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Primark G vs PriMarneus

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Dreads are looking pretty good for the points in some instances. Contemptors went down.


210 points for 4 Las Cannons and 2 Krak missiles on a fast moving, t7 unit with an invul that can reduce damage.

No one is saying they are a must take, either.


Of course the rules could change in the next FW index.

Edited by Ishagu
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I mind it less for Dreads (and vehicles in general) because I don't feel I need to clump them up with infantry as much. Guilliman on the other hand is more symbiotic with infantry. He wants to support them with his auras and he wants their protection to stay alive. That's a bit harder to do when the infantry want to be advancing through ruins for their own protection, and Guilliman can't go with them.


It might work out fine - LOS blocking might be enough to not need to always advance through ruins. Like I said, I want to see it on the table before I reach any conclusions.

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I'm rocking 3 going on 4 Cpt's, and as many Lt.

I've always preferred home brew characters.

Although I was smashing face with Primarneus end of 8th. With our banner, an Apothecary and the Victrix Guard they were murder.

Bobby G still sits in his box, on sprue, Temple of Hera style.


So the consensus is go custom character?


I'm a casual player only. I don't mind winning, but having a good time is my goal.

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I'm rocking 3 going on 4 Cpt's, and as many Lt.

I've always preferred home brew characters.

Although I was smashing face with Primarneus end of 8th. With our banner, an Apothecary and the Victrix Guard they were murder.

Bobby G still sits in his box, on sprue, Temple of Hera style.

So the consensus is go custom character?

I'm a casual player only. I don't mind winning, but having a good time is my goal.

BobbyG, Calgar, Tiggy and Cassius are too good imo to go custom. They give buffs not available with roll your own heroes. I think it’s too early to say there is a consensus.

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For what it’s worth I typically play him defensively and use him as a counter assault unit. I’ve seen many players make the mistake playing him very aggressively .

If any fool gets close to Murder Squad Calgar they get what they deserve.


I need to pick up Tiggy.

With some 3d printed amendments the new Chaplain will make a great Cassius.

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For what it’s worth I typically play him defensively and use him as a counter assault unit. I’ve seen many players make the mistake playing him very aggressively .

If any fool gets close to Murder Squad Calgar they get what they deserve.

I need to pick up Tiggy.

With some 3d printed amendments the new Chaplain will make a great Cassius.

From what he looks like the new Chaplain likely actually WAS Cassius until GW decided to make the model a generic Chaplain. Lol.

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For what it’s worth I typically play him defensively and use him as a counter assault unit. I’ve seen many players make the mistake playing him very aggressively .

If any fool gets close to Murder Squad Calgar they get what they deserve.

I need to pick up Tiggy.

With some 3d printed amendments the new Chaplain will make a great Cassius.

From what he looks like the new Chaplain likely actually WAS Cassius until GW decided to make the model a generic Chaplain. Lol.

He looks exactly like the Deathwatch version. I use that version in my ultramarines army.

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I wish they'd re-do Cassius. His model is ... lacking. Not that I think he should jump the queue before truly old stuff like Dante, Azrael, the Phoenix Lords etc. But I do hope the next time they do an UM character they do Cassius.


And I'll fully accept Redemptor Dread Cassius if that's the way they want to take him. Old grumpy Tyranid hating not-boxnaught would be cool.

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For what it’s worth I typically play him defensively and use him as a counter assault unit. I’ve seen many players make the mistake playing him very aggressively .

If any fool gets close to Murder Squad Calgar they get what they deserve.

I need to pick up Tiggy.

With some 3d printed amendments the new Chaplain will make a great Cassius.

From what he looks like the new Chaplain likely actually WAS Cassius until GW decided to make the model a generic Chaplain. Lol.

He looks exactly like the Deathwatch version. I use that version in my ultramarines army.

I do the exact same thing. Lol.

I wish they'd re-do Cassius. His model is ... lacking. Not that I think he should jump the queue before truly old stuff like Dante, Azrael, the Phoenix Lords etc. But I do hope the next time they do an UM character they do Cassius.


And I'll fully accept Redemptor Dread Cassius if that's the way they want to take him. Old grumpy Tyranid hating not-boxnaught would be cool.

Do you think Sicarius is going to Primaris next for Ultras? Or is he too much of a meme currently?

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That is very true. He can be cumbersome, and I used to often use his guard dudes, but now I think you almost have to? I have lost so many characters in 9th just because by turn 3 it can be extremely hard to -functionally- exercise board control, while maintaining Look Out Sir coherencies. 


Sometimes I do wish he was simply in normal Primaris gear. (OR he could deep strike)

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That is very true. He can be cumbersome, and I used to often use his guard dudes, but now I think you almost have to? I have lost so many characters in 9th just because by turn 3 it can be extremely hard to -functionally- exercise board control, while maintaining Look Out Sir coherencies.


Sometimes I do wish he was simply in normal Primaris gear. (OR he could deep strike)

I find this to be the case as well. The missions really require you to spread the units out, and expensive characters can feel like a burden. By protecting them you sacrifice board control, but they also want to be surrounded by units so their auras get maximum use.


This isn't just an Ultramarine problem, but it applies to any high price hero who's only real defends is the character rule.

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Guilliman also has the tax of you still needing to buy two HQ units to cover the Battalion, or 1 if you are running a patrol beside him, while Calgar and LT has you sorted.


You could argue these aren’t taxes, but it’s still extra points on single characters you don’t need to spend.

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Had a good game this weekend versus a very good chaos player this weekend... with Bobby G. I was able to destroy his transports by turn 2. Gman went beast mode. Went heavy on Intercessors and Inflitrators to clog midboard. Really feel that Calgar is too slow for this edition now.
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Why is Calgar slow? He can ride in a transport, deploy via outflanking, is easier to hide and use buildings?


There's a 2" move difference, but I can get a 3" move boost on turn one by disembarking from a transport.


Show a picture of your terrain set up. In all the games I've played we've had ruins, forests, buildings etc that created all sorts of problems for non flying monsters and vehicles, specifically due to the obscuring rule preventing clear shooting, and the ruins blocking straightforward movement.

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Why is Calgar slow? He can ride in a transport, deploy via outflanking, is easier to hide and use buildings?

There's a 2" move difference, but I can get a 3" move boost on turn one by disembarking from a transport.

Let’s be clear, he can ride in a repulsor. That’s it. Expensive ride whichever variant you choose.


Guilliman can threaten more of the center as of turn one.


I haven’t tried Guilliman yet in 9th. But I have tried Calgar twice and more or less liked it. 1st game got killed by harlequins, bad dice and me playing 9th badly. 2nd game outflanked him against admech with some Agressors and got good results.


I want to see how Gman can perform. Either with two relic contemptor dreads escorting him or multiple primaris bodies.

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Whilst inside a transport, Calgar cannot use his Chapter Master ability for the army around him, so that's at least thrn one.


If you need mobility in later turns the Repulsor needs to be still alive and Calgar needs to get in and thus lose his aura for the turn whilst also not actually fighting.


8" move is a massive difference to 6". People might see just 2", but it's a huge difference in game. The amount of times my Contemptor has caught people out as he moves into assault range with his 9" move is unbelievable. That's only 1" more than Guilliman but again that 1" makes a huge difference.


Plus Guilliman has a charge of 2D6 +1. Not to be underestimated combined with his higher movement.

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And that's why I'm asking about terrain, because in 9th thanks to the Obscuring rule, Guilliman has a hard time reaching many units.


If I can see/shoot/reach everything then yeah, Guilliman is a lot faster.

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