going non-Marines why not go the full way and try a whole lot of new things? Enough further ramblings, here's the first Scions unit: Mormo Sub-coven




These girls really turned out exactly how I'd pictured them in my head. The heads and especially the hair actually worked really well with the SoS bodies and was not really an issue at all to try to blend. It does make fitting a back-pack to them a bit of a pain but I've figured out I can just chop the back-packs in half or thrirds, butt them in to the side of the hair and just add a few extra strands of hair with greenstuff to hide the join. The back-packs, by the way, are from Ad Mech Sicarians. One factor in going heavy on flamers for this army was that the SoS kits already come with plenty, save my self a little bit of effort, for once. The Tempestor, or Gorgon as I'm calling them, is armed with a power sword as, again, this is a weapon I tend to avoid when doing Marine armies. I've since changed the hair to be the same as the rest of the unit. I've got one more Scion to build for this unit and I need to swap out two of the flamers for meltas instead. There will be 3 more units of these, all armed the same way.

I'd initally intended to do a unit of Wyrdvanes and really play heavily with the Ancient Greek Witch ideas I'd had goingin my head but then I saw a conversion on FB using one of may favourtie kits, the Ambots, and the Wyrdvanes were shoved to the side in favour of a unit of Bullgryns. I've only managed to get my hands on one Ambot so far so the first Bullgryn is currently running as a Bodyguard. Here she is:




I cannot wait to grab another box of these crazy robots and bulk the unit out to 3 members and field them as Taloi Sub-Coven. Man I love Ambots :yes:

Now, what good is an Ogryn Bodyguard with a body to guard? Well, since I was on a little roll and with the ideas and I knew where I wanted to go with my Tempestor Prime, or Gorgon-Matriarch, I splurged a little and grabbed myself the Kyria Draxus model. Here's what I bashed together last night:




Hera Atropos, Gorgon-Matriarch of the 109th Lemurian Harridans. Rather fitting leader for my army I think and actually a pretty easy conversion. Just had to cut off the catapult and dragon, swap the back-pack and add the hair, bolt pistol and tabbard. I'd orginally planned to use Morathi as my Prime to better fit with the Witch heads I was using for the Scions but it didn't work. For one, she's stupidly tall, like taller than the Ambots, and the pose really was very bland. I have a pic of what I did but I'm none-too proud of this rather expensive test:


:down::down::down: turfed her almost as soon as I made her. Just didn't like anything about her.

So yeah, thats the begginings of my new army project. What do you think? I'm chuffed, very chuffed. I've got models inbound to build an Enginseer and the first of my 3 Hellhounds so there should be some updates on this project too. I'm also about to start on a small commission for one of the guys that bought a chunk of my Iron Hands; he now wants a Captain on Bike in the same style, so when those bitz and kitz turn up I'll be showing that off too.

Hopefully a good year for hobby for me.



Edited by PowerHungryMonkey

Impressive works. Is the "counts as a Bullgryn" a female ogryn? A guardswoman who was grievously injured in battle, but chose to be converted into a cyborg, so she may continue serving? A guardswoman who committed a great crime, and was punished via lobotomy and conversion into a shield-bearing combat servitor?


As for the Gorgon-Matriarch, my suggestions are to replace the left arm with one holding a weapon; modify another model so it looks like Hera's weapon inflicted fatal wounds upon it, as a base decoration; and pose the Gorgon-Matriarch so she's standing atop the corpse of an enemy she personally killed. That should make her look badass enough to lead the Harridans.

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker

Thanks Bjorn. The idea behind the Bullgryns is that they're veterans who have been heavily wounded and have been placed in an exo-suit. Not fully servitors but not the same idea as a Dreadnought either. Really I just wanted an excuse to use the Ambot models again :happy.:


The comments on the Gorgon-Matriarch, are they about the Morathi version? Thanks for the suggestions but its a lost cause. She's a very hard model to convert thanks to the rigid stance and the huge hair and crown. Besides all that though, she's just too damn tall. Like I said, she's taller than the Ambot, andlooks rediculous next to the rank-and-file. The Kyria Draxus conversion is the one I'm sticking with.

Ouch, that is expensive, but good-looking none-the less :D
The only downside I can see is that SoS come with only 5 bodies variants (which are still pretty similar. Dark Eldar kabalites can be similar and I think they also had some female torsos. Not sure how would they look next to the actual SoS (might be smaller as they are not that new a kit).

Good luck with the project though!

Ouch, that is expensive, but good-looking none-the less :biggrin.:

The only downside I can see is that SoS come with only 5 bodies variants (which are still pretty similar. Dark Eldar kabalites can be similar and I think they also had some female torsos. Not sure how would they look next to the actual SoS (might be smaller as they are not that new a kit).


Good luck with the project though!

Heh, thats pretty much the first comment I've gotten everywhere else I've posted these. Thanks


I'm not fussed on the low variety of poses but I have noticed the similarities between the SoS and the Kabalite Warrirors. I may find a use for them. Might be a cheaper way to make crew for what I plan to do with my tanks. I think they're both basically the same size so it's worth a try

Hello again!

Some more stuff turned up in the mail this week and I've been able to get to work on my Enginseer and the beginings of my first Hellhound. First up, the Enginseer:




I can't claim credit for the idea of using a female Delaque model as the base but as soon as I saw it I knew I had to have a crack. Heck, I wasn't even going to have an Enginseer in the army till I saw that, heh. Another little project that started off as something in my head and pretty much changed entirly once I put knife-to-plastic. A rummage in my bitz boxes proved i had FAR less of my bionic bitz from my Iron Hands army left than I thought so I had to adjust plans greatly from what was goingon in my head. Not that I'm unhappy with the resault at all, I really love it. Always a fan of doing anything Mechanicus and this was a great little project.

Now what good is an Enginseer without a vehicle pool for her to minister to? Pretty pointless right? And, being me, I couldn't just use tanks as my tanks, I couldn't even convert a tank to be a different, more interesting tank. No. I had to land on the idea of walkers. Scions mounted in mech suits. I'd begun it with the Bullgryns so the tanks had to be a bigger, better version. I'd had the idea to use the Invictor Warsuit as a tank stand-in for an Elysian army that never got off the ground (Sorry, I know, bad. Groan. Sorry) and this army seemed like a good way to ressurect that idea.


I don't even have to do very much to make the weapons WYSIWYG. I'm swapping out the LH hip gun for a multimelta and obviously putting a Scion pilot in there but otherwise its pretty much sticking true to the original model. I'm gonna have a squadron of 3 of these beauties. I've also got plans on how to do Leman Russ tanks and you can probably guess what that will involve...

Anyway. No more pretty pictures to show off this time but I did want to lay out my plans for the army. More my basic list and names. Mostly so I have it in this plog before I forget them all or Battlescribe decides to delete the list randomly. Its not a legal list, just what I'dlike to build. So:

109th Lemurian Harridans - Battle-Coven Pi-Beta-Thul - the "Warqueens"


Gorgon-Matriarch Hera Atrops

Tempestor Prime

Circe Lachesis

Lord Commisar

Medea Clotho

Primaris Psycher


Heaphesta Delta-Rho


The Echidnean Guard

Tempestus Scion Command Squad

The Furies

5 Ratlings

Taloi Sub-Coven

3 Bullgryns


Arachnea Sub-Coven

10 Tempestus Scions

Gorgo Sub-Coven

10 Tempestus Scions

Mormo Sub-Coven

10 Tempestus Scions

Thessali Sub-Coven

10 Tempestus Scions

Fast Attack

The Cerberii

Thea, Rhea, Thethys

3 Hellhounds

Heavy Support

Themis Sub-Coven

Heavy Weapons Squad


Leman Russ Punisher

That's what I've got so far. No doubt things will be changed or added depending on what ideas strike but right now that is my plan. I've good conversion ideas planned for them all and I know what I want to do with them. I'll probably end up building extra units. We'll see.



Something I just thought of in relation to potential fluff / worldbuilding when I looked again at the insignia you'd posted for the force [of the Gorgon's head] ... and also some of the elements you've wanted to highlight/draw upon. 

Now, in my more usual line of work, I've done a few pieces looking at the *actual meaning and symbolism* of that particular device and how it's been misinterpreted / reinterpreted with time. The core Ancient Greek root of 'Medusa' is 'Medo' from PIE 'Med' - referring to rulership and protection. [Also turns up, for instance, in the name of Diomedes if memory serves] So as applies 'Medusa', what we're really looking at is something a bit different to the modern perception of either a demoness/adversary or a victim - instead, it's something quite different. And intrinsically correlated to what we might suggest to be the serious business of a fierce fighting force of the Imperium. 

Hence, iin part, the frequency with which the Gorgoneion device was employed on coins of the ancient world as exactly that - a mark of sovereignty. [basically, the Gorgon-face *appears to be* a sort of 'Terrifying Storm Face' for both Zeus and Athena - in a similar manner to how other IE deific expressions which They are cognate with have pretty much the same thing going on. I suspect rather strongly that the Perseus myth is a narrativized recording of a kingship rite we find also in other IE sources, where that 'face' or 'visage' of rulership is bestowed to the new king, but that's not really relevant for what you're doing here so .. I digress] 

You've mentioned a potential Fenrisian feel to the force, and what that just put me in the mind of, viz also some serpentine symbolism, is of course the figure of Skadi - and the serpent which She deploys to severely sanction Loki; which forms part of a broader Indo-European typology of pretty much exactly that [i.e. the relevant Goddess employing serpents to strike down wrongdoers and agents of chaos - c.f Demeter sending the snake to kill Triopas ; and, of course, we have the figures of the Erinyes that are pointedly described in serpent-related terms; the more full-scale Black Avenging Form typology for said deific Herself [c.f Demeter Erinyes, Kali] might also be of interest]. It is, therefore, completely unsurprising that we find Athena's Aegis depicted so frequently as being a serpentine-threaded cloak. [There's a cool Classical image of this as the header to this piece

Anyway, here's some further potential inspiration - from Quintus Smyrnaeus’ ‘Fall of Troy’:

“She donned the stormy Aigis flashing far, adamantine, massy, a marvel to the Gods, whereon was wrought Medusa’s ghastly head, fearful: strong serpents breathing forth the blast of ravening fire were on the face thereof. Crashed on the Queen’s breast all the Aigis-links, as after lightning crashes the firmament. Then grasped She Her father’s weapons, which no God save Zeus can lift, and wide Olympos shook. Then swept She clouds and mist together on high; night over earth was poured, haze o’er the sea. Zeus watched, and was right glad as broad heaven’s floor rocked ‘neath the Goddess’s feet, and crashed the sky, as though invincible Zeus rushed forth to war.”

The Scythian sphere may have a few other points of interest [in this particular case, Tomyris; although the Dragon-Mother figure may also be relevant]. 

Oh, and on a .. somewhat different note ... something a little more modern

Love that 'Hellhound's' base detailing, and the delaque for the enginseer! Elvish style heads throw me a bit off but the SoS models are great model starts too.


Thanks Syrakul. I'm really having fun doing a non-Astartes army for a change. I'm going to be using Necromunda bases for the army but since they don't do 80+mm bases for Necro I was forced to make my own. Lots of fun even if its not a great match to the actual Necro bases. I plan to add piles of dirt and rocks overthe bases too for a bit more texture so that will tie them all together more too.


I starting to feel the same about the heads now too. Orginally I was going for a very Warrior Women feel to the army and I had an idea going of hair being a status symbol. The longer the individual's hair the better they were, the more worthy. So Scions havings massive hair worked well and the tiaras played into the 'Warqueens' idea well. When my idea to use Morathi as my Tempestor Prime fell flaming to the ground (god, I cringe seeing that conversion now) and I wen't with using Kyria Draksus instead, the giant hair on her just didn't work. So now I've got a Tempestor Prime that I really like but breaks from the aesthetic I was going for. Couple that with wanting to use Escher Gangers for my regular Guardswomen the army feel is evolving again.


In short, I'm thinking of swapping out the heads for Escher Gangers instead. Maybe tone down the giant mohawks on the Scions but still keep a bit of that Ganger aspect to them. Its floating around in my head and gaining traction. We'll see. I'm not sure what to do about the unit Gorgon tho, if I go that route should I keep the gorgon mask or not?


Something I just thought of in relation to potential fluff / worldbuilding when I looked again at the insignia you'd posted for the force [of the Gorgon's head] ... and also some of the elements you've wanted to highlight/draw upon.


Wow. Ryltar, that's a massive info dump. Thanks. I consider it a minor failing that I struggle to read acidemic texts (as in ones written by learned acidemics for other learned acidemics), but I got alot of the ideas and references you mentioned. I'll take a look through a few of those links and see what I can gleam. To be honest, while I like to throw a bit of mythology and lore into my armies and themes its normally just a surface level and an excuse to use cool names and references :biggrin.: . I was rather pleased at the names of my 3 characters tho. That sort of flows back to my inital ideas for the force once I'd abandoned the Fenrisian idea. I wanted to have strong ties to Grecian witches and goddesses. Greek myhtology is great for strong, powerful women and female beings so it was a great source to tap. I'm trying to use only female names for my army, tho I did take liberties with Haephesta...


Small update for y'all.

Been working away at the 'Hellhound' and finally bit the bullet and chopped up a SoS model to make the pilot. Also got a care-package of some multi-meltas from a mate so have been able to finish arming this bad girl:




Still working on getting the left arm to fit well then it will be a lot of greenstuff to patch the hacked-apart legs and hair. Want to fit the canopy soon and I just hope she doesn'tend uplooking straight into a cross-bar. We shall see.

There is also a small, and somewhat sad update on the Wolves. They have gone the same way as the Iron Hands and are being passed on to a more deserving person who will paint them and get them on a battlefield. This does mean I get a nice cash-injection to fund a large chunk of this army so the updates should start to get more frequent soon. As a farewell to the army I have a final pic of the finished Ancient and a full-army shot to show where the army ended up:



Hopefully, like the Iron Hands, I will eventually get picsof some or all of this stuff painted and will be able to share them here. For now tho, its nothing but Guard.



Morathi as Primaris psyker, perhaps? The height could be part of the mutation?

Good idea but I've got other ideas for the Primaris Psycher. The Morathi model is just not right for a 40k army. Plus what I've already done to her means it'd be so much harder to make her into anyhting else. Sometimes you just gotta call it a loss and move on

Speaking of the Primaris Psycher, I dropped by my local hobby store today and grabbed the GSC Magus model and made one up:


Quick and simple butexactly what I had in mind. So thats my HQs sorted. Kinda. I want to make a Commissar Lord only because I need and excuse to use the Severina Raine modle... and to finish off my character naming convention, lol

I've also picked up another box of Ambots and 2 boxes of Escher gangers so once I get a heap of lasguns and slab shields I'll be able to make up the rest of my Bullgryn squad and two units of Guardswomen. Soon


  • 3 weeks later...

Back again. The wolves have gone to a better home and will be fighting gloriously across many-a tabletop instead of languishing in my hobby drawer. But with their departure I have been able to buy-up big for the Scions army.


Add to that a second Invictor suit and a box of Ambots. Plenty to build now. There's also been a few bags of bitz turn up and a mate is sending me some special models to make a few more characters which I am itching to get started on. For now tho, I've begun working on my first Guard squad. To keep with the all-female theme I'm using Escher ganagers as my basic guardswomen to go alongside my Scions. Here's the first unit WIP:


I'll be dropiing in and out of this army for the next few months when work and COVID allows but at least I have a nice big back-log of bitz and kits to draw on whenever I feel like. Hopefully some more updates soon:



  • 2 weeks later...

Time for an update.

Been hitting the the hobby desk as often as I can the last week or so and I've been able to make more headway into the army. I've blasted out a second Hellhound (still minus pilot) and got some more characters uderway. So here they are:



Hellhound number 2. Did an arm-swap this time rather than much with the pose. Thought it was going great till I realised the Warsuit hand has a fixed finger configuration which really didn't allow for changing to a right hand. Made the best of it and I don't think it'll be too noticable to anyone who isn't looking for it. One more to go before I have to figure out how to build a Punisher Russ to suit. I've got ideas but they're not tested yet. Will have to wait and see.

Next up is a Company Commander to lead my basic Infantry elements. A really basic conversion but I felt the model didn't need much as it already fit the theme and has a bunch of character to it already:


The Necromunda range has and is going to be a great resource for this army. My brain is trying to throw more unit ideas at me so I can use all the cool female models in the range.

Another model based of the Necromunda range, this time a Van Saar Skyboarder, is mu WIP Culexus Assassin:


I've had this idea for a realy long time; much longer than the actual army idea. I'd wanted to make an Execution Force for a while using only Necromunda bitz and while I won't be going that far, yet, I thought I could wedge at least one of them intpo this army for a bit more fun. I've always liked the Culexus the best just for the sheer creep factor so this was the obvious choice. When I was orignally planning out the Execution Force I was going to use a Delaque for the base of the Culexus (and use an Enforcer as the Eversor and Van Saars for the Callidus and Vindicare) to give a spindly, creepy vibe; but since I went that rout for my Enginseer I had to go a different way.The Van Saar Skyboarders had a good bit of movement to their poses and since one of them was female, that was th obvious choice. The head is cobbled together from a servo skull and random tech gubbinz from the bitz box. Hoping it all turns out alright.

More updates soon.


I have enjoyed everything i have seen in this thread, except the primaris on thunder wolf mount. The size ratio is not right to my untrained eye. The marine just looks too big for the wolf to comfortably carry.


That little quibble aside, this is very awesome.

Please show us some more.

I have enjoyed everything i have seen in this thread, except the primaris on thunder wolf mount. The size ratio is not right to my untrained eye. The marine just looks too big for the wolf to comfortably carry.


That little quibble aside, this is very awesome.

Please show us some more.

Thanks Wulf. Can't argue with you on the TWC marine, I even think the Firstborn on them is too big. I was going to invest in a few sets of Freki and Geri as my mounts but by that time I could feel the enthusiasm for the army slowing down and the call of the current Guard army was getting stronger. Plus with what I was planning for the Dreads, using Freki and Geri as TWC woud have made them look stupidly big compared to the dreads, even if they'd probably have been right for the true-scale marines.

Thanks Majkhel. I got the Culexus finished last night. Here's how she ended up: Operative Omega-372



Not as lithe and sleek as the synth-skin on the normal assassins but I really like the more archeotech feel of the Van Saar bodies.

Speaking of lithe and sleek tho, I did find a use for one of the copius Witch Aelf bodies I have leftover from the Scion conversions:




This is going to be a Ministrorum Priest. Was going to use a Repentia as a base-model originally but couldn't get one so this was a great alternative.

I'm really enjoying making all the characters and specialists for this army. Its a really nice change from Marine characters and allows a lot more freedom for converting and just letting the bitz box guide my conversions. The priest has just come together from bitz I had left around.

I'll try to get the priest finished over the weekend and then I think I'll get on to the third Hellhound. I really should be getting back to the basic infantry and Scions but I'm having too much fun on all the funky stuff.



Those are two really cracking models, both with cool poses and a nice use of parts. I've been thinking for a tonne that Van Saar would make good base models for assassins, I've seen good conversions using skulls from the basing skull set.
  • 5 weeks later...

Those are two really cracking models, both with cool poses and a nice use of parts. I've been thinking for a tonne that Van Saar would make good base models for assassins, I've seen good conversions using skulls from the basing skull set.

Thanks Pearson. I'm thinking that different skull heads might be the way to go if I build all four assassins (which given my NEED to covert, is very likely). In fact, I've already started work on a Callidus Assassin just for the hell of it. She currently has a Van Saar head but I'm contemplating changing it our for a different skull. Anyway, here she is, WIP at least, let me know what you think:




Still needs her pistol and the iconic ponytail but they're on the way from a mate so I've got to wait.

So, while I haven't posted anyting for ages, another month it seems, I have not been idle. I've been working on a few units here and there with nothing getting actually finished up 100%. I'm constantly figuring out that I need a specific part for an idea and then having to source and wait for it to show. A rather slow process. Then there is the ever-present "greenstuff hurdle" that I always hit. This is one I will conquor tho as I have made the plunge and actually purchased paints with the in intent to actually put paint-to-plastic with this army. Enough rambling tho, here's a little taste of what's been passing over my hobby desk these last few weeks. First up is a few more Bullgryns. Still need the greenstuff the hair but otherwise ready to rumble:


I've got another 2-3 I want to add to the unit to really make them a rock-solid core to my army. I've also done a little more work on my Priest. She's had her chainsword finished off and a backpack and halo added.I don't know if I should do any more to give her more clothing or keep that Repentia/Zelot look to her:




Last to show off right now is another 'tank.' I had bought three Invictors with the intent of building 3 Hellhounds straight up but after building two I wanted to to see if my idea for a Leman Russ was actually going to work. I'm pretty happy with it so far:




If you didn't guess from the load-out, its a Leman Russ Punisher. I kinda cheaped out and went with a variant that I could easy get a weapon for. Given the Redemptor weapons it was going to be a Punisher or an Executioner. I tent to go heavy on plasma weaponry in my armies so this time I wanted to go for something different. Punisher it was then. It was never going to be armed with a battle cannon as I just can't see that looking good as an arm-mounted weapon. I know the Knights have that but I don't like it on them either, lol. The original plan was to use a full Redemptor kit as the base model, to help give the up-armoured impression for the Russ chasis over the Chimaira chasis. I soon decided against that as, while to me, the Invictor feels very much something that could be in the Astra Militarum armoury, the Redemptor is most definitly a piece of Astartes kit. It was never going to look right. Adding the chest plate and the wepaons alone makes it work for me.

Anyway, thats all for now. Let me know what you think of the latest batch of stuff. I really want to get some greenstuffing done soon to finish off a lot of the army coz once I get my hands on some Wraithbone spray, I fully intend to get these gals battle-ready.

See you soon hopefully,


Very nice batch! :smile.:
Callidus is really nice. Good choice of the pose.
Priest - why would you want more clothes on her??? :wink: Seriously though, I really like the purity seals' skirt and the combination of the SoS head with the halo on the backpack

Punisher is coming along nicely.
I agree with you that a arm-mounted battle canon being mounted on such a frame would look strange. Have you considered placing it on the shoulder like the Thanatar-Calix does?


Keep up the good work, this is becoming a really fantastic army :smile.:

Edited by Majkhel

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