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EDIT:  I finished a number of other projects so I figured I would turn this into a "stuff I've finished recently thread" rather than making a bunch of new topics.  Much of my army tries to keep the subdued ascetic of the Heresy Era Ultramarines.  I added a few things like the tabards and crests to many of the primaris units in my army.


I got a Fire Raptor from Ebay at a rather steep discount several years ago.  The casting quality was...  not great. 


So it sat in my closet for years before I got bored enough to give it a shot.


Today I finished it!







Edited by Cruor Vault
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Really came together nice: the directional exhaust streaking and weathering really work well.

Reminds me of a 40K A-10 thunderbolt/warthog on steroids!

Comes in for a low level pass and....BBBBBRRRRPPPPP!

No more bad guys.

The Xyphon was all the heat for the first year of 8th edition.  It won me a LOT of games in California GTs until it got a significant point increase.  For the last couple of years it's been sitting in my display case gathering dust with just the bare minimum of colors slapped on it.


After I finished the Fire Raptor I figured I would put in the last few hours of work to get it 100% done.






I did a couple of Executioners a few weeks ago.  Two regular Repulsors to accompany them are currently in progress.




The main weapon is magnetized.





Spent a few hours today and finished of my Primaris Calgar and a slightly converted Chaplain Cassius.






I'm not super thrilled with his gauntlets, but I reached a point of diminishing returns.  At this point the bits i'm not happy with aren't visible at tabletop distances.




Deathwatch Overkill Cassius converted with a combi-flamer to be 40K correct.



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