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Hi All,
Please humour me creating this topic to try and keep my enthusiasm for a project going so I remain motivated to finish what i start.

We moved house last year and in the process of unpacking i discovered my old White Dwarf back issues, one of which contained the battle report of Captain Tychos ill fated encounter with an Ork Weirdboy. Seeing this battle report again brought all of 12 year old me's memories flooding back like a french guys posh sponge cake. I'd loved the worlds of Games Workshop before that moment, but i think if i had to pick a moment that was the point of no return it was then: the new edition of 40k; the new Dreadnought model; and that issue of White Dwarf. My now 2 year old son has meant my hobby time has been severely curtailed, but if i'm honest he's not the real problem. As most of us probably do I've got far too many gaming miniatures packed up in storage, all seem like a good idea at the time, but my garage is grave yard of half finished projects. I've got the attention span of a gnat.

Flush with enthusiasm after my discovery of the back issues i resolved to change this and paint up both armies from that battle report, as close as my collection and the whims of eBay will allow. I want to try and make sure all the models are appropriate to the era, and all metal where possible (so no mono-pose starter set marines and Orks, even though I've got a lot of affection for the old guys!). IF i manage to stick with it i'll end up with 2 usable 40k armies, and i can then have a go at completing the terrain set from the battle report as well ( as near as the photographs will allow anyway). One of the advantages of being a massive hobby hoarder is that i've still got all the old rulebooks and myriad cards and counters from back in the day, so hopefully an actual re-fight can be re-fought.

So without further ado here are the first three (almost) finished Blood Angels. (Apologies for the pictures, perhaps the practice will improve my ability at miniature photography, I've never really developed much of a knack for it!)

Tactical Marine

I'll finish the first combat squad and then move on to half a squad of Orks etc...etc...

I'm following the Blood Angels recipe from the old Space Marine Painting guide (as much as i'm able to). Although my copy of the guide is long ago lost to the mists of time, i got it with my first Citadel Paint set (prior to that having massacred some Grenedier fantasy models with Humbrol enamel paints). Some of the pots of paints from that set have survived in my collection to this day and are still good, god bless 'em!

As you no doubt notice i'm undecided whether to go full Goblin Green with the bases, as much as i love the old school aesthetic that may just be a step too far.

If anyone would like to weigh in with opinions on that or anything else about the paint jobs please do, comments and criticism very welcome. Hints and tips for improving the photography would be very welcome as well. I picked up a folding photography studio from amazon a few years back, and although it has improved the pictures i'm able to take I've never been completely satisfied with them. Camera is just my Android Smartphone, with the Open Camera App.

Thanks for listening to me ramble on, here's hoping i return with more to show!

Edited by HUMBY
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They look great. (First link is broken for me.) Building a legacy army, or even two, from original parts only is a fantastic project. Bit of a rabbit hole - I've yet to find out of it. But, hey. You'll have a really good time and a very special army for a very special set of rules. 


Personally I didn't try too hard to replicate the original colour schemes for my legacy Death Guard. Couldn't bring myself to Goblin Green bases either. I found it much more enjoyable to work out an, um, more contemporary interpretation of the original ideas. Ended up putting them on Mars-coloured cork bases and still love it. In saying that, Goblin Green would go really well with that red of yours ...?

Great project and great start!


Out of curiousity which WD issue no. was it?


The Mars (baal?) suggestion is a good one, I still have a disturbing number of goblin green bases as it was deemed 'mandatory' in my local store back in the day.. I'm yet to get through the re-basing backlog and feel a bit sick when I dig out a great old mini and see the gobbo green/ flock base it's attached to :/


Alternatively you could always give the grassy plains look an upgrade, there are a lot of good guides here in the forge for different basing strategies. Potentially just keeping the grass on top and trimming the base in black/ dark brown might help tone it down a bit...but the effect will depend on your terrain selection if recreating an old battrep.


Photography wise I'm no expert and need to improve as well, built I've found portrait mode useful (not in terms of orientation, but the focus and background blur) and a stable stand makes a big difference. Preset filters not great but adjusting the levels is also worth doing if the colour isn't rendering the way you're expecting/seeing on the table.


Good luck! I look forward to seeing more :)

Edited by Sandalphon

Thanks Guys!


This is the offending issue right here:-




and this is what we're shooting for Blood Angels wise, with the addition of a techmarine and futzing around with some weapon options to bring it in at the same points values when using the codexes and make it legal to take the vehicles (the original battle report was fought with rules available in the starter box)




I may have made some progress with the picture taking (thanks for the advice guys)







I'm working on the other two members of the combat squad at the moment, so hopefully may have something more to show soon.


Thanks for all the help and encouragement!


P.s.  Still undecided on the bases!  Mainly because i'm thinking about finishing up a gaming table as well, one that could pull double duty for some 4th Edition fantasy games as well, which would possibly suit old school green better.  At least that's the thinking in my addled brain!

Edited by HUMBY

Those photos do the minis much more justice!


I think it's worth holding out on the bases if you have multiple options (because you can!) Green will contrast well, as mentioned above and if you're recreating the scene go for it, can always do a tester if unsure.

Welcome brother!

Great thematic project! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Good progress so far with nice paintjob too.

As for the bases, a light brown/khaki trim works well both with reds and greens. So you can later model either sand, rocks, ruins or grass on it.


You might want to check some ideas from this Showcase thread from the Blood Angels sub-forum for inspiration.

Good luck! :)

Thanks for all the kind words and support guys!  I'm afraid i'm a coward so have yet to commit to a decision re: the bases.  I'm trying to figure out a way to modernise the goblin green look slightly so i can have it as a nod to the past without making it the hobby equivalent of giving all the minis parachute pants!


I have made progress with the last two members of this combat squad though. 








Just the bolters and squad and chapter markings to finish up and i'll call these guys done (except for the bases of course).  I was going to go proper old school and paint kill markings on the bolters ala the Space Marine paint set guide.  However, the old bolters turned out pretty awkward for painting them nicely whilst stuck to the models so i've given up!


I've jumped the gun slightly and started base colours on the first Goff Ork Nob.  I remember back in the day this place used to be no Xenos allowed, i gather that's not the case anymore?  If so i'll pop an image up when he's ready to show.  I just thought alternating might save me from burning out doing the same thing over and over!


Thanks again for looking in!


  • 3 weeks later...

So here's the first of my Goff Ork Nobz nearing completion, bit frustrated with the pictures because i think he looks nicer in person but i shouldn't think i'm the first to feel that!






I'll have another futz around with the pictures and hopefully put some more of him up alongside the completed combat squad of marines soon.

Edited by HUMBY

Hi All,

Latest update, as you can see I've finally committed to basing them up. Apologies to those of you who voted against the green bases but i decided to try and remain true to the original models. Thanks is due to Orlygg and the Realm of Chaos 80s blog for sharing his method of basing his models in an old blog post i dug up. I quite like the look of them personally, but i can understand how people might feel they detract from the models. Hopefully i managed to strike a balance.



Squad Sargeant- Fairly happy with how this guys turned out, although he looks a bit boss eyed from the wrong angles!



MkVI Bolter Marine - Happy with this chap, you can't see very well but there's a little black freehand skull on his right shoulder pad in lieu of the squad marking on the kneepad.



MkVII Bolter Marine A - Not completely happy with the freehand squad marking on his knee (or the special weapon guys) but decided to live with it rather than making it worse by fiddling with it.



MkVII Bolter Marine B- Decided to go with honour markings on the right knee and count the moulded on skull as his squad marking. Seemed a little daft having double knee skulls!



Special Weapon Marine- Rescued this guy from ebay and on stripping realised he was damaged and not the most fantastic mould. Did my best to repair him but subsequently this may have affected how happy i ended up being with him.



Goff Ork Nob- This guys the test bed for my Goff Squad, I've tried not to lean too heavily into the whole black/white colour scheme because i think they have the danger of looking a little boring. Hopefully I've managed to hew to that line sucessfully!



Goff Skar Boyz ready to join their boss


I'm getting happier with the photos, but the minis are coming up as very glossy for some reason. Anyone have any tips or tricks to dull that down, I've tried a layer of matt varnish since taking these photos but i'm not convinced it'll make that much of a difference. That and any other comments and criticisms are welcome,



Edited by HUMBY

Love the old school aesthetic of green rimmed bases. It's perfect for what you have and what you are doing!

Thanks for the encouragement! I'd ummed and ahhed over the bases for quite a bit, but just thought in the end that what's the point in going old school if you're not all in!

In the words of the old knight for Indiana Jones, "you choose wisely" haha. They give the classic minis the right vibe.


I never got into 40k until 2009-10. I had first seen it in a mall in the early 2000's and I loved ogling this one hobby store's display with armored warriors (BA), orcs that somehow made it into space (orks), and some kind of clowns on jet bikes (eldar) duking it out on a battlefield. They all had those green bases and the look of those were cemented in my nostalgia of the old school goodies. 

I'm of an earlier vintage, but I can remember that same feeling the first time I stepped into a Games Workshop (Chester if anyone's interested). The idea that there was an entire shop dedicated to games like Heroquest and Space Crusade blew my tiny mind.


My mum bless her heart bought me the Space Marine Strike Force and paint set and that was that, my fate was sealed!

Edited by HUMBY

I love the revival and your phrasing. Even though I started the hobby in 2004 (early, or late for some people on here) I love finding some of the classic, 80's and 90's bits, specifically Space Marines, and just mix them in with the others. I like how it not only adds variety in addition to my kitbashes or non GW bits, it also gives it a feel of antiquity since our brains know the pewter or plastic is older.

That, and I commend and admire anyone who finds some of their older models, squads, or projects and finishes them. It reminds me of when I...wait, no I still need to do that. But then there was that time I....wait no that's maybe half finished....OH! Wait nevermind, I actually restarted that and got even less progress than the first time....Um, carry on, nothing more to see here...

Edited by RazorDaemon
  • 3 weeks later...

I agree - lovely greens and fantastic paint-job, especially on the skin! Leather straps and pouches also looks very good.

Grey trousers seem a little bland, but on the other hand, these are Goffs, so the colour is appropriate, and trousers really aren't that important part of the miniatures.


An interesting choice for the green eyes. Usually we see red.

Thankyou guys, the skin is the bit that's mostly finished on all of them, so I'm glad that's looking good!


The trousers are literally just a base coat of grey so should look a little more interesting when I'm finished. I briefly considered urban camo for the trousers but one of the boys gave me a funny look and asked if I thought they were human loving Blood Axe cowards? So I thought better of it.


I think my photography is letting me down a little on the eyes, they're actually bright yellow but showing up as green for some reason. Anyone know which setting I have to futz with to get the colour balance right?


Thanks again for the feedback guys!

Edited by HUMBY

Yeah, the paint job you did on the ork skin is stellar and definitely stands out.


And if I am being honest camo would be kinda sweet. But on a lot of these orks I don’t think there is enough pants that it matters. Honestly either way kinda works for me.

And if I am being honest camo would be kinda sweet.

Oh I agree but they're adamant they're not wearing those colour pants!


Also I talked myself out of it with the realisation I've got to get through 80 of these guys. Once I get them all painted I can always come back and gussy up their pants if I feel the need!

Edited by HUMBY

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