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WH 40K Massive Drukhari army

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We are approaching the end of 2020 and looking back at this year we have painted quite a lot of armies from all Warhammer 40K factions. Long time since we painted our last Drukhari order and we have to admit that this massive project has been one of the most difficult ones of the whole year.


On the one hand our customer hired our magnetization service for all vehicles which added plenty of work to our assemblers. As you can imagine all flyers and gravitic vehicles with their crews included are not easy to assemble and prepare adequately for the painting process. Besides the centerpiece of this army was a Forge World Tantalus, one of the most difficult vehicles when we talk about building Warhammer miniatures. 


On the other hand, the scheme of colors was a challenging one since our customer splitted the army in two sub-factions. One would follow the Flayed Skull kabal and the other a custom Drukhari warband with a white-bone and electric blue scheme as main colors.

We have to admit that the dozens of hours invested in the project are really worth the gallery we are glad to share with you today.


What about you people, which is your favourite Drukhari kabal? How do you paint your Dark Eldars? Leave your impressions below!







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  • 2 weeks later...

Impressive work.



Great job. I had no idea the Tantalus was that large. 



Impressive final result! I too did not realise how big the Tantalus is. You've definitely done the model justice. :thumbsup:


Thank you all three for these kind words. It doesn't look like it but, yeah, the Tantalus is VERY big. it doesn't seem like it at first glance.
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