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Those rules seem quite decent.


Being able to shoot in combat looks pretty balanced. You can only shoot  the unit you are in combat with and  you get -1 to hit. Your other units still can't shoot that unit, so you have to ponder whether is better to stay and shoot with the vehicle or fall back (if possible). It will help those vehicles not getting tarpitted by grots or swarms or stuff like that.


On the new heavy rules, most tank-centered armies (imperial guard, eldar, space marines) already ignored that penalty, so this will mainly help walkers and monsters, which is great, as they are really bad right now.


Both rules are very favorable to GMNDKs (and dreadnoughts, I suppose), so hopefully we'll see them being  playable again in 9th

  On 6/9/2020 at 2:57 PM, Valerian said:

We've got the details for the changes to our Vehicles now.





Have to prioritise those in combat with you (or as they say "Engagement Eange") so no shooting out of combat until all enemies in Engagement range are killed.


Intersting to read later on that it is only infantry now that suffer the -1 to hit when moving with Heavy weapons.

Is it just me. Or is this far longer and more words than it really should be?


Could be because I've been staring at a computer screen all day in work, but I really struggled to read that coherently

Edited by Captain Coolpants

It is simpier than it seems at the first glance. They just had to specifically resolve some problems, which could be raised when shooting in combat. In short, you can shoot in CC you are in, but you will suffer -1 to-hit. In addition, you can decalre other weapons to shoot at any other units, but this will work only if you kill the one you are in combat with first.

When I first posted the link to the article, it did not yet mention the bit about only Infantry now suffering the -1 to Hit when moving and firing a Heavy weapon. Really glad they’ve made that change; I felt it should have been that way all along in 8th. Both of these changes give a huge boost to Vehicles and Monsters in 9th. I’m stoked about any buffs that I can get for my GMNDKs.

We don't have much weapons, which can become blast. I really hope, that they will add this rule to incinerators (or similar). We don't use frag grenades much, because of SBs. 


Maybe, stuff on Stormravens and Stormhawks will benifit form it?

They said everything that has a range, doesn't automatically hit and has random number of shots will be blast. That's missiles on a stormraven and nothing else (well, and grenades against 11+ units with T3). It's a buff to librarians, at least :)

Penalty in close combat is only for heavy cover. Ruins and containers aren't heavy cover, so heavy cover probably refers only to solid barricades when attacking from one side to the other, meaning it will be absolutely irrelevant in competitive play.


Meanwhile,  having the benefit of cover just for being behind an obstable without needing to be on top of it is absolutely huge for grey knights.

Edited by Seizeman
  On 6/11/2020 at 6:51 PM, Corvus Fortis said:

Now you can receive cover in close combat? Cerainly, close combat was too powerful and gunlines needed some buffs.

The Heavy Cover rule actually benefits the melee-focused unit, not the Shooting unit. You don’t get the benefit of the cover if the model making the attack made a Charge move this turn, so the melee dudes charging in get the benefit of cover to their saves when the charged unit hits back, but the unit getting charged get no advantage. This hurts the gunline.

  On 6/11/2020 at 8:54 PM, Captain Coolpants said:

Now that tanks can shoot in combat, cover in combat might not be so bad.

Since it’s still shooting, the Heavy Cover rule won’t help, but Light Cover still will.

Didn't notice anything special. But virtually DSing a plane is nice, of course. Without suffering from "heavy" our light planes can see more play. And with strategic reserves, we can hide SR turn 1, assuring that it shoots all of its weapons at least once. Still don't see it as a competitive option for now.

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