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Don't be too scared of yellow. You can always do a Templar leaning fists army and go largely black but wraithbone and yellow contrast works pretty well. I'm sure your preferred speed paint etc. will achieve similar results.


Edited by Corswain

Thank you Corswain, I'm going to have a look at yellow recipes and guides today. I also want to have a small Templar force led.by Sigismund to go along side my Fists too. One step at a Time though! 


I like that scheme too @TheArtillerymannice find.

58 minutes ago, calgar101 said:

I like that scheme too @TheArtillerymannice find.

All the different schemes in the books are really interesting. In the absence of being able to just create your own chapter like in 40K, they offer some additional variety to the 18. Like the Fists but don’t like yellow? Paint black! etc.


Theres another one here from the old black book:




Although it’s almost an Iron Warrior, especially with that bolter :tongue:

Edited by TheArtilleryman

Someone at FW really loved black Imperial fists, they even have a few 40k era colour plates in those schemes! There is always more variety in heraldry than some people admit, especially in 30k! So if you really like a legion/minis but dont gel with the scheme, tweak it to fit your vision/capabilities :) 

@Cadmus TyroI have to second WAR, those look amazing! That is definitely a route I'd like to go down with my Fists too! 


Here are some pictures of my Iron Warriors and my back log of shame. Quality is naff as using my camera phone, also I'm getting ready to move so it is all a bit chaotic. 

My force was built around the Pride of the Legion Rite of War. I don't have the new books yet do I've no clue if my army is legal but meh. This force was completed 5 years.. maybe more, it needs some repairs but it's been boxed away for nearly all that time! 

I bought some ones burgeoning Emperor's Children army off Facebook a while back, I think I will turn these into Ultramarines or maybe Raven Guard since I have Corax.





Edited by calgar101
Only uploading the IW pics as not to make the post huge.

@Cadmus Tyro great looking models! Shame you can’t make more than one reaction on a post because I had to choose between laughing or loving this!


@calgar101 they look great! That is one heck of a lot of terminators …

23 minutes ago, calgar101 said:

Thank you very much! Once I've moved to start my new job, getting myself these books will be top priority. 

Spent the last 2 years out of the hobby so I've a fair bit to catch up on. 

No probs. Only just got these myself so I’m a bit obsessed right now. Currently going through one of those phases where I can’t get enough Warhammer, particularly heresy, so I’m either doing stuff with models, reading the books or glued to B and C… probably need to get out more lol

There is nothing wrong in being thorough with your research, it is tactically prudent to read them from cover to cover.

No harm in having enthusiasm for the hobby, make hay whilst the sun is shining as they say :biggrin:

I want outside, it is over rated! Haha.

I own book 1 and 3 of the Old black books (have digital copies of the others on my pc) and I have decided the next force will definitely be Raven Guard and then Imperial Fists as these both feature in book 3 with Iron Warriors, it is a sign from the Emperor. 


I definitely need to convert up a model for this guy! 


Edited by calgar101
Add image.

Fixed the few broken bits, took photos but most are too big to upload directly. Here is Perturabo and his bodyguards.




Edited by calgar101
Managed to get the Terminator picture to fit.

Thank you all for your compliments and support. I found the recipe I used on these however it's been so long I'm not super confident at recreating it. I want to add to this force but I am thinking of creating a power armoured force, lots of Havocs and then any colour difference is because they are 2 different Great Companies :biggrin:


But next is definitely Raven Guard. 

35 minutes ago, calgar101 said:

Thank you all for your compliments and support. I found the recipe I used on these however it's been so long I'm not super confident at recreating it. I want to add to this force but I am thinking of creating a power armoured force, lots of Havocs and then any colour difference is because they are 2 different Great Companies :biggrin:


But next is definitely Raven Guard. 


Sounds like a nice idea. With regards the paint scheme, I’m sure it will work just fine. I’ve used 3 totally different recipes on the models in my 40K Raven Guard and they all integrate just fine.


Funny. You started with Iron Warriors and are now doing Raven Guard. I started with Raven Guard and am now doing Iron Warriors as well…


Tonight I spray-painted 25 infantry, a rapier, a praetor and a land raider proteus for the IWs, and a Spartan and assault squad for the RG.


I think I might try and build as much as I can in preparation for the call to arms. Still got a good chunk of stuff to build for both sides… 

Yeah you are right, I think I'm thinking about it too much! Thanks for the reassuring words.

Oh really? That is a mad coincidence! :biggrin:

Awesome, that's very productive of you! I'm packing up my stuff as moving soon, so it isn't a great time for me to hobby. However I can plan etc and I'm watching tutorials on painting Raven Guard.

Yeah definitely keep the build momentum going as long as you can. I cant wait to see your work.

Since I have some unbuilt Terminators I was thinking of making some Deliverers for my RG, I might have my force based around out casts that Corax has to accept given the legion is almost dead post Isstvan. 

Here’s some of the RG I painted the other day. I have a thread for my RG in the 40K forum that started as 40K but is now a crossover with the Heresy.





Edited by TheArtilleryman
6 minutes ago, The Pounder said:

Great work @TheArtilleryman!


Are those symbols freehand? They look great!

Thank you! Yes they are. I went off using transfers a long time ago because they always just break, especially on curved surfaces.


I followed a step by step picture I found online:




They look ok individually but I need to work on being more consistent because when you look at all the models together the symbols are all different shapes and sizes :)

Edited by TheArtilleryman

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