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The Aeternus Crusade

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Greetings brothers, well met! 


You may have seen me from time to time, but I don't post all that often. Very long-time lurker of B&C, I actually only created an account a few years ago, so let me tell you a little bit about myself, and also what I hope this topic to be. 


My introduction to 40k was the 3rd ed codex I received as a gift from a friend who wanted me to play with him. I joined the Eternal Crusade in 4th edition, just after the release of the storied codex. My father finally agreed to take me to a game store, and there in the new releases section sat a crusader squad box, and I've never looked back since. I've played just about every army at one point or another, but I never could bring myself to ever get rid of my Templars. They have been my only constant in this hobby. 


Over the years, I started to lose more and more interest in 40k as a game. I think mostly it was due to the semi-cancerous hyper-competitive gaming group I had grown up with. I had never really cared about the meta, and simply wanted to play for fun and forge my own narrative in my head. In 6th edition I quit the game altogether, selling all of my models except for my Templars. A couple years went by, and in that time I moved to Texas. After being there for a while, I decided to meet some friends outside of work. 40k popped into my mind as an easy way to meet people, and so I sought out a store with an active 40k group. I found one with a lot of great guys and forged a lot of great friendships, but one in particular reawakened my love for the hobby. He's actually a B&C member as well, his name on here is Noctus Cornix. 


When 8th edition hit, I was not a fan. I was not interested in the primaris marines at all, and old marines just didn't have that space marine feel to them anymore in my opinion. I stopped playing for a while, switching instead to Horus Heresy. Noctus and I bullied a bunch of our friends into playing with us, and for a while it was great. However, I moved back to Ohio recently and have no one to play HH with up here. The past few months, I've been dying to get back into 40k. Since the beginning of 8th, I have warmed to primaris a bit, but haven't really wanted to commit until I saw the new releases for 9th edition. I decided that I would do a primaris only project, since I don't like mixing first born and primaris. At first I was going to finally do the homebrew chapter I've been writing lore for the last 2 years, a DA successor called the Angels of The Abyss. I made a captain for them and everything. I still hope to return to them someday, but while I was looking through old artwork for inspiration, I just couldn't stop looking at Templar art. I just couldn't not do Templars, so here I am. I have decided to restart my crusade from scratch as a primaris only force.


I have a bad habit of letting my wargaming projects build up, and then they become so daunting that I never finish them. With this post, I hope to motivate myself a little. So, I'm going to make a promise to myself and you guys that I will try my damnedest to post at least once a week. Whether it is a model I've kitbashed, models I've painted, or lore I've written, I will post something. Starting with this:




This is Marshal Gaspard LeVeque. He just crossed the Rubicon last night. I wanted to try my best to recreate the feel of the original model (painted by Noctus), while also adding some new bling, and I am really happy with how it turned out. What do you guys think? Anything you see that you think I should add or remove?


In time, if I am able to stick with this, I would really love to create one of those big WIP threads complete with lore, and background for every character, but for now, I just want to get something out there, and I am excited to share my crusade with you guys. Thanks for reading!

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I was thinking today at work about what I should work on next. I came to the conclusion that each crusade is only as good as its Emperor's Champion, so I figured maybe I should try to do one of those. I wanted to do something a little different, and thought of the art from the 3rd ed codex. 




I happened to have a helmet that looked pretty similar, and came up with this:




I'm not SUPER happy with him. I do like him, but I might replace him later. For now, he will do. Again, I think the chest is the weakest part. Will need to figure something out for both the champ and LeVeque.


Not sure what I will work on next. I really need to practice my green stuff skills so I can put some tabards on the rest of the primaris. Let me know what you think, brothers.

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