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In what Company does Indomitus Captain/Lieutenant belong?


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Hello Brothers in blue, I have a question regarding Company markings for the Indomitus HQs.

To what company does the Captain and Lieutenant in the Indomitus box belong and where do you read the markings?

Blood Angels have Company number on the right shoulder and squad number (commander badge in case of an officer) on the right knee. Those spots are taken on the models, so I'm trying to understand where to put the marking. I guess on the small shield?

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He's in the 2nd Company. The gold shoulder pad rims are augmented with the vertical yellow bar that is the 2nd Company's standard Codex Astartes identifier on the left shoulder pad. This is augmented with the yellow bar being repeated on the left kneepad.


The markings on the tilt shield aren't necessarily indicators of his present service, instead representing any number of things from his past.


That's just how that model is painted for Indomitus, however. You could use him for any company.

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That's just how that model is painted for Indomitus, however. You could use him for any company.

Yeah, and it's what I intend to do. I just want to understand the logic behind the markings for these new models.

Edited by Klod
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Hello Brothers in blue, I have a question regarding Company markings for the Indomitus HQs.

To what company does the Captain and Lieutenant in the Indomitus box belong and where do you read the markings?

Blood Angels have Company number on the right shoulder and squad number (commander badge in case of an officer) on the right knee. Those spots are taken on the models, so I'm trying to understand where to put the marking. I guess on the small shield?

That's just how that model is painted for Indomitus, however. You could use him for any company.

Yeah, and it's what I intend to do. I just want to understand the logic behind the markings for these new models.

Not sure with Blood Angels, but we have a case of Dark Angels models showing where the Company markings can go if the usual spot is taken. Dark Angels always put their Company markings on the left knee pad for every company aside from 1st and 2nd. The Lazarus/Dark Angels Primaris Company Master model shows you can use the tilting plate for Company markings.


Lazarus - 5th company, Primaris Master - 4th Company:


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You don't have to use the same system that the Indomitus model uses. A captain's company affiliation can be showed using any number of methods, and not all captains will follow the same method. For example, though the Indomitus model doesn't appear to use the tilt shield to indicate his 2nd company affiliation, your model could. Similarly, you could swap the company heraldry from the left shoulder pad to the right shoulder pad, or not show it at all. You don't need to use the kneepad, either. You could incorporate the color onto his shield, loincloth, or anywhere else that suits your fancy.
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