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Assault Intercessors


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Do assault intercessors have a place in a DeathWatch force?


More specifically when running a predominantly, if not pure, primaris army,


I have a few of them from the indomitus box and I’m debating if I should convert them to more bolters or not. Or possibly starting a new marine side project because we all need those right?


Much appreciated.

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They are an option that isn't necessarily a bad one bit also not one of the most optimal.


Dw have veterans that can perform as good or notably better than most primaris marines. You use points to pay for that capability.


Primaris have the better share of stratagem available.

I have been trying to use primaris mostly for flexible roles in the army and when I need I can use a wide variety of powerful strats. I can craft some OG veterans for very specialized and powerful roles which I definitely base my strategy around.


So say you want to use a lot of stalker vets with SIA and heavy bolters...you can have some assault intercessors standing by for hth support...they still cap objectives. If they are close to the vets you can use the strat to give them SW chapter tactics and most likely people don't want 5 assault Intercessors to heroically intervene at +1 to hit in melee


If youre pure primaris you'll definitely want some. You can make a kill team to combat squad them but also can pay for a specialist ability which goes a long way. You basically pay 25 points to give them a LT buff. When the target is a xenos and their specialty it grants reroll all wound rolls

Edited by Debauchery101
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The problem about assault intercessors iis that if you get them as a troop choice they lose the access to kill team specialism while if you get them as part of a kill team they lose the sergeant so the only one in the squad that can have a real punch in hand to hand combat

They only solution to get the assault intercessor into a kill team is to buy only 4 of them and 6 intercessors so qhen you split the squad in two the intercessor sergeant equipped for assault (pistol, ABR, power weapon) will be with the assault intercessors and the 5 remaining intercessors will be a shooty squad that stays away from close combat (like ones equipped with SBR and 1 grenade launcher) and have the role to capture objectives

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The problem about assault intercessors iis that if you get them as a troop choice they lose the access to kill team specialism while if you get them as part of a kill team they lose the sergeant so the only one in the squad that can have a real punch in hand to hand combat

They only solution to get the assault intercessor into a kill team is to buy only 4 of them and 6 intercessors so qhen you split the squad in two the intercessor sergeant equipped for assault (pistol, ABR, power weapon) will be with the assault intercessors and the 5 remaining intercessors will be a shooty squad that stays away from close combat (like ones equipped with SBR and 1 grenade launcher) and have the role to capture objectives


If you take them as a Kill Team they also lose access to their stratagem. 

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The problem about assault intercessors iis that if you get them as a troop choice they lose the access to kill team specialism while if you get them as part of a kill team they lose the sergeant so the only one in the squad that can have a real punch in hand to hand combat

They only solution to get the assault intercessor into a kill team is to buy only 4 of them and 6 intercessors so qhen you split the squad in two the intercessor sergeant equipped for assault (pistol, ABR, power weapon) will be with the assault intercessors and the 5 remaining intercessors will be a shooty squad that stays away from close combat (like ones equipped with SBR and 1 grenade launcher) and have the role to capture objectives

If you take them as a Kill Team they also lose access to their stratagem.

I thought if they all are the same unit type that combat squads they basically go back to those key words
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The problem about assault intercessors iis that if you get them as a troop choice they lose the access to kill team specialism while if you get them as part of a kill team they lose the sergeant so the only one in the squad that can have a real punch in hand to hand combat

They only solution to get the assault intercessor into a kill team is to buy only 4 of them and 6 intercessors so qhen you split the squad in two the intercessor sergeant equipped for assault (pistol, ABR, power weapon) will be with the assault intercessors and the 5 remaining intercessors will be a shooty squad that stays away from close combat (like ones equipped with SBR and 1 grenade launcher) and have the role to capture objectives

If you take them as a Kill Team they also lose access to their stratagem.
I thought if they all are the same unit type that combat squads they basically go back to those key words

I don't see that mentioned anywhere for keywords, only abilities. Models in a Kill Team do not retain any keywords, so they couldn't be a target of the fight twice Stratagem.

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The problem about assault intercessors iis that if you get them as a troop choice they lose the access to kill team specialism while if you get them as part of a kill team they lose the sergeant so the only one in the squad that can have a real punch in hand to hand combat

They only solution to get the assault intercessor into a kill team is to buy only 4 of them and 6 intercessors so qhen you split the squad in two the intercessor sergeant equipped for assault (pistol, ABR, power weapon) will be with the assault intercessors and the 5 remaining intercessors will be a shooty squad that stays away from close combat (like ones equipped with SBR and 1 grenade launcher) and have the role to capture objectives

If you take them as a Kill Team they also lose access to their stratagem.
I thought if they all are the same unit type that combat squads they basically go back to those key words

I don't see that mentioned anywhere for keywords, only abilities. Models in a Kill Team do not retain any keywords, so they couldn't be a target of the fight twice Stratagem.


Yes this is true


Primaris units in this iteration of DW codex are quite nerfed compared to firtborn units in particular the ones specific of this supplement

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 if you get them as part of a kill team they lose the sergeant so the only one in the squad that can have a real punch in hand to hand combat


Can't you just give the intercessor sarge a weapon and he's functionally identical to an assault intercessor sergeant (except he can carry a rifle instead of a heavy bolt pistol)?

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if you get them as part of a kill team they lose the sergeant so the only one in the squad that can have a real punch in hand to hand combat

Can't you just give the intercessor sarge a weapon and he's functionally identical to an assault intercessor sergeant (except he can carry a rifle instead of a heavy bolt pistol)?


This is the trick i explained later

Take 6 intercessors and 4 assault intercessors so you can equip the sergeant for close combat and attach him to the assault combat squad ;)

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