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Black Templars as Angry Marines?


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I'm considering having my jump pack-equipped Black Templar Assault Marines and Vanguard Vets painted up as Angry Marines. I'm not a tournament player so these would only ever really be used in friendly games to add some levity and a color pop to the army.  Would you have any issue playing against such a unit?  They'd be modeled with Angry Marine-specific weapons (nailed bats, power wrenches, maybe a power chair, etc) but would otherwise be standard Black Templar Assault Marines and Vanguard Vet datasheets and I'd let my opponent know what the weapon actually are.

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While its your army it would fully destroy my immersion.


As a meme it was funny for a day but in my opinion it has no place on the tabletop

So what you're saying here is that you wouldn't play an Angry Marines army [using Black Templars rules or otherwise] and that you would probably refuse to play against anyone doing this [except in a setting where you would have to do so unless there was a consequence to you, such as in a tournament].


That's fair, and it's pretty much where I sit with regard to meme armies.


A broader application of your feedback is that any kind of meme army or non-GW IP army (such as, say, a Homer Simpson Space Marine force, or a Mars Attacks Space Marine force) might diminish some players' enjoyment of the hobby. This, naturally, would apply to those for which adhering as much as possible to the established lore and theme of the setting is important.


I'm not quite there with you. I'll gladly play against an army that someone invests time and effort into making a cohesive and fun army, whether it's consistent with the lore or if it takes a radical turn (e.g., female Space Marines, Iron Maiden themed Noise Marines, creepy It Harlequins, etc.). I'd gladly play against Angry Marines. I would just consider it a "for fun" game that wouldn't affect any lore concepts I might be working on (assuming I'm even working on any).


However, we're not here to control what others do. Rather we're here to help them enjoy the hobby, even if their enjoyment is different from our own. It's fair to identify areas where we disagree on things, but not necessarily to tell people what they should and shouldn't do just to bring them in line with us.


As for the original question, the Angry Marines always seemed to be like the Black Templars and the Marines Malevolent had a baby and bottle-fed it steroids mixed with Everclear, while being dumbed down to a punk rock sophomoric level. So sure, the Black Templars rules would work for the Angry Marines.


If you decide to show any of your Angry Marines here at the B&C be cautious about what you show. Some of their meme aspects are inappropriate here and will be expunged with extreme prejudice. :wink:

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A mate during undergrad did this, but while he included the power bats and insulting inscriptions he kept the Templar black and white colours instead of the yellow and red. My particular favourite was his assault terminators. He only had tactical termies (so no lightning claws), but I had a bunch from the SW TDA kit, so I gave him my spares and he bought me a pint. End result: the unit was modelled with a banner reading 'will trade booze for claws'. Bless him, he took the project seriously in the least serious way possible :tongue.:.

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So what you're saying here is that you wouldn't play an Angry Marines army [using Black Templars rules or otherwise] and that you would probably refuse to play against anyone doing this [except in a setting where you would have to do so unless there was a consequence to you, such as in a tournament].


That's fair, and it's pretty much where I sit with regard to meme armies.

When I was playing at Other Realms on Oahu in the early 2010s at the yearly grand tournament there was a guy who had a my little pony themed Dark Eldar force.  Another guy had a 1980s GI Joe themed Guard army that each Guardsman was an identifiable Joe.  There are probably pictures of them on the net somewhere.  


And yes, the guy with the MLP themed Dark Eldar was a bit... odd.

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Themed armies are interesting. If you are going to a narrative event, don't expect my little pony drukari or whatever to be welcome. That being said, themed armies seem to be popular to photograph at competitive tournaments. I would gladly play against a themed army if the army is well done. Any proxies or greatly different models should seem to be similar is size and equipped with weapons similar to the actual army in a uniform manner.

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