Plaguecaster Posted January 16, 2021 Share Posted January 16, 2021 What about Helbrutes are they core or do they get DR, I've heard our daemon engines and vehicles don't but don't know if true or not Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jgascoine011 Posted January 16, 2021 Share Posted January 16, 2021 It's possible also to have an insane amount of special weapons in a PM squad; you could, in a 10 man squad, have e.g. a plasma gun on a champ, 2x blight launchers, a plague spewer, and 2x plasma guns. So the changes to loadouts hurt PM players who wanted to spam axes or dual knives, and Blightlord players who took lots of combi-weapons, but it's not wholly negative: lots of incentive to take a 10 man squad now. 7 man or bust! I can't bring myself to take 10, it just feels so wrong. Even if it's just the melee options for PM that are hurt, it still feels crappy. Melee PM squads were something interesting and new and it'll be a shame if they're restricted to the point you stop seeing them. That said I haven't seen the exact restrictions yet so maybe it's not as bad as I fear. It certainly doesn't sound as bad as the awful Karadron "You must take one of each of these completely different weapons in the squad" debacle. I like the rest of what I've seen of the Codex though, so I feel positive overall. Im just not a GW fan boy praising everything they do even if its a pile of garbage. Some of the things coming out of people is laughable. Take the plague surgeon, SM does exactly the same thing and nobody takes him for his crappy 6+++, they take him because he can bring back a model, yet youtubers etc are going how amazing he is because he gives a 6+++ Its very frustrating when you pay 100s of £ to play a army because you like how they play and then GW decide to all over it. There are 3 things in this codex that are good: Mortarion, +1 wound to marines, and the contagion ability...thats it. If i had the choice of playing this codex or the old one I would undoutably play the old one. DR got nerfed, HQs got nerfed, Arch contaminator nerfed, Strats got all over. My main opponents are SM (white scars and blood angles), Admech, and chaos. The chaos player has 3 decimators which do mortal wounds, 12W with a 4++. On average they wipe out 10 Blight lord terminators. The admech guy has 5 of those robots which put out a load of shots. Just how exactly are you supposed to kill them? I am all up for being +ve but just what are you seeing that makes you go oh wow thats cool (other than mortarion). I am seriosly trying to be +ve but every time i look im just like golly gee were GW thinking. At 1st i thought ok take a LoC with arch contaminator and deepstrike in 10 BL terminators with combi bolters and use the strats for rapid fire 3, plague weapons, hit on 2s, VotLW. with 6s being AP-4...then i realised rapid fire 3 strat has gone. Ok, thats still 40 shots, hitting on 2s, re-rolling 1s, wounding most vehicles on 4s (re-rolling), for an average of 30 wounds, 10 of which are at AP-4, ok i will take that. Oh but then i realised that the AP-4 is for combat only, So in the end, over 500 points kills 5 marines in shooting. For half the points, i can take a CSM terminator squad, and put out 40 S8 AP-3 D2 shots....and CSM are supposed to be bad lol I think this mindset is the same as the 8th ed to 9th Necron naysayers. You're seeing changes and having a kneejerk reaction to that. That's totally fine and you're allowed to not like how an army changes, but I do think you're missing the majority of the positives. This book fundamentally changes how this army functions, plays, is built even down to how it moves. It's going to take a lot of effort to relearn and master again. We had a bottom tier rigid codex for more than 3 years at this point, change is going to be weird A lot of the necron player points were valid in the end though. Nobody was saying it was a bad codex, just that you had good units (void dragon, night bringer, silent king, lynch guard etc) but the book had increadibly dumb rules (command protocals, and various seemling abrituary interactions between characters and units, along with a whole bunch of pointless crap such as the reaminator and plas/psychomancer). My problem with deathguard is that they have given is 0 options really. My main gripe with 8th DG codex was the requirement to take grenade guy and toss grenades all over the place because it was DGs only real way to deal with knights. Then you always saw a daemon prince with arch contaminator because you needed the re-rolls to wound and the mobility he supplied. The grenade thing i thought was super cool, fluffy and unique. It was super hard to pull off (espeically before PA) but when you did it was hilarious. Well they took the grenades away, but what did they give in return? Just what are DG players plans to deal with paladins, jetbike custodies, etc? And then there is my main gripe with the codex. The rules are just so dumb. 1) WLT. Some of them are super cool....but every time people will take arch contaminator even with the nerf because it is just needed to much. 2) The HQ limitation is just stupid, I kind of get it but really, you couldnt have made the virulence guy more of a lientenant? 3) The special weapons on PM nerf. So my time spent converting units to have 2 blight launchers is met with a massive :cuss you by GW because they cant be arsed to just put out a special weapon teams box. 4) I already hate the stupid Core rule. It seems like a stupid limitation put in because SM had a chapter master running around with devistator centurions and now punishing all the other codex's because of it. However, if it is here, then why are nurgle daemon engines not core!!!!! A redemptor dread can be core but not a PBC...riiight. 5) What exactly are deathguard supposed to be? We have a short range aura giving -1T to a maximum of 12" range, but out legion trait benefits us from being more than 12" away. We have a rule that allows us to ignore penatlies for charging but then no actuall way to decrease charge range, so once again, terminators become a thing of "can you roll a 9+" so will be amazing in 1 out of 3 games and total :cuss the rest of the time. And finally our daemon engines ignore the pently for firing heavy weapons into combat but the blight drone ignores it anyway, and the PBC is armed with a blast weapon and then either 2 lascannons or heavy flamers. One ignores the penatly anyway and the other is not much use. 6) Nurglings, with the actual rule called squishable, are more resilient to D1 weapons than DG which is just hilarious. 7) DG have 0 mortal wound defence now. 8) And finally, why is it, that all the new codex's (especially SM) have rules applied to their whole army, but once again, a rhino etc does not get DG!!!!!! Why is a iron hands dread/rhino more survivable than a DG one? Why am I paying CP to once again give a unit something they should already have? Bulwyf 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Loss Posted January 16, 2021 Share Posted January 16, 2021 (edited) What about Helbrutes are they core or do they get DR, I've heard our daemon engines and vehicles don't but don't know if true or not Helbrute is Core and does not get DR (but does get -1 to wound from another source, Monstrous Resilience). None of our Daemon Engines have Core. PBC, FBD, and MBH all have DR. Rhinos/Predators/Land Raiders/Defilers do not. Edited January 16, 2021 by Marshal Loss Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Valkenhayn Posted January 16, 2021 Share Posted January 16, 2021 It is difficult for me to understand how anyone could look at this book and not see how DG would deal with the Custodes of all factions. They're the hardest counter to the boys in gold that I've ever seen. All of the 2 damage master crafted shots will wound on 5+ and have their damage halved, and the entire Custodes faction has access to like 4 melee weapons that aren't damage d3, with 3 of them being on dreads. DG has the -1 toughness aura and plenty of ways to increase str to 5 or higher, good access to wound rolls, good access to just the right amount of AP to get them on their invulns without wasting any, and on top of all that plentiful access to mortal wounds outside of the psychic phase. I know that's just one aspect of the argument, but someone who would choose to use Custodes Bikers as an example of a unit DG would struggle with makes me honestly curious if we're reading the same book, and if we have the same fundamental understanding of the game. Kallas, Sarges, Plaguecaster and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plague _Lord Posted January 16, 2021 Share Posted January 16, 2021 The plague marine loadouts are a mess. Specifically not being able to go double knife. I think most of my squads will be 10 man with 3 plasma and 2 launchers in each. Though thats probably close to 300pts after upgrades... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted January 16, 2021 Share Posted January 16, 2021 A lot of the necron player points were valid in the end though. Nobody was saying it was a bad codex, just that you had good units (void dragon, night bringer, silent king, lynch guard etc) but the book had increadibly dumb rules (command protocals, and various seemling abrituary interactions between characters and units, along with a whole bunch of pointless crap such as the reaminator and plas/psychomancer). My problem with deathguard is that they have given is 0 options really. My main gripe with 8th DG codex was the requirement to take grenade guy and toss grenades all over the place because it was DGs only real way to deal with knights. Then you always saw a daemon prince with arch contaminator because you needed the re-rolls to wound and the mobility he supplied. The grenade thing i thought was super cool, fluffy and unique. It was super hard to pull off (espeically before PA) but when you did it was hilarious. Well they took the grenades away, but what did they give in return? Just what are DG players plans to deal with paladins, jetbike custodies, etc? And then there is my main gripe with the codex. The rules are just so dumb. 1) WLT. Some of them are super cool....but every time people will take arch contaminator even with the nerf because it is just needed to much. 2) The HQ limitation is just stupid, I kind of get it but really, you couldnt have made the virulence guy more of a lientenant? 3) The special weapons on PM nerf. So my time spent converting units to have 2 blight launchers is met with a massive you by GW because they cant be arsed to just put out a special weapon teams box. 4) I already hate the stupid Core rule. It seems like a stupid limitation put in because SM had a chapter master running around with devistator centurions and now punishing all the other codex's because of it. However, if it is here, then why are nurgle daemon engines not core!!!!! A redemptor dread can be core but not a PBC...riiight. 5) What exactly are deathguard supposed to be? We have a short range aura giving -1T to a maximum of 12" range, but out legion trait benefits us from being more than 12" away. We have a rule that allows us to ignore penatlies for charging but then no actuall way to decrease charge range, so once again, terminators become a thing of "can you roll a 9+" so will be amazing in 1 out of 3 games and total the rest of the time. And finally our daemon engines ignore the pently for firing heavy weapons into combat but the blight drone ignores it anyway, and the PBC is armed with a blast weapon and then either 2 lascannons or heavy flamers. One ignores the penatly anyway and the other is not much use. 6) Nurglings, with the actual rule called squishable, are more resilient to D1 weapons than DG which is just hilarious. 7) DG have 0 mortal wound defence now. 8) And finally, why is it, that all the new codex's (especially SM) have rules applied to their whole army, but once again, a rhino etc does not get DG!!!!!! Why is a iron hands dread/rhino more survivable than a DG one? Why am I paying CP to once again give a unit something they should already have? I can't disagree more on the options front, even with PA we now have so many more options that we never had. The new codex and edition is not about doing huge spikes of damage to wipe a big unit away, it's about staying power and wearing the opponent down. If you've seen the Tabletop Tactic video the DG player has 10 Blightlords on a flank with some plaguemarines and a Surgeon, at the end of the game he still has 6 Blightlords and the Surgeon alive after (IIRC) 4/5 rounds of combat with a Redemptor, Vitrix Guard and Guilliman all of which were dead at the end of the game. We have good stratagem support that goes further than "do the Mortal Wound thing", secondary missions that reward you for playing to DG strengths, Contagions that are increidble, Elite characters that are actually useful, cool and fluffy Relics. The book is fundamentally different, it has it's issues for sure but damn is it so much better than the 8th book and I couldn't be happier Kallas and Iron Sage 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Loss Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 I'm having a lot of trouble trying to make lists. So many things I want to put in them. :P Iron Sage 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jgascoine011 Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 It is difficult for me to understand how anyone could look at this book and not see how DG would deal with the Custodes of all factions. They're the hardest counter to the boys in gold that I've ever seen. All of the 2 damage master crafted shots will wound on 5+ and have their damage halved, and the entire Custodes faction has access to like 4 melee weapons that aren't damage d3, with 3 of them being on dreads. DG has the -1 toughness aura and plenty of ways to increase str to 5 or higher, good access to wound rolls, good access to just the right amount of AP to get them on their invulns without wasting any, and on top of all that plentiful access to mortal wounds outside of the psychic phase. I know that's just one aspect of the argument, but someone who would choose to use Custodes Bikers as an example of a unit DG would struggle with makes me honestly curious if we're reading the same book, and if we have the same fundamental understanding of the game. So PM vs Custodian Guard. 10 PM are just over 200 points, and 4 guard with spear and SS are around 200 points. I will be generious and say PM get to rapid fire and then charge. So thats 20 shots and 21 attacks. AP makes no difference as they have a 1+ save. If they are lucky they might, might kill 1 custodian. Custodian hit back with 9 attacks if the PM did kill 1. Again i will be generious and say that all there D3 weapons only roll a 1-4, so just do 1 damage. So thats 9 attacks, say 8 hit, 4 wounds, killing 2. The PM will then maybe do 1 wound on the following turn, and the guard will kill another 2. Guard will then kill another 2 and the PM will probably do nothing back. To be fair it is more of a slog than I was expecting but that is assuming terrible rolls by the guard and everything going right for the PM. Then jet bikes vs terminators Again I will assume the terminators go 1st, with the bikes being in a -1T aura. So 40 shots, hitting on 2s, re-rolling 1s, wounding on 4s (assuming VotlW) will do maybe 3 wounds, i will assume some other shooting goes into them and so kills of a bike, thats 4 bikes left. So terminators charge in, 30 attacks, hitting on 2s, wounding on 4s (becuase they will use transhuman) will do say 15 wounds, 7/8 failed saves, kills 1 or 2. Actually yea they do pretty good. I was actually thinking that the bikes would get the charge off (and hence kill about 5 BL, but unless you are a moron you would have the blightspawn standing with the DG making the bikes hit last. Hmm thats interesting. I am slowly coming around to the new book. The biggist thing is the foul blightspawn mittigating a lot of the negatives of the slow speed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenerationTerrorist Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 The only thing I am gutted with is that my huge blob of 20 Plague Marines can no longer be taken. Other than that, the Codex seems outstandingly good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
INKS Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 How many can a single unit take now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Irate Khornate Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 I dig the new daemon weapons on the prince. I think for the most part I'll be handing my plague marines plasma guns. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Closet Skeleton Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 (edited) 5) What exactly are deathguard supposed to be? We have a short range aura giving -1T to a maximum of 12" range, but out legion trait benefits us from being more than 12" away. We have a rule that allows us to ignore penatlies for charging but then no actuall way to decrease charge range, so once again, terminators become a thing of "can you roll a 9+" so will be amazing in 1 out of 3 games and total the rest of the time. And finally our daemon engines ignore the pently for firing heavy weapons into combat but the blight drone ignores it anyway, and the PBC is armed with a blast weapon and then either 2 lascannons or heavy flamers. One ignores the penatly anyway and the other is not much use. 8) And finally, why is it, that all the new codex's (especially SM) have rules applied to their whole army, but once again, a rhino etc does not get DG!!!!!! Why is a iron hands dread/rhino more survivable than a DG one? Why am I paying CP to once again give a unit something they should already have? Inexorable advance lets you keep long range benefits while moving, it doesn't benefit you to keep distance, it takes away the normal space marine trade off between moving or staying still. Blight Lords are durable enough to drop down and charge the next turn, they're not Blood Angels who have to get into combat as a form of defence. Iron Hands are a vehicle faction, Death Guard have always been an infantry faction in the background. That's just the rules following the fluff. There's never been anything in the Nurgle background that says 'makes machines harder to kill'. It is difficult for me to understand how anyone could look at this book and not see how DG would deal with the Custodes of all factions. They're the hardest counter to the boys in gold that I've ever seen. All of the 2 damage master crafted shots will wound on 5+ and have their damage halved, and the entire Custodes faction has access to like 4 melee weapons that aren't damage d3, with 3 of them being on dreads. DG has the -1 toughness aura and plenty of ways to increase str to 5 or higher, good access to wound rolls, good access to just the right amount of AP to get them on their invulns without wasting any, and on top of all that plentiful access to mortal wounds outside of the psychic phase. I know that's just one aspect of the argument, but someone who would choose to use Custodes Bikers as an example of a unit DG would struggle with makes me honestly curious if we're reading the same book, and if we have the same fundamental understanding of the game. In my 8th ed tournament experience Custodes were one of the few factons my unoptimised army always crushed. I never managed to beat vehicle heavy Custodes but never fought that with Death Guard. Most miserable experiance any of my opponents ever had was a Custodes player who failed to alpha-strike Mortarion and had to concede on turn 3. Custodes Bikers are a joke, you just throw a rhino in front of your army and their charge is competely blunted, then you can counter-attack with mortal wounds and high strength -2 AP attacks. Massed hyper accurate S4 ap0 isn't scary to plague marines. Edited January 17, 2021 by Closet Skeleton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Loss Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 How many can a single unit take now? Plague Marines are capped at 10 strong now INKS 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
templarphoenix Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 So if I run a squad of plague marine of 10 before, then I am not affect by the new weapons arming system at all? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Special Officer Doofy Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 So if I run a squad of plague marine of 10 before, then I am not affect by the new weapons arming system at all? Only if you wanted to spam double plague knives Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heretic Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 DG nerfed to the grave. Just cry of my heart. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azekai Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 (edited) All the old crazy stuff is garbage (defilers, blight bombardment) or illegal, but blightlords and Morty are kind of nuts. Melee Drones seem to be glass-cannon nightmares. Plague marines got a lot of sidegrades and changes but I strongly doubt they are better. There are some strong options in this army. That is not my complaint. My main gripe about this book is that it is too different, it turns the faction on its ear. The design philosophy of 9th is at odds with the relative simplicity of 8th. I feel like GW is a dog returning to its vomit, with 9th feeling like the worst parts of 7th Ed. Lots of kludge, lots of weird layers of factions rules, traits and unit abilities. I intensely dislike having my army composition dictated to me, especially as part of a chaos faction. My madmen and mutants have to have carefully tabulated ratios of marines to zombies? Give me a break. and people saying ‘limits on poxwalkers is fluffy’ are just plain wrong. If a planet is in the late stage throes of a Death Guard invasion, how many millions may be walking dead? I doubt people would spam poxwalkers anyway (they can’t take actions) but gw going so far out of their way as to hardcode limits into the rules of the faction feels patronizing and insulting. I want to field what I want in my army, not what Gw thinks my army should look like. Edited January 17, 2021 by Azekai Bulwyf, techsoldaten and Jorgend Lupus 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bulwyf Posted January 18, 2021 Share Posted January 18, 2021 I like some of the changes in this codex and absolutely hate some of the others. I will never see how losing 5++ FNP for -1 to damage is anything other than a nerf. The demon engines losing even the crappy version of DR is terrible. Most importantly to me are the arbitrary restrictions being placed in the codex. I don't like sorcs or pure psykers. Now we literally have to take one in a battalion detachment. The decision to limit DP to one per detachment as well as making them count as a lord of chaos means you can't a DP and Typhus or a LoC or anything else. Your only option is a sorc. I always ran my DG with either DP and Typhus or LoC or two DP. It wasn't chasing meta. It was simply my fluff and lore for my army. Now I have no choice but to take a freaking sorc. It is a frankly idiotic decision that unfairly restricts player choice. We aren't a faction like CSM that has a dozen or more HQ choices that we can something else to take. You LITERALLY have to take a sorc. Unless you want to lose CP for no reason by taking several detachments...which no one with a brain would do. The limits on weapon choices for PM and Blightlords is also terrible. I ran my PM with two plasma plus one on the champ. My blightlords were all axe/combi plasma with one guy with a flail. Now that is entirely illegal. You can only take one special weapon and can't have more than one of that in a squad. It is a frankly idiotic decision to make. Again player choice is being thrown away for....what exactly? I wasn't a huge poxwalker fan but now you are limited on how many of them you can take. Same with cultists. These arbitrary decisions make no sense. If someone wants to run a zombie horde that's their choice. Now they have no choice to do that. Jorgend Lupus, Plaguecaster and CastellanDeMolay 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Special Officer Doofy Posted January 18, 2021 Share Posted January 18, 2021 (edited) I will say they did take the best from the old codex and nerfed it and brought the bad stuff up to par. Not a fan of their solution to the bits/wargear problem. People complained to GW about how the box does not have all the bits for possible loadouts and people have to go to bit stores and 3rd party to find them. Instead of GW changing what's in the box or selling a separate wargear sprue, they pull a classic GW, and went with the cheapest solution that poop on their players. Now you can only use what's in the box! Not a fan, it's most likely going to roll out to every faction. Other than that, the DR nerf and the limit on chaos lords, I'm happy. If a Daemon prince is counting as a lord of chaos, he should get 4++ though... I will say though 9th is taking off in a rules bloat already. I just wanted a redone army wide trait and a mono bonus (like -1T), and they did a whole lot more. Edited January 18, 2021 by Putrid Choir CastellanDeMolay 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Umbros Posted January 18, 2021 Share Posted January 18, 2021 DG nerfed to the grave. Just cry of my heart. This is an insane take. They are going to be incredible, especially the meat and potatoes of the army. Waking Dreamer, BLACK BLŒ FLY and Kallas 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarges Posted January 18, 2021 Share Posted January 18, 2021 I will say that it’s suspicious that we all must take a plaguecaster, and the only easy way to actually buy one now is to purchase two other models with it at higher cost. (Ian Malcolm chaos voice) uh, THATS Games Workshop. AND they're webstore exclusive. 4D chess right here (DP problem will probably be faq'ed though). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Loss Posted January 18, 2021 Share Posted January 18, 2021 What do people think about throwing the Reaper of Glorious Entropy on a Deathshroud Champion? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Sage Posted January 18, 2021 Share Posted January 18, 2021 (edited) What do people think about throwing the Reaper of Glorious Entropy on a Deathshroud Champion? I think it in many cases will be good and really worth it. But unless you are starved for points, (which unfortunately one often is) you could also save a Relic slot or a CP and buy a Pathogen upgrade, since this would make Cleave hit on STR 8 without the Contagion included in the equation, while the Scythe would hit at STR 6, again not taking into account the -1 T Contagion. So sure, you would get a lot fewer attacks on the scythe and mortal wounds and it is worse in every way, but still pretty good on a Death Shroud champion if you have points to spare I reckon. Acidic Malady (1 extra AP, good on the multiple attack profile), the mortal wounds on Unstable Sickness (max only 3 though) , Virulent Fever (MW's on 6s to wound) are all decent on such a high attack profile. So if you have extra points to spare, you can make those Death Shroud champions into Kill Botz with Pathogens alone. But yeah, the Relic is much better against tough targets for sure. More reliable than the Mortal Wounds on the Pathogen since those are on 6+ and he does not lose WS for using Cleave. Costs a Relic slot, but since the champion has 5 attacks and 2+ WS it is nice to use Cleave with full WS. However I would like to note the combination of Lord of the Death Guard to give +1 to hit to Death Guard Core, the pathogen Virulent Fever for Mortal Wounds on 6s to Wound and +STR for 20 points, will mean that he still can use Cleave on 2+. However on a scythe, that's 10 attacks STR 6, then add Contagion, with a higher chance of getting Mortal Wounds. You will probably often get a 1-3 MW from the Scything profile with 10 attacks I reckon, while the Relic only has half the chance of generating a MW. But yeah, Death Shroud champion is a rare unit champion in that he is probably worth upgrading most of the time. Simply an incredibly strong profile and those tend to be worth boosting if you can. Edited January 18, 2021 by Iron Sage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KingYertle Posted January 18, 2021 Share Posted January 18, 2021 I understand a lot of the frustration around army building restrictions. Being able to cut up and convert models to create a custom character is one of the joys of the game, It is unfortunate see rules that limit that part of the Hobby. But it is not all doom and gloom. Fielding an Army with a DP and a Lord is 100% still Legal. You just have to pay 2 CP for the 2nd detachment. Does that cost suck. Sure. Can I live with it. Yes. Our Characters can be quite strong so while I don't like having to pay for the extra detachment, it can still be a worthy CP expenditure. Plus, give it time, the wording on the limits to DG Lords and DPs does make it seem like at one point the DP did not have the Lord of the Death Guard keyword, so this might receive a FAQ, or get changed once sales start to slip. As for PM unit construction. Yes you cannot take 2 Blight Launchers (or 3 Plasmaguns) in a squad of 5. But you Can take 2 plasmaguns and 1 blight launcher in 5. Yes its a limit on Options but the overall offensive output is not so significant that anyone should panic. PM melee options are a bit more tough to swallow, and I feel for anyone who spent the money to build a 20 man unit with axes and knives. After 3 years of having this option it would be nice to see it at least relegated to LEGEND status so those who built it can still use it. As for melee build options, in a Unit of 10 PMs you can still take 2 Flails, 2 Cleavers, 4 axes (if you pay for 2 maces) and 2 double knives. So while your 20 man squad has become 2 10 man squads, you've gained 2 Flails, 4 Great Cleavers, 1 Champion and lost 9 axes or (assuming the 20 man was 1 champion, 2 flails & 17 axes/double knives). Yes that hurts if you Built the 20 man blob with Double Knives and axes, but from a game play perspective, you still have potent options to make a strong melee unit. And if you don't want to pull arms of your painted models, I'm sure most opponents won't have an issue proxying boltguns on to a marine with 2 knives, or designated some axes as Great Plague Cleavers. In my limited 9th experience (damn Covid) I had very good success killing space marines with a 7 man unit consisting of Champion with a PF & PP, 2 Flails, 2 Axes, 1 blight launcher and 1 double knife with Icon of Despair. Perhaps that is not an "optimal" build but it proved very effective for me, especially when Blades was cast. Moving forward, the same unit will lose a flail, but gain a Great Plague Cleaver for similar points. I'm excited to see how this performs. My only real complaint is losing the ability to take an icon of despair on a model without a boltgun, but only because GW just released a model with that load out in space marine heroes 3. I don't think its a big deal, but as the model exists they should have left the option available, especially given the other limitations placed due to model availability. Iron Sage, RolandTHTG and Kallas 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angrom Posted January 18, 2021 Share Posted January 18, 2021 Soo are loosing anything when taking 2 detachements with 2 plague companies ? I mean beside the cp cost and the fact that detachement won't have synergy with one onother for auras? But we still keep contagion anf access to all our rules? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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