TechCaptain Posted April 30, 2020 Share Posted April 30, 2020 (edited) Another I have taken from my pages on the 40k Homebrew Wiki Review of Inquisitor Adahm Klerixus Languages Spoken: High Gothic, Low Gothic, Lingua-technis, Cant Mechanicus, Basic Aeldari LexiconSkin Colour: Dark TanHair Colour: Dirty BlondHeight: 5'10"Weight: 200lbs Adahm Klerixus was a Lunar Venatorii Vox Adept turned Cybernetics enhanced Magos Bodyguard and now serves as an Inquisitor of the Ordo Machinum. He is a member of the Heimdall Conclave. A Radical of the Xeno Hybris faction of Inquisition in alliance with Xenarites of Incendius Lux and Mjorn that has migrated to the Heimdall Sector and beyond. Primarily focuses on Forge Worlds and their fleets. History The 412th Lunar Venatorii Air Cavalry Regiment The War Eagles consists of just one under-sized Battalion after suffering devastating losses defending the Frontier World designated F-6624c against Drukhari Pirates from the Kabal of the Crystal Daggers. As a Result each member is a hardened Veteran and consists of elite Vox Adepts cross-trained to serve as Line Troopers, Sentinel Operators, and Bike Troopers. This results in them being a elite and versatile Regiment typically used to perform Direct Action, Sabotage, and Reconnaissance missions deep behind enemy lines. The 4th Combat Platoon, the Laughing Crows commanded by Chief Warrant Officer Adam Clarke was requisitioned by Inquisitors Caleb Cristo and Karen Mareev to provide Technical and Combat support on a vital and sensitive mission to rescue a group of important Incendius Lux and Mjorn Tech-Priests deep within the Wilderness Space. The Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus harbour a great many secrets and ancient and terrible arts. If their price is met, they can salvage the most ravaged body so long as the central nervous system is largely intact and the brain is serviceable. Taking a mangled, burned, but still alive carcass or even the merest threads of flesh and bio-matter, they can construct new body from the remains of the old, or even refit a servitor chassis to house the brain if needed. Less heavily damaged bodies are easier to repair, though the results are far from elegant or guaranteed. One of his last missions with the regiment was a special assignment to protect a group of stranded Tech-priests behind enemy lines. In a Large densely packed city being overrun with with renegades, his squad's assignment was to rescue vital information and resources in the form of a Tech-priest delegation trapped. As the Inquisitorial force his unit was assigned as stealthily made their way through the City overrun with maddened and gibbering renegades they finally managed to locate the Tech-Priests due to the Vox-Adepts of the Laughing Crows homing in on their trace signals. Fighting their way to the extraction zone with the Tech-Priests in tow they became bogged down in a sea of maniacal and frenzied heretic as the Inquisitors Spiderwidow Gunship raced to support them. In the hectic firefight and melee a Cultist rushed at the Tech-Priests and the Inquisitors with a suicide charge. Chief Warrant Officer Adahm Klerixus saw this and selflessly put himself in between the Cultist and the Tech-Priests, placing the mission before his own life in a act of ultimate valor and dedication. Blasting away with his Hellpistol, he managed to slay the Cultist short of its target, unfortunately the explosive device was wired to a dead man's switch and exploded regardless. although the Tech-Priests and Inquisitors were spared the worst of the blast Adam was horrifically injured from shrapnel and shock-waves. Impressed the Inquisitors, directed Hospitaller Anaya and the Ogryn Meat stabilize his wounds and guard his body until the Gunships arrived weapons blazing. With valiant sacrifice of CWO Clarke, VIPs were extracted and mission successful. However, such selfless loss of a talented individual coming from such multi-disciplinary background, uncommon for most of the Astra Militarum regiments across the galaxy, has stirred even the cybernetic circulations-pumps of Adeptus Mechanicus. With quick, quiet word and gaze averted, the inhuman Magi proposed the unthinkable, at least where mere mortal is concerned and Inquisitors sanctified the motion with fate-binding wax of their Imperial Rosetta. Adam Clarke will be brought back from brink of death to serve His Imperium once more, for his valorous, peerless yet short career earns him a second chance. Out of gratitude the Tech-Priests in solemn agreement with the Inquisitors rebuilt Adam with ancient and powerful technology combined with components that bordered on Tech-Heresy. The radical Inquisitors Mareev and Cristo granted amnesty to the Tech-Priests despite their Heretek practices and in exchange they inducted the reborn Adam into the Cult Mechanicus. Christened with powerful bionics and given new training he mentored and observed under several High Ranking Magos with certain Xenarite beliefs. However, life is Emperor's currency and such dark bargain had a price. In exchange for resources expended, his life is bound as a chattel to the same Magi who resurrected him, until the time they consider that debt is paid. Gaining respectable knowledge and insight into the Cult. After years of such study and service he was recruited by the Inquisition, serving as the Contrador Conclave's liaison and ambassador with the Mechanicus and mentored by Inquisitor's Mareev and Cristo as a acolyte eventually being elevated to a full Inquisitor of the Ordo Machinum, publicly aiding the Mechanicus hunt for Hereteks while also secretly investigating them from within to discover the extent of Xenarite belief and practices within the Forge Worlds of Incendius Lux and Mjorn. Upon joining full ranks of the Inquisition, he joined the Hiemdall Conclave. One of his main goals was to investigate the production of Forge Moon Mjorn. Rumors of their stockpiling tech and other more heretical things has led some to question their loyalties. Currently their alliance with Incendius Lux has kept them out of the lime light. Further he uses his connections to gather the materials and people who are aligned to his own vision of a stronger Imperium through technology that integrates the lessons xeno races have learned. But this was a double edge sword investigating those that had been his benefactors. Part of this assignment is a test of his loyalties. Adam became known as one of "The Judicators of the Forge", the Ordo Machinum. His concentration is to scrutinize the Adeptus Mechanicus. Specifically, he is concerned with the reintegration of recovered STC variants into the Imperium's armies and the rare adoptions of alien technologies into established Mechanicum protocols. This is where he has become a master manipulator. For his both ally and enemy of the various Mechanicus factions in the Heimdall Sector. He openly helps them investigate internal manners and displays a personality of cold logic that has earned him trust of several adepts of Cult Mechanicus. As an Inquisitor of the Ordo Machinum he often accompanies Adeptus Mechanicus archaeological teams to distant worlds, the better to see for himself exactly what has been recovered. He often work in concert with the Ordo Xenos -- especially when the world in question has been under alien control or there is any suggestion of non-human origin for the technology the Adeptus Mechanicus seek to recover. This especially true if he feels he could siphon some of that technology to his own cadre for experiments of integration into his personal force of Skitarii Purge Forces. Personality Adam is a very meticulous person who pursues his investigations much as he pursued the foes of the Imperium while a Lunar Venatorii and a servant of the Adeptus Mechanicus. He appears cold to people at first due to his extreme training, but after years of following a more senior Inquisitor, he has learned how to show some emotions. He makes use of stealth and infiltration tactics to hunt for his enemies much like the Reconnaissance tactics he used as part of the 412th Lunar Venatorii Air Cavalry Regiment The War Eagles. His personality is deeply logical, finding it difficult to form emotional bonds. Adam that believes that mankind must learn from the achievements and mistakes of alien races, and that only by adapting their technology and understanding them can man survive the galaxy’s myriad threats. Agents of Adam delve into the long-dead secrets of aliens who once walked among the stars of the Sector, court xenophile hereteks to produce hybridized xeno-human technology, and kill any who stand in their way. Adam has a scholarly nature, he is still a ruthless fanatic who is single-minded in the rightness of his cause. Adam is an Inquisitor who maintains the most convoluted and intricate web of contacts and agents imaginable, each of whom he controls with masterly skill as a puppeteer controlling a thousand marionettes with but a single hand. His identity is often withheld from those he controls, his missives and instructions passed to them by encrypted, untraceable transmission conduits or delivered by way of a dead letter drop. Indeed, the his agents may have well met their master face to face without ever having known of it. He is a political animal of the highest caliber. He invariably involves himself as much with the convoluted power struggles within the Inquisition as he does with the broiling heresies of the greater Imperium. In all likelihood, he has many enemies in both camps, and even his fellow Inquisitors may not have met him in person for many decades, so mindful must he be of his rivals’ petty hatreds. Adam plots and schemes to manoeuvre his foes into positions of weakness, slowly infiltrating agents into enemy organisations. Evidence of guilt is gathered, but that is merely the opening phase in Adam’s schemes. Next, he works tirelessly to seed weaknesses in his enemy’s power base, compromising systems, assassinating allies and servants and infiltrating defenses. Yet, even Adam must take to the field when his enemies arise. That is why he gathers about him a cadre of the most trusted of his agents, those he trusts above all others not to betray him. Only when his enemy’s defenses are wide open does he strike, with utterly merciless precision. Key installations are destroyed, enemy servants slain. The target sees his entire power base collapse around him, and through the smoke and rubble appears Adam, Inquisitorial Rosette brandished in one hand. Relations Adam had a good relation with his former Regiment, but after his revival by the Magos of the Cult Mechanicus, the [[Lunar Venatorii Cavalry Regiments]] think him dead. A quiet man who keeps his opinions to himself, Adam has a quirk of reporting only the logical facts as his training has taken most of the colorful commentary out of his reports. His efficiency at accomplishing his missions has led to the greater Inquisition to put trust in his instincts. His retinue respect him but do not love working for him. Being coldly logical can make people feel that if needs be he will spend your life to get the job done. They have over time found that he is unlikely to let go of resources if he could help it, including them. Inquisition He is one of the members of the Hiemdall Conclave. The shadow wars fought by the Inquisition are fought on the margins between criminality and righteousness, between heresy and necessity, between oblivion and salvation. In these forgotten wars, secrecy and lies pervade everything; Adam has his cadres operate undercover and undeclared within the heart of hostile organisations. Trust can be given to no one and nothing. Sometimes his covert cadres may be operating deep within the Imperium especially the Mechanicum to uncover heresies that are so powerful and pervasive that they have subverted all the arms and servants of the Imperium. In such shadowed operations, Adam's forces must rely on their skills, nerves and initiative to remain alive and complete their mission. It is for the flow of information that the majority Adam joins the Conclave of the Heimdall Sector-- to warn others of a new threat, to discuss recent events, to pass on news of success or failure. This information-sharing will be followed by debate, as Adam decides upon a course of action that he will take. Consensus is not essential to him, as an Inquisitor, he knows full well that different approaches to the same problems will garner different results. However, being aware of the activities of other Inquisitors around Heimdall Sector can avoid unfortunate confusion and even confrontation later. High Inquisitor Vasco is the head of the Conclave and Leader of the secret Cicatrix Cabal. Two closest supporters of the High Inquisitor are Lord Inquisitor Karen Mareev and Inquisitor Naomi Zarlengo who are also members of the Cabal. Inquisitor Caleb Cristo is a close partner of Karen Mareev, and the two have a close relationship with Inquisitor Adam Clarke who they mentored as an Acolyte. Caleb Cristo is also close to Inquisitor Solus Ures who he also helped mentor. Adam's unique background and connection to the known Radicals like Cristo and Mareev has had him under the suspicious eye of more Puritian elements of the Inquisition. What they find, if they can find this constantly moving Inquisitor is a man whose body has been rebuilt and has a burning desire to do what he sees is his duty. He is a diligent Inquisitor who has had results in his mission in maintaining STCs and agreements of the Forge Worlds with the rest of the Sector. His lack of trust in others has been his armor against accusation and censorship. His connections with anyone but his own cadre is distant. This has allowed him to operate mostly freely as few know his opinions and even fewer know to the extend in which he is willing to commit to his goals. Only Mareev and Cristo had an idea from training him but even then they were not confidants of his but allies of the moment and ones who hold secrets that would hurt themselves as much as him. Mechanicus With the Cult Mechanicus, he has a complicated relationship that is more of a game of cat and mouse and who is who can be get easily confused. The years spent as a servant of many Xenarite Faction Magi has given him a unique insight into how the political structures of the Cult work. He wasn't privy to their secrets of craft and knowledge but he had attended many meetings as one Magi's guard or another. The Cult Mechanicus is ordered by a strong hierarchy, but details on this hierarchy's actual make-up are not always clear. Generally, more highly positioned Tech-priests are expected to have more seniority and knowledge than lower ones, and are consequently more theologically important as greater repositories of knowledge. Within the Adeptus Mechanicus the ranks become even more esoteric. A tentative mapping of this hierarchy has been made by Adam though it is not nearly complete and mainly concerns the Forge Worlds of Mjorn and Lux. It should be noted that he ranks specialists such as Genetors and Logis as individuals. The Magos Juris are those rare Tech-priests who choose to devote their minds to the study of the Machine God's will rather than the knowledge it embodies, removing themselves from the '''Quest for Knowledge''' in order to preserve it from the abuses of the heathen masses of Mankind. These Magos hunt down any who would employ unsanctioned technology or, even worse, operate technology without the blessing and oversight of the Adeptus Mechanicus. In this Adam is both ally and enemy as he siphons what knowledge and technology he can to his own loyal cadre on his ship. So he is one the Magos Juris would hunt but conversely, he helps direct their efforts to other Hereteks who he has felt over stepped the bounds of what is beneficial to humanity. Through the use of many contacts and spies he manipulates behind the scenes of the Forge Worlds and their Explorator Fleets to keep suspicion off himself and on to his full enemies. He rarely will deal with Magos Juris or many directly as they tend to look down on a former servant no matter how exulted now. The Rosetta opening doors that otherwise be closed to him, and trust built up over years opening others. Departmento Munitorium Adam maintains a low profile around his once employers but uses Lunar Venatorii when he needs an elite force to back up his small forces or calls in whatever resources he can using the authority that is the office of the Inquisition. An Inquisitor, regardless of which Ordo he or she serves, holds no official rank in the Imperial Guard or any of the other Imperial armed forces. However, upon simple presentation of his Inquisitorial Rosette, an Inquisitor can commandeer any Imperial military asset, from a single Guardsman to a whole battlegroup. But Adam Clarke as a former Chief Warrant Officer knows the tactical rationale of his former compatriots and uses this knowledge to his advantage whenever it suits him. He maintains the equivalent of a Astra Militrum Regiment on board his personal vessel but in reality, they are a bunch of orphaned soldiers and troopers that he sees as a valuable asset in the need that his tasks take more than his Skitarii Kill Teams. Adeptus Astartes In practice, the Inquisition must be more political than its mandate allows. Though their power derives from the Emperor himself, and even the High Lords of Terra are not above their scrutiny, the Inquisition must also rely on the other parts of the Imperium for resources. The Inquisition has tremendous amounts of power, and has access to troops, weaponry and archives beyond most other Imperial organisations, it must still receive these from the Adeptus Astartes, the Imperial Guard, the Adeptus Mechanicus and others. There is also one area of an Inquisitor's remit that is fraught with peril, but is fundamental to their successful operation -- their relationship with the Space Marine Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. Like the Inquisition itself, the Adeptus Astartes operate alongside the Imperium rather than as part of it. To this effect Adam works with those Chapters of Astartes he believes he can manipulate or trust however it may be. Omni Legion The Omni Legion is a fleet-based Chapter with close ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus while cooperating frequently with the Adepta Sororitas Order of the Sacred Flame. They pride themselves as sentinels of both the Imperium and its history as they seek out technologies thought lost and protect what mankind already has. Inquisitors of the Ordo Machinum will have their chance to command the Praetorium as they scour the Galaxy for technologies thought lost to the Imperium. Their expeditions are ordinarily led by an Explorator of the Mechanicus otherwise. Perhaps even discovering an STC. As one of those Inquisitors Adam Clarke has had several run ins with these Scions of the Iron Hands. In most recent years one of the few Inquisitors to gain the trust of the Omni Legion is that of Inquisitor Adam Clarke, member of the Ordo Machinum and one that can consider Lord Praetorian Nero as an acquaintance. Bloodmoon Hunters The Bloodmoon Hunters are a stalwart and dedicated non-codex compliant Loyalist Space Marine Chapter created during the 13th Founding, the so-called 'Dark Founding'. It is generally believed that the Adeptus Mechanicus might have played a role in the creation of this Chapter, as their inception occurred sometime in early M35, during the divisive and widespread doctrinal conflict known as the Moirae Schism. The Bloodmoon Hunters were known to maintain close ties with the Archmagos of the Cult Mechanicus as well, receiving a wide diversity of arms and weaponry, including power blades and relic weaponry of the finest quality and rare, advanced patterns of armoured vehicles and gunships. Adam Clarke runs into the Hunters of this chapter on many a mission as they are the most supportive of Mjorn Explorator missions and have a presence on the Frontier in which Adam operates. Base of Operations Officially, Adam Clarke works out of the Inquisitorial Fortress of the Hiemdall Conclave but that is just the central place of the Conclave. Lead by the the Inquisitor who is Grandmaster of the conclave has given Adam access to Inquisitorial Fortress on the Ocean World of Kimoa as well as access to a secret network of Bases, Estates, Libraries, Armories, and Safe Houses built by the enclave in addition to his own personal network built through alliances and political maneuvering. The native Storm Troopers of the Conclave, are the Death Troopers, special elite Geno Troopers bred by the Kimoan Gene-Wrights and trained within local Schola Facilities that are ruthless and utterly dedicated and loyal to the mission of the Inquisition. Adam himself commandeered a Excubition-class Cruiser, ''The Gears of Retribution'' that he then used his influence with the Mechanicus to modify to his specifications to where it is hardly anything like Naval classes. It is this ship that he uses as his true base of operations as he flies from one investigation to the next. Wargear Adam Clarke, Ordo Machinum Lord Inquisitor * Venatorii-class Biological Strength and Stamina Enhancements * Wireless MIU and Data-Processing Cortex Implants w/ exterior Data-Plugs* Cybernetic Eye with Targeting Matrix, Electromagnetic, Ultraviolet, and Night Vision Modes, and Integrated Omnispex * Bionic Ears w/ enhanced Audio Processing and Filtration * Lung and Esophagus Bionic Replacement w/ Lingua-technis Screecher, Toxin Filter, Oxygen Bellows, and Enhanced Blood Enrichers* Dual Gastro-intestinal Tract and Stomach Bionic Replacement w/ secondary Toxin Filter, and efficiency enhanced Nutrient intake and waste disposal * Circulatory system Bionic replacement w/ dual artificial pump system with redundancies and self restart contingency, synthetic blood substitute w/ enhanced nutrient and oxygen storage and minor repair nanites, reworked flow cables for more efficient distribution of oxygen and nutrients, and enhanced synth-blood scrubber with triple layer toxin screener * Olympian-class pneumatic piston and synth muscle Bionic Arm replacements w/ integrated Fine Manipulators, Shock Gloves and concealed Widower Wrist Casters* Anaconda-class Mechahendrite w/ Fine Manipulators, Data Plugs, and Plasma Cutter * Flak Weave Mechanicus Style Robes and Hood. * Custom “Spectre” Ignatus-pattern Power Armor w/ variable volume Vox Grille * Advanced Vox Caster and Scrambler* Experimental Dual Mode Blackstone Field Generator * Custom Cadence-Pattern Suppressed Combi Autogun and Shotgun w/ Envenomed Sub-sonic Rounds, Hyper-Density, and Modified Tempest Bolts * Servo-Skull* Venatorii issued Combat Bike w/ Storm Bolter, Auspex, and Baffled Engine Wargear Explained * Custom Cadence-pattern Autogun** A Highly Modified High End Autogun. It features a targeting matrix connecting to Adam's cybernetic eye rather than traditional sights, and features an integrated suppressor to dampen and distort its sound signature. It is feed by dual sickle magazines located behind the selective fire trigger assembly to maintain range and accuracy while shortening its overall length and allows the usage of both Sub-sonic and Hyper Density round for situations in which stealth is imperative or lethality is required against even heavily armored targets. Attached underneath the barrel is an underslung semiautomatic shotgun that is modified to fire tempest bolts, while this configuration can be somewhat unreliable it allows supreme lethality against close range or Mechanical targets.* Lunar Venatorii issued Combat Bike with Baffled Engine and has mounted Storm Bolter * Custom “Spectre” Ignatus Power Armor, designed to interface seamlessly with existing cybernetic enhancements and coated in Cameoline for decreased visibility. Designed with dampened servos, interlocking lightweight plates, and a muffled power reactor for optimum agility and stealth, at the cost of some measure of protection and energy efficiency. Contains a number of ancillary support systems including automatic nutritional intake and waste management system, onboard medical suite, advanced Vox Caster and Scrambler, Auspex and Omnispex, electronic encryption and decryption suite, and experimental Blackstone field generator with psionic booster and nullifier settings. Bionics Explained * Biological and genetic upgrades for increased muscular density and flexibility in the abdomen and legs, allowing for increased strength, stamina, control, and range of motion. * One eye replaced with bionic ocular upgrade with targeting matrix, full spectrum biometric and medical scanner, telescopic magnification with rangefinder and biometric tagging capabilities, and Electromagnetic, Ultraviolet, and Night vision alternate vision modes. * Cybernetic Arms with enhanced pneumatic pistons and synth muscle fibers, incorporated shock gauntlets and hidden widower wrist casters.** Using a much more powerful version of the magnetic/las impellor found in Imperial needle weapons, the caster fires not a crystalline poison sliver, but an armor-piercing adamantine dart, fractal edged and designed to penetrate light body armor with ease. The darts are subsonic, their passage sounding only a slight hum as they speed through the air, and the weapon itself makes no flash whatsoever when fired, making it an excellent killer from the shadows. Assuming a standard razor-dart, although poisoned or explosive darts are not unknown. Micro-blast needles or Spinebark Sap tipped needles are Adam's favored ammunition for his silent killers. * Respiratory, Digestive, and Circulatory systems replaced with Bionic and Artificial systems for increased performance, more efficient nutrition intake and processing, durability and longevity, and resistance to foreign substances and pathogens * Ears replaced with cybernetic sonic processing upgrades that allows automatic volume and interference control, filtering of desired sound waves, and integral vox system with encryption/decryption suite Retinue Erxandros, Bloodmoon Hunters Artificer Erxandros started his initiation as typical recruit of the Astartes of the Bloodmoon Hunters Chapter, by daring to kill a Damhán Alla and using this hunt as an offering to the Master of his company. He was unique in the fact that he jury-rigged his lance into a launcher to bring down the great beast. After joining, he was quickly assigned to armory duty until he could be sent to a nearby forge world for Tech-Marine Training. He quickly mastered the quasi-religious science of humanity, but that wasn't enough for him in his chapter's pursuit of defending the people of his sector. He went a few steps further, starting to analyze the weapons and tactics of their ever present foes, the primuls (Dark Eldar), that raided the sector. He has faced countless Waaaghs of the Orks of the sector. He follows his chapter's tradition to the various battlefields he has fought on and anoints the the ground with them. These Undertakings have been a great honor to him as he has been trusted to take these alone. In his time with his chapter, he mastered both being a technician and a warrior. During one of his Undertakings, he ran into Alderson who mentored the young Tech-marine. They shared a lack of fear of xeno equipment and an urge to learn how to better combat them. Artificer Erxandros learned the techniques of hacking from Iron Maiden which allows him to have a chance of remotely hacking all sort of Servitors and potentially even Magi, Warp-smiths and Tech-marines, perhaps even Machine Spirits. It also allows him to block scrap-code attacks against himself. During an incursion on Droch Fhiul Research Station where he was assigned to support a squad of his brothers investigating the prophecy of blood, he was left as the only survivor bound to service of Inquisitor Adam Clarke. Wargear * Cranial MIU Implant* Cybernetic Eye w/ Targeting Matrix and Integrated Omnispex * Bionic Arm replacement w/ Integrated Data-Slate, Adaptive Logis Engine, Data Encryptor, and Data Plugs* Artificer-crafted Techmarine Variant Mk VII “Aquila” Power Armor * Servo-Harness w/ Shoulder-mounted Cyber-atlatl, Small Servo-Arm, Plasma Cutter, and Flamer * Back-mounted Cyber-atlatl Ammo Pack w/ Automatic Feed System * Omnissian Power Axe * Combat Shield* Bolt Pistol* Astartes Combat Knife * 2x Frag Grenades* 2x Krak Grenades* Sacred Ungents Frank Draken, Mercenary He was a hive ganger-turned-mercenary who fought the Imperium's wars on numerous unnamed frontier worlds. After years of service his unit was ambushed and basically destroyed. It was then he became a mercenary for a rogue trader for years when was captured by Drukhari and was used as battle fodder by the Kabal of the Crystal Daggers until he was rescued by Inquisitor Adam Clarke. While he was their prisoner he was organized into a battle slave for the pits. After winning favor in the pits and years of torturous experiments, he was finally put on other worlds to fight for his new cruel masters. During one of these engagements he came under fire from the Inquisitor and his team. It was then he saw an opportunity to switch back to the Imperium. It in the gladiator pits of Commoragh where he first met Malaskia Vileblade. There he learned to respect the skilled Drukhari Hekatrix and she saw him as a worthy opponent as well as one that was good to have at her side occasionally against some of the other pit fighters. Their years of fighting together and against each other gave both a healthy understanding of what each other was about. In one hand he wields a Whip and in the other a Shock Pistol. One his whip hand is a Refractor Bracer that projects a Shield, and on his Pistol Hand is a Extendable Power Blade. He also Carries a Devil's Kiss Stilleto as a Back up Weapon. He Wears modified Kabalite Armor with an electro-field. This combines with a myriad array of poisoned spikes, hooks, and blades attached to the armor to make physical contact with Frank extremely painful and debilitating. Experiments by the Drukhari has left him with an increased tolerance for pain, with the draw back that he feels pain more strongly, an Increased Healing Factor although with the caveat that the increased healing shortens his life span, and enhanced reflexes at the cost of a higher metabolism. Wargear * Experimental Drukhari Biological Augmentations * Interkeratic Night Vision Implants* Salvaged Kabalite Armor w/ Shock-Field and Whisper Boots* Neural Whip * Refraction Bracer * Aegis Anbaric Shock Pistol* Devil’s Kiss Stiletto Fio'Vre O'Shera, Tau Engineer Fio'Vre O'shera was a brilliant Earth Caste Engineer belonging to the separatist Farsight Enclaves, however she became disillusioned with the teachings of Farsight and was enamored with the concept of aiding the Greater Good. Knowing that to return to the Empire meant interrogation...or worse, she stole a shuttle and fled the Enclaves, where she was captured by agents of Inquisitor Adam Clarke within the Ishtar Fringes of Sub-Sector Ishtar. Brought before him she was given an choice, aid him in his mission or accept death. In the Inquisitor, O'shera finally found an opportunity to aid the Greater Good, albeit in the name of the Imperium rather than the T'au Empire. Without hesitation she pledged to Inquisitor Clarke her service and loyalty. Not that he was a trusting sort he also secretly put controls in place in case she ever betrayed him. Wargear * Earth Caste Builder Drone* DX-11 Exploratory Drone* Stealth Suit XV-15* Pulse Pistol Malaskia Vileblade, Drukhari Pirate Malaskia Vileblade was once a rising star in the gladiatorial arenas of Commorragh before her flare for battle fanned the jealously of a succubus in her Cult. After enjoying one more fantastically gruesome victory in the arena Malaskia was caught in a ambush by her fellow Hekatrix, taking a wicked gash that would forever scar her face. Although Malaskia managed to slay several she was destined to be be overcome until the intervention of Acolyte Frank Drakon. With his aid Malaskia manage to escape the ambush but Draken had plans, and Malaskia saw herself betrayed once more as the was tranquilized into oblivion. Upon waking she found herself before Inquisitor Adam Clarke with an offer, pledge her service and enjoy a measure of comfort and ample opportunity to cause suffering and the vortex microbombs, Adam has laced through her body would not detonate and send her screaming to Slaanesh, with a wicked grin marred by her new scar Malasia agreed. Wargear * Electrocorrosive Whip* Hydra Gauntlet* Splinter Pistol* Wych Suit Alpha Alternative Operative Number Seven, Skitarii Tribune Alton ('Sevens') is 5' 10" and has a Slim muscular build that has been rebuilt with cybernetics. Pale white skin tone dominates his body that hasn't been replaced. A significant amount of his body has been replaced. He has a short military styled haircut that is dirty blond. Alton also has a neat trimmed goatee. He was he was born a menial on the Forge World of Mjorn and was judged to have exceptional potential to be a Tech-Guard. He started out in Skitarii training and worshiping the Omnissiah. He was assigned to the 74th Mjorn Skitarii as one of a class of Hyspasists in training with cybernetic modifications but also had advanced training to eventually become the type of Ranger that his Magi masters wanted. His Advanced training and augmentations were purpose-built for him to join a select unit of Skitarii that had advanced detection abilities and good judgment. An elite scout unit that wasn't the end-all be-all hunter of enemies, but of analysis and counter tactics. As part of his training and due to the alliance with Navigator House Basilious, he and some of his element were provided as guards to them in a show of good faith. The Navigator House Basilious swore to provide navigators for the Exploratator Fleets of Mjorn in exchange for Skitarii guards and preferential access to some percentage on the production of experimental tech to House Basilious. Later, He was exchanged to Inquisitor Clarke for a favor, now serves as a loyal bodyguard and Tribune to the forces of Skitarii Purge Forces that Inquisitor Clarke can personally call upon. Wargear * Mjorn-pattern Suppression Shield* Perinetus-Pattern "Solo" Mark II Boltgun w/ Drum Mag and Stable Flux-Core Bolts* Underslung Magazine Fed Grenade Launcher w/ Xenos Filament Grenades * Gamma Pistol * Scare Gas Censers* Dragon Scale Power Armor Bionics * Tactical Analysis and Response Cortex Implant* Cybernetic Eye with Targeting Matrix and Integrated Omnispex* Integrated Vox-Torc* Cybermantle and Potentia Coil Bionic Enhancements * Respiratory, Digestive, and Circulatory Bionic Replacements * Strength Enhancing Bionic Arm and Leg Replacements * Automatic Combat Stimulant Injection System Forces Skitarii Purge Forces Adam rarely calls on purely Conclave resources, instead he has built himself a force loyal to himself using his connections with Mjorn and Lux. With the aid of his Tau Engineer, Radical Mechanicus Connections, and his Drukhari companions, Adam has built Skitarii Purge forces made up of experimental technologies. The Experimental Skitarii are created through a fusion of Mechanicus craftmanship, Drukhari and T'au technology. This results in improved cybernetic augmetics for better function and reliability, advanced targeting systems for superior accuracy, enhanced Warplate with limited auto-repair routines for superior protection and durability, esoteric data runes and sacred oils to prevent corruption from opposing Chaos and Mechanicus forces, short-ranged displacement arrays to rapidly leave hostile zones and be retrieved when heavily damaged, and given access to experimental and powerful weaponry such as Cognis-Flamers fed by a potent blend of toxins, acids, phosphor, and promethium compounds and advanced sniper rifles that are a blend of Galvanic and Rail technology resulting increased range and effectiveness versus hard targets. They also retain an increased degree of independent thought and personality, while retaining the cold logic and fearlessness of the Skitarii through high quality Cortex Implants. Also their close quarters weapons include a multi-spectrum Disruption Field akin to the similar but far more potent technology deployed by the Necrons. It may be used to strike multiple foes at once or coil round an enemy war machine and deliver a pulse that will incinerate and overload its systems. *Secutarii Peltast Squads*Classiarii Troopers *Firebat Class Skitarii Vanguard Squads*Spectre Class Skitarii Ranger Squads*Covenant Class Skitarii Assassins*Sicaran Kill-Clades Astra Militarum Support In addition to his Skitarii and Acolytes, Adam has built a network of mercenaries and favors owed to him by various planetary officials. Besides these paid individuals and agents, Adam also commandeers Astra Militarum Support from time to time in support of his investigations and purges. Due to the likeliness of running into mechanically superior Hereteks a number of chosen Astra Militarum members as seconded to his ship to act as a personal regiment. It is made up of singular individuals from the various units he has come across including some Lunar Venatorii, Laconian Raiders, Cogger Hive Guard, and Ishtar Rangers to name a few. This individuals end up in his 47th Talon Eclipse Regiment whose sole purpose is to be the clean up crew of his investigations. These individuals as far as most are concerned do not exist, and even their name is unknown by most. Edited May 4, 2022 by TechCaptain Brother Lunkhead, Bjorn Firewalker and KBA 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted April 30, 2020 Author Share Posted April 30, 2020 (edited) Inquisitorial Report: The Gears of Retribution Commander: Inquisitor Adahm KlerixusAffiliation: Imperium of Man, Inquisition, Ordo MachinumActive: YesClass: Excubition-class CruiserLength/b]: Approximately 5 km longWidth: .8 km abeam at finsWeight: Approximately 26 megatonnesCrew: 120,000 crew; 2,100 pilots and support staffAcceleration: 3.5 gravities(Sustainable) The Gears of Retribution is a notable Excubition-class Cruiser that serves as the primary vessel of Inquisitor Adam Clarke. Background Adam himself commandeered a Excubition-class Cruiser, The Gears of Retribution that he then used his influence with the Mechanicus to modify to his specifications to where it is hardly anything like Naval classes. It still fits into the Cruiser class for it is a small ship. But he didn't need bigger to go from Exploration Expedition to Exploration Expedition and the various Forge and Hive Worlds. A Mezoa Pattern Theta-7 Drive is a massively powerful and hugely space-intensive plasma drive designed purely for speed and Adam's Ship uses an upgraded variant for Inquisitorial use equipped with extra banks of plasma generation and containment systems. By modifying its resonant harmonics, the vessel changes the signals output by its engines to resemble those of another Imperial or xenos craft. Besides the banks and modifications the drive is equipped with Secondary Reactors and uses the additional power from augmented plasma reactors to rapidly increase its speed for a limited amount of time. Multiple maneuvering thrusters draw immense power, but offer impressive performance nonetheless. The conversion matrix is an ancient technology from mankind’s dark past allowing raw power to be diverted directly into a ship’s drive tube when required, giving the ship an increase in thrust. Ancient stacks of gilded calcu-logi cogitators aid in the computations of the starship’s manoeuvres, compensating for human error and ensuring maximum performance. Mjorn Tech-priests also help him outfit it with a vox warfare suite for void combat. The ship's emblem is two gears with a screaming skull cracking about to be crushed between them as they turn. For a Spinal mount installed is a Mezoa Pattern Hybrid Lance Weapon and six torpedo tubes. The Lance pattern substantially sacrifices range, but increases damage potential by integrating an emitter into the Lance design. ''The Gears of Retribution'' uses Mjorn Macrocannon Broadside Pattern. This leads to a devastating broadside for Macrocannon heavy cruisers. The fire pattern of ''The Gears of Retribution'' is a nightmare of logistics for the gun crews but using highly automated advanced processes each gun crew balances a three type of shell fire pattern that utilizes a pattern that is for crushing through armor and disabling ships. Leading with shells designed specifically to fire shells tipped with powerful melta-charges that detonate with furious heat. The explosion is is then followed with alternative shells contain an adamantium core that cuts through the heaviest known forms of starship armour. The end of the pattern is through the hole punched by the initial volley is a volley of fire that shoots a "shell" of highly-charged, ionized deuterium atoms. These particles cause minimal physical damage to their targets. Instead, they are intended to overload and shut down power transfer systems throughout the target vessels. One Macrobattery near the 'middle top' of the ship launches a shell that expands out into a webbing of bio-organic materials. These materials are drawn to the target’s engines, where they congeal into a mass that absorbs energy away from the vessel. Once the mass has reached its capacity, the webbing flakes away and falls off into the void. Corridors on The Gears of Retribution are segmented by several retractable containment bulkheads. In the event of an emergency, these bulkheads could be closed and affected sections sealed from the remainder of the ship. A potential application of this was during a hostile boarding action, whereas the atmosphere in the sealed sections could be vented via commands from the bridge, asphyxiating enemy troops. Armories were located throughout the ship, holding a selection of weapons and their requisite ammunition. Eight docking bays allowed a number of dropships, Interceptors, combat vehicles and Tanks to be carried. Honeycomb launch structures cluster along the vessel’s keel, ready to spit drop pods full of assault forces on helpless planets below. Jovian-pattern Landing Bays are equipped with dedicated launch ports for launching attack craft and magnetic guidance coils for steering them safely back on board after a mission. The absence of an outer exposed landing bay is believed to make the Jovian pattern less prone to damage or catastrophic depressurization. A number of service corridors ran the length of the ship. Although normally restricted to maintenance personnel, they could be accessed by lifts in main engineering or connecting passageways from the docking bays. If necessary, these expansive corridors could permit passage to combat vehicles and some sections were large enough to accept dropships. The corridors served a secondary purpose of lessening the ship's considerable mass, thereby increasing acceleration. The Gears of Retribution features a novel variation of electromagnetic armor that incorporates a distributed array of small shield generators, which are cheaper and easier to manufacture. When the outer hull plates are hit, sensors within the armor trigger the nearest generator, creating an intense, transient energy shield effect localized on the point of impact. A vastly larger version of the digital energy weapons used by nobles and worthies of the Imperium, the grid is an interlinked network of hundreds of miniature laser turrets scattered across a vessel’s hull. The lasers, while not powerful individually, act in concert to shoot down incoming ordinance and small craft. The ship’s hull and structural supports are ribbed with powerfield generators, which can greatly reinforce the vessel’s structural integrity as long as they are powered. The entire hull of the vessel is covered with silver, hand-inscribed hexagramic wards. These reinforce a Geller Field projected from a statue of an Inquisition symbol, located just fore of the bridge. The Gellar field generators are fitted with emergency cogitation circuits that activate the field automatically upon detecting the warp. The Gears of Retribution collects ambient gravitons, which may be later launched into the void around the vessel. When so ejected, the resulting gravimetric field disturbance plays havoc with all augur arrays in the region. These fluctuations can be used to grant a vessel the advantage of a surprise attack or a stealthy escape. Twin, multiple-layered void shields are feature that are commanded from a bridge that is interlaced with ancient cogitator circuitry and hololithic technology, granting the Captain and bridge crew unparalleled control over their vessel. The standard void shields have had their frequencies adjusted to better brush aside stellar debris and detritus. With the right energy baffles and screens to diffuse and mask energy signatures, a ship can become nothing more than a hole in the void which Adam Clarke uses to his advantage. The Void Shields are equipped with an extensive network of rapidly charging capacitors and a redundant set of shield projectors. This combination enables the void shields to rapidly cycle, even after an overload. These ancient systems are generally reserved for the most vital of military vessels. The Augur Arrays on The Gears of Retribution, quite simply, are the some of the best sensors created by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and are reserved for their own ships and Imperial Naval scout vessels. More than simply an auger array, it uses near heretical cogitator circuitry from the Dark Age of Technology to ensure extremely accurate weaponry. This network of arrays is dependent upon a series of carefully placed and finely tuned receiving antennae and sensors distributed the entire length of the vessel. The increased variety of sensors enables the system to depend upon ambient signals to resolve data rather than broadcasting its own scanning signals. These systems dynamically calculate targeting solutions that compensate for the relative speeds of both the target and the firing vessel. In addition, they may identify weak points in an enemy’s defences and identify decoys so that they are not targeted. Additionally the has a system of sensors that provides the vessel with a broad spectrum of constant data of all events in the void beyond its hull. This is accomplished through a series of an array of high-powered of emitters sending out electromagnetic wavelengths when activated. Ancient cogitators, arrays of auspex systems, and volume upon volume of documentation supply Adam with the tools and information necessary to capably analyse a recovered technological artifact. A collection of Xenos writings and common artefacts has been compiled aboard the vessel. A cogitator interlink system designed to amplify the starship’s core cogitator, enhancing the ship’s operations considerably was installed by the Radicals of Mjorn. In the centre of a chamber, clusters of rune-stones float suspended above a wide crystal lens. Xeno-tech researchers have re-appropriated the devices from their previous, unknown purposes. Through some incomprehensible means, the device is almost prescient—aiding Navigators in avoiding the worst storms of the Immaterium. ''The Gears of Retribution'' also contains forbidding chambers are lined with rare and exotic psychically neutral materials. The gleaming black walls of the cells in these holds are capable of containing all but the most powerful psykers in relative safety. The Markov series of warp engine featured on the cruiser is designed to propel smaller vessels more quickly through the Immaterium. The ship’s crew is made up of a ‘kin-brotherhood’ of bonded voidsmen. Tenaciously loyal, they see their ship as no different than a homeworld, and will die to defend it. While the ship has regular quarters for its crew, this ship also has ranks of cyro-stasis tubes filling its deep chambers. Here the captain stores ‘surplus’ crew...until they are needed. Quarters that can simulate the environments of alien worlds for further facilitating relations with the few sanctioned xenos. In addition to the traditional water filters and air purifiers the ship is fitted with thousands of individual emergency-oxygen tanks and void suits stored in pressure-sensitive lockers at regular intervals throughout the ship. Such extensive redundancies as well as multiple pressure bulkheads reduce the impact of hull breaches upon a ship, allowing the crew to rush to patch them before too many are lost to the void. Adeptus Mechanicus Technical Specifications Height: 1-2km at the superstructure; 1km at the hull.Auxiliary Craft: 12 Valkyrie Gunships; 5 Vendetta Gunships; 50 Faustus Interceptors; 2 Devourer Dropships; 8 Aquila Landers; 4 Spectre-class Valkyrie Armored Assault Carriers; Several Drop-podsPlasma Drive: Mezoa Pattern Theta-7 Drive V Inquisition VariantLife Sustainers: Vitae pattern Life SustainerWarp Drive: Markov 2 Warp EngineCrew Quarters: Clan-kin QuartersGellar Field: Emergency Field; Warpsbane HullTransport Capacity: Astra Militarum Regiment; Skitarii Purge Forces;Void Shields: Twin, Multiple-Layered Void Shields with Overload Capacitors and Frequency Modulation Consumables: 5 years worth.Main Armament: Spinal mount - Mezoa Pattern Hybrid Lance Weapon; 2 Mjorn Macrocannon Broadside Pattern Batteries(2 Cannons per Battery; 1 Battery on both Port and Starboard); 1 Bio Webbing Macrobattery (3 Cannons per Battery); Mirco Laser Grid Defense Turret SystemOther Features: Mjorn Pattern Electromagnetic Armor; Eight Hanger Bays; Laboratorium and Manufactorium facilities to support operations; Barracks facilities; Teleportarium; Extremely Advanced Auspex and Augur Arrays; Long Range Vox Array; Holodisplay-equipped briefing rooms; Hexgrammic cells; Training Rooms; Armories; Apothecarium; Hardened Vault; Deep Void Auger Array Edited April 25, 2022 by TechCaptain KBA and Brother Lunkhead 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted April 30, 2020 Share Posted April 30, 2020 (edited) I like the imagination you displayed and the details you added. May I presume the Drukhari and the Tau stay out of sight when Inquisitor Clarke deals with other Imperial subjects? I also wonder why the Bloodmoon Hunter tolerates the xenos' very presence in Imperial space, to say nothing of working beside them; is the Marine so obsessed with hunting (for rare game, worthy adversaries, archeotech and other forbidden knowledge), he overlooks the fact they're xenos, in exchange for them bringing him opportunities to hunt? Erxandros started his initiation as typical recruit of the Astartes of the Bloodmoon Hunters Chapter, by daring to kill a Damhán AllaWhat's a Damhán Alla? Artificer Erxandros learned the techniques of hacking from Iron MaidenWho's the Iron Maiden?Back-mounted Lance Ammo Pack w/ Automatic Feed SystemTo avoid confusion, maybe describe the weapon as a cyber-atlatl, amentum, or woomera?He was a Hive Ganger Mercenary where he fought on numerous unnamed frontier worlds where he fought the Imperium's wars.This is slightly repetitive. I advise simplifying the sentence to "He was a hive ganger-turned-mercenary who fought the Imperium's wars on numerous unnamed frontier worlds." (I added the "turned" because I doubt a mere hive ganger would find his way outside the hive he was born in, unless forced by circumstance, e.g., conscripted into a Planetary Defense Force or the Imperial Guard.) Edited May 1, 2020 by Bjorn Firewalker TechCaptain and Brother Lunkhead 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted April 30, 2020 Author Share Posted April 30, 2020 (edited) 47th Talon Eclipse Regiment Type: Inquisitional Assets for Adahm KlerixusNickname(s): Inquisitor Clarke's MercenariesNotable Commander: Major-Commissar Canth RahlFlagship: Gears of Retribution 47th Talon Eclipse Regiment is a small, formidable elite black ops unit of the Inquisition that was established by Inquisitor Adahm Klerixus. Although its function changes over the years, 47th Talon Eclipse specializes in covert, infiltration, to cope with local revolutions, regional complications, and global terrorist activities in "unauthorized" combat zones too politically sensitive to intervene through conventional means. Its agents were also trained to complete various missions that were assigned in secret. All its members were battlefield hardened veterans, with many coming from a mercenary background. Because of its status as a special forces mercenary unit, any and all members of 47th Talon Eclipse were heavily trained and rigorously taught a wide field of survival, martial, and operational skills; from a plethora of insertion and maneuvering methods, to skydiving techniques and underwater infiltration, in order to cover all possible routes of infiltration into an enemy nation; advanced outdoor survival skills, including scenarios regarding long period wilderness survival and a wide range of harsh environments; acute stalking, detonation operations, wireless communication, procuring and reusing enemy resources, gathering information, varying martial arts, emergency medical operations, languages, and hi-tech devices. Members of 47th Talon Eclipse Regiment would secretly provide tactical support and field Intel to Operatives of Adam Clarke during missions as well as cleaning up after them, making sure that the operatives left no traces that they were ever there. Its overall purpose was to ensure the survival and success of operatives during missions in order for the unit to become a success by any means necessary. In addition to their Operators, the 47th Talon Eclipse includes formations of Lunar Venatorii, Ishtar Rangers, etc, and various other Regiments that have been to the Ishtar Subsector. As Mercenaries they pick up many an orphan Imperial group. Notable Members Astra Militarum Members Major-Commissar Canth Rahl, CommanderMajor Commissar Canth Rahl is a highly decorated soldier. Having lived essentially two whole lives, he is far older than he appears having loyally served the Imperium for over 170 years. His official age, lineage, deployments, and almost all of his background has been purged from almost all records since joining the Inquisitions ranks as a Liaison. He is a cold, calculating individual whose face is completely hidden beneath a steel mask which very few have seen removed. Besides the badge of his office, rank and a mark dictating his position with the Inquisition, the Major Commissar wears an emblazoned Iron Cross on his right pauldron with the words Ignosce Mihi, Quid Faciendum, translating to ''Forgive me for what must be done.'' Personally, he never shows his opinion into the matter unless asked and even then normally declines, he is formal and polite but doesn't hesitate to use force at any given time. Corporal Lorin Asgenar, SniperShe joined the 77th Ishtar Ranger Guerrilla Regiment at a young age. Even in the beginning she showed a sharp eye and a way with blending into her environment. She has successfully won her Company's marksmanship award several years running and has even made it to the regimental level of competition. She is a veteran of a few campaigns now, fighting orks and other xenos and traitors. So far she hasn't actually entered melee combat, preferring to kill from afar. She has survived numerous classified missions and has even lead a squad as a senior corporal during an excursion. Lorin is 5'10" with long dirty blond hair and Grey-green eyes. She is a fit and lean, and is right handed but left eye dominant. All her equipment has been repainted in a Camouflage pattern based off her regiment's colors. She survived her unit's death and was added to Adam's personal regiment as a result of the classified mission that killed the rest of her regiment. Corporal Irmina Gottzmann, SpotterHer own regiment was nearly obliterated in a rather brutal engagement with an Ork raid, which turned out to be a larger war party. Sent to drive off the raid, the regiment soon found itself bogged down by a large force of Orks, the rest of the Regiment to preoccupied to assist. Irmina and Ellia were positioned on a high ridge,taking down multiple Greenskins before a particularly nasty Nob found his way to the sneaky gits. The two women fought ferociously, but only one of them survived the encounter. As the injured Nob bludgeoned her sister to death, Irmina jumped onto it's back, sending her mono-edge knife straight into the beasts skull repeatedly before it fell. She now holds a deep resentment towards the Greenskins, and wears the Nobs teef around her neck to remember what took her only piece of family. Veteran Frederick Pliskin, Demolitions ExpertDuring his time in the youth army Frederick fought alongside boys the same age as him against the seemingly perpetual invasion from the eye of terror, fighting horrors that would have overpowered far lesser worlds alongside countless other Whiteshields he embraced the grim reality of his life with simple acceptance. After a number of lucky engagements and fortunate circumstances Frederick managed to survive against all the odds and eventually lived long enough to leave the Whiteshields and join a proper Imperial guard regiment. The '''Cadian 278<sup>th</sup> Infantry Regiment'''. In this new regiment Frederick began to develop an affinity with explosive munitions being able to instinctively understand their proper place on the battlefield, volunteering to join a special weapons team Frederick was oriented and entrusted to carry and deploy powerful demolition charges for the regiment. After doing this for a long time he was eventually nominated to join the Veteran core of the regiment and was granted more freedom to choose his personal equipment. During one of his missions he caught the notice of Inquisitor Adam Clarke and was soon recruited to joined the Inquisitor's troops. It was a rare Cadian that makes it as far as the Eastern Fringe. He takes a guilty sense of pride when he has to deploy high explosives on a structural support or the side of a heretic's tank and he isn't above smirking when he suddenly pelts a oncoming charge with grenades. Elysia Krauss, Supply OfficerOnce apart of the 488th Krieg Siege Regiment, they were aboard an Imperial vessel in transit to a warzone to fight and die in the name of the Emperor in the mud of some world fallen to the sway of the Ruinous powers. During one of the fleets scheduled stops to pick up more regiments from a orbiting station, a Tyranid splinter fleet was detected on sensor drifting directly towards the station and fleet. In the end though, many of the regiments were wiped out by the Tyranids after being boarded which also included her own. Due to a munitorium error, Eylsie was assigned to the space station as the stations inventory clerk. Taking this assignment like any other, she was on the station for a number of years before Inquisitor Clarke showed up. Seeing an oppurtunity to have someone who follows orders without question, medical experience, and knack for inventory and supply managing, he greased some wheels within the station. Suddenly she was given a new assignment, to serve Inquisitor Clarke. Antonya “Cherno” Kaidanovsky, Anti-Armor ExpertShe’d had her fill of the militia, her fill of defending, and now she wanted to push back. Assigned to the 301th Armageddon Mechanized Infantry Regiment, she was assigned to 5th company, 3rd platoon, a group dedicated to working as an Anti-Armour element, known for their moniker, ''The Wreckers''. Part of the 11th ''Wrecking Crew'', Antonya would soon see deployment in various offensives on her world, before her regiment was tasked off world, sent off to strike back against the enemies of the Imperium, and show once more, that Armageddon had not perished, that Armageddon would deal with the enemies of man as it always had. Ferenien 'Decimus' Votum, Black Ops OperatorOriginating from some rim-world owned by the Imperium and being taken by the Progena before any memories were able to be. As a young boy he was chosen, transferred and worked by the Ordo Tempestus in their harsh training camps. Virtually completely built from the ground up, knowledge, morals, habits, and lifestyle, he became a Tempestus Scion after completing the many trials and tribulations the Ordo Tempestus dispensed at him. After this fact, he saw many conflicts on many worlds, acting as one of the Tempestors in their elite legions, following any given order, no matter how dangerous, inhumane, or complex they were; it was his only way to live his life the way he was raised. As a Scion in his squad, no matter the situation, hive-world or dead world, he would remain one of the living banners of morale on the field, striking an equal amount of fear into those that faced him, yet with every deployment, and every encounter, he internally questions more and more of what he is, and what he stands for, no matter if such a thing were good or bad, he externally steels himself, ensuring the example of what a Scion is remains and is known within any regiment or group he is with, not with words, but with sheer actions. Corporal Saven Firlaeth, Heavy InfantrySaven Firlaeth never knew her parents well, the father absent and her mother dying while she was a mere child. This left her alone, and a harsh life as one of the under-class of Imperial society was the only thing she could call hers. Joining the Imperial Guard was one of the few, yet risky ways out of her situation, so she enlisted at the young age of 18, concealing her heritage from the recruiting officers. Saven soon gained a reputation for surviving improbable odds, often being stranded behind enemy lines yet always returning to the '''125th Therion Heavy Infantry Regiment''' alive and not being severely harmed. After the Necron attack on the world of Artemis, Firleath was transferred to the Inquisition. She was promoted during a battle against the Dark Eldar, where she managed to coordinate a rag-tag squad that survived the battle with less than 40% casualties. Mercenary Members Luger MeinholfOne of the many mercenaries that work for Adam Clarke, Luger is part of Adam's extended forces but not part of his trusted retinue. Luger has well defined muscles, but is wiry. With his Grey-green eyes, brown crew-cut hair and average height, he blends in with other Under-hivers but his weapons and readiness to reach for his weapons, makes him a dangerous man. This and his tendency to wear dark color clothing over his body glove makes him very intimidating. Also he grew out a small goatee. He has signs of a broken nose that had been fixed and A knife scar across his right eye. Formerly a PDF trooper of the Hives on the Planet of Cogger, he served for a few years as an excellent fighter especially with a pistol or a knife. But he had a discipline problem, he liked fighting so much he would egg people on to fight him and he didn't know when to always hold back. When he didn't hold back, people died, so they court marshaled him. He served his sentence in jail and was dumped into the under-hives, where he found work as muscle-for-hire. No job was to low, though he was honorable about keeping his word and staying "loyal". His reputation of a vicious fighter and a dead eye shot earned him many a contract. On his person, he hid an extra small holdout revolver under a sleeve, two thin daggers in his boots, and a garrote wire in the lining of his fatigues. Eventually, he ended up being hired by Adam Clarke for his understanding of the Hives, especially the underworld. Since he was on a command track before he had been kicked out of the service he never underwent Neural Programming. Jared TownsendA human mercenary, formerly a soldier of the Imperial guard. Originally being a part of the 232nd New Byzantine Line Infantry Regiment from the New Byzantine hive world Jack was originally a hive ganger before fatefully joining the planet PDF after a delivery to one of the underhive cults went sour. After joining the PDF he was soon nominated to be shipped off world as part of the planet tithe where his regiment was almost completely destroyed in its first theatre of war against an Ork invasion which changed into a heretical uprising in the form of a Nurgle cult. Atris Tallion, ThiefA moderately pale and stoic man standing at a height of 6'1". He has the build of a muscular swimmer and seems to cover it with attire from a bygone era of cronies and car-fixing gangs, known for motor-oiled up hair. Scars litter his body from lifestyle choices of the man himself. He worked as a pickpocket, a scavenger, a gossip, and a panhandler at an early age to feed himself, clothe himself, and entertain himself. He got into his own fair share of fights, rather, a couple people's fair share of scraps, stabbings, robberies, hassles with the law, it scarred his compass as much as his physical body when he met Adam Clarke and was hired for his talent in thievery. Imperial Navy Members Mako Darchma, PilotA Void-born onboard an arms ship, Mako never had claim to a homeworld or any real heritage other than that of an Imperial Citizen. Mako's early life was quite uneventful just the simply life of a child of ratings, helping with various duties around the ship and generally endearing himself to most people with his childish high hopes. The Recruitment of Mako was in response to the Inquisitors request of a Pilot and the Inquisitors connections finding the best pilot the sector admiralty had to offer. Mako Darchma had flown over 700 successful combat missions and has 58 confirmed kills though countless more unconfirmed. Adpetus Mechanicus Members Iron Maiden Celes 'Celestia' Ferronica van Alderson, TechpriestessCeles is a curious woman due to the way she grew up on the world of Mjorn, the capital of the Sect of Absolute Truth. It goes far enough like many other individuals of the cult to even embrace knowledge that is not meant for regular humans. Considering the indirect Sect founder and main figure of it was 'Alderson' an Iron Hands Master of the Forge, seconded to the Deathwatch. He died sometimes before The War of the Beast and was renown for his experimental technology, though most of his achievements were long lost, having been declared heretical. Celes knows that the importance to record data is of utmost importance, if people question how much knowledge of alien technology and civilization should be recorded, she usually uses the excuse that the radical Ordo Xenos inquisitors as well as Astartes have used for long 'know your enemy'. The Explorator Inquisitor came across her during a hunt for a runaway traitor. Edited April 25, 2022 by TechCaptain Brother Lunkhead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted May 1, 2020 Author Share Posted May 1, 2020 I like the imagination you displayed and the details you added. May I presume the Drukhari and the Tau stay out of sight when Inquisitor Clarke deals with other Imperial subjects? I also wonder why the Bloodmoon Hunter tolerates the xenos' very presence in Imperial space, to say nothing of working beside them; is the Marine so obsessed with hunting (for rare game, worthy adversaries, archeotech and other forbidden knowledge), he overlooks the fact they're xenos, in exchange for them bringing him opportunities to hunt? Erxandros started his initiation as typical recruit of the Astartes of the Bloodmoon Hunters Chapter, by daring to kill a Damhán AllaWhat's a Damhán Alla?Artificer Erxandros learned the techniques of hacking from Iron MaidenWho's the Iron Maiden?Back-mounted Lance Ammo Pack w/ Automatic Feed SystemTo avoid confusion, maybe describe the weapon as a cyber-atlatl, amentum, or woomera?He was a Hive Ganger Mercenary where he fought on numerous unnamed frontier worlds where he fought the Imperium's wars.This is slightly repetitive. I advise simplifying the sentence to "He was a hive ganger-turned-mercenary who fought the Imperium's wars on numerous unnamed frontier worlds." (I added the "turned" because I doubt a mere hive ganger would find his way outside the hive he was born in, unless forced by circumstance, e.g., conscripted into a Planetary Defense Force or the Imperial Guard.) Iron Maiden is a Mjorn Forge World Rank of a minor Sect. Damhán Alla explanation is back in the Bloodmoon Hunters Thread now. but to simplify things it is a very large Spider that is home to his chapter homeworld. and thanks for the points again. Indeed the Xenos basically are not seen around other Imperials and mostly don't even have to interact with the Space Marine but he mostly puts up with them for a combination of his need to hunt and the fact the Inquisitor commands his respect and loyalty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 1, 2020 Share Posted May 1, 2020 He went a few steps further, starting to analyze the weapons and tactics of their ever present foes, the primals (Dark Eldar)The alternate term the Iron Snakes recognize, is "Primul"- note a "u" replaces the "a". TechCaptain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted May 1, 2020 Author Share Posted May 1, 2020 He went a few steps further, starting to analyze the weapons and tactics of their ever present foes, the primals (Dark Eldar)The alternate term the Iron Snakes recognize, is "Primul"- note a "u" replaces the "a". Yea that is where it was from originally. Erxandros was originally built for a Deathwatch RPG based character who was an Iron Snake. I then modified him to be more for my homebrew chapter. I will go back and add the u, I think it got changed when other admins were correcting my spelling on the wiki I host most my stuff on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted September 8, 2021 Author Share Posted September 8, 2021 (edited) Here is an Attempt for a Stand In Adam Clarke for the Tabletop. I play him with Ordo Minoris rules from the Inquisition stuff. Edit: Codex Literatus: Vileblade Leaves the Kabal(Comments wanted) - + FAN FICTION + - The Bolter and Chainsword Link to where I have two of his Acolytes start their path to becoming servants for the Imperium in Adam's name. Edited September 8, 2021 by TechCaptain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 8, 2021 Share Posted September 8, 2021 Was Clarke one of the Skitarii? I think I recognize the head from a Skitarius model. TechCaptain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted September 8, 2021 Author Share Posted September 8, 2021 The head is from a Skitarius model but Clarke wasn’t quite a Skitarii himself but had spent time as a bodyguard to Mechanicus personnel as a favor owed for rebuilding his body. walter h 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted December 5, 2021 Author Share Posted December 5, 2021 Adahm Klerixus, So this will be the new name of Adam Clarke. And I am now working off and on with a story with him as a central character. An introspective approach that is character driven. By making it about him remembering the past in spurts. I was thinking as he talks to his crew or whatever. Lie: Him talking to the Mercenary, remembering the trauma of the battlefield and the pressure to make things work no matter what the right answer really is Talking to the Astartes remembering his oaths, duty, why he is out there protecting the imperium The Skitarii reminds him of his liaison days and getting deeper into technology The Tau, him seeing the wonders of advancement beyond even his Mechanicus contacts The Dark Eldar, eternal pain and strangenesses beyond any ability to grasp and a driving force to get humanity to a higher understanding The Setting: The halls of his personal cruiser. The Gears of Retribution. Working towards either Fast fic (max 1k words) or Short fic (2k to 8k words) Figuring in his tug and pull of how he likes the tech but doesn’t like the aliens just tolerates them and uses them for his own end. After some sort of victory, they get to talking about them and how they became the unlikely retinue. Because he has very diverse retinue in terms of potential character interactions and motivations, I am working out what those affiliations mean for the characters. Especially given the Mechanicus is famously and adamantly opposed to basically any form of outside scrutiny or regulation, what does it mean for his relationships? Why do Skitarii and the Artificer (Techmarine/Chaplain) serve him (other than his ability to summarily execute them with legal immunity)? What can he offer a Drukhari or a Tau that would earn their loyalty? Another thing I need a way to clarify in a way that makes sense is that while he has Inquisitor access he isn't really welcomed by anyone. (Others inThe Inquisition and Others who worship the Omnissiah. )That the core of who he is, is that in spite of everything he is an Inquisitor. Now personality wise he is suppose to have a network of his own he basically built over time of people that answer only to him or a cut out of his. I want the Imperium and Mechanicus basically in the dark of how he runs too. He is just that one guy who annoys everyone. Some newish developments to tie in is the explosion that he jumped on that was indeed dark Eldar tech that had some weird poison from their doctors. One that’s slowly keeping his body in some sort of suspended animation causing pain that drives him to the extremes of logic to ignore/deal with. Using this to tie in why he keeps that one alive instead of feeling like he should kill them all. For He is desperate for all kinds of medical knowledge to ease his pain. Kind of how I have it so far: The Artificer is loyal due to being rescued by the Inquisitor and serves out of that and the fact the Inquisitor is the best place to keep his brothers informed of happenings in the subsector. The Skitarii is someone who is somewhat brainwashed/known him the longest. He was ‘built’ as a gift to show favoritism to the liaison that was their connection to the Inquisition. The Hive Mercenary feels it’s his best place to survive and gets paid in the best medical treatments to keep his health stable. The Drukhari looked for a safe pirate port and got injected with vortex micro bombs into her bloodstream to serve him and is offered a position to torture those that displeased the inquisitor. The Tau is an outcast of both the spheres and the enclaves, and is niavely serving the greater good how she can after he picked her up. Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted December 5, 2021 Author Share Posted December 5, 2021 ADEPTUS MECHANICUS ARCHIVES DATABASELOAD...................................................................!!! CREDENTIALS REQUIRED !!!USERNAME:GZN82-76-4592PASSWORD:************SECOND PASSWORD:**********LOAD....................................................................................................................................+++CLEARANCE: Vermillion+++DATE: [Redacted]+++RED NN. [Redacted]+++BY: Magos Biologis Ashninki Ta'Raroc, Adeptus Mechanicus+++SUBJECT: [Redacted]ACCESS GRANTED, MAGOS+++CONTENTS+++---*Magos Biologis Ashninki Ta'Raroc overseeing*Hospitaller Anaya assisting Initial Condition: Subject was [Redacted] Terran years old and already completed Venatorii-Class Biological Strength and Stamina Enhancements augmentation at the start. The subject suffered from shrapnel and shock-waves damage in all major organ groupings, reduced lung capacity (apparently due to previous exposure poison gas) and had numerous fragments embedded in the muscle of his right leg. Neurology is above standard parameters for [Redacted] of his age. Repairs and Augmentation: Subject's heart was replaced, after some debate, a genetic enhanced cloned duplicate, artificiality aged to 25 Terran years was used. Synthetic components and nanoweave were used to reinforce the remainder of the cardiovascular system, restoring it to above optimal condition. By reinforcing the skeleton with a synthetic weave, bones can be made almost unbreakable, was performed upon major components of the subject's skeleton, strengthening the structures. Nanoplastics were used to replace cartilage in all joints, allowing the joints to bear 143% more force than the standard unaugmented components at optimum. Subject's lungs have undergone complete revivation; polymuciline structures have been installed in the subject's trachea to filter toxins. Digestive systems replaced with Bionic and Artificial systems with more efficient nutrition intake and processing. Major muscle groups in the legs have been replaced with synthetic polymite actuators and augmented artificial limb built on a framework of advanced polymers and lightweight metals replaced loss limbs. Cybernetic Arms with enhanced pneumatic pistons and synth muscle fibers, incorporated shock gauntlets and hidden widower wrist casters were installed as replacements. Care has been taken, as requested, to maintain cognitive individuality of the subject's neurology, however synapse enhancers have been installed at key nodes, and a kinetic nullifier has been emplaced on the interior of the skull to prevent concussions. Finally, with the subject's permission, the subject's right eye has been replaced with a type ΣZ optical Suite, and Ears replaced with cybernetic sonic processing upgrades that allows automatic volume and interference control, filtering of desired sound waves, and integral vox system with encryption/decryption suite. Results: Magos Biologis Ashninki Ta'Raroc is most satisfied with the results of the procedure, and has handed the subject over to Hospitaller Anaya for recovery. While this cannot be counted as a true uplift, the Inquisition representatives and Fabricator Locum was quite clear in their instruction that the "essential personality matrix" of the subject must be maintained. The subject should be ready to resume service within 96 hours. Additional units of the first phase are progressing smoothly, and all upgrades should be completed within the timeframe established. Ave Omnissiah!I am ever your faithful servant,Ashninki Ta'Raroc,Magos Biologis, Adeptus Mechanicus, Logoff, Back, , or Help:Logoff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted December 5, 2021 Share Posted December 5, 2021 I appreciate your attempts to give the Inquisitor and his retinue histories that inform us of their motivations. Too many writers in current year, share J. J. Abrams' delusion the "mystery box" is the height of worldbuilding and character development. TechCaptain and Brother Lunkhead 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted April 25, 2022 Author Share Posted April 25, 2022 So I forgot to post here and I will edit the posts later but several names have changed. Adam Clarke is now Adahm Klerixus, Alpha Alternative Operative Number Seven/Alton is now Alpha AOX-87/ Alaox, Frank Draken is now Fraenck Draken, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowCaptainMcCaffery Posted May 21, 2022 Share Posted May 21, 2022 Just read all of this, and was surprised that your inquisitor shares the same spelling of his first name with me. TechCaptain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lunkhead Posted May 30, 2022 Share Posted May 30, 2022 (edited) Greetings Brother TechCaptain. This is just another fine piece of work that I've come to expect from you I like your attention to detail which gives an oh so very clear picture of your subject. In my opinion, the adventures of Adahm Klerixus (I think you should refer to him as such after his resurrection in your article) is worthy of at least a novel or three and perhaps an anthology of short stories from Black Library. Lots of great potential here If I have any criticism here, it's only in your format. I suggest you consolidate a main article with much of the detail (details on support and allied organizations, data squirts and the like) in an annex. I'm quite serious about this character being explored in detail in story format. You might consider stretching your talent with this character in the FAN FICTION forum. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Edited May 30, 2022 by Brother Lunkhead TechCaptain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted May 30, 2022 Author Share Posted May 30, 2022 Greetings Brother TechCaptain. This is just another fine piece of work that I've come to expect from you:tu: I like your attention to detail which gives an oh so very clear picture of your subject. In my opinion, the adventures of Adahm Klerixus (I think you should refer to him as such after his resurrection in your article) is worthy of at least a novel or three and perhaps an anthology of short stories from Black Library. Lots of great potential here:yes: If I have any criticism here, it's only in your format. I suggest you consolidate a main article with much of the detail (details on support and allied organizations, data squirts and the like) in an annex. I'm quite serious about this character being explored in detail in story format. You might consider stretching your talent with this character in the FAN FICTION forum. I'm looking forward to seeing more. I really appreciate this. I do have a few small starts to fan fictions in that section including an outline for a story for Adahm and his crew. I have been having a bit of writer’s block but never fear the Emperor will guide his story at some point. I really want to showcase how Adahm is a clever human who’s specialty is really deep planning. Brother Lunkhead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted September 4, 2022 Author Share Posted September 4, 2022 Another Inquisitor Model in Progress. The Vindicare Assassin Omega Six Variant known as Vexamus. Works Closely with Ordo Mechanicum especially one Adahm Klexarius. Currently on assignment to take out Greater Daemons attacking a Knight Lance of House Fásacha. Brother Lunkhead and Harrowmaster 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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