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9th Edition: Reflections and Predictions for AM

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Whilst building my sentinels trying to figure the best weapon for them in 9th came back to the multi laser vs autocannon conundrum of 8th


Decision is easy now though apparently the multi laser is one of the cheapest vehicle weapons at 5pts vs AC of 15 so I guess it'll come down to how many pts I have

3x S6 shots at a constant BS4+ isn't terrible

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Started this as predictions thread - its getting pretty mammoth!


Suggest ADMIN that we lock it now - other threads as we are discussing actual reality now pts and rules are available.


ALSO - do I get a prize for posting first 9th edition pts ARMY LIST.....



Well 9th isn't out yet, despite a lot of the rules being shown and the core being teased

Once people have books in hand then we can close it down and have more dedicated discussions as not everyone has access to pre-release information


As for your prize see Shamansky's response above :tu::FA:

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Vox-casters are actually useful now because officers can't be the center of a web of guard squads if you want to keep the officer safe. 


Well even now Voxcasters are way overcosted. Maybe if the Commander gets an Wargear option so he have a little voxcaster himself, so you don't have to pay 10 Points per Order.

But with the shrinking Importance of Troops in 9.Ed, i quest i won't really bother with to many Infantry Squads anymore.

Edited by domsto
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There's a few things in there that didn't have their points adjusted...notably the Stormhammer and various Leman Russ. Bit strange in all honesty. I wouldn't mind getting the Conqueror back at a comparable points level to a standard Russ, it was filthy good early in 8th. :D
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  • 2 months later...

So. Marines leaked. And what bothers me somehow more than anything is that smoke launchers are a 1CP stratagem now for units with the SMOKESCREEN keyword. If that will be true for the Guard too and tank orders will stay the same, than 'strike and shroud' can become attractive from an unexpected side.

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It's a bit of a shame. With my wall of Chimeras moving up they pretty much always popped smoke after advancing on the mid-objectives now.


But it will be good to better protect those key units that you just can't get behind dense terrain. I know I've had my Manticore sniped a few times, being able to protect those pieces without giving up shooting is nice.


Overall it's a side-grade more than anything else I think.

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That seems rather convoluted, not sure why it needs to be a Stratagem? :confused: I didn't use it every game but this likely means not at all now...


The design intent with that (and meltabombs, etc) seems to be reducing unit spam if the unit was taken for a specific ability. Previously one could have something like two or three 5-man Infiltrator squads, deployed mid-board for example, all using smoke during turn 1. Now only one of those units can use smoke in the same turn. We may see less Infiltrators or a consolidation into a single squad of 10.

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I'll decide if that is a buff or a nerf for me when i see what will be left of the Guard in the codex. For now i think it would be a nerf inspite of pinpoint usage of smoke. The Guard has alredy lost its' main advantage of big CP-pool that used to help compete with other armies and now, when they already make us pay for extra detachments and overwatch, adding smokelaunchers and meltabombs as stratagems would shorten the CP amount even further. The quality and quantity (with new hiked prices) of our units do not give the Guard staying power in this camping objectives game. We had plenty of CPs to manage this comparing to other armies, but now we don't. 

Edited by Shamansky
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