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Claws' plans for 9th.

Claws and Effect

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Howdy fellow sons of Corax. Looks like I'm going to have the time to be more active here again since my work schedule has lightened up some. 


I also suffered a little bit of hobby burnout and had to step back a bit for a while so I could come back fresh (instead of trying to force myself to do it and end up ragequitting). I still maintained an interest in what's going on and reading the books and such, but wasn't actively hobbying on the painting and playing side of things. 


With some of the news I've heard about 9th it has rekindled my interest in my Raven Guard (and successor!). Mostly the fact that all Marines will have 2 wounds now. My Vanguard Veterans will see the table every game again. 


I'm also starting up a Knights of the Raven army for a few different reasons. 


1) The Bladeguard Veterans, LT, and Captain from Indomitus have an aesthetic that fits better for a Chapter called Knights of the Raven. 


2) They wear silver armor and Leadbelcher exists in a spray. So I'll be able to crank out a bunch of them in a hurry. 


3) There is very little lore about how they fight, so I won't feel like I'm being un-fluffy for bringing a bunch of tanks. 


4) I will be able to pick and choose from successor traits until I find one that meshes with my playstyle, without feeling like I'm being too WAAC by using a First Founding Chapter with successor traits. 


As far as my Raven Guard go, I've discovered that if I want to win with them I can't be nice about it. That's part of what caused my burnout. A long string of losses where the game was pretty much decided by the top of turn 2. So, to that end my Raven Guard will be my competitive, out for blood army (9 Centurions out for blood....), and my KOTR will be my beer and pretzels army. Knowing how my luck works, the KOTR will end up being the better army. 


I'll post some pics of my progress with the Knights of the Raven at some point. 

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Welcome back Claws! Yeah, hobby burnout is a thing, but it also depends on your hobby group, and how real life is going.


I do not think 9 Centurions will do you much good. I am really planning my games for going second, and have all but shelved my firstborn marines. I really want a unit of 10 Heavy Intercessors, because they are troops, who are T5 and 3W, and they can throw out S5 shooting out to 36 inches with their stock guns. I think it would be worth it it combat squad them after camping them on an objective, just to make your opponent sweat about dividing their firepower to remove the Heavy Intercessors.


With changes to board sizes, Infiltrators are going to be really good with their ability to prevent deep strikes within 12 inches. Incursors, and the work they do still have a place in my lists, and I only wish I could find a good shovel/spade bit to show how they dig out units like Tau pathfinders and AdMech rangers with sniper rifles. I almost want to use Assault Intercessors as a counter charge unit to guard my Eliminators or my Thunderfire Cannons.

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The 9 Centurions will be divided up into a unit of 5 Assault variant and 4 lascannon Devastator variant (because I was gifted 2 boxes and 3 already built with lascannons for my birthday).


They are unlikely to ever be used in the same game.

Edited by Claws and Effect
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I played as Knights in a team tournament couple weeks ago and two opponents were RG Successors with Centurions. One had Grav the other Assault. The things are brutal but they are a heavy point investment. If you use them you need to have a list tailored to utilizing them. I kited around them and killed everything else in the list. They can only be in one place at a time.


I’d go ... with 3 teams each designed to hold objectives.


3 Lascannon teamed up with rapid fire Intercessors

3 Assault from the Shadows with assault Intercessors or Infiltrators

3 Assault from the Shadows with assault Intercessors or Infiltrators m


Or double up on the Lascannon team depending on the rest of your army



Regardless I think they make great models to go with the Knights of the Raven

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah I’m bummed about the hits the Aggressors took. I think GW is purposefully opening the door for those of us who are all-Primaris to replace them in our list with Bladeguard.
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I think Aggressors still definitely have a role for us in that we're the only ones that can get them up-board without a vehicle. Being able to put 6 Aggressors on an objective before turn 1 without spending 350pts on a Repulsor is a unique angle of attack, and they still represent a lot of damage in Overwatch. With a Chaplain granting re-rolls to hit and their new stratagem I'm excited to test mine.


Re: Assault Centurions, from SftS they really need to roll with a Chaplain to get +2 to charge. You can use the Raven's Blade strat to re-roll but that +2 massively improves your chances of getting in from reserves. In that role I think they're a big threat and can do some anti-tank in a pinch if you arm them with meltaguns. 


Re: Lascannon Centurions, the points did go down a bit in relation to Grav/HB but I think these guys are just outclassed by Eradicators, especially for the points and given that 9th edition tables have so much terrain that LoS is a rare commodity. D6 damage doesn't help either.

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Re: Assault Centurions, from SftS they really need to roll with a Chaplain to get +2 to charge. You can use the Raven's Blade strat to re-roll but that +2 massively improves your chances of getting in from reserves. In that role I think they're a big threat and can do some anti-tank in a pinch if you arm them with meltaguns.

I could totally be wrong, but isn’t the chappy’s litanies (including the +2 charge) only for core units? Which means ass-cents can’t benefit from it? ☹️

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