Mazer Rackham Posted November 17, 2020 Share Posted November 17, 2020 (edited) =][= DEATHWATCH: SOLO PLAY - KILL MARINE OPERATIONS =][= "Y ou asked for Regiments of the Imperial Guard, demanded support from a flotilla of Imperial Navy Warships, pleaded for the steel rain of drop pods filled with Astartes. You do not understand your problem. All that is required, is my swinging blade to the back of the Xenos commander's neck."- Deathwatch Kill Marine Narvik Redfist 'The Butcher of Traesir' This thread will hold the details for both Characters in the upcoming Solo Play campaigns. + Operatives + Kill Marine: Journeyman, Marfóir Lugh of the Bloodmoon Hunters (TechCaptain) - Operation Midnight Kill Marine: Ravenwing Veteran, Raziel of the Dark Angels (Steel Company) - Operation Deadbolt + Advanced Training + All Characters receive the following: Special Ability: Army Of One (Free, no xp award) Kill Marines are selected for their exceptional training, resolve or sheer wealth of Experience. Effect: Any Character with this Talent may take an Elite Advance at the Base Cost listed on the tables available to them Example: Brother Beliasius is a Tactical marine, but his Personal History supports him having served in the Devastator Companies. He may choose abilities from the Devastator Table for his current Rank, but since he is a Tactical Marine, this would count as an Elite Advance, and so would usually cost 750xp on top of the purchased ability. However, since he has the Army Of One Special Ability, it only costs the original asking price in XP. Special Ability: My Word is my Bond (Free, no xp award) The Kill Marine is a solitary individual who brings fire and death. Required to act on his own initiative, the pomp and ceremony of the Oathing, and the bonds that come with it hold no succour. His mission is the only oath he recognises. Effect: The Character may not benefit from taking any Oaths of Moment, but his singular determination confers a +10 bonus to any Willpower test and may combine with other bonuses to the same characteristic. Special Ability: Not Gonna Die Tonight (Free, no xp award) The Battle Brother has survived many fights by simply understanding how much punishment his body can take and how his own physiology works. Living a life on the edge of war, where he may fall alone and unremembered is not an option with the mission incomplete. A quick tourniquet or synthflesh and cataplasm patch to take the sting off is good enough. Effect: Any Character with this Ability may use the Medicae Advanced Skill at half his Intelligence Stat, but is not trained in the skill beyond use on himself. He must have at least one item of medical equipment in order to use the skill. ++ DRAMATIS PERSONAE (Operation Midnight) ++ Watch Captain Procion, Deathwatch (Iron Knights) Inquisitor-Sentinel Markus Ignacio Hadrax, Ordo Xenos Commander Raphael Tarkus, Master of the Accipiter Nihilus, Ordo Xenos Cantus-Scriptor Karliah S'Juun, Adeptus Sororitas +++ FILES PENDING +++ ++ DRAMATIS PERSONAE (Operation Deadbolt) ++ Watch Commander Mordigael, Deathwatch (Blood Angels) Inquisitor-Adept Tomos Jerrill, Ordo Xenos Master Sergeant of Stormtroopers Jakob Morrab, Ordo Xenos Captain Felicita Yarvin, Mistress of the Xenobane, Ordo Xenos Lance-Serjeant Kraevus, Deathwatch (Red Hunters) Swiftclaw Pack Leader Iorek Grimjaw, Deathwatch (Space Wolves) +++ FILES PENDING +++ + Please Stand By for Incoming Orders + MR. Edited December 1, 2020 by Mazer Rackham Steel Company, TechCaptain and librisrouge 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Company Posted November 17, 2020 Share Posted November 17, 2020 (edited) Charater stats Chapter: Dark Angels Background event: Service in the Ravenwing Specialty: Tactical Marine XP Spent: 1,000 for Advance specialty; Ravenwing Veteran (Page 48/49 DW: First Founding). Ravenwing Veteran grants the following: A Space Marine Bike With Teleport Homer as standard equipment special ability: skilled riderThe Ravenwing are amongst the finest bikers and pilots ofany Astartes, a match for the legendary skills of the WhiteScars, able to ride with great speed, finesse and agility.A Ravenwing Veteran never suffers a penalty of greaterthan –10 for dangerous terrain or other hazards, and mayperform the Evasive Manoeuvring action as a Half Actioninstead of a Full Action. special ability: advanced reconnaissanceThe Ravenwing excel at roaming ahead of their allies andseeking out their foes, only to ride back and re-join theirBrothers for the true assault. Their skills are such thatthey seldom suffer those who cannot keep up with theiradvance, and the Dark Angels intractable nature is turnedto the completion of their mission rather than the holdingof ground. While mounted upon a Bike, Attack Bike orsome variety of Land Speeder, a Ravenwing Veterancannot enter Squad Mode except with those who aresimilarly mounted, and he may not use the Stoic DefenceSolo Mode Ability. These restrictions are waived as soonas the Battle-Brother dismounts. Stats: BS: 40 + 5 Chapter stat = 45 WS: 42 STR: 46 TUF: 40 AGI: 45 INT: 43 + 5 Chapter stat = 48 PER: 46 WP: 44 FEL: 41 Fate Points: 4 Wounds: 21 Armour is Mk. VI in keeping with the mental image of the Ravenwing. Histories: Last Survivor, +1 Fate point at start of mission, Fate point is lost if not used by end of mission To forget is to forgive. Forget nothing: Gain Hatred; Traitor Astarties Chapter trapping: Seeker's Robe +3 on Scrutiny tests Physical discription: Raizel is average height for an Astarties, if a little more slender in build. When with out a helmet, one of the most stand out features is his jade green eyes and the scar that splits his left eyebrow. His nose clearly has been broken many times over his service, it seems to add to an honest air he has around him as when asked about it he'll tell a different story of how it was broken. Over his armour he wears a quartered white and black robe that is fraying and tattered around the edges. Background story: Raziel pulled the view finders up to his eyes as he sat on his bike, he still didn’t understand why he’d been tasked with scouting this sector so far from the main force of his brothers. Warp be damned even the others of his squad had been scattered to search several sectors at once. Sure he could use his helm for the same task of searching the horizon, but it didn’t feel the same as pressing the eye pieces against his skin, being able to sniff the wind. His nose picked it up first, a subtle metallic taint in the air, then he spotted the plume of smoke. The plume was too big to be a camp fire, nor was it the right color for Orks… his brow twitched slightly, it almost looked like it was being belched by something from the mechanicum. Bringing down the view finders he stored them in one of his saddle bags and slipped his black helm back on his Mk. VI armor before revving his bike and driving down the hill side to get a closer look. As he got closer he could see more plumes of smoke as well as pick up the sounds of track grinding away. Pulling down harder on the accelerator he drove in harder, the sounds of machinery getting louder, loud enough to cover his approach. Bringing his bike to a stop at the side of the ravine where these sounds were coming from, he got off his bike and crawled on his belly to look over the edge. What he saw made him feel sick to his stomach, traitor Astarties. Carefully he crawled back to his bike and activated the vox and teleport homer as he relayed the position of the threat as well as a rough estimate of the force size. To his surprise it was Sammael himself that responded to him, +Good work Raziel, we will take it from here... return to camp.+ The transmission cut out perfectly in time with a sudden drop in temperature and bright flashes as bone white tactical dreadnought armor arrived. Raziel knew enough about his chapter to not stick around once the Deathwing arrived. Edited December 8, 2020 by Steel Company TechCaptain and Mazer Rackham 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted November 18, 2020 Share Posted November 18, 2020 (edited) Place holder "Eye to eye target in sight the moment to fire has come, for I hone my instinct, pour my whole being into a single bullet. When I pull the trigger, someone is sure to die. As the Sun sets the moon shall be red with the blood of prey."Journeyman Marfóir LughCharater stats Chapter: Bloodmoon HuntersChapter Demeanor: Hunter's FocusBackground event:Specialty: TacticalXP Spent: Attack Pattern: Prey in Sight(NOVAMARINES ATTACK PATTERN: WEAK SPOT)Solo Ability: Hunter's Camouflage(Raven Guard solo mode ability: master of the shadows)Defensive Stance: Predator's Plan(BLOOD RAVENS DEFENSIVE STANCE: BATTLE KNOWLEDGE) Chapter Trapping: Hunting Creature(Cyber-Owl)Bolter Mastery:(Free Ability)Guerrilla Training: (Cost: ___ xp)PRICE OF VICTORY Cost: Free In the course of duty as a Space Marine, it is inevitable to be wounded often in battle. Small-arms fi re, shrapnel, and larger calibre weaponry all takes its toll, even on the superhuman frame of a Battle-Brother. When a Space Marine is wounded, it is the role of the Apothecaries to tend to the damage and make their brethren whole again. The recuperative powers of the Adeptus Astartes are formidable, allowing bones to knit, open wounds to seal at an alarmingly fast rate. They are not, however, able to replace parts that have been outright lost in battle. When a Battle-Brother loses a limb or ability, it is up to the Apothecaries and the Techmarines to find a solution to that problem. For the most grievously wounded, the only option for a revered Space Marine is to be interred in the sarcophagus of a Dreadnought. For those not mortally wounded, the Chapters have stores of bionics for sensory organ and limb replacement. While they are standard issue, they do allow a Space Marine the ability to return to the field and fight the enemies of the Imperium.EFFECTS: Apply all of the following changes to your character: Gear: The character starts with two best-craftsmanship cybernetic implants. This may not be a Servo Arm, Servo Harness, MIU, or Augur Array. Fate Points: Reduce your starting number of Fate Points by 1 to reflect the horrible wounds you survived.Cybernetics: Cyber-eye, Bionic Arms+5 Perception/Intelligence for Chapter modifierStats:BS:18 + 30 = 48(53 in Armor, 58 in armor vs Dark Eldar)WS:14 + 30 = 44PER: 12 + 30 = 42 + 5 (Chapter) = 47 (+ 15 = 62 in Armor)STR: 17 + 30 = 47TUF: 20 + 30 = 50AGI: 16 + 30 = 46INT: 12 + 30 = 42 + 5 (Chapter) = 47WP: 14 + 30 = 44FEL: 8 + 30 = 38Fate Points: 3 - 1 = 2Wounds: 22 Armour is Mk. VI.Mk6 is the lightest variant of Power Armour, and has gained a reputation for having a smoother fit to its moving parts. This makes it a usual choice for Bloodmoon Hunters who wage solo hunters for they are often on the move and the mobility aides in setting up ambushes. Lugh's armor is studded with the marks of his kills, after each kill Lugh collects his spent shells and melts it down to be pressed into his armor in a such a fine way. So many and so fine are the studs it forms runic script over his armor speaking of deeds, of calibrations, wind-age,or of methods of hunting that has worked against foes. His armor is like a book of how to defeat the various foes of the Imperium. His Helmet is of a variant that has a less predominant beak.Histories:None shall escape the Emperor’s Wrath:Incorporating a rare and prized Persecutor Target Acquisition Spirit, this armour constantly scans for targets, predicting ranges, windage, and elevation, as well as passively noting bio-signs for later targeting recall. It makes nearly imperceptible adjustments to the aim and firing rate of the wearer, sometimes even anticipating the bearer’s movements. Many warriors are put off by such contrary behaviour, but all eventually learn to become one with the intentions of their second skin. The obvious advantage gives the wearer a +5 bonus to BS. However, the armour is sluggish to respond to unplanned events, as it seems to dislike the jostling of its precise calculations. The wearer suffers a –10 penalty to Dodge in melee.Battle-Scarred: Dark Eldar (Fused into the Armor is the coils of an Electro whip)During some terrible battle, the wearer of this suit fought a foe strong enough to slice right into the armour plating. Perhaps the bonded ceramite proved its worth, or perhaps those talons pierced through into the flesh of the occupant. Either way, the Machine spirit seems especially focused and determined when facing that same class of foe, providing the wearer a +5 BS bonus when targeting the relevant foe. (For example, Orks, Eldar, Chaos Space Marines) Marfóir Lugh is a skilled Tracker and Sniper who was seconded to Deathwatch shortly after being promoted to Journeyman(Marine) to season his abilities and to allow him to foster into a style of hunting that can be forged into the Bloodmoon Hunters. Of Average height for an Astartes while in armor nothing much makes him stand out, it is when his helmet is removed and one sees the extensive facial Tattoo and his cybernetic eye. Further his real eye is a ghost green that haunts those that stare into it for too long. Paired with his loyal Hunting bird, Avatre, Lugh has little need for a spotter. Avatre acts as Lugh's spotter as well as keeps him company to keep him from losing all contact with others. An intense man with dark red hair styled in cornrows, Lugh's appearance is striking for those that never met him.On his home planet of Aigéad Fuil, even before becoming an Astartes, Lugh was a crackshot with any firearm in his hands. Guarding his family's fungal farm, he spent many a night in the sulfurous caverns watching for the slightest movement that would betray the various spidren predators that prey upon farms like his families. Farming on the acid world was a very dangerous business but because of him and his brothers, their farm was one of the more prosperous ones. He was specifically sought out by the God-Emperor's Angels of the Hunt to join them in the stars.One of his early hunts, he was ambushed by a Wych in his sniper's nest which caused the coils of her weapon to permanently fused into his armor. In this hunt, Marfóir was assigned to assassinate the leader of a Raider band of Dark Eldar. Successful in his mission he had lowered his guard which allowed for one of the survivors to get close to him. Though damaged his armor, he was able to exact his own in blood with his Bone knife. This would not be the end for either as the Wych survived her wounds and escaped his fellows leading to a rivalry between the two that would spread to many a battlefield, each marked by the other. Edited March 16, 2021 by TechCaptain Mazer Rackham and Steel Company 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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