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9th Edition: Reflections and Predictions for AM

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Interestingly RAW, we can use indirect fire on characters with noone within 3”.

Pardon me, but i do not see where this came from. RAW your indirect firing model needs at least to see an enemy character to shoot at them. I'd like to see the whole ruleset before making any assumptions on that matter.


RAW. If theres nothing within 3” then it can be targeted.


The rest of the rule says:

However, if there is a unit within 3”, it has to be visible and the closest enemy model.


But the first condition allows indirect fire.

Edited by Wassa
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The end of smash captains?

A small change in how they are used mostly. I can only speak to BA Smash Captains but the initial use of those guys is unaffected because they are using forlorn fury or wings of fire or deep strike to jump forward and make the charge. They are still getting that first charge unopposed. What changes is the after the first target is killed. In 8th keep Smash alive meant rushing other units forward to help screen smash from all or some shooting so he could move on to his next target. With new rules that screening gets trickier as the screen has to be close to the captain and closer to the enemy. That's a lot tougher than just having a forward unit of scouts or a rushed Impulsor.


The real change is that reserves can arrive in your deployment zone straight into combat and counts as making a charge. Given that most Smash Captain targets will be deep in the AM deployment zone, a trio of Ogryns with clubs held in reserve could be a potent deterrent or limiter on aggressive unit charges. Yes, Smash will still eat something but he's going to get put down in short order if he's used too aggressively.

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I do hope the commissar rule gets a rework


As it is I suspect just taking the attrition roll is better than automatically take another casualty to avoid it

That is unless you have multiple negative modifiers against the attrition roll

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I wouldn't worry about Commissars yet, such changes we'll find out eventually - though it does look like probably only with the full reveal/release. GW has stated their intent was to make morale less of an all or nothing thing, and this will do that - still the scope for punishing morale phases, but also the chance for the opposite. A Guardsman squad that takes a few casualties is now no longer immediately written off which is good.


Strategic Reserves is a rather nice addition, provides lots of tactical flexibility. It might not seem as beneficial to Guard on the surface but what about outflanking some Sentinels to cause mischief? Or some Bullgryns ready to punish the enemy who reaches your deployment? I'll be looking forward to hearing how early games go and of how people make use of this addition. Theoretically it should make for my dynamic games and reduce the impact of not getting first turn.

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I do hope the commissar rule gets a rework


As it is I suspect just taking the attrition roll is better than automatically take another casualty to avoid it

That is unless you have multiple negative modifiers against the attrition roll


I did the math, Summary Execution is worthwhile if you're going to end up rolling 14-15 or more dice for Combat Attrition.


EDIT: or if you're going to end up rolling 7-8 dice if the Combat Attrition roll is 1-2.

Edited by jaxom
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I think morale change is a definate net benefit for guard. Mostly because they are going to buggers to clear completely. So knocking off an objective will probably mean over commiting resources to ensure all dead.


Conscripts will become great chaf again, especially if you can still buff them (take cover/psy barrier etc).


Wonder how mental fortitude will play out now.


As an aside 2 concript squads can completely lock out deep strike from strat reserves from turn 2 onwards if they go first. 20 models can easily create a ring around table edge along one side with another doing opposite on the other. 6" in from edge adding 9" for deny deepstrike bubble is 15" zoned out. or 30" cumulatively. Interesting.

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I think morale change is a definate net benefit for guard. Mostly because they are going to buggers to clear completely. So knocking off an objective will probably mean over commiting resources to ensure all dead.


Conscripts will become great chaf again, especially if you can still buff them (take cover/psy barrier etc).


Wonder how mental fortitude will play out now.


As an aside 2 concript squads can completely lock out deep strike from strat reserves from turn 2 onwards if they go first. 20 models can easily create a ring around table edge along one side with another doing opposite on the other. 6" in from edge adding 9" for deny deepstrike bubble is 15" zoned out. or 30" cumulatively. Interesting.


This was my thought as well. Looks like Conscripts could be back on the menu! 


Thoughts on the Hail of Fire stratagem? I could see this being very strong with a reworked Vanquisher Battle Cannon. Edge playable as is with just Pask, so hitting on 2+.

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I think dial moved towards guard in last 48 hours. The -1 max change to hit significantly buffs guard. (also other BS4 armies). Can't see a flyer with a missile launcher in an infantry squad.... just move and fire. no worse off....

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That's old news :P It will make 9th more mobile especially on heavy weapons. The recent news is the Fly keyword will no longer allow a unit to fall back from combat and still shoot - not something that will impact Guard too much though. Guard's Fly vehicles are few and likely to be recategorised as Aircraft, and Guard don't usually concern themselves too much with combat :P

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Aircraft should be the exception to that rule really. Though worst case scenario we go into hover mode and as it's a vehicle we can shoot whoever took us into combat, which also makes no logical sense.

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So in the combat patrol article day it shows that Patrol detachments cost 2 cp


Is it worth spending those 2 cp for a custom Scion force?

For me it depends on how much our forces go up in total cost. Pt wise it might make more sense to just have the Scions fill out my Battalion as I'd been doing prior to the new PA rules.

Although I do hope that's not the case

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Yes, that seems a notable drawback for Stormies? I'm presuming that GW have something in store to help out the smaller factions in this regard, such as Dark Eldar Cults and Covens. It's not just lore appropriate it's the only real way to get these factions on the table, they can't scale beyond small games otherwise. That or flesh them out fully, I'd take that solution too :P

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Aircraft should be the exception to that rule really. Though worst case scenario we go into hover mode and as it's a vehicle we can shoot whoever took us into combat, which also makes no logical sense.

There we go. Todays update states Aircraft are now exempt!

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