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Black Templar Community Feedback

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In the stream they describe this choice as being the Vets on lone to other companies because they don't want to let non 1st use their special relics. So they're 1st being on lone to 2nd, or some such. I don't know if that was an excuse for bad planning or intentional, but they did make a point to mention Black Templars having different paint variations between crusades, and one of the guys who worked on the models having a large Black Templar army. 



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Is it meant to signify that we have "Company veterans" as well, that aren't actually part of the marshal's household, but part of the different fighting companies of a crusade?


It's still wonderful to finally see a GW painted BT Primaris marine.


Agreed re: nice to see they've painted one, but I don't think we should draw any fluff conclusions from it. BT veterans are the Sword Brethren and should have red trim. They don't need to be loaned to fighting companies and become a part of that company, because elements of the Marshal's household always fight alongside fighting companies, without having to transfer back and forth.

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I really liked that they went into detail on how Crusades can evolve their own heraldry being seperated all across the galaxy. The simple change to the chest aquila was a really nice way to explore and explain this idea as it allows people to really go to town on their Crusade.

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They showed off a Templar Bladeguard at the end of today's painting stream. Might be worth a glance and discussion for those of us who can see it. Was hoping for Ork rules, but eh. BT recognition is never a bad thing.


The way they were talking about it also made it seem as if they were directly responding to the community's presence, so that was sort of interesting.


That was my feeling too. If yesterday have not been that feedback on the facebook page where a lot of people wrote about BT and a few discussions were started....


I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing because its like they just do it now and they never thought BT would be interesting for some people.


In the other case maybe they finally realize whats going on in the fanbase.


THEN i saw them not in the Sword Brethren colors !!!!!!!!!!

On one hand i am sure this is the way I will paint them ( i never used to be a fan of the sword brethren paint scheme - I paint all my BT with a red cross and white shoulder pad) but on the other hand its absolutly frustrating that GW dont know their own fluff. They have absolutly no idea that Sword Brethren are painted very different. Thats absolutly horrifying

Edited by Medjugorje
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I really like the brass Aquila! Funny enough, I made a thread about how I was worried that bone Aquilas wouldn't stand out from cream cloth. Maxime Faleij mentioned that very issue on the stream when he was explaining his choice of brass for the icon.


I'm not sure if I should give everyone brass aquilas or just Bladeguard vets and other models with cloth.

Edited by Mmmmm Napalm
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Having listened to the Stream, I think the black and white shoulder was almost certainly deliberate. They had to work in the Templar into the schedule, as they don't routinely paint Templars. So Max had time to do one. I think therefore, that if you only get to paint one Templar, you go for the classic scheme of black and white, so that it is instantly recognisable to all 40k fans as such. Yeah Red and Black may be the correct scheme. (As 'correct' as anything for the Chapter is...) but this model is awesome.

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"Hey brothers, I can only confirm what Alec edited.


We spoke about it with Max and decided that because it’s been too long since we have presented a Black Templar variante we should probably go for the classic “exemplar” scheme. We also took the opportunity to tweak things a little mostly to make it exciting, unique and different - particularly from his iron hand friend painted at the same time.


It might surprise some, but we are well aware of the background we create and there is actually a bunch of BT fan in the studio - I think Max managing his schedule to paint an extra unrequested templar model speaks for itself! So, the only reason we felt it was okay to do it this way was because as you know, our favorite chapter is not big on rules. Crusades value and defend their independency and each of them are certainly organised in slightly different ways.


So if you want to paint this guys as sword brothers, by all mean do it! Heck that’s how I’ll do mine.

But if you see sword brother as a very specific type of vets or if for some reasons your crusade will never allow a primaris in the brethren ranks or if you think this looks cooler then you have the option

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"It might surprise some, but we are well aware of the background we create..."

This comment gives me the feeling that some obnoxious individual(s) loudly and aggressively claimed otherwise, which mildly upsets me. Corbeil is a nice dude (he helped me with my paint scheme on IG), and Faleij probably is too. I hope that people didn't complain to/spam these two guys directly.

Edited by Mmmmm Napalm
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"It might surprise some, but we are well aware of the background we create..."

This comment gives me the feeling that some obnoxious individual(s) loudly and aggressively claimed otherwise, which mildly upsets me. Corbeil is a nice dude (he helped me with my paint scheme on IG), and Faleij probably is too. I hope that people didn't complain to/spam these two guys directly.

I kind of made a tongue in cheek comment in the original post, but yeah, plenty of people made that exact point. Which is a bit patronising considering the GW team has people like Maxime and Matt Hudson working there.

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