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+++ Personalities +++


Captain Erasmus Tycho (Lord Dahavauron 9:91, Prince of the Erelim)

Chaplain Savonarola (Amaliel 7:13)

Codicier Ureolo (Iaoel 3:02)


Sanguinary Priest Sansavino (Varchiel 2:06)


Techmarine Haynes Mirandola (Maltiel 4:01)

+++ Battle line +++


Squad Raphael, Third Company – The Wards of Furiel; 3rd Strateia of the Host of Angels.

Squad Lazarus, Third Company – Mano Sacra; 3rd Strateia of the Host of Angels

Squad Castigarius, Third Company – The Sorrow of Kings; 9th Strateia of the Host of Angels.

+++ Support +++

Squad Redemptor, First Company – Sustainers; First-amongst-equals of the War Eternal under Master Formosus, Lord of the Host, Master of the divided Legion and heir of Sanguinius.




Edited by apologist

I have followed your work since the beginning, and no word can fully depict the sheer awesomeness of this project. I entered the hobby in 1993 and all of this is fond memories.

The conversions, the dedication to details, the painting, everything is amazing. But best of all, you managed to use new models but keeping the spirit of this 90's army.

Sir, you make the hobby better.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

As someone that started 40k in 1994 with a Blood Angels army this hits me right in the feels. A fantastic job with great attention to detail. I love the Rapier platform filling in for the Thudd Gun and the silver Chaplain is reminiscent of the artwork at the time. I don't have a White Dwarf from that period but similar photographs showed up in the 40k boxed set and were incredibly inspiring to young Takatus.

  • 3 months later...

Have to say Apologist this is one of the coolest projects I have seen in some time. Wow!


It's some years since I have seen your work, you were a great painter back in the day but this is a step above that for sure. Fantastic stuff. 

  • 2 months later...

I'm glad I am not so late to this party that I befoul this forum with vile necromancy, but holy crap on a crapper this is one beautiful project and army. I have saluted you and your work many times before, and this will certainly not be the last, but Apologist, I salute you. 




  • 4 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...
Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

apologist was awarded the badge 'Featured in White Dwarf Magazine'



My army's in White Dwarf this month (yay!), with some nice professional images from the studio team, so if you'd like some better pictures of the project, you can find them there. You'll have to put up with more of my burblings too, but it's lovely to have achieved a childhood ambition with this army. 10-year old me would have been pleased as punch!

Edited by apologist

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