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Does the Ridgerunner laser and missile work as a turret?

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I’m currently painting a biiiiiiiiig GSC army and I’ve got one Ridgerunner primed and need to assemble the other. I glued magnets to my laser on that round mounting bit on the arm to swap with a missile (even thought I feel like the laser is better) and a mortar tube.


RAI vs RAW: it’s obvious to me the mining laser should rotate (just given the logic of a laser on a vehicle) but it gets glued on without a rotating peg like a turret. Do you gents think we get to rotate it in game?

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Other way round these days. Everything can fire as if it were turret-mounted. So a tank with sponsons can fire both sponson weapons at anything it can see, even if one sponson would have to fire through the tank to do it.


It's a massive oversimplification, but makes the game much easier to play.

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