General Strike Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 (edited) You have $500 to build an army, what army and what would you buy? Why? Let's kill time in lockdown! Edited May 12, 2020 by General Strike Dracos and Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 I would build up more of my Lunar Venatorii Army which is an unusual Astra Militarum Army. Why? because it is a bit expensive to Kit Bash at the moment when I am not using all the pieces. What i want to build up is a bunch of Bikers and maybe figure out Wyrm Riders so they can actually be modeled. General Strike 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 I don't think I could barely do knights as new if its $AUD. If its second hand thats different, then whatever I can get thats roached with a high number of miniatures bundle. stretch_135 and General Strike 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Strike Posted May 12, 2020 Author Share Posted May 12, 2020 Adjust it from USD to your home currency, so like..775$ Australian Monies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 (edited) Was gonna make a joke about buying a titan, but then i realized that even warhound chassis are 525 with no guns....  In a more serious vein, ignoring sales tax, and assuming we already have the modeling supplies and books needed:  If i was going to make an army I do not yet collect, I'd probably go mechanized Tau: -Longstrike (18), to ride in a hammerhead (60) (obviously), for a total of 78 -fire warriors with devilfish (50+40) for 90 (times three), for 270 -crisis suits (75) -2 piranhas (70)  for a total of 493 dollarydoos. Almost entirely vehicles, with the Crisis suits to provide some mobile firepower where needed, and/or some deep strike reinforcements  Alternatively, Alpha Legion (loyalist, because of course they are, but CSM list): -chaos lord and dark apostle (SMH from HH, 50) -3x10 CSM from the MkIV kit: (150) -3 chaos rhinos (120) -3 predators (180) for a nice count of 500 dollarydoos. Always wanted to build a loyalist alpha legion army, and this seems to be one of the better ways to get it done. Same theme as the tau army, with lots of vehicles and some hard-hitting firepower in the predators. the lord and apostle may need to footslog, but there's plenty of target saturation.  Now, If I was to build up an existing army of mine, it would look a little something like this for my dawn blades: - skullhelm chaplain (18) -death company (35) -2 assault squads (90) -devastator squad (50) plus ETB marines, sourced from somewhere at MSRP (10) (60) -3 razorback kit (180) -2 tactical squads (90) -2 SM heroes to round out the dev squad (which I can source for 8 bucks, I think) for 489 dollars. This basically rounds out my 2nd company to a full battle company, though one tac squad will be short a couple of men (ive been building it from SMH models)  For guard, I'd probably go with the following: -2 cadian defense forces (370) -3 chimeras (120)  again, exactly 500. Mechanized guard army, with rides for all the guard squads and two of the command squads for some special weapon toting. If we include the stuff I have, that's 3 LR's, 3 command squads, 3 commanders, 2 squads of heavy weapons, and a techpriest to ride along in one of the chimeras.  For Necrons, I'd probably do a Destroyer-focused list: -destroyer lord upgrade pack (11.50) times 2, plus the kit needed for bodies: 73 -3 destroyers, plus 3 H-destroyer kits: 77 -7 squadrons of destroyers: 350 total of 2 lords, 3 heavy destroyers, and 22 destroyers (one left over from the lord kits)  This was a fun little thought exercise. Thanks, General! Edited May 12, 2020 by Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch General Strike, fisheyedbunny and Dracos 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 A tyranid swarm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 Poisonblade raiding force - 220 Start collecting Drukhari- 110 Wyches - 40 2x Wracks- 86 Haemonculus- 31 Â This gives you good representation of all 3 elements of the DE. You've got two meaty units of Kabalites and Wyches or 4 MSU of each if you prefer, as well as 2 msu for the coven, plus HQ to lead each patrol. On top of that, Kabals get a Razorwing and a Venom, Wyches get six bikes and a Venom and the coven gets a Talos. Zephaniah Adriyen, General Strike, Dosjetka and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volt Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 You have $500 to build an army, what army and what would you buy? Why? Let's kill time in lockdown! Custodes, you get a full 2k army for less than $500 by buying up jetbikes General Strike and Gederas 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Blackwood Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 Three Knight Preceptor Kits from Games Workshop's Webstore is 471 , so you have some money left over for paints and brushes if you dont have them. If you do Ebay you can squeeze out some more value ( under normal circumstances people are gouging now or stuff is just not available )  So yea, I would build a knight army 500 dollars would get me going fairly comfortably if you knew you were going to be playing smaller games at first maybe grab some armigers instead of the third knight kit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonstalker Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 (I live :o)  Well, since this is the Bolter and Chainsword, I think a Marines build is required. Prices are USD from the GW website, I'm sure you could save a few bucks through a third party discount store or eBay.  Vanguard Box ($95) ETB Aggressors ($35) ETB Redemptor ($40) Phobos Librarian ($35) Know No Fear ($80) Intercessors ($60) Reivers ($60) Armiger Warglaives/Helverins ($75)  Gives you a list like: 1 Gravis Captain 1 Phobos Lib 1 Phobos Lt 3 Aggressors w/Flamestorm 1 Redemptor w/H. Onslaught 10 Reivers 10 Infiltrators 15 Intercessors 3 Inceptors 3 Suppressors 5 Hellblasters 3 Eliminators 2 Armigers  20 bucks left over for some hobby supplies, or for taxes. Not likely to take any top tables anywhere, but you've got a solid variety of models to paint, enough to fill out a Battalion (and closing in on a Brigade) + Super Heavy Auxiliary. Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 (edited) What is the goal of this? Most points/biggest army for your $, or what is our fantasy army if someone just gave us a $500 GW voucher?  The former is custodes or knights.  The latter I'd buy 2/3 of each Ork Buggy to make my own Bad Moon Speed Freek NASCAR/Stock Racing army. Edited May 12, 2020 by Xenith andes and General Strike 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 AdMech Battalion, a Spearhead (converting the Knight pilot to Daedalosus or a second Enginseer), and a Super Heavy Auxiliary:  Start Collecting: Skitarii $95 Kataphron Breachers $58 Tech Priest Enginseer $30 Knight Crusader $157 Skorpius Disintegrator x2 $150  ---  $490 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPS Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 2 Adeptus Titanicus starter boxes, 1 Warlord, 1 Warbringer for exactly 500$. Or swap out the Warbringer for the Warlord upgrade frame with the missing weapons and a box of Questoris Knights. Spend the remaining 18$ on magnets and superglue. TootiusNootius, Fajita Fan and Dosjetka 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
m_r_parker Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 I'd buy an army similar to one that I'm working on right now: Sisters of Battle. $500 works out to ~£404 based on current exchange rates, so this is what I'd start with:  Codex          - £25.00 Cannoness      - £22.50  - 3 PWR Imagifier        - £17.50  - 2 PWR Hospitaller      - £22.50  - 2 PWR Dialogus        - £22.50  - 2 PWR Battle Sister Box - £35.00  - 6 PWR Battle Sister Box - £35.00  - 6 PWR Retributor Box   - £32.50  - 6 PWR Repentia Box    - £30.00  - 7 PWR Seraphim Box   - £32.50  - 4 PWR Seraphim Box   - £32.50  - 4 PWR Exorcist        - £50.00  - 8 PWR Immolator       - £45.00  - 5 PWR  TOTAL:         £402.50  - 55 PWR  Gives a nice spread of units to build and paint, a couple of vehicles , a nice selection of single models, and a codex so you know what you're doing with them! The Sisters boxes are great for building out multiple squad types (such as Dominions or Celestians), and the Seraphim can be dual built too. I'd almost be tempted to drop a box of Seraphim for a couple of Penitent Engines, but it's a fair core for a new army in my books. N1SB, templargdt and General Strike 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 You have $500 to build an army, what army and what would you buy? Why? Let's kill time in lockdown! Â All in on the new sisters. Not sure how I'd divide it up, but would get at least one of everything, then seeing how it adds up. General Strike and templargdt 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valkia the Bloody Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 Certainly would go all out for my new Chaos army. Maybe even get some Chaos Knights. However, since I have to work during lockdown, sadly not having any more time to build and paint all of them... :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aramis K Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 Harlequins, with the new White Dwarf rules looking fun and forever to paint them. Can grab the whole range.  Shadow Seer £16 Solitaire £16 2 x Death Jester £32 1 x Troupe master (+5 spare clowns) £25  4 x Starweaver transports £100 4 x Troupes (24 clowns) £100 3 x Skyweavers (6 bikes) £75 1 X Voidweaver £25  = £389 Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schurge Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 I bought Adrax Agatone for my dad to put on his desk at work... now I kind of want to turn it into an army even though he doesn't play (though I suppose he'd have to give it a try if I make him an army). Â 2 x Primaris Lieutenant w/ Power Sword - $35 / each 1 x Primaris Librarian - $35 2 x Intercessor Squads - $60 / each 2 x Primaris Salamanders Upgrade Sprues - $25 / each 2 x Easy to Build Primaris Aggressors - $35 / each 1 x Salamanders Codex - $30 1 x Salamanders Datacards - $15 Â Including Adrax that is 1000 points and not including Adrax it comes out to $390. Â Real talk, is that a good start for a Salamanders army if I want to lean into the Primaris side of Space Marines? Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 That's £407 and I'd be off to FW with it. Probably something large like a Mastodon and a few bits (Thunderhawk is £475 otherwise...) Dosjetka and Grim Dog Studios 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim Dog Studios Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 (edited) I've been debating using the new Chaos Marines kitbashed with FW bits and MK IV marines to make a Word Bearers force to go opposite my 30K Ultramarines, so something like this maybe:  3x Chaos Space Marines = £105 2x MK IV Space Marines = £60 2x Word Bearers MK IV Helmet Upgrades = £26 Deimos Predator Tactical Squadron = £160 Word Bearers Legion Contemptor Dreadnought = £38 2 x Contemptor Pattern Kheres Assault Cannon = £22 Total = £411  Slightly over the $500/£407.  Don't really know what points it is though, would just look cool! Edited May 12, 2020 by Centurion Jay Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 I think the most fun to have with this is Guard, because their Army Box + Start Collecting box takes care of the battalion... and then some! And that's just $330CAD.  I would add a valkyrie to that, just because I really want one of these- an extra $90CAD.  The left over $80 is where it gets tough to decide.  I have weird interests and tastes, and it's probably not anyone's recommendation, but I'd go with a box of Ratlings to keep Rein and Raus company, plus a Primaris Psyker and unit of Wyrdvanes to keep Aradia company.  Still $10CAD left over. General Strike 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Augustus Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 I've been considering this very thing. Admech 3x start collecting skitarii 1x cawl 2x robbie the robots $490 usd from gw Lots of extra bits going on to bash up the 3 techpriests and enough stuff to be fun. General Strike 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted May 13, 2020 Share Posted May 13, 2020 $250: Split 2 Shadowspear box sets off Amazon with a mate. $125: 2 Invictor Tactical Warsuits. $120:Â 3 Aggressor box sets. Â Then try to trade the Suppressors for a couple box sets of Intercessors and a Lt. and Librarian for a Chaplain. Â Â Man I wish I they'd had the Shadowspear box set when I started out. Tabletop Tommy 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted May 13, 2020 Share Posted May 13, 2020 I'd try out Necrons:  2x Battleforce- $180 2x Destroyer squads- $100 2x Lichguard- $80 1x Monolith- $66 1x Ghost Ark- $55 1x Cryptek- $18 Total- $499  Gives me an army of: 2x Lords/Overlords 1x Cryptek (or two if you convert a lord from the box with a Praetorian's staff) 2x 12-man Necron Warriors squads 2x 10-man Immortals/Deathmark squads 2x 5-man Lichguard squad 2x 3-man Destroyer squad 2x Scarab swarms 2x Annihilation Barges 1x Monolith 1x Ghost Ark  Pretty good start to a Necron army I think. Tabletop Tommy 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted May 13, 2020 Share Posted May 13, 2020 It would be the only time I’d ever be able to justify a Death Korps of Krieg army so it would go on that.  A platoon is £250 A heavy mortar battery is £110 A hades breaching drill is £35 Engineers with mole launcher is £15  Total: £410  It would need stuff adding to it later but it’d be a solid core of fluffy units :) General Strike and Tabletop Tommy 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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