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After a 14 year hiatus, I have returned to the 41st Millennia. I have stepped away from my power armored roots and gone green.

The first model that I have built is a looted Rhino/Counts-as Trukk.


The Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel [LCVP] or Higgins Boat was used extensively during WWII and was the inspiration for this build.




I used a Rhino and a Trukk for the body, cab and engine section. Add-on bitz include old pewter Vindicator armor panels, 2nd Edition Trukk parts, a 3rd Edition Killa Kan torso, and a some parts from the Blitza Bomma sprues. The only non-GW parts are the support struts that I added on the bottom from rectangular polystyrene rods and girders, I also used round rod for the ramp hinge, so that I could maintain functionality. The two metal lumps in the middle of the bottom are old Leman Russ turret bitz that I added for forward weight.

Many more models and conversions to come, C&C are welcome of course!

I enjoy a good conversion and the Orks are definitely among “da best” at it! Great inspiration too, the iconic landing craft is definitely captured in what you’ve done there. Look forward to seeing the paint job?

For the next model, I converted a Trukk into a Deuce and a Half.

The conversion was much less involved than the Higgens. I added the hood, fender, headlights and bed side rails to keep the iconic shape. Selective use of the trukk kit and adding 'military' type stowage helped, and I replaced the Big Shoota with the one of the Grot gunners from the Dakka Jet.






Ah RIGHT, YA GITZ, Da Kernal is HERE.





So what we have here is the warboss conversion that I have been working on over the past couple of days.

I built him out of an old IG ogryn, and various IG and Bomma bitz.

I was able to GS the wrinkles on his pants, as well as filling in the terrible molded underarm hair that the model was sculpted with.

I have always wanted a completely custom force, and now I feel that I am truly on my way.

Impressive work on Da Kernal. Who's he based on? Naked Snake/Big Boss, from the Metal Gear games?


No specific inspiration, I just wanted him to look militant and orky at the same time.

Da Cheef, EZ Krumpny Big Mek, 2007 Games Day Warboss conversion.

I wanted to use the GD model because of the pure attitude that comes off the face and the pose, but I knew if I did anything with it, it was going to be a major conversion due to the fact that the model is a solid chunk of uni-pose metal.

The biggest problems to start were the chainmail, the loincloth, and the fact that he is not wearing any pants. I clipped the small coin sack off his back and began the first layer of GS sculpting with the area above and below the leather strap. I finished his back first, that was quick and easy. I was able to work the area below his belt but reached a point that required the putty to dry before I continued. The next step was the bottom left of the coat/shirt and I started to work the putty around the front and had to stop for it to dry again. To sharpen the creases and folds, I go back after about 30 minutes and firm up them up. After I finished the coat, I put baggy pants over his bare legs.

The next step was to equip Da Cheef.

I modified a saw tool from the plastic Mek to count as a Killsaw. I used a zapping attachment from the plastic runt herd for his Kustom Force Field. His powerpack/engine is from an old metal Killa Kan, and the Kombi-Rokkit arm is made from trukk and bomma parts and styrene rod.













Da Padre.

Fitting a Weird Boy into the 'lore' of Blood Axes has been giving me a bit of trouble since I came up with the idea for this army.

Since a priest or military chaplain is what I would consider the closest approximation to a Weirdboy, that's what I ran with.

He was just a normal boy that believed Gork and Mork made his stikk bomms fly farther and do more damage than any other boy. In true Ork fashion, that belief began to manifest itself literally, and he became a living conduit for Waaaaaagh magic and his troops' religious icon.

The model is made from the plastic Runtherd, the staff topper is from WFB Chaos Mauraders, the stikk bomms are from the Boyz sprues and the smoke skull is from the WFB Empire Wizard kit. The head, in-keeping with the military theme of EZ Krumpny is from the Fighta Bomma sprues.

Nicely modelled; good work, frater! I think that's a good way to match an orky role to the 'ummie one. Is there a collar on that jerkin such that you could do a white collar with a black body? Or is the backstory enough connection to the chaplaincy?

Da Dok. Armed with 'Urty Syringe, Power Klaw and Grot Orderly.

Da Dok was built from a Nob body, and multiple bitz from the Boyz, Grot, Stormboy and Cadian command kits. The piping is plastic rod and the mask and belt are plasticard. The last picture is a size comparison with Da Padre. I might toss some GS in his left arm joint, but I haven't decided.





Da Gun Wagon, EZ Krumpny Kitbash/Conversion

Da gun wagon was built from a rhino chassis with a turret from a defiler with a barrel from an old scenery bit. Added bitz are from the IG vehicle upgrade sprue, trukk sprue, bomma sprue, razorback sprue, Battle for Macragge scenery, OOP metal Vindicator armor, and plasticard. The grot is the old OOP metal oiler.






Thank You, I am having a blast with these guys.

I can't say how soon I'll be able to start painting the Krumpny, I have 46 Orks and Orruk Brutes headed to me in the mail and the fall semester is in full swing. It's quicker/easier to pick up models to clean/build/convert than it is to paint. 

Realy like the defiler body as a turret. Are you planning on adding more ork bits to it? Some type of ork rebuilding of the robotoic head on the roof would be intresting. 


That is an interesting thought, there is not a lot of room behind the added armor and the optics, but I'll give that some head scratchin'.


I just received half of a major influx of models, so my available ork bitz have multiplied significantly, I may be able to find somethings that work perfectly for what you have in mind.


Realy like the defiler body as a turret. Are you planning on adding more ork bits to it? Some type of ork rebuilding of the robotoic head on the roof would be intresting. 


That is an interesting thought, there is not a lot of room behind the added armor and the optics, but I'll give that some head scratchin'.


I just received half of a major influx of models, so my available ork bitz have multiplied significantly, I may be able to find somethings that work perfectly for what you have in mind.



Yeah, even if it is as simple as removing it and putting a space to have a grot spotter on top, it will walk it to the next step from being deamon engine to ork wagon. 

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