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BA and 9th Ed

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Stormtalons look good to me.

  • The changes to vehicle shooting mean they now hit ground targets on a 2+.
  • They have not changed much in points whereas Stormhawks got a hefty price hike.
  • CML gained Blast so if shooting at infantry mobs, you can reliably get 24 shots with the TLAC + CML combo
  • They can now re-enter Reserves (not sure if this will ever be much use but more options is never a bad thing)
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I'm just excited about land speeders

Being able to move and shoot AND they didn't go up in price hardly if at all.


Plus missile launchers have been buffed twice, with dev doctrine making them AP-3 turn 1, and the frag option getting max shots vs hordes, it might not be a bad all rounder weapon again

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Starting small, I think 2 invictus war suits on midfield objectives with a squad of infiltrators on the home objective supported by thunder hammer Intercessors in an impulsor, 3 suppressors and 3 outriders with chaplain on a bike will do a good job of board control, it’s a patrol detachment at 1000pts and should rack up victory points fast,Lots of shots, good in combat, very mobile and very blood angels Edited by redshadow
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I've been thinking of 10 man units of assault marines lately and wondering if a bare unit with UWoF to try and cap objectives on the other side of the table would be a good idea. looking at 10 wounds and 30 Ap-1 CCA's for 170 points. honestly not sure on it, but they are our cheapest JP unit and not so fancy you'd fret over losing a few.

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I've been thinking of 10 man units of assault marines lately and wondering if a bare unit with UWoF to try and cap objectives on the other side of the table would be a good idea. looking at 10 wounds and 30 Ap-1 CCA's for 170 points. honestly not sure on it, but they are our cheapest JP unit and not so fancy you'd fret over losing a few.

They don’t have AP-1 on their chain swords yet since the weapons from Indomitus are Indomitus-only as per the FAQ. It’s not very smart, but it is what it is.


The problem is they aren’t troops, and Vanguard Veterans have better utility, albeit being 100 points more expensive if you kit them out nicely.

Spending the 2 CP on mediocre assault capabilities doesn’t seem worth it atm, especially with the new price tag.


Could try to use a tactical squad in a drop pod with a similar role I think - for more points and with no mobility after the drop, but also in turn 1 and without CP, while being troops.

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I've been thinking of 10 man units of assault marines lately and wondering if a bare unit with UWoF to try and cap objectives on the other side of the table would be a good idea. looking at 10 wounds and 30 Ap-1 CCA's for 170 points. honestly not sure on it, but they are our cheapest JP unit and not so fancy you'd fret over losing a few.

Depending on the battlefield and enemy I could see this work. Capping away objectives means that the enemy will be close from the start, though. They will see a lot of firepower comming at them and they also can be charged 1st round probably. Guess they would be more of a decoy than anything else.

On the other side they pack quite a punch if they really get Astartes chainswords with -1AP. Combined with assault doctrine they are nothing to sniff at which I find fantastic.

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I think the important thing is that even if they die on the opponent's turn, they will already have prevented your opponent scoring due to the fact that VPs are scored at the start of the turn. Doing this a couple of turns in a row could swing a game.

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Starting to sound like infiltrating troops to zone out enemy reinforcements and create landing zones for ours might be important.

I feel like scouts could still be quite useful for this purpose, and even just a turn screening or disrupting your opponent for the cost of the unit is going to be worth it. I've seen a lot of people say that scouts won't be worth it in 9th edition because of the price increase, yet with the price increase being in line with every army's increases, table sizes getting smaller, and a greater emphasis on objectives, I feel like they'll end up more useful than ever.

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Scouts have been solid throughout 8th and look like they will continue to be good (if not outstanding) in 9th. I think that Incursors and Infiltrators will give them some competition though as they are a lot more durable which I think will be important given how scoring looks like it will work in 9th.

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What do you guys think about using terminators? I have about 25, but getting the indomitus box tomorrow so I'd like to use those models too.

I'm thinking of perhaps outrider, interceptors, jump pack death company and land raider crusader with terminator inside for a mobile attack force.


I have a feeling terminators could shine in this edition but not sure.

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Terminators are fun. Who needs good when you can have fun?


That being said, should TH/SS Termie retain their 2+/3++, then they will be almost impossible to shift from an objective in both Light (+1Sv vs shooting) and Heavy (+1Sv vs melee) cover.


Just watch out for mortal wounds.


I think there’s a thread floating around, but with many of the changes since 8th launches (updated Red a Thirst, Bolter Drill, Shock Assault, Stratagems in Blood of Baal, etc...) stock storm Bolter + power fist Termies are actually not terrible for once.

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What does a PF/SB Termie cost in 9th (I have lost the points). Given that Primaris Marines now start at 20 points, a model with 2 wounds, a 2+/5+ save and decent wargear might be worth it if they are not overcosted. They will certainly require a bit of effort on the opponent's part to shift.

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Terminators are fun. Who needs good when you can have fun?


That being said, should TH/SS Termie retain their 2+/3++, then they will be almost impossible to shift from an objective in both Light (+1Sv vs shooting) and Heavy (+1Sv vs melee) cover.


Just watch out for mortal wounds.


I think there’s a thread floating around, but with many of the changes since 8th launches (updated Red a Thirst, Bolter Drill, Shock Assault, Stratagems in Blood of Baal, etc...) stock storm Bolter + power fist Termies are actually not terrible for once.

ive personally always hated how terminators look, so without them also being legitimately good on the table, they've never been a thing i've really bothered with.

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What does a PF/SB Termie cost in 9th (I have lost the points). Given that Primaris Marines now start at 20 points, a model with 2 wounds, a 2+/5+ save and decent wargear might be worth it if they are not overcosted. They will certainly require a bit of effort on the opponent's part to shift.

Based on these leaks, a stock Terminator Squad would be 175pts. 


10W at 2+/5++ with 40x S4 AP0  D:1 shots, with potential full re-rolls and/or +1 To Hit from Strats, and 12x S9 (effectively) AP-3 D:D3 fist swings + 4x S5 (effectively) AP-3 D:1 sword swings, also potentially getting full re-rolls and/or +1 To Hit from Strats...


...and that's before you add in support characters or Doctrines (storm bolters become AP-1 T2, +1A and AP in T3+). 








I don't think so....


I think there's potential. 

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