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Solid work on the 'Punisher' I really like that chunky multi-melta and the armour plates on the front. 


Solid pose and use of parts on the Callidus, I actually like the techy Van Saar helmet and the way it contrasts the more human and bare rest of the model.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys.

Rapidfire battlecannon is mounted with about 3/4 forward and 1/4 back. Maybe something like that rather than the mount being at the very end of the weapon?

I can see how it would be done but I really just don'tlike how it looks. Plus I can't picture how an ammo hopper for it would work on that scale. If I make any more 'Russes' I might go an Executioner to utilise the Redemptor's plasma weapon.

Solid work on the 'Punisher' I really like that chunky multi-melta and the armour plates on the front.

Solid pose and use of parts on the Callidus, I actually like the techy Van Saar helmet and the way it contrasts the more human and bare rest of the model.

Thanks. The Muilt-melta arm is actually supposed to be the counts-as heavy bolter sponsons. I did have to use a multi-melta barrel to get the look I want, still need to fill the vents in the side. Hopefully once thats done it'll look more bolter and less melta.

I liked the Van Saar head too but I had other plans for it as helmets for my 'ratling' unit.

Saying that. I also used the Van Saar mask for this little bitty I whipped up tonight:


Man I am loving everyhting comming out of AoS right now. Soooo much potential. Anyway, this is going to be the start of an Inquisitorial warband, just coz. Got a bunch of ideas I want to just play with so an Inq warband is the perfect spot.


  • 4 weeks later...

Another month, another post. Seems to be my habit now.

Iwentdown a rabbit hole after making the Inquisitor and have built up a good size warband to acompany her. I showed her off to a few mates and they instantly jumped on the Inq gand-wagon and we're doing up some warbands for an Ing28/Inquisimunda campaign. I'm well ahead of the pack with building but still no paint (tho I do own some now :biggrin.:)

Here's the band right now:


Since this was originally intended to run alongside my Militarum army I kept with the all-female theme, jusy coz. I'm finding this is proving to be a really good push for me to go away from my normal conversion ideas and try different things. I've pretty much done marines of one stripe or another for most of my hobby life so this is a really nice change.Here's a few shots of the individual girls:





I've also added a heavy since the group shot was taken:


For some reason I've chosen to only use the AoS range as my base-models, there's just so much scope and character from the different human factions, especially now with Warcry and Underworlds, not to mention Cursed City. I've got models for a psycher, a tech-priest and a pet inbound which I'll hopefully get a start on this week. I am going to break my rule of AoS-only for the last member of the warband as I really want to have a lobotomised xenos beast that can be let off the chain (so to speak) similar to an arcoflagellant. More to come.

Along with the Inq28 stuff I've managed to finish off the Callidus Assassin I started a while ago:




Two down, two to go.

Lastly but certainly not leastly (is that a word?); I felt I was negelecting the actual Scions that had started this whole idea, and with the chance find of a bit of brass rod (in a cutlery drawer at work...) I had what I needed to build a Scion Command Squad. I'm really happy with them think they fit super well with the Tempestor Prime and the army as a whole:



Ok. That's all for my hobby dump for the day. I'll try to make it sooner than another month to post something new but I always say that and I always end up back here a month later...



Really, really nice update!
Loving the Inq warband! I think the psychic is my favourite
Assassin is now suitably crazy and wild (although the positioning of the right wrist seems painful)
Command squad is fantastic too! Excellent choice of bits to create a unique, baroque and a little barbaric feel :)

Just stumbled across your thread and will be taking notes.... so many cool kit bashed minis. An amazing array of cool and unique conversions. Bags of detail and character mate. Even your custom bases are cool as heck for the dreads.


The only thing I would have reservations of would be painting all those intricate details to do all the unique characters justice. 


Great stuff mate !

Really interesting to see how you've taken AoS models and fitted them into the 41st millenium, they really look the part! My favourites have to be the Callidus, the Iron Golem based warrior and the heavy gunner. 


Can't wait to see more of these guys and to see some paint!

Thanks so much guys, really glad to hear people are enjoying where this army, and the current semi-side project of an Inq28 warband, are going.

I've got another up date for you, and well within a month this time. A few more models I'd being hanging out for have turned up so I've been back to chopping and filing. First up are a few WIPs of the next batch of Inquisitorial henchwomen for my warband, I've started work on a psycher (Majkhel, I think the one you liked is actually a Scriviner, keeping track of the various xenos breeds the inquisitor encounters), a Magos Biologis and a hunting pet:






Evrything is about mid-way but they're proving harder than I though to nail-down and really get right. Its a lot of time dry-fitting bitz and just staring into the various bitz boxes hoping something will jump out at me. Also, before anyhting gives me massive props for my sculpting skills, I want to point out that the base model for the psycher cam as green plastic, I've just filled a few gaps, nothing more :biggrin.:

I also decided to use yet another Necromunda model to add another character to the Harridans. Not that I really needed her but I went and made a Commissar coz the idea came to me and I was able to get my hands on Scrutinator-Primus Servalen:



Nothing major but I'm happy with her.

Ok, that it again for another time. Back to the bitz boxes to convert up some more maddness.



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