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So this would be £408 in uk



Kytan Daemon Enginer £98

CSM vengeance box £100 (Chaos Term Lord, Terminatorsx 5 10 CSM Rhino 5 Havocs)

2 MaulerFiends £90

10 CSM £35

Masters of Ruin 52.50

Havocs £35





Start Collecting £55 - (5 Wraith Guard 1 Wraith Lord 1 Far seer 1 Warwalker)

Start Collecting £55 - (5 Wraith Guard 1 Wraith Lord 1 Far seer 1 Warwalker)

Start Collecting £55 - (5 Wraith Guard 1 Wraith Lord 1 Far seer 1 Warwalker)

Wraithknight £85

Wraithknight £85

Hemlock Fighter £45

Hemlock Fighter £45


Those are the GW base prices could get 20% off but close enough for fun :)

Edited by Warbringer

For $500 all y'all should be starting Titanicus and come hang out in the sub forum with us.  It's a great game and $500 will easily get you a great army list. 

A Mad Max-esque Ork Speed Freeks list (all figures in MSRP, USD and with no tax factored in):


1x Deffkilla Wartrike ($50)


2x Burna Boyz box ($60)


2x Boomdakka Snazzwagon ($100)


1x Kustom Boosta-Blasta ($50)


1x Megatrakk Scrapjet ($50)


2x Shokkjump Dragsta ($100)


1x Warbikers box ($41.25)


1x Trukk ($40)


For a total of $491.25, you get around 1,000 points of Orky speedmob goodness to drive around the board and generally be a really, really fun list to run. Throw the Burnas in the Trukk and zoom around the board, smashing and shooting everything in your way. Unquestioningly take Evil Sunz - red ones go fasta, after all. Clearly not a very good army for money/points ratio - each of those vehicles costs a premium - but if I was given $500 and told to buy one army, I'd probably do this.

Nids. Many many nids. Always had a fascination with them when I first got into the hobby. I very nearly bought the large gribbly box when it came out last year. My pile of shame couldn't take another army adding to it though. One day!


Edit. Couldn't resist.....


1 x swarmlord

1 x carnifex brood (ol' one eye)

1 x tervigon

1 x warrior box

1 x lictor

1 x zoanthrope box

2 x biovores

2 x termagant brood

2 x hormagaunt brood

2 x genestealers

1 x gargoyle brood



No idea if this is tactically any good, but covers most of the original models I liked as a kid.

Edited by Dwango

Cadian Mechanised heavily influenced by "Cadian Blood"


FW Autocannon turret (£16) x4 (£64)

Cadian Defence Force (£110)

Start Collecting Astra Militarum (£55)

Valkyrie (£45)

Chimera (£25) x3 (£75)

Hydra (£35)

Tank accessory frame (£9) x2 (£18)


£402. Would then pick up some ebay Kasrkin which fall outside of budget.


Would be very tempted to do this army actually but haven't played a game of 8th and don't know how I feel about it.




In fact, don't even care how it plays, I want to do this.

Edited by Hfran Morkai



Start collecting x 2. £110

Windriders £30

Wraithknight £85

Rangers x 2 £50

Blood of the Phoenix £140


Total £415


Jain zar, 2 warlocks, 5 banshees, ten wraithguard, 2 wraithlords, 2 war walkers, wraithknight, ten rangers, 3 jetbikes, one vyper, one falcon. Plus the dark eldar side of the Phoenix box set.



Start collecting x 2. £110

Windriders £30

Wraithknight £85

Rangers x 2 £50

Blood of the Phoenix £140


Total £415


Jain zar, 2 warlocks, 5 banshees, ten wraithguard, 2 wraithlords, 2 war walkers, wraithknight, ten rangers, 3 jetbikes, one vyper, one falcon. Plus the dark eldar side of the Phoenix box set.

You know I actually got two of the Apocalypse boxes [ https://www.amazon.com/Warhammer-40K-Craftworlds-Vanguard-Detachment/dp/B07TRP2G44 ] for $290, 3 boxes of Dire Avengers for $90, and a pair of Falcons for $90.  That was $470 plus tax from Amazon and while it's more than 2000 points I feel like it was a good enough deal for a fluffy army even though Iyanden Wraithguard are no longer troops.





Start collecting x 2. £110

Windriders £30

Wraithknight £85

Rangers x 2 £50

Blood of the Phoenix £140


Total £415


Jain zar, 2 warlocks, 5 banshees, ten wraithguard, 2 wraithlords, 2 war walkers, wraithknight, ten rangers, 3 jetbikes, one vyper, one falcon. Plus the dark eldar side of the Phoenix box set.

You know I actually got two of the Apocalypse boxes [ https://www.amazon.com/Warhammer-40K-Craftworlds-Vanguard-Detachment/dp/B07TRP2G44 ] for $290, 3 boxes of Dire Avengers for $90, and a pair of Falcons for $90. That was $470 plus tax from Amazon and while it's more than 2000 points I feel like it was a good enough deal for a fluffy army even though Iyanden Wraithguard are no longer troops.

This is a cool army that I've always wanted to do. Like a Terminator army or Speed Freaks army, it's an army made up entirely of the coolest models in a faction.

The problem is I have no idea how (or even if) the army works.  I have the codex to read through and I checked the Eldar subsection but I have zero clue how to build a competitive Wraithguard list so it'll just be a fluffy list.  I'm an awful player anyway so I just make fluffy lists since it won't matter much.


For Titanicus I would totally recommend this:

$135  New base game box: https://www.amazon.com/Games-Workshop-Adeptus-Titanicus-Core/dp/B084KQTQL8/

$94    Warlord: https://www.amazon.com/Adeptus-Titanicus-Warlord-Battle-Titan/dp/B07G7HCH2N/

$42    Alternate weapons: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Warlord-Titan-Plasma-Annihilator-Frame-2019

$130  Knight box: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Adeptus-Titanicus-Knight-Battleforce-2019


That's $401 plus tax so you can pick what you want for the last bit.  Another Reaver or a couple of Warhounds would be good and given the Acastus knight points changes you can make a list that's over 2700 points.  

D Scythes on your guard, axe and shield for blades, put them in a serpent to protect them.


I think a good idea would be two dark imperiums($130 each from certain places), know no fear($60), 2 ETB Redemptors and 2 sets of ETB aggressors. That would be the core of a Death Guard army and a Primaris army for about $460, then use the left over to buy a character for one of the two armies.

Edited by General Strike

I think anyone with a decent IG or genestealer-heavy Tyranid army could blow a few hundred on some GSC models and end up with a really different army to play. It's too bad GSC models are pretty expensive per point. 


A couple of the Start Collecting boxes [ https://www.amazon.com/Games-Workshop-Warhammer-Collecting-Genestealer/dp/B084KJLL9X/ ] and the HQ box [ https://www.amazon.com/Warhammer-40k-Genestealer-Cults-Broodcoven/dp/B01LXSGGZB ] is about $250.

I think anyone with a decent IG or genestealer-heavy Tyranid army could blow a few hundred on some GSC models and end up with a really different army to play. It's too bad GSC models are pretty expensive per point. 


A couple of the Start Collecting boxes [ https://www.amazon.com/Games-Workshop-Warhammer-Collecting-Genestealer/dp/B084KJLL9X/ ] and the HQ box [ https://www.amazon.com/Warhammer-40k-Genestealer-Cults-Broodcoven/dp/B01LXSGGZB ] is about $250.

To add to that, if you can find a complete Tooth and Claw box and you're interested in Wolves (or just wanna add the generic models to another Marine faction and sell the Wolves-specific stuff) it's a wonderful deal. My GSC army consists of a Tooth and Claw box, plus a single old metal Broodlord (my Patriarch) and a Kelermorph. I run everything but the Metamorphs, one of the Purestrain models and the Patriarch as a 500 point list.

Oh man, when the Deathwatch boardgame boxes were being split up on eBay the Deathwatch marines pulled a heavy premium but the easy-to-build GSC acolytes and neophytes were like $50-$60 for all of them (12 Acolytes and 16 Neophytes IIRC).  People upcharged the Abberants and genestealers but you could EASILY bulk out a GSC with a ton of bodies really cheap with those.  Sadly there are none left but I just chopped the autocannons down into shotguns and 3d printed some rocksaws to glue on the backs of the acolytes.  I'm still finding sprues of them in my tubs so I must've gotten 3 or 4 sets when they were available.


How good is this Tau box?  It's a lot more expensive than the Eldar box but how is it for points and usefulness?  




*Edit: Bonus on that Eldar wraithguard box for anyone interested. If you get two boxes you end up with 4 Wraithlords which is one too many for most 2000 point detachments.  However with a little conversion work you can make a Wraithseer HQ that costs 135 points with a D cannon in the newest Chapter Approved.


Edited by Fajita Fan

Man, I have Tooth and Claw, the Kill Team that came with the Kellermorph and Spacehulk with its 22 purestrains + Patriarch. If I'd managed to buy Overkill before it disappeared, that's a GSC army right there. You could also field an army with 3 patrol detachments made up of BA, Wolves and DW with the other models in the box.


You can make soooo many kill teams with that collection. 

I changed my mind/thought of another possibility; HH-themed AL army based around volkite for everyone. Note that the power armor Praetor and Alpharius himself are the only ones without volkite.

The following purchases (all of which are Forge World Horus Heresy models) would be made:


Scales of the Hydra bundle ($220):

1x Alpharius Omegon, Primarch of the Alpha Legion (counts-as Daemon Prince of Khorne w/Warp Bolter, Hellforged Sword)

1x Lernaean Terminators (counts-as Chaos Terminators w/Power Axes, Combi-Bolters)


Alpha Legion Praetor in Artificer Armor ($35) (counts-as Chaos Lord w/Power Sword, Bolt Pistol)

Alpha Legion Praetor in Cataphractii Terminator Armor ($41) (counts-as Chaos Lord w/Power Sword, Combi-Bolter)


Headhunter Kill Teams w/Volkite (counts-as two squads Chaos Chosen w/Combi-Bolters and one Reaper Chaincannon each):

Ten-Man Headhunter Kill Team ($129)

Volkite Charger Set ($21)

Volkite Culverin Set ($22)

Alpha Legion MkIV Pauldrons, to bring their iconography in order with the others ($19)


This all comes out to a total of $487, which is... a lot, for not a lot of models, actually. But it's a wonderful collection of models which I would so love to field.

I would buy.......multiple armies for other systems (that's at least 4 really nice infinity armies). or i could get a really nice premium edition (fully pro-painted and assembled )  DUST 1947 army for 500.  :teehee:


If it would have to be 40K...... well i could always do the full mechanicus infantry army i always wanted 


Its actually a really simple build-tech priest dominus's(well more of them i already own 1 and a bunch of tech priests)  a lot of cataphrons, and a mix of various dune crawlers.


Or a HH  mechanicus taghmata list with the army of castellax robots an explorator led by an arch magon prime....fortunatley you don't need alot of minis to hit 2k points with this list. 



I have not bought an actually GW model for 28mm play in many years, don't even know how the prices are now, so who knows how much i could get. last GW model i even picked up was the titanicus reaver back when it was first released.

Edited by mughi3
I'm actually in basically this situation right now, after selling a M:tG collection a few months ago, though I actually have around $600 in store credit. I've been struggling since then to try and figure out what miniatures to buy with it. I'd been thinking of planning around Shadowspear, but it seems like people have bought them all up for lockdown hobbying and it seems nigh impossible to find any more.

For $500 AUD, I'd be lucky to buy 3 primaris intercessor squads, 2 space marine characters and 7 paints. I'd be painting woth my fingers, and using nails for fine details.


So just the mandatory requirements for a battalion. And they want to raise the prices again...

Edited by Malios

For $500 AUD, I'd be lucky to buy 3 primaris intercessor squads, 2 space marine characters and 7 paints. I'd be painting woth my fingers, and using nails for fine details.


So just the mandatory requirements for a battalion. And they want to raise the prices again...

It would be....764.99 AUD for you.

I'm actually in basically this situation right now, after selling a M:tG collection a few months ago, though I actually have around $600 in store credit. I've been struggling since then to try and figure out what miniatures to buy with it. I'd been thinking of planning around Shadowspear, but it seems like people have bought them all up for lockdown hobbying and it seems nigh impossible to find any more.

You could just get the two start collecting boxes...?






I'm actually in basically this situation right now, after selling a M:tG collection a few months ago, though I actually have around $600 in store credit. I've been struggling since then to try and figure out what miniatures to buy with it. I'd been thinking of planning around Shadowspear, but it seems like people have bought them all up for lockdown hobbying and it seems nigh impossible to find any more.

You could just get the two start collecting boxes...?






Aaaaaaalso the Librarian and Captain are sold separately (collectively for about what a whole Start Collecting! box goes for). Yes, you can still get the Shadowspear sculpts. Yes, it is more expensive now.

You could just get the two start collecting boxes...?


I could, but much of the motive for buying Shadowspear was out of a rather foolish sense of getting a "good deal." A price hike from $130-$140 to $200 on models I didn't have any particular plans for anyway does wonders to convince me I didn't really need those models.


At the moment, I'm most inclined towards using the credit towards finishing up 2000 points of Death Guard, probably involving a lot of Plague Marines and Blightlord Terminators. Alternatively, I've been considering buying a bunch of kits to convert a fluffy assortment of interesting Chaos Cultists for my Thousand Sons' mortal planetary defense forces--probably using Necromunda's Orlock gangers and Palanite Enforcers as well as Warcry's Cypher Lords, to add to the standard Chaos Cultists and converted Cadians that I already have to represent the local mortal populations of different social classes.

Or you could start Adeptus Titanicus :yes: :yes: :yes:

Adeptus Titanicus: the only way to own a Warlord Titan and have it be relatively affordable AND the only way to own an Ordo Sinister Psi-Titan.

Edited by Zephaniah Adriyen

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