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Keebler's Angels Invicta (Angels Unconquered)


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Hey all! I'm a long time Dark Angels fan (from the old Angels of Death codex era) and just completed my Blood Angels army. So I've finally gotten the opportunity to start a long dreamt of Dark Angels force. Similar to my BA, I wanted to put my own spin on them, and came up with the Angels Invicta. The idea was for the paint scheme to reflect their knightly origins, specifically from the deathwing of the original six wings. That is reflected in the bone color of their right arm. I plan on inverting the scheme for my deathwing and ravenwing - I intend on doing a lot of freehand and script on all of them to really push this concept.

Anyways - I am hoping you all can help me improve and refine this idea, especially when it comes to basing - tying the force together as it were. Please let me know what you think!






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Great work so far! I do love a dark dark angel scheme :) the gold trims look excellent, really sets them apart and will not doubt look great en masse as well. Ties well with the Aquila and other details, I had a similar combo many years ago so am biased - but it works! Nice freehand work too :)


The bone arm works really well as a device (although the colour looks a tad grey in the pics (?) the idea of inverting on the other wings should work well, I look forward to seeing it applied!


Base-wise I would consider offsetting them with something like a mars type / ironcrust etc.. something not really present in the mini itself in order to offset it and serve as a backdrop.


alternatively if you want to keep it dark, a scorched rubble/ urban base could also work well for the same reason. A desert type agrellan base would compliment the consistent bone colour throughout the army too, so it really comes down to personal preference and the options you have available. Also whether you want the BA you have already completed to be in the same setting..?


Either way a bit of trial and error never goes astray, but maybe with all these resurgent 2e veterans reappearing it's time goblin green and flock made a comeback? :D

Edited by Sandalphon
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  • 2 months later...
I actually tried Dark Angels contrast in an airbrush, not at all trying to use as a contrast but to get a nice dark green color. It came out looking black. I’m going to try your method. Was Dark Angels Green thinned or straight out of the pot? Thanks Edited by rookie40K
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Thanks all! The colors are actually all fairly simple. The green is burnt umber - iraqui sand - dry brush ivory and then dark angels contrast. The bone/tan is burnt umber - zandri dust/iraqui sand - Burch.

I'm not a fan of bikes, but I really do like the colours you've used on yours - they look great! :D

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Thanks again everyone! Really encouraging start to a new army.


I actually tried Dark Angels contrast in an airbrush, not at all trying to use as a contrast but to get a nice dark green color. It came out looking black. I’m going to try your method. Was Dark Angels Green thinned or straight out of the pot? Thanks

Honest to goodness, I love contrast paints through an airbrush. That said - the key are the underlying colors. If you don’t have, heh, high contrast underneath it can come out flat. The key is pushing your underlying colors but ensuring the work well with whatever contrast you are putting on top. I.e. - black and white under red can cause it to come out pink. Black and white under green can make it black. So experiment but push your contrast too!

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Thanks again everyone! Really encouraging start to a new army.



I actually tried Dark Angels contrast in an airbrush, not at all trying to use as a contrast but to get a nice dark green color. It came out looking black. I’m going to try your method. Was Dark Angels Green thinned or straight out of the pot? Thanks

Honest to goodness, I love contrast paints through an airbrush. That said - the key are the underlying colors. If you don’t have, heh, high contrast underneath it can come out flat. The key is pushing your underlying colors but ensuring the work well with whatever contrast you are putting on top. I.e. - black and white under red can cause it to come out pink. Black and white under green can make it black. So experiment but push your contrast too!

Wait, I’m confused. I used white undercoat and it came out black and I shook it a lot. What could I use for it to come out green? Lighter green? I thought the white undercoat would show Dark Angels green as closer to pine green. I was very disappointed. Other than it being black it came out of the airbrush well. Thanks for input. I could not find anyone on internet that experimented with Dark Angels green contrast in an airbrush.

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I have and it does come out quite dark, but certainly shouldn’t be black! I’ve sprayed it over silver and Mortarion green clear to give shading to my Vyronii knights. I’m assuming you’ve thinned it enough and having good lighting, in which case I’m at a loss as to why it’s coming out like that
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Keeblerartillery, your model’s look fantastic and are an inspiration!


UtariOnzo, I did not thin the contrast as it was already very thin, but that my brother, may very well be the mistake I made. I really appreciate the insight and you sharing your experience. I will try again after thinning. How does the Mortarion green look compared to Biel-Tan or Waywatcher? This also has very little to no info on the net.

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