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3 major story beats in the original Heresy plot remain.


1. Recapture of Lions Gate. (Wraight)


2 (or 3). Breach of the Wall, Battle in the Palace. (ADB?)


3 (or 2). Sangy fights Bloodthirster, Round 2? ???


4. Shields dropped, Sangy dies, Ol stands before Horus and is nuked, Emperor wins, and is installed on the Throne forevermore. (Abnett)


Is that everyone else's take on the order, anything else I have missed?

That's in the Abnett book, introduced alongside the Imperial Fist Terminator Pionius Ollson, as well as them being able to fight Horus by joining together Voltron style to make Super-Oll.

I think we've covered the bases.


There's supposed to be a showdown between the Khan and Mortarion, but also between him and Fulgrim, apparently. Both of which can happen at the Lion's Gate.

I'm honestly more interested in seeing if we'll get blindsided by Guilliman's arrival in the final book, or get some build up to it. As in, whether we'll see the rush for Terra as readers / through the Traitor side, while seeing the desperate acts of the Loyalists who aren't aware that salvation is close at all.

Edited by Kelborn
Removed Off topic

The arrival of the other Legions seems to be at least partially piecemeal, given the early arrival of the Dark Angels. Hopefully that gets expanded upon. As DarkChaplain has said, most of what we already know of the Siege has either been already written, or covered in the first post here.

This thread is just an hour old and already covered with - and I'll be honest - crap.



The question was about canon story threads not what you'd like to happen!


Stick with the topics. It is not the first time.



Don't be like that. It's either productive, nor any helpful.

I'll keep a close eye on this one.

I think it'd be cool if we get a few glimpses of the UM (and maybe even DA and SW) making their way to Terra and the news reaching Horus, while the Loyalist defenders [even the Emp himself?], are kept in the dark.


Also, how are they going to explain the Emperor's decision to go all-in once Horus lowers the Spirit's shield (or is it Horus who orders it)? How closely are they gonna stick with CV?


Horus lowers the shields because he thinks the UM will probably reach Terra in time to turn the tide.

But the Emp, Dorn, and Sang walk into an apparent trap because they think the UM will probably not arrive in time if at all.

Do both sides just decide to throw the dice with a duel on the Spirit? Or do both sides think the UM will most likely be late, but agents of the Emperor manage to salvage some hope by lowering the shield?


How is Abnett going to handle writing the Emperor and the final confrontation? Can he stick the landing?


Quite a few details yet to be revealed

I thought the arrival forced the timeline, but they were always going to be too late?


(Queue the shattered legions taking up over half the series)


Anything can change, but I seem to think they would never get there fast enough.


We know at least some of the Dark Angels have already arrived, I'm hoping this is the retcon of the "the Dark Angels waited to see who'd win" myth.

See...I love that bit. :D


Could easily be the retcon though. As for them being there all we know is they are in system. A system owned by Horus forces.


I don't know how long it will take them to get into a position to make a difference.

Given the fleet that has arrived doesn't seem particularly large, I can see it being that for the exact reason you mentioned they hang back until the rest of the DA/UM fleets arrive. However, some are then able to spin this as "the Dark Angels hung back until there was a clear winner". Perhaps there are Luthor sympathizers in this smaller fleet, who are able to throw this accusation at the Lion faction. "Oh yeah, well if you guys are so loyal, how come you ordered us to stay on the fringes instead of helping defend the Emperor?"

I'm thinking it's a very small fleet in the grand scheme of things and they...


were prevented from making planet fall on Terra by Horus' original supremacy


managed to join up with the Loyalist defenders on Terra after suffering fleet damage...still of little consequence


Either way, the Lion and the bulk of the DA were not present to change the outcome


...or Corswain's fleet is an Alpha Legion ploy

3 major story beats in the original Heresy plot remain.


1. Recapture of Lions Gate. (Wraight)


2 (or 3). Breach of the Wall, Battle in the Palace. (ADB?)


3 (or 2). Sangy fights Bloodthirster, Round 2? ???


4. Shields dropped, Sangy dies, Ol stands before Horus and is nuked, Emperor wins, and is installed on the Throne forevermore. (Abnett)


Is that everyone else's take on the order, anything else I have missed?

My bet is ADB does book 7.


I also think it will be French doing book 6.


Also while I am the guy who argued the lore is not set until BL & FW finish their series, I do not think the UMs will arrive in Sol system but Horus will know the huge warp wake of their fleet is coming.


I read The Solar War and loved it. Not read next three yet as want to back-to-back but clearing reading pile so...


A question: Do those on Terra know UMs are on the way? Hope not! They need the darkest darkness before the dawn!

They are aware, and are trying to hold out until Guilliman arrives, and they can crush the Traitor forces between the arriving Ultramarines/Dark Angels and the defences of Terra. They're just not sure about exactly when hes arriving, and are just hoping against hope that it's soon.

I think the rest of the loyalists will arrive in the next book and the timeline will be hyper accelerated in each volume. We are currently in Quintus, so I imagine the next book will push us up to the winter (gotta be French or Wraight since ADB just started and he takes a year). The Wolves, Angels, and Ultras will be stuck in the outer solar system, and the last three will be them getting close and forcing Horus’ hand. I’d imagine the final book covers a matter of days instead of weeks.

With the arrival of Corswains dark angels i'm very much looking forward to seeing where this goes. Back in Chris Wraights 'Wolf King' did not Russ form an alliance with some dark angels forts. I was wondering whatever happened to that story line thread?

I debated making this thread a while ago to spitball the rest of the Siege


Gonna throw these out willy nilly:

- I'm positive the next book will be Haley, but French has been suspiciously quiet recently. I suspect the next book will be more The Siege Grinds On with a dash of The Solar War 2: Corswain Boogaloo

- Su-Kassen Vs. Lotara Sarrin? Also where is the Custodes' fleet...

- Leading up to a Wraight-ADB-Abnett banger

- I want tons of Shiban Khan goodness with plenty of thoughts about Torghun (RIP)

- Where is my wife Illya Ravallion

- Could we possibly get some Vorx goodness by Wraight as well?

- Who will be ADB's chosen POVs? I thought Zephon was a lock, but apparently not. Land? Diocletian?... those Space Wolves?

- If ADB is the penultimate writer, does this mean he'll be writing Sigismund donning the black and laying waste to traitors? As someone who tries to preserve previous incarnations of the lore, this makes me happy

- That being said, the exact nature of the Final Book could throw a spanner in the works here. Will the fateful clash take place in the middle-portion of the book, with the Emperor's Entombment and Welcome to Warhammer 40,000 taking place at the end? Or will the traitors rout take up a lot of screentime - possibly even a novel in and of itself?

- I hate anthologies, but I would love to see a post-Endgame anthology in which a whole bunch of authors each tackle a strand of the Loyalist Hammer n Anvil/Traitors' Rout. There's a lot to unpack here - possibly too much for the final book

- I would love the final book to be written kind of like Slaves to Darkness in which the Emperor's strike-team beam up, get separated, and we follow their trials and tribulations throughout the bowels of the Vengeful Spirit



As much as I like lotara, I honestly doubt she has anything on Su-kassen in terms of overall strategic command ability, even at the best of times. And lotara has been in the mind breaking, no-water-availableing, Conqueror for a while. It's hardly the best of times for her.



I think that starting with Corswains fleet, more and more of the scattered loyalists will arrive in-system and start grinding through Perturabos defences to reach Terra. This would put pressure on horus and co. while foreshadowing guillimans fleets. Gives something for the wolves and ravens to do while not being on terra.

- I want tons of Shiban Khan goodness with plenty of thoughts about Torghun (RIP)



This is assuming he hasn't

died via vehicular accident


If SPOILER is true then Saturnine plummets to a 1/10 for me. No ifs, no buts, no maybes. You don't waste potential like this

well, that's a 1/10 for saturnine then. at least until the lokening in a book or two


honestly, i was similarly bummed by jubal's use in solar war.


Him and how the Blood Angel (Zephon?) ADB created both got absolutely 'the universe does not care who you are' punked.


well, that's a 1/10 for saturnine then. at least until the lokening in a book or two


honestly, i was similarly bummed by jubal's use in solar war.


Him and how the Blood Angel (Zephon?) ADB created both got absolutely 'the universe does not care who you are' punked.


generally i like the "universe does not care about you" punking in my 40k and my asoiaf and my cormac mcarthy

Edited by mc warhammer

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