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Clearer leak policy?

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This morning's drop into several threads of the leaked, or datamined, flyer was for me, and maybe others, a considerable disappointment. Not for what it contains, but for the fact it definitively ruined at least part of this afternoon's actual announcement.


I was quite enjoying the banter of the wishlisting and speculation thread. Such things are part of the hype and excitement around big announcements, but when the definitive answer about the new edition was dropped, that kills the fun of speculation. It's kind of like a magician telling you what a trick is going to involve before it starts.


Leaks often tend to end the process of anticipation. Instead of the journey from not knowing to knowing being one that's been designed by GW - or others - where the hype builds to a carefully choreographed crescendo; we got the answer unceremoniously dropped into the speculation thread, then openly discussed with no real warning. (Yes, this morning AenarIT put the actual flyer under a Spoiler button, but the description above was not. (Can I also make it clear at the outset that I do not hold any ill-will towards AenarIT or anyone else in anyway for doing it, this is not in any way an attack on any individual.))


We've also seen in recent months that leaks have a tendency to force companies to rush their announcement schedules to compensate. The leak of Tor Garadon's image last year led to an arguably much lower quality announcement video than the other supplement characters received. Although, to be fair, some of the forced announcements GW have had to put out to cover a leak have been some of their best work, (I'm thinking of the genestealer cult models which were accidentally put in the museum cabinet for instance.)


Can we therefore have a clearer policy on how users treat and signpost what are arguably leaks of new information in their posts and threads?


I'm not suggesting that we ban leaks, or prevent people from posting things they've seen around which haven't been officially announced. That would be pointless really, but can we have a conversation about how that information is disseminated? For instance, not dropping leaks into existing threads without warnings and spoiler buttons. Basically giving users enough information about what is under the spoiler button, or contained within the thread, to make the decision for themselves about whether to take the red pill and spoil the news, or take the blue pill and not open that thread, or read that post and wait for the announcement itself.


Another advantage of a clearer policy on the topic, is also that it would give mods a defined mandate to edit and snip posts that spoil things unintentionally to maintain that choice.


Finally, I'm not interested in whether people think leaks are deliberate or not, we've done that debate a lot of times, usually around every leak, and it doesn't really have a bearing on whether or not an individual wants to take either the red or blue pill.

Edited by Brother Adelard
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This morning's drop into several threads of the leaked, or datamined, new edition flyer was for me, and maybe others, a considerable disappointment. Not for what it contains, but for the fact it definitively ruined at least part of this afternoon's actual announcement. 


I was quite enjoying the banter of the wishlisting and speculation thread. Such things are part of the hype and excitement around big announcements, but when the definitive answer about the new edition was dropped, that kills the fun of speculation. It's kind of like a magician telling you what a trick is going to involve before it starts.


Leaks often tend to end the process of anticipation. Instead of the journey from not knowing to knowing being one that's been designed by GW - or others - where the hype builds to a carefully choreographed crescendo; we got the answer unceremoniously dropped into the speculation thread, then openly discussed with no real warning. (Yes, this morning AenarIT put the actual flyer under a Spoiler button, but the description above was not. (Can I also make it clear at the outset that I do not hold any ill-will towards AenarIT or anyone else in anyway for doing it, this is not in any way an attack on any individual.))


We've also seen in recent months that leaks have a tendency to force companies to rush their announcement schedules to compensate. The leak of Tor Garadon's image last year led to an arguably much lower quality announcement video than the other supplement characters received. Although, to be fair, some of the forced announcements GW have had to put out to cover a leak have been some of their best work, (I'm thinking of the genestealer cult models which were accidentally put in the museum cabinet for instance.)


Can we therefore have a clearer policy on how users treat and signpost what are arguably leaks of new information in their posts and threads?


I'm not suggesting that we ban leaks, or prevent people from posting things they've seen around which haven't been officially announced. That would be pointless really, but can we have a conversation about how that information is disseminated? For instance, not dropping leaks into existing threads without warnings and spoiler buttons. Basically giving users enough information about what is under the spoiler button, or contained within the thread, to make the decision for themselves about whether to take the red pill and spoil the news, or take the blue pill and not open that thread, or read that post and wait for the announcement itself. 


Another advantage of a clearer policy on the topic, is also that it would give mods a defined mandate to edit and snip posts that spoil things unintentionally to maintain that choice.


Finally, I'm not interested in whether people think leaks are deliberate or not, we've done that debate a lot of times, usually around every leak, and it doesn't really have a bearing on whether or not an individual wants to take either the red or blue pill.


Without wanting to offend anyone, I find that a bit silly. If you don't want to get something spoiled you shouldn't look like 4h before the reveal into the big rumour threads. Most people are active there because they hope something like that gets posted.

Some would say it's the whole purpose of such threads. Putting those leaks in spoiler tags wouldn't help either because the whole thread will revolve around those for the next few pages anyway.

Personally I like the way leaks are getting handled here and it's one of the reasons why I moved away from other more strict forums.

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It’s understandable that going into the News, Rumours and Announcements forum can sometimes lead to you seeing things that will inevitably have an impact on your excitement levels: both positive and negative.


However. The clue is in the Sub Forums title. I would always suggest, especially given the BIG news incoming from GW, that brothers wishing to view that area think about what they will inevitably see.


The B&C’s NRBA section is where our hottest and freshest meat is served...if your fingers get burned eating it...then like we say...the clue is in the forums title.


It’s a lively, bubbly and exciting sub forum that we do our best to keep on track and on topic.


Happy hobbying!



Edited by battle captain corpus
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I think the fraters point was it wasnt actually IN the News and rumours forum because that thread got closed and a new spec thread made in the general forum, in which spoilers were added amongst all the spec presumably because thats where the rumour discussion was happening, because it wasnt allowed in the Rumour forum ;) 

Someone else did sensibly open a new rumour thread for the leak in the right place.

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In general I quite like an unexpected leak that generates pages of excited discussion. What I don't like is when I have planned to sit down and watch GWs much anticipated reveal and have it spoiled a few hours beforehand. So I guess I am railing against what is a rubbish move by whoever leaked it.


It would be nice if these things could stay in news and rumours if they do have to be dropped early. I can completely understand my frater's disappointment that the excited speculation in the speculation thread was abruptly cut off ahead of time. I had wild delusional visions of primarchs, plastic thunderhawks and catachan resculpts myself!

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I think the fraters point was it wasnt actually IN the News and rumours forum because that thread got closed and a new spec thread made in the general forum, in which spoilers were added amongst all the spec presumably because thats where the rumour discussion was happening, because it wasnt allowed in the Rumour forum ;)


Someone else did sensibly open a new rumour thread for the leak in the right place.

Exactly. The Speculation thread was in Amicus. Someone then created a leaks thread in N+R, and I didn't read it.


I didn't log in over the last few hours to avoid more leaks. But the leaks have been really annoying today. All I really want is a. It more thinking before they're posted.



It’s understandable that going into the News, Rumours and Announcements forum can sometimes lead to you seeing things that will inevitably have an impact on your excitement levels: both positive and negative.


However. The clue is in the Sub Forums title. I would always suggest, especially given the BIG news incoming from GW, that brothers wishing to view that area think about what they will inevitably see.


The B&C’s NRBA section is where our hottest and freshest meat is served...if your fingers get burned eating it...then like we say...the clue is in the forums title.


It’s a lively, bubbly and exciting sub forum that we do our best to keep on track and on topic.


Happy hobbying!



But the leaks were also pasted into an existing thread in Amicus. Which isnt where I expect to go for news?

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I expect to see news everywhere on this site. There's a forum dedicated to news, but news can be relevant to discussions in every other forum (e.g., news about the Necrons is going to appear in the Necrons forum, news that supports/debunks speculation in Amicus is going to be posted in that discussion in Amicus to help the discussion along). It seems unreasonable to think that you're not going to see leaked information hitting the site as soon as a member sees it. And it seems unlikely to me that everyone will follow any requirement to put things in spoiler tags; or that the mods will see things and edit things in time to keep the surprise. Speculation can be fun and all (if you're into that sort of thing), but all of the speculation is completely useless next to the real thing. Imposing some restrictions and requirements on leaks seems like an exercise in futility, going against human nature and the excitement of both sharing and learning about what's really coming down the line.


If you don't want to see the leaks before the preview, you shouldn't visit the B&C until after the preview. Take the time to watch the entire preview and wrap your head around whatever is previewed and then come to the B&C to see all of the hullabaloo.

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I hate to say it but in these days of instant news and the prevalence of social media ingrained into everyday life keeping yourself safe from accidental spoilers means keeping off the internet until you've had time to see the thing in question. It's as simple as that I'm afraid.


We've all not been able to watch the latest episode of a worldwide phenomenon TV series the hour it's released (for example) and accidentally blundered into a spoiler from casual internet browsing. Now, 40K doesn't have the worldwide spread in comparison but the principle remains - you could just as easily see a spoiler on social media. If you want to avoid hobby spoilers in future then I recommend staying off the B&C and other hobby forums/blogs/etc...


Naturally there's no way of knowing when a spoiler may occur but that's a risk we all take the closer a release date gets :turned:

Edited by Arkaniss
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This is true. I wandered into a random thread in NRBA this morning as I was awaiting the beginning of the stream, and accidentally saw the big necron pixilpicture with the SK's throne in it. I noped out immediately, but I had potentially spoilered part of the presentation. As it turned out, I really hadn't, because the ending trailer was phenomenal and the pixelpicture was grand in scale and promise but not much else, and GW's presentation and detail selection was far better. I did spend a fair bit of time worrying that I had spoiled something for myself, but that was the risk I took in going to NRBA.


Needless to say, I avoided the forum for an hour or two. :P

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