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Marines Revenant


Though not as prolific as the sons of Ultramar or the scions of Dorn, the Blood Angels too did usher into the era of the 2nd founding with a number of successors - and were the great angel of Baal to live still, his heart would surely be filled with pride at the sight of his sons. Few would refuse the aid of the Angels Encarmine, who so fiercely patrol the stars. The Angels Sanguine - though dark in their demeanour - still lend their hand to any and all who cry out for the mercy of the Emperor. Yet amongst the angel's sons, there have grown some chapters that - in dreadful ways - have come to resemble the ancestral Terran IXth Legion of pre-crusade myth. The Flesh Eaters and Blood Drinkers, draped in the finery of their progenitors and with immaculate records of service, still indulge in the ritualized consumption of blood and flesh, like the pale-clad warrior-fiends of old Terra did. The Flesh Tearers - so uncontrolled and unrefined in their anger - perhaps resemble those olden days the most, for far have they fallen in their degeneration of both body and mind. Even we of the Charnel Guard - that mysterious brotherhood of star-dwelling lords - step from our cryo-vaults to dispense great violence upon those that would seek to encroach upon the Emperor's domains. Most curious amongst these brotherhoods - both for their apparent wrath and their nobility - are perhaps those ivory-wrought cousins of the Marines Revenant. Of them I shall speak in these records, dear reader, so that the great duality of Sanguinius' blood and soul may become apparent - read then of the savage decrepitude of the origins that still beat in their hearts and that have become intertwined with the angel's teachings.


Veteran-Sergeant Caraniel, Charnel Guard 2nd Company seconded to the Marines Revenant


We saw them descend from the skies, born by roaring fires and engines of gleaming bone. Fine red markings had been painted upon their armaments and for a moment - the merest of moments - I was reminded of my days in the schola progenium, learning of the God-Emperor's saintly angels and their righteous fury. These were angels, yes, but born of the darkest hour. Tears of dark blood had been painted upon their helmets and funeral masks, and once the enemy approached, I witnessed not war - but slaughter. With bolter and chainsword they met the orks, and once the last bullet had been spent and the final tooth had flown off the chain, they resorted to the most ancient of bellicose implements. Armoured gauntlets went up and down, like a hammer striking the anvil, but instead of shaping iron they shattered bone and pulped meat until even the orks retreated with profound dread scrawled across their porcine faces. But the Pale Angels gave chase unlike any I have ever seen before or would ever see again. With their bare hands and blunted blades they tore into the xenos, until the last ork had been broken apart or ground beneath their threads. I would often dream of their ire - for ire it was. This was not the hot-headed berserk fury that I have seen amongst the Vlka Fenryka, nor was it the uncontrolled anger that would see the Flesh Tearers abandon us upon the killing fields of Praxaedes II - it was a cold and calculated thing, bent fully upon the target and its absolute and utter destruction. They descended upon pinions of black fire, weeping blood and garbed in fine ebony and ivory, yet on that day I saw them for what they were - the blood-soaked Revenant-Angels of our God-Emperor that resides upon Terra.


Lord-Commissar Agatha Marainik, private writings



Chapter Designation: Marines Revenant / col. "Revenants"

Founding: 2nd Founding (Confirmed)

Successors of: Blood Angels

Successor Chapters: None confirmed, Charnel Guard suspected

Number: 59 (Unconfirmed)

Primarch: Sanguinius, the Great Angel of Baal

Homeworld: Fleet-Based Chapter

Allegiance: Imperium of Man (Fidelitas in Extremis)

Colours: Cold White and Black



Honour and Discipline

As above, so below

As within, so without


Marines Revenant, Battle-Chant



888.m32 The Great Astropath Wars: Though history would remember little of this war, be it due to the simple decay and lack of transcription or the obfuscation through His holy Ordos, it is known through the recovered writings of several Astropath clades that the Marines Revenant had deployed during this engagement. We may never know what the purpose or aim of such a war was, if it had been a rebellion or just some ordinary trade-conflict, but what we do know thanks to the recollections of the Silver Skulls' extensive librarium is that not only did the Marines Revenant deploy to further Terra's interests in the conflict, but that their whole chapter acted as a brutal sledgehammer within the northern confines of the Segmentum Solar. The chapter refuses any inquiries as to its specific involvement in said conflict - which is highly unusual considering its otherwise quite forthcoming nature in collaborative efforts of historiography. One cannot be sure, but perhaps the conflict constitutes a mark of shame for the chapter, for it refers to the period as "The Days of Blackened Tears."


ca. m34 The Pale Wasting: From beyond the Ghost Stars came a foul and dreadful terror unlike few that had thus far been visited upon the Imperium of Man. Though the true nature of said threat has been kept under the tightest of seals, it is known that a full twenty space marine chapters were destroyed in this conflict, and a dozen more would barely survive to fight another day. The Marines Revenant seconded a full four companies to the conflict - of which only thirty-seven battle-brothers would return to the fold of their chapter.


ca. 200.m36 The Reign of Blood: Amongst the most outspoken critics of Vandire's increasing instability, the Marines Revenant would be one of the first Adeptus Astartes chapters to throw in their lot with the sermonist known as Sebastian Thor. Their proficiency in boarding actions and close-quarter engagements would prove to be invaluable during the many grueling Zone Mortalis actions that would mark out this era of conflict. One cannot help but question as to why the chapter would become such a fervent proponent of Thor, considering that it is known for its refusal of Ecclesiastical dogma and beliefs. Though softening in their rejection of faith in recent centuries, many a conflict has been made more complicated by the Marines Revenant's refusal to take orders from or firmly integrate alongside religiously adherent military factions of the Imperial war-machine, such as the Black Templars or the Adepta Sororitas.



The origins of the Marines Revenant speak of their Father-Legions great internal duality: of the Savage and the Beatific. It is known that prior to the reunion of Sanguinius and his sons, the IXth Legion - informal designation "Revenant Legion" - had been known for an appaling sense of brutality upon the battlefield, oftentimes even resorting to acts of gruesome cannibalism following individual battles. So offensive had such behaviour been, that the Emperor and his generals had deliberately kept the legion apart from other forces and used them as a weapon of mass destruction that could rely on its own strength - or burn itself out in the process of war-making. What more, the legion had been known to mass-recruit the genetic dregs of Terra and beyond into its ranks - a practice that was met with frightening success, despite the arcane implantation methods inherent in the lineage of Sanguinius.


The Great Angel would seek to amend this broken nature, cleanse it with his love and shackle it through discipline - a plan that would transform one of the most horrifying entities of the early Imperial war-machine into what can only be described as the epitome of the Astartes program. What had once been unsightly and the speech of nightmares, had become the red-clad, artistic vision of a bright imperial future. The future of the IXth legion would be forever changed, from dreadful beasts to be put to the blade to the great Idealis.


Terrans and Baalites would be bound together in this new legion and the changes would last eternal for all that followed. Yet, following Sanguinius' death at the hands of thrice-cursed Horus, some of the chapters created from the legio Blood Angels would - to various degrees - return to rituals and cultural artefacts of their Terran past. The Blood Drinkers still carry one of the legion-icons of those dark days as their emblem - the Cup Sanguis, from which they still partake in ritual consumption of blood. The Flesh Eaters returned to the practice of mass-carnivorism of the enemy. None, however, would appear as such a distinct echo of the olden days as the Marines Revenant do - a much distorted echo, but one nonetheless.



230-419.m38 The Katheka Cleansing: Aided by elements of the Charnel Guard, the Raptors, the Dark Angels and several regiments of the Vostikhan Fusilliers, the Marines Revenant would be sent out to clear the way into the reaches of the Katheka Cluster. The chapter's willingness to use of their overactive Omophagea to great extents would provide the Raptors chapter with crucial intel and lead to the capture of key individuals - noted to have been of interest to the Dark Angels - as well as the swift elimination of separatist command structures. Together, the Charnel Guard and the Revenants would go on to break the Kathekan Separatists and raze their cities to ashes in a display of fury not uncommon amongst the children of Sanguinius. Severon, then-acting chapter master of the Raptors, is recorded as saying that never before had he seen such wanton destruction executed with such cold, methodical precision. With their morale broken, the Kathekan Separatists would swiftly capitulate and stand down. Following the required executions and population cleansings, the Marines Revenant are recorded as conducting extensive searches of separatist ships. As to what the purpose of this was can only be speculated, but it bears mention that many vessels would report depleted slave-holds in their underbellies following the sweeps - "The pale gods came, with tears of blood and armed with knives and saws and drills, to take our own and share with them their terrible divinity."


328.m39 The Descent of Ruin: Following a three decade long siege of the Fathrin system, xenos-enslaved pirates would be pushed back to the hive world of Khashan IIIb. Noted for its particularly ancient void-shields, the main hive would resist the approach of the Imperial Guard with tooth and nail, eventually drawing far more blood than had initially been allocated to the conflict. The reigning Lord-Commissar Agatha would request the aid of any and all military forces within the vicinity of Khashan. Elements of the Marines Revenant's 1st, 3rd and 7th company would siftly come to their aid, following a resupply run. After a successful infiltration of the hive via veteran elements of the chapter, the void shields would fall and trigger a full invasion of the structure. Lord-Commissar Agatha is noted as recounting assault marines carried by wings of steel - now identified as the chapter's equivalent of the more traditional Sanguinary Guard - descending upon the spires and visiting terrible destruction upon the orkoid leadership. She would later on describe them as shriekmawed, blood-soaked things - a far cry from the usually angelic appearence of such formations. The acting captain - his name remains unrecorded - informed the Lord-Commissar that "Angels have always descended to visit terrible and bloody punishment upon those that oppose their creator. Why then, shouldn't they have hands daubed in blood?"


799.m41 A Pale King falls, a Pale King rises: Following a protracted engagement with the Black Legion, the reigning chapter master Vladan would succumb to his wounds within the core bunker complex of Harthîn's World. Though the enemy had been destroyed in a pyrrhic victory, the present elements of the Adeptus Mechanicus noted an unusual irritability amongst the Marines Revenant. Several apothecaries and senior individuals of the chapter descended into the complex and locked the gate behind themselves - much to the protests of their allies. It is only later recoveries of the bunker's vid-feed via Inquisitorial agents that the purpose of said incursion is understood. Several acting captains are observed as they ingest significant portions of Vladan's nervous tissue and brain-stem. Following several minutes of silence, one captain - noted as a certain Captain Sentini - is seen to identify himself as "the Pale King risen anew." Much as had been rumoured about the terran IXth Legion, the Marines Revenant engage in ritualistic cannibalisation of their seniors' brain-tissue for the purposes of preserving knowledge, combat-efficiency and experience. It is thus no surprise that a battle-brother by the name of Vladan is identified as the chapter's master a mere two years following this incident. The chapter is noted henceforth as peculiar in practice and worthy of continued observation, despite no immediate threat to Imperial safety.



The Marines Revenant are curious in that they have returned to many of the practices that originated in their terran predecessors and - according to history - made them such an efficient, if blunt force. They are known to ingest nominal amounts of nerve-tissue from their fallen officers, thus disseminating knowledge and even personalities amongst their own - a practice that, while distasteful, has shown to provide the chapter with a gleaming cadre of officers, leaders and even tech-marines. Further on, the chapter is alleged to have engaged in the practice of mutant-implantation in times of dire needs - an allegation that has been met with deadly force if voiced in their presence. This terran heritage can even be seen in their demeanour and garb. Their plate is a cold, pallid white, hemmed with black and though it is bereft of the old ritualistic blood markings, it carries the ubiquitous tears of blood that have come to be one of the chapter's visual hallmarks. They are as beatific as any sons of Sanguinius, but they are noted for a particular gauntness of features and a particularly high presence of Haemolacria amongst sub-sections of their battle-brothers - a medical condition that results in tears being partially composed of blood.


Still, much of Sanguinius' teaching can be seen in the finery of their plate and armaments. Though not as ostentatious as those of the Angels Resplendent or the Blood Angels, they carry an understated air of quality and care of their own. As for codex-adherence, it is difficult to state anything with certainty. The Marines Revenant have been observed to field the full complement of ten companies, though the count of space marines present within them is estimated to far exceed the usually allowed complement of 1000 individuals - an oddity that has thus far been disregarded due to the chapter's nature as a crusading force. They seem to readily accept the wisdoms taught within the Codex, amalgamating it with Sanguinius' own wisdom and their own ways of war and thought. Apart from that, not much can be gleaned externally when it comes to their own chapter-cult. It is clear that they - like many chapters of their founding - venerate the Emperor as an apex creator, yet also fundamentally regard him as a mortal man. It is their veneration of Sanguinius as a martyr that is most apparent. The chapter seems to place a disproportionately high focus on their progenitor within their culture, idealizing him as both teacher and sacrifice alike.


Old legion records insinuate that following the Siege of Terra and the interment of Sanguinius upon Baal, many remaining Terran elements of the legion would congregate around each other, unsure as to their future within the greater scheme of things and worried that they would be fully subsumed now that the careful balance of their father had been removed from the legion's bosom. Raldoron - then-Archein of Wisdom and legion master - would be met by a praetor under the name of Vladan - then-Archein of Wrath and Terran by birth - and met with a proposal. Those Terrans - and Baalites who found themselves somehow unfit amongst their own brethren - would form their own chapter and practice what little wisdom their origins had given them, yet exhult Sanguinius' teachings so that they may never fall back into the olden paths. It would be the rebirth of tools and methods that had no place amongst the Baalites but would surely be useful in the dark days to come. After long deliberation with the other Archeins, Raldoron would allow such an endeavour, but only under the provision that the now-born Marines Revenant would never forget the lessons Sanguinius taught them in his life - and his death.




Hey everyone! So, I've long been thinking about opening a thread that is focused more on the 40k side of things as I have felt my interests branch out of the heresy lately. A lot of this will be focused on my Homebrew Blood Angel force - the Marines Malevolent - but there will also be Killteam and Necromunda stuff in here, as well as Necrons, once the new stuff is released!


I hope everone will enjoy the new offerings while I search for more of the Omega and Blood Drop transfers from the BA Transfer sheet :)

  • 1 month later...

Censum Culturalis I


Ah, of course - the legion died when Sanguinius, beloved by all, was felled by the Archtraitor's hand. The IXth fell and from its ashes rose the Children of the Blood. Though it may seem hard for you to understand, cousin, it can - without the slightest shadow of a doubt - be said that none loved their father more than we did. Not the traitors that chose primarchs over loyalty, nor those whose loyalty was galvanized in the fires of the Heresy. I mean no insult, but it is thus: before the arrival of the great angel of Baal, we were nothing. Deliberately kept away from prying eyes, set upon the worst and left to our own devices, we were beasts that prowled the stars, ate the dead and cut apart those that lived. Ours was a lot comparable to the degeneracy that befell the Eaters of the Worlds or the Lords of the Night. When Sanguinius beheld his sons, arrayed in their pale, blood-stained plate and marred by the stench of charnel, he had nothing but love to show us. He alone - amongst all his brethren - knelt before his sons. It is not we that pledged ourselves to him, but it is he that offered himself to us - body, soul, mind and heart alike. And we loved him for it - not respected, but loved. He remade us. The beast, though never extinguished, was caged and garbed in finery of discipline and truthfullness - monsters became angels. Sanguinius gave us everything. He gave us a future. Thus we cried when he fell and to this day his passage has left a dark mark upon all his children. The Marines Revenant are shades of what was and what became - echoes of the Terran Revenants and half-images of the Baalite Angels that followed. We are both and yet neither - we are beasts and angels. Ours is the spite and hatred, for we will never forget and we will never forgive. We will hound the traitors eternally and we will not rest until the blood-debt has been repaid - even if it means grinding ourselves to a stump. What was taken from us can never be replaced. Never.


Veteran Sergeant Ksandru


Rebels of Praxadium II - we of the Marines Revenant have come to visit the Emperor's judgement upon your cities and your people. Your failures have not gone unnoticed - and neither have your heresies. We know that you harbour the Xenos amongst your midst. You harbour the enemy while you refuse to pay the tax of blood and steel - you refuse the Emperor's due. No quarter shall be given, no amnesty shall be granted. Praxadium II shall burn and be made a system-wide example for all those who entertain the idea of following down your path.


Final transmission issued by the Lex Sanguis above Praxadium II


They come, every fifteen or so solar years. Always polite, always forthcoming - how strange that such angels of vengeance can act with such decorum. Beatific, yet the stench of blood clings to them, no matter how polished their armour is - never pure white, never unmarred. But I digress. They come - yes - and ask to be allowed to forcibly recruit from our gangs and our underhive. Sometimes there are volunteers amongst the rest of the population - particularly nobles see it as fashionable. They always ask - they never demand. I wonder what would happen if we refused them for once. Would they just leave? I doubt it. Ah well, who are we to complain - it keeps the collective underbellies of our hives somewhat in check, after all.


Svana, Governor of Josip's Fall


Log Entry 21: They found us. After searching for several solar years, the Marines Revenant found us. We were sure that they had evaded us on purpose - searching to escape the Inquisition via the obstinate means so common amongst their kind. Then we had feared that the vastness of space had simply devoured them. More than one chapter has found its silent end in these ignoble times. Their approach, though sudden, was courteous, almost soft-natured when compared to the chapters I have thus far interacted with. The taciturn Mortifactors and the brash Vlka Fenryka in particular had given us grief, but no such trouble came with the Marines Revenant. Approach, identification, exchange of chronometrics and invitations - all followed in diligent order.

We were to be invited aboard the Lex Sanguis - The Law of Blood in the common tongue. She was a dark and brooding mistress - an Avenger Class Grand Cruiser that cut across the stars with surprising elegance. Surely a remnant of the Great Crusade, it is not difficult to see why the chapter decided to stay starbound with a ship that is bristling with such weaponry. Some modifications appear to have been made, such as additional armour on the prow and my tech-adepts inform me that the visible parts of the thruster array are decidedly non-standard - even for a ship of such seasoned provenance. My admiration was cut rather short as I was informed that representatives of our mission had been called aboard the Lex Sanguis. It appeared that we were to join a customary feast.


A chapter mission had been arrayed to greet us. A full complement of armed bondsmen and three Astartes had awaited us on the other side of the iron gate. The bondsmen had been dressed in impeccably kept greatcloaks and shined heavy flak armour - I was indeed reminded more of proper guardsmen than simple voidmen. A note of inquiry for the future. Two of the space marines had worn the full complement of warplate - mixed mark suits painted in off-white and framed with sable, their combi-flamers slung across the shoulders. Unnerving was their choice of - shall we say - warpaint. Dark, almost black trails of tears running from their eyelenses. I was instantly reminded of cults I had discovered on the western fringes of the galaxy, where ritual eye-gouging was practiced amongst the priest-caste as a means of communing with the God-Emperor.

More surprising - and far more unnerving - was the third astartes. A veteran who would introduce himself by the name of Ksandru - a degradation of the Terran panslavic Aleksandru - and had been the only one that met us with his face bared. His head was shorn, the thin-lipped mouth framed by a black beard and as beautiful as any that had been born of the Angel's lineage - despite the scars that crisscrossed his face. His eyes were as blue as fenrisian ice, but from them sprang weepings that resembled the warpaint applied by his battle brethren.

Ksandru wept blood.


The introductions - despite the physiological aberration - had been perfectly pleasant. Gifts of welcome had been exchanged - a particularly fine example of Mechanicus artistry had been laid into my hands. An inferno pistol, sized for mortal hands and encased in polished brass. Only closer inspection revealed the many engravings and chasings that had been wrought across the gleaming housing and barrel - a work of art almost too beautiful to use. Indeed, judging by my own observations and what pict-images my acolytes could gather, the Marines Revenant not only kept ship and armaments in as immaculate of a condition as possible, but practiced the same type of finery and artistry that I had observed amongst the Blood Angels, Angels Numinous and Blood Drinkers.

We had preciously little to give to the chapter - a fact that had been lamented with dry humour by Ksandru, yet had seemingly not been taken as an insult. Instead, we had informed the veteran that we had come with a singular purpose - to collect as much knowledge of the God-Emperor's one thousand chapters as we could and bring them again across the rift, so that the knowledge may serve greater purposes than could be divulged at the time.

Ksandru explained that there would be time for that, but that such endeavour could wait until the 'proper ceremonies had been observed.' Our journey across the Lex Sanguis was short, but several things could be gleaned from it. The chapter made a point of appeasing machine spirits wherever it could. Sacred unguents were being burnt around every corner, gantries had been hung with long prayer rolls and constant congregations of red-garbed serfs took loving care of the ship while softly chanting. At first, I mistook them for Techpriests, but Ksandru would quickly correct me - this was the "Crimson Sodality." An amalgamation of serfs immersed in parts of the chapter cult and partially invested with knowledge by the shipbound Techpriests and Techmarines - a sort of inbetween clade, as far as I understand it. Far less useful than any properly trained personnel, yet far more useful than those given only the barest of knowledge.


I could not help but question Ksandru concerning his condition - the blood that continually dribbled from his eyes. A medical condition, he informed me, called Haemolacria in the apothecarium's texts. Commonly associated with miracles and faith, it was usually far more mundane in nature as it was caused by bacterial infections or hormonal imbalances. Both had been excluded in the chapter's case and - following rigorous testing by both Mechanicus personnel and the chapter's apothecaries - it had been concluded that it was merely a weakness of the tissues enveloping the tear ducts coupled with an incapacity to properly coagulate such microscopic tears. A degradation of the gene-seed - a pity, but to be expected after ten millennia of existence. Ksandru estimated that a good two-thirds of his battle-brothers had been afflicted with the condition.

Why paint it upon the battle-plate, I had inquired, surely a chapter would want to hide such...deficiencies. The veteran would proceed to explain that - while the source of the issue was comparatively mundane - the chapter ascribed much mystic symbolism to this over-abundance of Haemolacria. It symbolizes the pain that they feel over the passing of their father-primarch to this day - a wound that cannot seal and thus will always invoke tears of bitter sorrow. He would go on to point out the various faces that had been carved and sculpted into the ship. Angelic images, each and every one of them representing a facet of Sanguinius and his sons - and all of them wept dark trails.

"Mystical or not - we bear our tears proudly and never in shame," Ksandru had concluded, "Sanguinius gave us purpose in life, moulded us and made us greater. In death too did he teach us his lessons. We weep, because the Host lost its Archangel. Better that we lament openly than let it fester within us."


--Signed, Inquisitor Iago Sahatrîn--




A little black and white update for everyone - I have built a couple of minis for this project and am currently planning a more elaborate Gravis Captain conversion. As most of you can guess, this thread has been particularly inspired by Apologist's Gatebreakers - a project that has done much to reinvigorate my Space Marine fever for 40k despite my strong pull towards 'Crons (Though there will be skellybots soon in a separate thread, so get ready for that.)
@Talthus: Thanks man! There is quite a few things comming - mostly infantry as I try and figure out a way to get more transfers.
@Bjorn Firewalker: Cheers!
@lalabox: Thanks! I've been working at this on and off for the better part of a year, its nice to see it finally see the light of day :smile.:
@Majkhel: Glad you like it! I'll be trying to put out a few more regular updates in the future.
@AHorriblePerson: Cheers mate! Yeah I feel that the pre-primarch legions in general offer a lot of interesting stuff for successor chapters. Curious to see what FW gives us on the Dark Angels - might do some stuff there too, or roll up that proper Arthurian Chapter I have been dreaming about.
Well, that is all for the moment. I am working rather much at the moment, but do not fret - investments into the chapter's future are being made! On further note, I recently made a poll on IG and the results were pretty indicative - sometimes towards the end of August I will be creating a blog where I will be publishing more in-depth stuff about the lore that I write and my projects - all of it for free of course. Expect to something in that vein soon :smile.:

Edited by The Observer

These are great, excellent chapter name and narrative and I really like the omega + blood drop logo - very ominous, has sense of finality to it - v. Grimdark!


Also is that a custom bolter? Looks like a more updated RT sickle mag. I want one

Digging the model and the fluff - I like how you're marrying the two different cultures of the 9th together. Been writing away at a Revenant Legion-inspired chapter myself and it's really interesting to see how people tweak the stuff from Book 8.


@Sandalphon - That's an oop Umbra-pattern bolter from Forge World. They used to sell them together with bayonet attachments, but they were removed from the range a long while ago.

Edited by AHorriblePerson
  • 4 months later...

Censum Culturalis II

The sea of ashen white parted and amongst the Revenants there walked a titan of black chased with gold. Dark, iron wings hung above his shoulders - a hateful eagle that cast its malevolent gaze upon all of us. Emblems of death festooned the grim lords armour. Visages of the God-Emperor, skeletal angels and reliquiaries encrusted with incense resins. Each step shook the earth and the long, two-handed mace dragged deep furrows into the dust - Had I not known any better, I would have thought that Death himself had descended upon us. Most horrid of it all, though, had been his eyes. Orbs of ice-blue, set in crimson scleras that constantly wept dark blood.

Anton, 29th Harakooni Regiment

These Ofanim are unlike other chaplains I have encountered before. Unlike those of the Black Templars and Marines Errant - both chapters I have had the pleasure to work alongside with - they do not conduct long sermons, nor do they usher into war with war-chants upon their lips. Instead, they are dark, dour individuals and being sought out by them - as far as I understand it - is considered a terrible omen amongst the Revenants and yet, conversely, none of them show any inhibition to seek out their council in private. Matter of fact, it is something they often do when in transit. Of their resentment towards the Ecclesiarchy I could write whole volumes. Indeed, they reject any deification of the God-Emperor - they consider that term deeply offensive and firmly rebuke its use in their presence. Instead, they seem to harbour a more secular view of the galaxy, one nevertheless shaped by deep ritual and spiritualism within the chapter. In that way, they much resemble the Vlka Fenryka's Wolf Priests. Individuals of strong convictions, only speaking when needed but also the nexus of their chapter's spirit and philosophy. There is yet much to learn about the Revenants.

Sahatrîn, private writings

And to the Ofanim - my burning eyes - I must entrust the direst of responsibilities. You must be my righteous eyes, so that you may gaze upon that which eludes me. You must be my unflinching hands, for if you falter then we shall fall apart. Where you see doubt, you must offer assurance. Where you see weakness, you must weed it out. Words and blades are your weapons alike. Know that the hearts of your brethren are laid bare before you, so that you may strengthen them where you can, or rend them asunder where they prove too fallible. It is a difficult duty, one that will bring you love and resentment alike. Dwell then, in the shadows of my court. Bear the duty others never could. Thus is my wish. Thus is my decree.

Lord Sanguinius, during the Legion's grand restructuring ca. m30





Back after a long, long while. As some may have noticed, I have been posting a lot more on Instagram than here - this has partially been simpy due to ease of access, but partially also relating to personal issues I have had with this site for a while now. Posting will continue more regularly from now on, especially as I have a bit more time on my hands to paint now.


@Sandalphon: Thanks man! Yeah eschatology and the omega as a symbol will feature a lot more prominently once I get around to writing some more fluff for the chapter, rest assured! Also the bolter is indeed a more modern version of the RT bolter - they are produced by forgeworld, it is the Umbra Pattern Set as others have pointed out and it is actually back in production again :)


@AHorriblePerson: Cheers! Yeah I have taken a particular interest in legion sub cultures and am actively trying to reimagine them into chapters where I can. I have one for the Dark Angels in the works as well right now, mostly focused on a mix of the Dreadwing and Firewing, as well as a pagan-slavic chapter of hybrid founding so expect to see them as well!


@Bjorn FIrewalker: Thanks! Nope, it's just some line marine I made - but Ksandru is in the works!


@Yosef Hausakluif: Cheers man! Yeah I've actually got a bunch more fluff lined up but I just need to make some progress with the minis x)


@Gederas: Thanks! Definitely trying to expand this thread as much as possible right now :)

  On 11/16/2020 at 3:00 AM, The Observer said:

@AHorriblePerson: Cheers! Yeah I have taken a particular interest in legion sub cultures and am actively trying to reimagine them into chapters where I can. I have one for the Dark Angels in the works as well right now, mostly focused on a mix of the Dreadwing and Firewing, as well as a pagan-slavic chapter of hybrid founding so expect to see them as well!

Can't wait! The Ofanim is looking excellent, too. I'm a big fan of that mace head.

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