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Most improved strats and abilities for ultras in 9th


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Hey guys, list positive changes for Ultras in 9th here! :)


I'll start:


-avenge the fallen: if an enemy unit kills one of our units we can use this to give our whole army re rolls of 1 to hit for the rest of the game against that enemy unit. With character protections getting hit so hard, this strat could end up being worth it's weight in gold.


-sons of Guilliman: this strat was always good, especially on deep striking units. It gets even better now due to the character protection rules nerf.


- our CT is obviously much better. In 9th fall back and shoot is VERY rare. Our whole army can do it. This is big. Especially on smaller board sizes.

Edited by emperorpants
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-Defensive Focus. It makes us the 2nd best Army to overwatch, and if you use the actual overwatch strat we have 4 units able to overwatch.


-Fall back and re engage. Was always good but with the new assault rules where your opponent will get to fight first after your chargers you’ll want to use this more often


- Inspiring Command. A bit of a sleeper but having to castle up characters more to protect them makes this one more useful.


- Rapid redeployment. I think the old FAQ about having to go back to your deployment zone is invalidated making this better. Also not knowing who goes first and deploying and redeploying makes this gold. In fact you can place a large 10man unit to create a bigger footprint to push back infiltrators or create drop zones. Spread them out. Then redeploy to close in to avoid casualties from attrition and coherency. If you get first turn split the squad. Really adds to our toolbox for tactical flexibility.

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- Rapid redeployment. I think the old FAQ about having to go back to your deployment zone is invalidated making this better. Also not knowing who goes first and deploying and redeploying makes this gold. In fact you can place a large 10man unit to create a bigger footprint to push back infiltrators or create drop zones. Spread them out. Then redeploy to close in to avoid casualties from attrition and coherency. If you get first turn split the squad. Really adds to our toolbox for tactical flexibility.


You wouldn't be allowed to place them breaking coherency for the first deployment. A 10-man unit would still need to have each model coherent with 2 other models (you could still max that out, using the 'dogbone' placement), and then shrink the physical spread (and change the positioning of course) with Rapid Redeployment.


But you wouldn't be able to ignore the initial coherency requirement.

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- Rapid redeployment. I think the old FAQ about having to go back to your deployment zone is invalidated making this better. Also not knowing who goes first and deploying and redeploying makes this gold. In fact you can place a large 10man unit to create a bigger footprint to push back infiltrators or create drop zones. Spread them out. Then redeploy to close in to avoid casualties from attrition and coherency. If you get first turn split the squad. Really adds to our toolbox for tactical flexibility.

You wouldn't be allowed to place them breaking coherency for the first deployment. A 10-man unit would still need to have each model coherent with 2 other models (you could still max that out, using the 'dogbone' placement), and then shrink the physical spread (and change the positioning of course) with Rapid Redeployment.


But you wouldn't be able to ignore the initial coherency requirement.

Wouldn't combat squads work around this? Use a 10 man unit, combat squad, but keep them near each other? I'm just wondering.
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Scions of Guilliman is very useful in 9th. Armies need to spread out more and characters aren't as reliable.


Fall back and Re-engage is excellent. It was one of the best before, just as good now.


Rapid Re-deployment is the most improved, and will see use in a lot more games.

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Totally agree. My interpretation of the rules at present is it is clear spreading around the table will be crucial to win objectives and combat the opponent doing the same, so our strengths of getting rerolls anyway is going to be great.
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