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Ultramarines in Combat Patrol


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So I’ve been able to get 4 combat patrol games in this week and what a fun way to play.


The challenge is figuring out what works for a small compact Ultramarine force at 500pts and still be able to score well enough in all three missions.


Some key observations.


1) Secondaries are hard to select as some won’t even matter. In all games I took engage on all fronts. I normally took first strike as well. It isn’t a max points but you really can’t bank on that with the size of this game. It’s an easy 5 points and getting another 3 for killing more is doable. Taking secondaries to get max points is a bit of trap at 500pts. Go for the reliable pts. My third secondary varied from assassinate, bring it down or slay the warlord depending on what I was facing.


2) the game is fast. Aside from my first game that was under 1hr and half, all we’re under an hour. You will get 5 turns so play for that.


3) take mobile fast troops. Outriders absolutely shine here. So do scout bikes that dish out crazy shooting. Incursors work well here too.


4) out strats are just awesome at this level. You only get 3 CP to start. So use them wisely but strats like scions of Gman, fallback and reengage, even transhuman really boost our capilities.


5) I would try and take cheap characters if you can, I used a Primaris Chaplain (making him a MOS).


6) make sure you have one unit to hold your backfield objective but ensure you have units to grab and seal other primaries. I mentioned scout bikes. They move so freaking fast.


My first list was a patrol.


Chaplain MOS, with the 3++ relic

incursor squad

3x Scout Bikes (Sgt w/combi melta)

3x Outriders

3x Eliminators


I would use the Chaplain to stay back and boost the Eliminators for +1 to hit and +1 to wound to the closest target with his oratory. coupled with the SGT boosting the hits and wounds I had a reasonable chance of hitting stuff with mortal wounds and good damage. Normally they would be on an objective. The incursors would take a quarter somewhere and infiltrate on or near another objective but also acting as a suitable distraction. The bikes would move to get engage on all fronts, clear opponents objectives to deny primaries. This list saw some really good success. Mobility and lots of small arms fire. The only weakness is that it is low on anti tank but at this level you don’t face too much heavy armour.


So far this list has worked for me.


I had a second list for game using a relic contemptor. Very awesome threat in a 500game, this was more about having a strong tanky unit allowing the other units to focus on objectives.

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500 is a great introduction level now, and a good change of pace from the standard 2000. Some units excel at different point levels and can be a real powerhouse at 500, whereas at 2000 they wouldn’t get a look in.


My gaming group is using this as an opportunity to revive the 40K in 40 minutes format from a few editions ago. We’ve had to add in a couple of house rules; no 2+ saves, no characters with more than 5 wounds, and no vehicles with 11 or more wounds. This allows most common units but prohibits one player taking something too heavy and it becoming Rock Paper Scissors.


My 500 point list is:


Indomitus Lt - seal of oath

Intercessor squad - chainsword sgt

Intercessor squad - chainsword sgt

Suppressor squad

Suppressor squad


Comes to 500pts exactly, and plays very flexibly, with the Seal of Oath lieutenant giving the suppressors a good chance to destroy or cripple any given vehicle, or similarly the intercessors to kill off an infantry target.

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